Kat, I think sometimes people just get so wrapped up in their own little world they give no thought to anyone not a fortunate as themselves. Its so easy to just assume everyone gets pregnant easily unless you, or someone you know, has been in that position and you've seen first hand view devastating it can be.
I'm glad you've got a referral ireadyermind, hopefully you won't need it but at least the wheels are in motion if you do.
I had my pelvic scan this morning and learnt I have a retroverted uterus and no fibroids or cysts. My lining was just below the normal thickness and I'd literally ovulated about an hour or so before the scan, she showed me the follicle and ruptured ovary! I haven't ovulated this early since my iud was removed but when it was in I used to get ovulation pain every 28 days without fail so maybe that's what I'm slowly settling back to?
Managed to bd o, o-1 and o-2 so hoping that's enough
I'm glad you've got a referral ireadyermind, hopefully you won't need it but at least the wheels are in motion if you do.
I had my pelvic scan this morning and learnt I have a retroverted uterus and no fibroids or cysts. My lining was just below the normal thickness and I'd literally ovulated about an hour or so before the scan, she showed me the follicle and ruptured ovary! I haven't ovulated this early since my iud was removed but when it was in I used to get ovulation pain every 28 days without fail so maybe that's what I'm slowly settling back to?
Managed to bd o, o-1 and o-2 so hoping that's enough