anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Oh my gosh youngwife, you've really been through it :hugs: What's the procedure if it is (God forbid) cancerous? Is the anything that can be done now or does it have to wait until after your boy has been born?
Oh no, Youngwife! I hope its not cancerous! Praying you get your results soon and it is nothing to worry about. :hugs:

Harley, yes I will definitely post some of Sam's 1 year pictures. I'm super excited! Hopefully he cooperates!

I'm so happy its Friday! Its been kinda a long week for me. I hope this weekend I can get Sam's party all planned and just relax a bit!

One of our friend's babies 1st birthday is on Sunday. That will be fun to see all the babies hang out together and play!

Does anyone have any plans for the weekend? :flower:
Youngwife, I'm sorry they've whole experience even worse for you than it already was. I pray that the tumor is not malignant! :hugs:

If it is, Pie, they'll probably asses how quickly it's growing/spreading, and it they think it's serious enough, they may do a lumpectomy while she's still pregnant. If not, they may try to wait. If, heaven forbid, it came to chemotherophy, they would definately have to wait until her baby was born. That happened to my mom. They wanted to start chemo, but they had to wait until my brother was born, and ended up taking him almost a month early so that they could get the chemo started. (This is all speculation, though, based off my mom's experience. Youngwife's situation will, of course, be different.)

Haking, we're planning on having dinner with DH's family this Sunday, and that's when we're going to tell them we're pregnant, so I'm pretty excited for that. :)

AFM, I had a really bad night last night. My LO only drank a third of her bedtime bottle, and it frustrated me so badly because I knew we were in for a crappy night after that. And I'm not usually the type that gets mad easily, but I just sat there on the couch for a half hour, just feeling so upset that I was on the verge of tears. And then she woke up a few hours after going to bed so I tried to feed her the rest of the bottle, and she refused it, and then screamed and screamed when we put her back in her crib, and continued to cry like that for a half an hour. By the time she finally went to sleep, I was emotionally spent. Then she woke up twenty minutes later and started screaming again! It was already really late at that point, and all I wanted to do was sleep, and I had no idea how to help her, and I was so frustrated that I just burst into tears and was crying almost as violently as my LO was. It was one of those "end of my rope" moments, and I prayed and prayed that she would just go to sleep and let me get some, too. Thankfully, my prayer was answered, and she didn't wake up again until the morning.

I got pretty emotional in my last pregnancy, but not this early! And I never felt this frustrated, either. :(
Oh youngwife so sorry to hear you have had such a horrendous experience of this.. i pray it is not cancerous.. how scary keep up posted.. praying for you and sending you big hugs..

Haking yay for pics so cute.. :) will post a pic later of our family :) we just did them not that long ago, thanksgiving.. :)

No plans really.. going bowling tom and sunday dh is working on my moms jeep he is a mechanic :)
aww spiffy.. big big hugs your way.. what a night.. having a baby and being pregnant is tough.. tough having a baby by itself.. somedays or nights we just need a good cry.. let it out and move on.. hugs sweetheart..
Really sorry you had a bad night spiffy :hugs: I know how frustrating it feels when all you want to do is sleep! At the moment all I want to do is sleep, partly because I'm exhausted and partly because it's the only time I don't feel sick :wacko: I'm so emotional too, it's ridiculous. The littlest things are setting me off.

Nothing major planned for us this weekend, we're going to see DH's aunt and uncle tomorrow for the day which should be nice - his family are generally quite reserved but she loves me which is really sweet, and she's head over heels in love with Noah.

In other news, I still have no idea when my booking appointment or 12 week scan is. I spoke to a midwife when I was about 4 weeks and she said she would get everything arranged but I still haven't heard anything. I'm going to give it until Tuesday and then phone if there's still nothing. I'm worried that I've somehow been missed and that there's no scan booked for me :nope:
THANK YOU SOO MUCH LADIEEES IT IS A fibrodanoma or something lol but its benign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not cancererous woooho!!! they said that i can have it removed if i want. but it can cause infection in the scar when removed etc etc. so i am gonna just leave it be they said it wont turn cancerous so i am soooooo happy!!. the biopsy was so painful they used general anistetic but i could still feel it and they cut the boob open alitte bit then stick a long thing in and jab around. im very sore they put these sticker stiches on and hubby is being so helpful watching my daughter so i can rest. thank u everyone xx

