Anyone TTC#2 and wanting to chat

Morning ladies!!!!!

I'm so sorry so many of the LO are sick, that is the worst. My daughter had croup a few weeks ago so i am hoping she stays healthy for a while.

MrsLQ- that breakfast sounds sooooooo yummy! I think I started drooling reading the list! Hope you feel better soon!

Today we have a birthday party to go to then we are coming home and getting all the decorations out. My college football teams plays in a championship game today so we will be wathing and cheering them on. I love my Hokies!!!

I am 12DPO today and had some cramping on and off all night, hoping that is a good sign. I showed my husband my boobs and first he was like they look bigger then he was grossed out cause they are so veiny! :wacko: I am gonna wait to see if AF shows up on Monday though to test. I usually start spotting the day before so if no spotting tomorrow that is a good sign....I'm so nervous!

Ok, well I probably won't be on too much today and I am sure by the time i am everyone will be sleeping! Stupid time difference :winkwink:

Have a nice day everyone!!!!!
Thanks for the warm welcome, needed that on a COLD day like today! Supposed to get 3 inches of snow tonight!

Sorry my post was so brief last night. My husband came home from work the moment that I had started to post so I had to cut it short.

So here is my full history. :)

DH and I have been together 10 years now. We got pregnant with DD last April after 8 years of PNP. :) So I can say that method worked for us for nearly 8 years. lol. This also means that we don't know how long it took us to get pregnant with DD because we were not TTC. She was our happy surprise.

Now that we are ready to start working on #2, we have no idea how long this is going to take us as it a completely new experience. It's a bit more stressful than I thought.

This is our 2nd month of TTC, well almost 3rd. The first month we were just NTNP, then last month we TTC but not like seriously. Just a more concerted effort to DTD on O week, now this month is serious TTC. Doing a DTD plan, watching my CM, taking EPO, ordered Preseed. :) I have my fingers crossed that we get lucky this month but I don't really want to get my hopes up. Things like that never happen to me in my life, I always have to struggle to get what I want.

I'm sure some of you know the feeling.

Well that's a little bit about me!
Thanks for the warm welcome, needed that on a COLD day like today! Supposed to get 3 inches of snow tonight!

Sorry my post was so brief last night. My husband came home from work the moment that I had started to post so I had to cut it short.

So here is my full history. :)

DH and I have been together 10 years now. We got pregnant with DD last April after 8 years of PNP. :) So I can say that method worked for us for nearly 8 years. lol. This also means that we don't know how long it took us to get pregnant with DD because we were not TTC. She was our happy surprise.

Now that we are ready to start working on #2, we have no idea how long this is going to take us as it a completely new experience. It's a bit more stressful than I thought.

This is our 2nd month of TTC, well almost 3rd. The first month we were just NTNP, then last month we TTC but not like seriously. Just a more concerted effort to DTD on O week, now this month is serious TTC. Doing a DTD plan, watching my CM, taking EPO, ordered Preseed. :) I have my fingers crossed that we get lucky this month but I don't really want to get my hopes up. Things like that never happen to me in my life, I always have to struggle to get what I want.

I'm sure some of you know the feeling.

Well that's a little bit about me!

Welcome Kittee! I just moved from NC this year...I miss it lots!

I used pre seed this cycle too and liked it a lot...hope it works! I so know what you mean about having to struggle to get what you want. A lot of the times I feel like a sh!t magnent as I feel like nothing seems to go right for me! Let's hope this has changed for the both of us! Hope you get your BFP soon!!!!
LOL I totally know what you mean about the poop magnet!
What part of NC did you move from? And I'd love to move to North Cally. I love the whole north west.
LOL I totally know what you mean about the poop magnet!
What part of NC did you move from? And I'd love to move to North Cally. I love the whole north west.

