Anyone TTC#2 and wanting to chat

Just a quick thought when is everyone due to next test??? Just so we can keep track...maybe could have a\ page with it all on, just an idea? Maybe if your due to test in Dec you can have a Dec thing on 1st page and then Jan and so fourth and then we can have a list of graduates....for people who get their BFPs, not to sound negative, but some of us may be here a while (me) would be good to keep up with each other. What do you all think?
morning ladies, :hi:

I dont really like gf juice either sambles.

Im in the house today with hubby, we are gonna attempt to go out and pick up a juperoo for Caleb as he is bored rigid being stuck in with all this snow so think he needs a new distraction as he is getting tired of the same books and toys lol.

Im super excited as Im on cd11 aqnd can offically start to use my opk's without cheating :rofl:

Doubt I will get any line today but it makes me feel that one step closer to getting that :bfp:

Hope your all having a nice day xxx

We bought a jumperoo for Sam when he was about 5 months and it was one of the best purchases I made. It kept him entertained for ages even if he wasn't in it because he could still play with all the toys on it.

Lol at the OPKs - I get really excited as well!
Just a quick thought when is everyone due to next test??? Just so we can keep track...maybe could have a\ page with it all on, just an idea? Maybe if your due to test in Dec you can have a Dec thing on 1st page and then Jan and so fourth and then we can have a list of graduates....for people who get their BFPs, not to sound negative, but some of us may be here a while (me) would be good to keep up with each other. What do you all think?

Sounds like a fab idea. I think I might be here a while as well! I've got no idea when I'm going to test because my cycles are a bit long and crazy and after having a mc I've got even less idea when af is due.
Hi :wave: I'm Ali. We have a 3yo boy, Alex, and have been TTC #2 since March 2008 - coming up for our 3yr mark now. I have endo and am waiting to see the assisted conception unit now but you know what the NHS is like!

Took us 11 mths TTC Alex, so thought we'd start early with #2 and we're still here. Tried BBT, OPKs/CBFM, Robitussin, BD EOD. I have a long irregular cycle so gynae says I need some help to get that sorted and then probably ovulation induction.
Hello and Welcome Mummy2BOO

Lets hope they pull their finger out and get you back on track soon xx
Mrs LQ - That sounds like a fab idea :) I can edit my first page post tonight :) I have a app on my phone so can keep track of my ovu etc on that :) and it calculates when i'm due to test :) think i'll be here a while too :hugs:

:wave: mummytoboo :D hope the NHS pull there finger our quicker in the new year hun :hugs:

Well work is going to so slow! only 4hrs and 10mins left LOL
hi ali :hi:

Well I peed on my ov stick and...............I got a line :yipee: all beit a very faint one!! Woo hoo hubby is off today so will be doing loads of BD :sex:

So happy as it means my cycle is normal and I will be able to test on xmas eve xxx
:happydance:I though I would create this page so we would all be aware of when people are going to be testing and we can keep track of all the wonderful :bfp: in this thread

With 34 people currently in this thread we are bound to get 1 (we want a lot more...more like 34!):thumbup:

Names are listed in the order we joined the thread. I went through 40 odd pages to make sure I got them all :wacko:


1) SJBN01- 8/12/10 :witch:
2) Stef -
3) Tryingforanother -
4) honey08-
5) ncmommy-
6) tinkerbelle2-
7) angel_eyes-
8) angie120-
9) doctordessmrs_
10) dudesmum-
11) sambles
12) hopefrbump-
13) mummy2tyler-
14) jennie_78-
15) molina-
16) .sparkle.-
17) purplerain82-
18) saysib-
19) Mrslq- :witch:
20) cupcake81-
21) hayleyx-
22) jowing-
23) beebee17-
24) caezzybe-
25) kittee-30/12/10
26) gash02-25/12/10
27) sun-
28) jojo79-
29) mummy2boo-
30) Tacey-
31) Wigglywoo-
32) Wantingagirl-
33) anjones92282
Wow MrsLQ way to go! Neat and thoughtful of you to make a list like that!

