Anyone TTC#2 and wanting to chat

Kittee- haha...I'd say you have enough EWCM then. Maybe just use a little when you feel dry.

Sambles-glad you found that thread!

Sun-love the pic! My daughter would love to see some snow. She does not believe it is winter cause we have no snow. They had a dusting here last year and that was the first year it had snowed here in like 20 years!

I usually get a +OPK when I have the most EWCM. I may have some the day before but not nearly as much when I get a +OPK. But some women don't producce a lot so you could miss it if you just go by EWCM.

Hope all you ladies are doing well!!!!
ncmommy - I like the snow until about mid-January - after that we seriously consider moving south every year LOL... luckily Spring shows up just in time!
I could send your daughter some proof photos that it is actually winter !! :haha:
I usually just go by the ewcm (very obvious in my case :blush:) but this time I figure the OPKs will give me the best chance!!! So I will keep using them since I guess I will get a pos OPK before the ewcm. I also used soy from CD2-6 this month so we'll see!!! xxx

Also is anyone ready for xmas?? I am starting to stress now - I am doing the dinner this sat for 1/2 of my family (10 people) OMG why did I agree to it?? Oh that's right - it was summer and seemed so far away at the time :dohh:
sorry ive missed a few pages been soooooooooooo busy.

Promise to catch up properly tomorrow xxx
Evening ladies

Kittee - ohhhh thats a dark line :D get BD :D good luck for this month :)

Sun - hehe love that snow suit :D izzie has a bright pink snow suit which is fab :D i'll try and find a piccie of her in hers :D

Gash - hay hun

ncmommy- hay hun

Sambles - ohhh BW wasnt to bad today :) where abouts do you work? you can pm me if you want :)

I have finished my chrimbo shopping :dance: :dance: so pleased just need to wrap it all :D will finish it this weekend me thinks :D

for you UK ladies - where are you buying your OPKS?

I get confused with EWCM too - I get a bit too :blush: so can defo notice it but never know if i have missed Ovu or if I am about to Ovu?
Kittee I would definatley say thats an ov line, hope there has been plenty of BD :sex: going on. Your only a couple of days behind me so lets hope we get our :bfp: together

Sun Awh the picture is lovely

ncmommy I find the same as you with the ewcm and opk's

sbjno1 I buy om ov sticks from home bargains they are £1.89 for 5 I think you can get them cheaper on ebay though xxx
Good afternoon ladies!

Stef- I hope you get some answers in Jan. I think we should all just focus on the upcoming holidays and have a fantastic time with our families. I am trying to do that and not focus on TTC or the fact the due dat of my 2nd mc is fast approaching....I know easier said than done! Glad you got some retail therapy, that is the best kind!

Sambles-have you looked into soy isoflavens? It is suppose to be natures clomid, there a few threads about it in TTC and you don't need a prescription. I hope the angus cactus works for you!

Gash-sorry if this is a stupid question but what are bangers and mash...I feel like I should know this!

sjbno1-I think we are on the same schedule, I should be fertile this weekend. I am gonna try a more relaxed approach. Best of luck!

Welcome Lara, hope your stay is short!

I mailed off one Christmas package today and have one more left to go...just waiting for some pictures to arrive to complete it. I also have not done our Christmas cards. I ordered them and they should be here today or tomorrow and it should not take me but a day to get them out. I am gonna buy a few small things for my DH but then I am done. I think I will be able to relax next week and not rush around, which will be great.

We took DD ice skating yesterday and had a blast. Of course she could not skate but it was fun. The ice was melting a lot cause it was like 70 degrees out. I only fell once, it was quite embarassing....haha!

Hope you ladies are having a nice evening!

ha ha :rofl: bangers and mash are just sausages and mashed potato (we have ours with some red onion too and a bit of gravy.

sorry always forget not everyone on here is from scotland xxx
hope ive caught up now! well thats me officially into my 2ww Im 3dpo and already getting the urge to poas :rofl: I wont obviously, no symptoms as yet but its early days.

Had a busy day yesterday as I go to the hospital for injections on a tuesday then to physio then had to get some last bits of xmas shopping then had to pick my husband up from work as cause of the weather he cant use his motorbike so thats me just getting a chance to catch up this morning.

sorry if ive missed anything hope your all well xxx
Ok ladies, I am confused. :) Here is the Dec 14th OPK.

Here is todays (Dec 15th.)

Am I having a long surge? Or was today the positive OPK?

Anyways, DH and I DTD last night and it was amazing. lol No preseed or anything. I'm so glad we got over the "rough" patch in the road.

Should we continue to DTD tonight? Tonight is the last chance we have because tomorrow we catch a plane to go stay with his in-laws through the new year!
(Lord help me right?)

I don't think we'll have any opportunity to DTD up at his mom's house. (eeww.)

And I'm going to give some persies (personal responses)today since I have some time. (I'm a work at home mom so sometimes I am time limited so please don't feel like I'm ignoring you!)
Hello All - Took my first OPK and nothing yet! Question - does the OV surge coincide with ewcm or does that happen at/after OV?

Huge snowstorm here today!!! Already shoveled once and think it will take a few more to keep the car from being snowed in!!! Still snowing - but it's gorgeous!!! And I got Bun a snowsuit last weekend - just in time!!! He can hardly move in it LOL - hope you don't mind me posting a pic!!