We lived just outside of Raleigh. Where do you live? The first time I had ever been on the west coast was moving out was kind of scary but we like it. All our friends and family though are back east in NC, VA, and D.C.
Hiii ladies!!!
Well my ttc buddy got her bfp today!! Sooo excited for her, shes really made up! :D
how are you all this evening, i am in alot of pain!! Must of slept wrong on my neck lastnight and OMG the pain is sooo bad!! So my plans for tonite are.....Hot water bottle, Pizza & Xfactor!! :D
evening ladies :D

Mrs Q - hope you feel better soon hun :D

ncmommy :D ohhhhhhh good luck for testing :D :D according to my phone app i'm due AF by at least Tuesday :) we'll see what happens I guess

Tinks - no problems hun - i have no social life at the mo so i'm always here in the evenings whilst OH either walks the dogs or plays the xbox :D

kittee - :wave: sorry to sound silly - whats PNP? i think I can guess but just incase :blush: hope your not TTC for to long hun :)

M2T - hehe are you sure you dont have a bad neck for other :haha: :haha:
did you manage to catch your OH last night :thumbup: and hope your neck is better soon hun :hug:

woop woop girls I have *nearly* finished my christmas shopping :happydance: I only have about 4 pressies to get :D :happydance: When my OH got home today we tagged teamed so I went out chrimbo shopping and managed to get lots :happydance: still need to get his, but will sort that in the week :thumbup: might do the rest of my shopping online :thumbup:
Izzie is still poorly :cry: shes been sick quite a few times today :cry: hopefully she'll be better tomorrow :hugs:

I'm also in alot of pain, Cher Lloyd has just made me ears bleed. Lol. I can't stand her! Eugh!!!

Tonight I'm feeling so disheartened with ttc. I can't understand what the he'll is going on with my body. No periods in 3 months. I could cry. I get stupid niggling pains in my lower abdomen all most all day every day. What if this is something really wrong with me. It's totally not normal. I want to cry?! Argh?!! I know I shouldn't think like this but what if I ever can't have another baby now for what ever is going on withy body I'm going out of my mind!! :cry:

Sorry to be so morbid girls!

Awww Stef thats what we're all here for hun to talk about the good and the bad rubbish stuff :hugs: I think you should get christmas out the way and then look at visiting your Dr in the first week of Jan hun and demand some scans etc and see if theres any tests they can do or if they can refer you? would you be happy on the pill for a couple of months hun to see if that would help regulate something? might be a option?

i'm not watching x factor - sam is playing the ruddy x box! oh joy!

NCMommy- We are outside Durham. :)
Awww Stef thats what we're all here for hun to talk about the good and the bad rubbish stuff :hugs: I think you should get christmas out the way and then look at visiting your Dr in the first week of Jan hun and demand some scans etc and see if theres any tests they can do or if they can refer you? would you be happy on the pill for a couple of months hun to see if that would help regulate something? might be a option?

i'm not watching x factor - sam is playing the ruddy x box! oh joy!

Sarah, thank you!! :hugs:

I took myself off to bed last night thought that was the best place for me before i headed to the fridge and drowned myself in wine. lol

I have gone into TTC completely naive this time round I think, With DD we were trying for just 4 months and thought this with the next it was going to be a similar state of affairs. I never expected for my periods to pack their bags and disappear for the the moment we know as no reason on their nice little holiday. If I wasnt TTC id have been over the moon.

I know I should wait until January, im just getting frustrated. I cant help fly off the handle at DH sometimes too which I know I shouldnt but I have been nagging for ages and ages if we can have another baby before i go to Uni in September 2012 and my cycles upto September were normal. But then at the same time he didnt know this would happen either.

So my plan of action for this month is to relax a little, stop getting so cuaght up in the emotion of TTC. Enjoy Xmas with the lovely daughter i already have and then go back to the drs in the new year!

So today is a new day and ive TOLD DH we are going to get a real tree... Hes only so against it as last year when we had one he picked the hoover more times to hoover up the pine needles than he ever has in his whole life... But it just smells so amazing when you come downstairs and smell the tree every morning... Cant wait for Olivia to help me decorate it listening to Christmas songs and have a chicken roasting in the oven! Yum!