if it was cancerous i would have refused to do anything till he was out! but im so glad its not xx
I will try and keep up with you ladies sorry! thats the end of my drama! lol woohoooo ive never felt so lucky , now my mums birthday then my bday a week before christmas to look forward too. u ladies are great!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, youngwife, what an ordeal you went through. As if it's not stressful enough, they keep changing times and things like that on you. I'm still praying for you. This verse came to mind yesterday: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) I've been praying you will be strong and courageous and that you will feel Gods presence with you wherever you go!

Spiffy, we had a rough night last night too, but nothing like what you dealt with. Hope you can get some extra rest today.

Pie, I agree you should call them if you don't hear anything soon. Is there usually a long line-up for scans? Or will they be able to book you in even if they have forgotten?

HAKing - Yay! Pictures! We just got our disc in the mail yesterday with all the images from our family photo shoot. Maybe I'll post a few of my favourites that weren't available to view before.

As for me, today I plan to go get my blood drawn finally. Tomorrow is my niece's first birthday party just across the border in the States. And Sunday is a baby shower for a friend who I worked at summer camp with a few years back. So I'll be fairly busy I guess.

As for symptoms, I'm still just super emotional. Yesterday in the car, the DJ said we should watch this youtube video of an 8 month old boy who was born deaf who had just received a cochlear implant. The first thing he ever hears is his mom's voice. I lost it and almost started weeping! And my other main symptom right now is my super sense of smell. I came home from work last night and smelled banana and rice cakes. Ozzy had just eaten a banana and Daniel was eating rice cakes!
Oh, hooray! So happy, youngwife! Sorry it was so painful, but what great news!
Youngwife that is the best news! I'm so happy for you! :happydance: Wonderful that it's all checked out now and you can relax and enjoy your little girl and your pregnancy :cloud9:

I'm not too sure Harley, my worry is that if they have forgotten me they'll give me a later scan and I just can't wait longer. I will kick up a fuss if that happens because I called them at 4 weeks!

Oh I've seen that video too and it just about finished me off and that was when I wasn't pregnant!
Thank you for that! and those words are exactly what i need!! and thank u so much for praying for me because God for sure heard you!
Harley- aww thats a normal thing to cry about! i would cry watching that video even if i wasnt pregnant aww
Youngwife, Yay! So happy it is non-cancerous and nothing to worry about! Now you can relax and enjoy your pregnancy worry free.

Harley, you should post some of the pictures. I love looking at peoples baby pictures, they are so precious! We got pictures done of Sam when he was a newborn and then we have a bunch since then but nothing formal so I'm looking forward to something more professional. DH just got a new awesome camera too so we will be taking lots more pictures in the coming months, I'm sure. We can't help it, Sam is so darn cute! :blush: Haha.

You mentioned going to the states for a party this weekend, Harley. Where at if you don't mind me asking?

Spiffy, sorry you had a rough night last night. We've had some of those too and they are the worst! I feel for you and hope you can get some rest extra rest tonight.

Pie, I hope that they can get you in for an appointment and don't make you wait. I'd throw a fit and make them figure it out if they forgot! They should know not to mess with a pregnant woman! :haha:

I've also seen that video and I was in tears also and not even pregnant. And speaking of being in tears I've been an emotional mess all day. :cry: My mom made a comment to me about Sam turning 1 in 13 days and I lost it! I can't believe he is getting so big! It isn't like I didn't know it was going to happen some day but, geez it snuck up on me!

This is random but: My friend's daughter is having her 1st birthday this weekend so I asked what size clothes so I could shop for her and she said 24m or 2t! Is that normal? What size clothes is every ones's babies wearing. Sam is only 12 months hardly :wacko:
Youngwife, I'm so happy to hear that it was benign!!!! :happydance:

Pielette, I hope you hear about your scan soon. What a crappy thing to have to wait and wonder. I don't have my appointment until about 12 weeks, either, but at least when I called at 3+3 weeks, they were able to tell me the time and day right then!

