anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Youngwife, I agree, if you need support, we're here for you. Don't worry about being a downer. :hugs:

Blessed, I'm so sorry about your uncle. :( Your family will be in my prayers.

Skadi, I'm sorry you've been getting discouraged. We all know how that feels, and I hope you get your bfp soon! Also, I hope Kiera puts a little more weight soon so you don't have that extra stress.

Harley, congrats on getting the job! And that's awesome that you already have a matenity appointment! Mine isn't until Jan. 8th, and it seems like forever from now!

Well, at the dinner table today for Thanksgiving, I suggested we go around the table and say what we're thankful for, so when it got to me, I said, "I'm thankful for my husband, and for Alia, and I'm thankful that Alia will be a big sister." It took my grandparents a few seconds to piece it together, but everybody was really happy for me. It feels good to have it out there so that I don't have to keep it secret anymore. We'll be telling DH's family on Dec. 2nd when we go over for dinner. :)
youngwife- here if you need us hun :hugs:

spiffy- so great about your family :cloud9: hope the other side are just as happy :)

harley- yay about the job!!!! congrats :flower:

skadi- hope things change very soon :(

thanks for the well wishes ladies. it will be ok. we had a great Thanksgiving today. i ate way too much and im tired now :blush: need to go work out
I am looking forward to overeating on Saturday when we celebrate Thanksgiving with my family. Hee hee! I haven't told them the news about my job yet, so I think what I'm going to do is tell them that I have good news. Then, they will suspect (and might even ask) that I am pregnant. I'll say, no, I got a job. Then, after the excitement from that has died down, I will say, AND I'M PREGNANT! I hope it works out as well as I am imagining it my head. Ha!

Well, I promised you guys some HPT pics. So, here are three from 12 dpo, 14 dpo, and then today at 17 dpo. The first two were FMU, the last one is from this evening with semi-diluted urine. So great to see that nice dark line!


  • 12 dpo.jpg
    12 dpo.jpg
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  • 14 dpo.jpg
    14 dpo.jpg
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  • 17 dpo.jpg
    17 dpo.jpg
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Thanks so much ladies i very much apreciate it . and harley - how exciting to see it getting darker and darker i loved taking pregnancy tests!! xx
Youngwife - That's what we're here for if you need us! :hugs:

Blessed - I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle. :hugs:

Harley - congrats on getting the job! I hope your announcments will go something like that because to me, that sounds like an awesome way to do it! :haha:

Spiffy - I had to laugh that it took them a minute to "get" what you were talking about... :haha: I love how you announced it. I wish I'd have done something like that with my announcement! My mom found out because I had to go to the doctors for a "confirmation" test and I had no other excuse as to where I was going. I had to tell my friends because I'd already told one of them the reason I couldn't go to her birthday weekend at a theme park/night out... :dohh:
So sorry to hear about your uncle, BlessedMomma. I hope the funeral goes well.

My sister just announced she's pregnant, she's 5 weeks along. I'm SO excited for her. She has one 6 year old son, so this will be her second kiddo. I'm going to be an aunt again!
Pitakat- wonderfull news! congrats to ur family!

chez- thanks so much x x
Congrats Harley! Happy to see such nice dark lines! :thumbup:That is a way cool way of telling family that you are pregnant! I love it!

Youngwife, sorry to hear about things with your family. We are all here to listen if you need to vent! :hugs:

Blessed, sorry to hear about your uncle. :nope: Glad to hear that you had a good Thanksgiving though and are doing well. :hugs:

Spiffy, that is awesome your family was so happy when you told them news!

PitaKat, congrats to you and your sister! That is great news:happydance:

AFM, we had a great Thanksgiving dinner and spending time with family. Everyone enjoyed seeing Sam and playing with him. He was such a good boy too! I also ate way too much and am looking forward to getting back to working out again next week. For now I'm just gonna enjoy family time and having fun!