Oh and by the way... Thanks girls!! I dont know what id do through this crazy time of TTC with out you!!! i hope that we can all be bump buddies before long too. :flower:

:hugs: stef hunni xx I think thats the best thing to do, enjoy christmas with your lovely little livy, you dont want to be stressing yourself over christmas as it can be stressful enough sometimes x and then in the new year go docs, new start x
Morning everyone

Well I have no laptop at the mo. The screen has completely gone on it so I'm having to use my phone or PC which is sooooo slow.

Stef - I just wanted to give you big :hugs: I know exactly how you feel, it's horrible not knowing why AF is missing. I was exactly the same two years and my doctor refered me for an ultrasound which is when they discovered the PCOS. I really hope you have got a sympathetic doctor who won't just fob you off.

ncmommy and sjbno1 - sending lots of positive thoughts your way

M2T - congrats to your TTC buddy

Kittee - Welcome

Well I'm off out to get measured for a bridesmaids dress. It's my best friends wedding in August and I'm maid of honour. Althiough if I do manage to get preggers by then the dress might need altering slightly :haha:

Will be back on later ladies
awww Stef :) your sounding much better today :D :hugs: hope you manage to get your tree :) we've gone for plastic fantastic this year lol

morning Sambles :wave: i've been using my iphone to go on bnb but its rubbish without a app :( hope you get your comp fixed :)

M2T :) have you manage to DTD yet? hope your necks better :)

morning Kittee :wave:

my poor poppet is still unwell today :( hate it when there poorly :( :cry: and just want her better now - shes had to sleep already today which is so unlike her :(

hows everyones Sunday going? whilst izzie is dozing i might do some more christmas shopping :) i only need to buy one more pressie :)
Well, looks like you ladies are stuck with me for at least another month....AF got me last night :cry:. I cried and had a long talk with DH....he really is great. He listens to me sob and was really supportive and understanding of my feelings last night. I feel much better this morning and plan to enjoy the day with my husband and daughter. We are going to get pics with Santa and decorate out tree today.

Stef-I totally understand how you feel and am glad you are feeling better today. I never thought TTC would be so stressful. Sounds like you have a wonderful day planned! Hope 2011 is better for us all!!!!

Sambles-what does the dress look like? I have had a few that were awful! I was MOH at my sisters this past summer and we got to pick our own black dress which was nice!

Kittee-Good Morning!!!!

sjbno1- Hope your LO is better soon, poor thing! Can't beleive you are almost done shopping!

M2T- I saw the thread about your TTC buddy. I could tell on that IC she had a BFP!!!!!!! :happydance:. Hopefully that dust rubbed off on you! Hope your neck is feeling better!
Awww ncmommy :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: darn that horrible witch! and glad your hubby is being fab :) they really do come through at times :)

Izzie is doing much better - shes had 3 naps today so sleeping plenty but finally ate some food tonight - she nicked a bit of our batter pudding so that seemed to give her some much needed energy :) shes having cuddles with daddy now :)

I guess everyone has been busy this weekend?

yuk I have work tomorrow :( i really need the bnb app LOL
ncmommy - Sorry the witch got you, pretty sure this time next week I will be in the same situation. Gad your DH is being so understanding.

sjbno1- Glad Izzie is getting better. Luckily I am off work till Tuesday.

Oliver is getting a little better, he still keeps having a fever on and off. Going to take him back to the doctors tomorrow. Sunday dinner was interesting as the chicken had 'gone off' and we had chicken dippers as a replacement, was still quite nice though.

Hope you are all having a nice evening!!!
hehe chicken dippers is never bad :) lol awww at least you have a few days to get over things :) and hope Oliver is better soon :hugs:

Izzie is in bed now :) bless her heart - she hasnt slept this much since she was little!

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