Anyone TTC#2 and wanting to chat

Im Lara 21 yrs old and ttc#2 we have an 18 month old and this is our second month trying. Our first was a surprise we had only just met when I got pregnant :wacko:. But we have been living together for 7 months now and feel totally ready for our next addiction :thumbup: xxx
Hi Guys

Sorry the witch got you MrsLQ.

Its official, all this staying positive is a waste of time and im now diagnosing myself with what the hell is the point in ttc disorder.

So... moving on... hope you all had a good weekend? I worked Saturday (boohoo) and spent the day doing pretty much nothing at all yesterday.

Welcome to Lara & yourstruely

Big hugs Stef :hugs: I'm sure you will be able to get some answers when you go to the doctor in January. I think I might actually be joining you (not literally of course) because my cycles are just completely screwed :growlmad:

How's everyone else doing? xx
Big hugs Stef :hugs: I'm sure you will be able to get some answers when you go to the doctor in January. I think I might actually be joining you (not literally of course) because my cycles are just completely screwed :growlmad:

How's everyone else doing? xx

Thanks Sambles, your more than welcome to join me, hold my hand and moral support and all that and tell the dr that he will do something to help me!!! haha :winkwink:

Sorry to hear your cycles are all screwed too :hugs: its so frustrating and i can only sympathise with you. Keep me posted with how you get on.

Are you all set for Christmas?? I wish I was. I can see me next week running round like a blue assed fly.

To try and help with my crappy mood today i have done some online retail therapy and just ordered myself a new pair of Bailey Button Uggs. Opps. My DH is going to love me, neeed something to cheer me up though and theres nothing better than nice warm toasty feet in this crap weather.

I bought some agnus castus today so I'm going to try that for a month and if I still haven't had af then I'm going to the doctors to see if he can give me something. I know it's definitely because of my PCOS but I'm not sure if he can prescribe me clomid or metformin because we have only been trying for a few months. But then what's the point in trying if I'm not ovulating :shrug:

I'm not even nearly organised for xmas, still got loads to do. These last few weeks have gone so quick and I keep thinking I've got loads of time but I haven't.

Good on you for ordering the Uggs. If they cheer you up then they are definitely worth it
stef- Jealous of the ugg purchase

Hello :hi: and welcome to lara

Hope your all well this evening, just been watching corrie and going to have some bangers and mash for my dinner nom nom nom xxx
welcome Lara :wave:

Stef and Sambles :hug: to you both - i hope in the new year you both get some answers on your cycles.

Stef - I know how hard it is to stay positive but I take comfort that I have Izzie, so have got pregnant before so know I should be able to get pregnant again :hugs:

Sambles - hope your cycles get sorted soon hun :hug: what CD are you on?

Well being as sad as I am I had a table when I was ttc Izzie - only used a few months before she was concieved so i just checked the month I got my BFP with Izzie :) seems that this weekend is the main one :) gonna have to jump on OH lol

Hows everyones christmas planning going? seems quite on here - so hope everyone is ok :D
welcome Lara :wave:

Stef and Sambles :hug: to you both - i hope in the new year you both get some answers on your cycles.

Stef - I know how hard it is to stay positive but I take comfort that I have Izzie, so have got pregnant before so know I should be able to get pregnant again :hugs:

Sambles - hope your cycles get sorted soon hun :hug: what CD are you on?

Well I had a MC on 17th of last month so that's almost a month ago but still no signs of ovulation yet. My last 2 cycles before that were 60 - 70 days so still got a few weeks to go methinks x
oops bad me - sorry i forgot :hug: fingers crossed them AF will be around the corner - have you always had long cycles?
Good afternoon ladies!

Stef- I hope you get some answers in Jan. I think we should all just focus on the upcoming holidays and have a fantastic time with our families. I am trying to do that and not focus on TTC or the fact the due dat of my 2nd mc is fast approaching....I know easier said than done! Glad you got some retail therapy, that is the best kind!

Sambles-have you looked into soy isoflavens? It is suppose to be natures clomid, there a few threads about it in TTC and you don't need a prescription. I hope the angus cactus works for you!

Gash-sorry if this is a stupid question but what are bangers and mash...I feel like I should know this!

sjbno1-I think we are on the same schedule, I should be fertile this weekend. I am gonna try a more relaxed approach. Best of luck!

Welcome Lara, hope your stay is short!