I'm testing Dec. 30th if no AF. :) (Waiting to test on my birthday!)
haha that must have been a time consuming one!
Ok I must be the daft one, I chart etc, but never test with a hpt because Im so intent on charting and timing, when it comes to it af normally shows up!!!!!

Hows everyones day going? me and DD have just pigged out on a whole packet of jam donuts, yummy
Mummy2Boo - welcome to the thread. I really hope you get an appointment at the assisted conception unit soon

gash02 - wooohoooo for the line lol I hope you're getting some:sex: even as I'm typing :haha:

MrsLQ - that must have taken some time! thank you for doing it though.

Right I'd best get back to doing my xmas cards. I'm half way through now but just needed a bit of a break because I find it so boring.
Thx for writing that list MrsLQ!!! xx

Sambles - eek! I should be doing my xmas cards too - I'm so behind!!! I feel like I have a giant to-do list and nothing is done!! Running out of time!

New Years (Jan 01) is my testing day (CD 4 today) so I hope to see lots of BFPs on that list before me!!! (lots of PMA) xxxxxxxx

Great idea MrsLQ - however not too sure when i'll be testing as I had one 'long' cycle which threw my no's out so not too sure where I am.. bah.

I think I should be due AF around new years as i'm currently on CD10... here's hoping for a great new years surprise!!

Morning ladies!!!!!

Hope everyone is doing well! Welcome to all the new ladies, hope you get your BFPs soon!

I will be due to test Jan. 1st...thanks MrsLQ for doing that!

gash- seeing two lines is great isn't it!!!!!

Mummy2Boo- have you tried soy isoflavens? I've seen a few threads about it in TTC.

sjbno1-we are doing our salt dough ornaments is rainy and nasty out so it is a perfect day for that.

tinkerbelle-seeing a BFN is heartbreaking so I think you have the right idea...some of us have a POASA though.

My AF was so short started late Saturday night and it was gone by lastnight also had NO cramping this cycle either. Most of the times I walk around with a heating pad on the first day. I guess I can't complain though...wish she never came in the first place though.

Hope everyone has a great day.
Hello ladies, I wonder if I can join you? My little girl Alice is 15 months old now, and we've been trying for another baby since she turned 1. I'm not expecting much though as she still breastfeeds a lot, and I still haven't had a period yet. It's worth hoping though!

Not knowing when to test drives me mad, and I keep using HPTs in the hope that I might get that positive result. I'm trying to rein myself in, but it's hard!

Good luck to you all, and fingers crossed for those BFPs soon.
Hi Tacey :wave:

I know what you mean about BF. Sam stopped feeding in the day about 4 weeks ago but still feeds once overnight and I think this is part of the reason why AF is still so long and irregular. I've only had 2 AFs since I've had Sam and I've got PCOS so can't see me getting preggers any time soon xx
Tacey - I know what you mean about the testing!!! I just got AF back recently (LO still bf 3x/day) but before that I kept thinking I was ovulating - then maybe I was pg lol so I spent a little too much on tests - oops. For me bf became really REALLY painful about a week before AF (but this can also be a sign of pg, so ofcourse I was testing lol) and my supply also went down. My cycles are super short though - hoping they will regulate soon.

Hope you're one of the lucky ones who never even sees AF in between!! xx
Thanks for the welcome!

NCMommy - I've just bought my soy isoflavens and plan to start next cycle. Also ordered..... evening primrose, agnus castus, maca and a batch of OPK's. Starting 2011 with a full-on attack! DH thinks I've lost the plot :wacko:
ive started spotting and cramps cd8 :? :? af went cd4 , wonder y this is ? im at docs in the morning x :cry:
Mummy2Boo - welcome to the thread. I really hope you get an appointment at the assisted conception unit soon

gash02 - wooohoooo for the line lol I hope you're getting some:sex: even as I'm typing :haha:

MrsLQ - that must have taken some time! thank you for doing it though.

Right I'd best get back to doing my xmas cards. I'm half way through now but just needed a bit of a break because I find it so boring.

Lol only on for 2 secs as going for some more :sex: before hubbys bath but will jump back on again shortly.

Im due to test on xmas/xmas day dpending on when I ov :yippe:

Back soon xxx

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