Haking, my LO is in 6-9 month clothes, and the occasional 6 month clothes, and she's nearly 9 months! However, she's always been on the small side.

Okay, ladies, this is just sad. I'm wearing a shirt right now that I haven't worn in quite a while, and it's really snug! So I realized that I actually have a picture of me wearing this same shirt in my last pregnancy.

And this is why it's sad. The first picture is me at 16 weeks with DD, the second is today at 6 weeks. :dohh:


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Okie doke! Here's a few pictures from our last shoot. :) I just love the one of Ozzy on Daniel's shoulders. The last one is what we will go get printed to use as a Christmas postcard. We'll probably just hand them out to family and friends from church.

We are going just across the border to Bellingham (in Washington). Even though we live in a whole other country, we are still only about 45 minutes from my brother and his family. I am very grateful for that!

Ozzy is wearing 12 months size right now. The occasional 9 month size onesie still fits, and a few 18 month size things fit as well. Maybe your friend has lots of 12 and 18 months sized clothes, so she just wants to stock up on the next sizes? But in that case, it would be nice to know what kind of clothes to get (i.e. what season they will fit her LO).

And thanks for the reassurance that my crying is normal! I'm just not used to it, I guess. I haven't been emotional like this ever since all the pregnancy hormones left a few weeks after Ozzy was born!


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Haking some babies are bigger than others.. my niece was is 24 months for her first bday.. she is just a chunkier girl so i wouldnt worry to much.. Bryce is in 9 months.. and he is 9 months.. all babies grow different.. :) my daughter was tiny so she grew slower.. it is normal though..

Pie hope they didnt forget about you.. :/

Spiffy its crazy how soon you show... i would say a lot of bloat though.. cute

Youngewife so happy to read it was benign.. now enjoy the holidays sweetie

Harley so cute.. love the pics..

will try to post a pic of us tomorrow..
Oh believe me...I know it's mostly bloat! I can feel it after I eat, and it's not a comfortable feeling. :( However, I also think it has a lot to do with my stomach muscles already being stretched out, because I didn't look nearly this big at 6 weeks last time around.

Harley the pictures are adorable! We had professional photos taken back in August, so I'll post a few tomorrow. :flower:
Thanks, ladies! I look forward to seeing your photos too. So fun!

Spiffy, I feel like my stomach muscles are still stretched too. In fact, I know I've still got some separation of my ab muscles because I still get that ridge sometimes when I use them a certain way. I was kind of grossed out by it when it first showed up, and I was hoping it would go away after Ozzy was born, but nope. Still a freak of nature! LOL
Yikes, so much to catch up on... My apologies if I miss something! :flower:

Youngwife - I am so happy for you that it's benign! :hugs: You must be so relieved and you can now enjoy the holidays with your little family and the rest of your pregnancy without that hanging over you. I can't imagine how terrifying it's been for you. You're a strong lady!

Harley - Those pictures are beautiful. Ozzy's face is just priceless, what a perfect little family... and a growing one too! I think he looks a lot like you, I'm sure it's the eyes!

Spiffy - Sorry to hear you had a rough night. We've been lucky to have only had one night were DD was up a lot and that was when she had a bad cold and was bunged up. I'm showing much sooner and bigger than with DD too. Nowhere near as neat as you were and are, mind! Gorgeous baby bump and baby bloat you have!!

Pie - Oh, I hate waiting! That wait from your booking appointment to the 12w scan is just the worst for me. Here we usually get our booking app. at 8w so I hope they see you soon and haven't forgotten that you were actually prompt in your calling them!!

Oh, and I seen that video too. I forget if I was pregnant or not. I think I was, but I'd have cried anway!!

HAKing - My DD is in a mix of ages :shrug: I've found that sizes differ from store-to-store here and in one place she might still fit in a 6-9months outfit, mostly she's in 9-12m now and she is 8m old. She is by no means big, everyone says "she's tiny" all the time and I think she's neither. To me, she's just the right size (health visitor also said her measurements were right on) for her age and instead of those chunky baby rolls most have, she's tall and slim so I find that the waist on her bottoms are big and the legs fit fine! :dohh:

Rojo - I look forward to seeing your picture :)

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