I mailed off one Christmas package today and have one more left to go...just waiting for some pictures to arrive to complete it. I also have not done our Christmas cards. I ordered them and they should be here today or tomorrow and it should not take me but a day to get them out. I am gonna buy a few small things for my DH but then I am done. I think I will be able to relax next week and not rush around, which will be great.

We took DD ice skating yesterday and had a blast. Of course she could not skate but it was fun. The ice was melting a lot cause it was like 70 degrees out. I only fell once, it was quite embarassing....haha!

Hope you ladies are having a nice evening!
morning NCmommy :wave: sounds like you had a good day ice skating :) we have a bigish ice skating rink about 40mins from our house, so when izzie is a bit older i'd love to take her :D

My mind is a complete blank - what does Agnes Cactus do? is this to regulate periods or increase fertility :wacko: i used to know so much about ttc but I have forgotten it all since getting preggola with Izzie! my memory is terrible!

Today i'm off to a friends for a little christmas party with the kids then to Bluewater to finish my christmas shopping :) hoping to get my OHs final pressie, my mums and my cousins g/f then i'm pretty much done :)
Ohhh Sarah! Good luck Xmas shopping!

Ok ladies... I think this is about as positive as an OPK can get right?

Now I took that a couple hours ago. That means I'm "surging" right? So the next 24-36 hours is my maximum fertility? We tried to BD last night but the preseed was too "slick" and it messed up DH. So I'm hoping tonight will go better. :)

Anyone know if you can shoot some preseed up there AFTER the deed? Would that work? or mess things up?

Also we DTD on Saturday, that's good too right? 2 days before the positive OPK? Or was that too far out? And we definitely need to DTD tonight? Tomorrow? I'm confused! :)
I'm not sure Kittee - as soon as I get a pos OPK we are BD every day!!!!! And yours def. looks positive to me!! :thumbup:
I am on CD-10 and starting OPKs today... Was supposed to start yesterday but forgot what day it was !!! :dohh:
Kittee- your fertile time is now!!!!!!! The positive OPK means that you will O in about 36 hours and it is better to have his swimmers already in there. Sperm can last days in there so it is best to DTD before and during your surge which is now.

As for the preseed don't use the amount they tell you, just use a little. Many of the women say the amount they said was too much. I think I only used a third of what they said.

Keep testing until the OPk's turn negative that way you know when your surge ends!

Fingers crossed for you!
Good Luck SuN!

NCMama- Ooo! Yep we will try this evening. I was using only the 1 mark on the tube but even that is too much he says! Maybe I just have enough EWCM on my own? (blush)

So tonight I'm just going to forgo it.


I'm happy I got that positive OPK! I was worried (as was the doctor) that I may not be Ovulating!
oops bad me - sorry i forgot :hug: fingers crossed them AF will be around the corner - have you always had long cycles?

Yeah I've always had crazy cycles. When I was younger I could go 3 months without having a period. I thought it was great back then but not so good now.
Good afternoon ladies!

Stef- I hope you get some answers in Jan. I think we should all just focus on the upcoming holidays and have a fantastic time with our families. I am trying to do that and not focus on TTC or the fact the due dat of my 2nd mc is fast approaching....I know easier said than done! Glad you got some retail therapy, that is the best kind!

Sambles-have you looked into soy isoflavens? It is suppose to be natures clomid, there a few threads about it in TTC and you don't need a prescription. I hope the angus cactus works for you!

Funny you should ask that because I was reading one of the threads earlier on soy isoflavens. Think I will definitely have to look further into it.
Good evening everybody,

Kittee - that's definitely postive so get :sex: girly!!

sjbno1 - agnus castus can help to regulate periods by bringing on ovulation. It worked really well for me before and helped me to conceive Sam.

Hope you have fun at the Christmas party and I think you're brave for going to Bluewater this time of year. I have to go there because I work there but I would do anything to stay away from all them crazy shoppers :haha:
Hello All - Took my first OPK and nothing yet! Question - does the OV surge coincide with ewcm or does that happen at/after OV?

Huge snowstorm here today!!! Already shoveled once and think it will take a few more to keep the car from being snowed in!!! Still snowing - but it's gorgeous!!! And I got Bun a snowsuit last weekend - just in time!!! He can hardly move in it LOL - hope you don't mind me posting a pic!!

Aww that pic is sooo cute. I usually get ewcm the morning after I get a postive OPK. I always do an OPK in the afternoon (about 4ish) and if I get a positive I know that in the morning I will have ewcm.

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