I LOVE the pic! :) That snow suit is great! I never did get my DD a snowsuit because we live down south and the snow is very rare.

Kittee I would definatley say thats an ov line, hope there has been plenty of BD :sex: going on. Your only a couple of days behind me so lets hope we get our :bfp: together


That would be awesome! I'd love to have a bump buddy! :happydance:

Kittee- haha...I'd say you have enough EWCM then. Maybe just use a little when you feel dry.

Hope all you ladies are doing well!!!!

LOL yes I guess so. I'm just (tmi) dry during the other times of the month so maybe I can use it then?

Btw I'm sad you moved from NC, I'd love to have someone close by! :hugs:
Hi all,

Kittee - hmm I'm not sure. I think today's one looks darker than yesterday so definitely DTD tonight to give yourself a good chance.

sjbno1 - I work in a well known baby shop beginning with M :haha:
I get my OPKs from ebay, it's a shop called fertility plan. I buy the strip tests and it's £6 for 50 plus £2 p &p.

I'm off to the pantomine tonight. I think it's Jack and the Beanstalk and it's got Bobby Davro in it so it should be a laugh.

Hope everyone has a good evening.
yeah kitty todays is definately darker so I would be getting jiggy with it tonight, good luck

sambles enjoy the panto, im very jealous we are not going this year as caleb is too wee to take xxx
Sun-we got lots of snow on the east coast last year when we were in NC so I know how you feel. Luckily we only live about 80 miles from Tahoe so we will take her to see some snow and do some skiing soon!

gash-thanks for letting me know what bangers and mash is...haha! Mashed potatoes are one of my favorite things to eat! Sounds like you had a busy but productive day yesterday...hope that is my day today!

Kittee-the one from today def. looks darker so I would DTD tonight especially if you won't be able to DTD for a while. I am bummed cause DH might be out of town Friday night and I know I will probably get my +OPK then. I'm sad we moved from NC too, I had some really really wonderful friends there and I miss them so much. We have been in CA now for almost a year and while I do have some friends it just isn't the same. My mom lives in Cary so next time we visit maybe we can meet up! Good luck staying with the inlaws that long. Hopefully they are the helpful kind so you can get a break!

ASFM-I'm on CD12 but have not started my OPKs yet...might do it this afternoon. We have errands to run today then we have to bake and decorate 2 dozen cookies for my DDs preschool party tomorrow. We are getting a nasty system here on Friday and it suppose to rain for like 5 days straight so we will try and get out today and tomorrow to the park.

Hope you all are having wonderful days!!!!!
I live so close to Cary. :) It's literally like 10 mins up the road. We shop there every other week or so at the Grand Asia store.
Hello Everyone!!! Hope you are all well today - we've entered the deep freeze here (-21C which I think is -6F) and I am hoping it doesn't last too long. I have to go run a few errands this aft and don't really want to drag Bun around when it's so cold and windy. Even with the snowsuit.

Kittee - OOO Today's looks even darker! Even better news for today!

OH loves bangers & mash - I don't really cook meat (except a little for LO) so he goes to the pub every once and a while to get some!!

No OV again for me today, and no hint of ewcm either. Hope the soy isoflavones didn't mess with my cycle in a bad way!!! Mine are so short I need to OV right away so the luteal phase is long enough (or so I understand - haha)
Not been around much as my son has been poorly, so in turn I'm sleep deprived!

Think I'm on CD23/24 though TBH this cycle has been pretty much wasted due to illness/tiredness/DH working stupid hours to close deals.

Picked up some cheapie OPK's in Wilkos yesterday - they were £2 for 5 I think. I wanted to get some in just in case I need them over the NY period when everything is full of sale shoppers.

All this talk of bangers and mash has got me craving it! I love Boston sausages that we usually get when we (very rarely!) visit my Mum up there, I think I might have to order some online. Yum!
Morning folks! :)

Day 3 and still a postivie OPK. I didn't take a photo today because my camera is packed for our trip. I hope this doesn't mean anything bad. =(

DH and I were able to DTD this morning though, one last time lol. I have my fingers crossed!!!

Hope everyone is having a great holiday!
I kept the cup in for 3 hour and I just not took it out. I was so surprised at how much sperm was in that cup! WOW! :)

I know I could have kept it in there for longer but being my first time using it, I'm a little nervous so I kept in in 3.
Kittee - How does the cup thing work?? I don't know much about it! xx
Kittee - How does the cup thing work?? I don't know much about it! xx

Its a little plastic / rubber ring thing with a condom like baggy on it, it's made to catch your period but I believe it just got approved for fertility too. Basically you slide it up inside yourself and it form fits "suctions' up under your cervix. If you do it after you DTD it traps your partners sperm up there so they can hang out longer. :)

Some women apparently keep it in for 12 hours! :)


If you google "instead cups for fertility" there is a wealth of info!
Kittee - How does the cup thing work?? I don't know much about it! xx

Its a little plastic / rubber ring thing with a condom like baggy on it, it's made to catch your period but I believe it just got approved for fertility too. Basically you slide it up inside yourself and it form fits "suctions' up under your cervix. If you do it after you DTD it traps your partners sperm up there so they can hang out longer. :)

Some women apparently keep it in for 12 hours! :)


If you google "instead cups for fertility" there is a wealth of info!

Oh Thx!!! I have a cup like this already (lunacup) - maybe I will try it if I ever get a pos OPK!! xx

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