This evening we are taking Sam to go see Christmas lights at this really old historic hotel in our town. It is called the Mission Inn. Here is a link in case anyone wants to check it out! :thumbup:

DH and I always stay down there for Christmas as a tradition so I am really looking forward to getting to share it with Sam now! :happydance:

I hope everyone is doing well and all the US ladies enjoyed their Thanksgiving! I love this time of year and all the family time! :cloud9:
Harley, I'm so happy to see your lines getting so dark! This looks like a sticky bean!:thumbup: I can't wait to hear how the announcement goes! My DH has considered doing something like that when he announces our pregnancy to his side of the family, except neither of us has anything as cool as a new job, so it would just be something silly, like, "We finally rearranged our living room! ...and Jordyn's pregnant, too!" :haha:

Haking, I hope you, your DH, and Sam have a great time at the Mission Inn. Seems like a cool place! We always go see the lights at Temple Square in Salt Lake around Christmas. It's always pretty spectacular. :flower:

Well, I hope everyone has been having a great time with their families, whether you've been celebrating Thanksgiving or not. :)
harley- thats some great lines :thumbup: sounds like a great way to announce the new LO

pitakat- congrats on becoming an aunt again. thats a great feeling :)

we have been passing around the flu and i started getting sick last night. :sick::brat:
HAKing - I hope you all enjoy seeing the lights! I want to take DD to see some this year but we don't drive so it's going to have to be a stroll around our village and see what she thinks of them. My mom and sister put our tree up the other day and she wasn't that interested, she prefered it when it was in the box! :dohh: She was more interested in the TV... :haha:

PitaKat - Congrats on the news! I'm an aunt through DF's family but my siblings are yet to have babies... My little brother (dad's son) is only 4 so it'll be a while yet there!! My sister (mom's daughter, 20 years old) has never had a boyfriend so it'll be a while for her yet too, which is fine by her as she's happy playing aunt atm and still gets to live her "young, free, single" life and the way she likes it for now.

AFM, we had DF's grandmother's funeral yesterday and it was sooooo sad seeing such a huge family so upset. Some of DF's cousins are guys that I've known for so long, and not the type you ever see showing such emotion... It was heartbreaking seeing them all so hurt. I had a moment of "oh my, I'm so proud to be a part of this family." There was also a warm feeling of seeing all those people there to celebrate the life of a wonderful woman, a charming character of the community. The Church was so full, we were left standing (OUCH, my poor feet and back) and the line of people was going on outside the doors!
Alright I think I found someone to watch Keira... and I officially start back at work on January 14th. Now I have to work on losing 20 lbs so I don't have to buy an entire new work wardrobe... either that or resign myself to wearing maternity clothes and not actually be pregnant. rofl.

Chez - Wow she really must have been a wonderful woman! How amazing!
Thanks everybody, I'm thrilled for my sister because I know she wants another baby. And I'm thrilled for my boy that he's gonna have a cousin close in age to him! His other cousins are 20, 14, and 6. This new cousin will be a playmate!

Harley, that sounds so fun, what a great way to announce! Next time I get to announce a pregnancy, I'd like to do it in a clever way like that too.

HAKing, that is such a great Christmas tradition to have, and WOW that hotel is gorgeous!

BlessedMomma, I hope the illness doesn't last long and you're feeling better quickly.

Chez, that is so sad, but it's so nice that so many people turned out to celebrate her life. She must be well-loved.

Skadi, glad to hear you found someone to watch her!
Skadi, I was wearing maternity clothes probably up until DD was 4 or 5 months old, and now that I'm pregnant again, I'm already wearing my maternity jeans, nevermind the fact that I'm only 5 weeks along! It's just that now I feel like I can justify it. :haha:

Chez, I'm glad that your DH's grandma had a church bursting with people who loved her so much there to honor and celebrate her life. My DH's grandfather's funeral was like that. Everyone who knew him loved him.

Blessed, I really hope you get better soon! It's times like that when I wish motherhood came with "sick days". But alas...

Pitakat, my DD has a cousin that is 7 weeks older than she is, and another who is one year older, and I can't wait until they're a little older and can play together. I never had cousins close in age, and so I'm glad that my DD will get to have that experience. :)
thanks ladies! 7 of us down, 1 to go on the flu. and lots of pukey laundry to do :sick:

spiffy- mama sick days, now theres an idea~!!!!!:thumbup:

im having a lot of ewcm. either its from being sick :shrug: or my body is maybe gearing up to ovulate soon? i read on kellymom that women can have these pseudo cycles while bfing that can make them feel like they are gonna start af or ov but not really ever have it happen. nice. :dohh: something about your body trying to get cycles back but the bfing hormones keeping it from actually happening. think thats whats going on with me. im sure you ladies are tired of hearing me say every month i think af is gonna start. so til it gets here for sure im not saying lol.
How exciting Harley! I'm excited to have a bump buddy!:happydance: How did telling the family go? We told ours on Thanksgiving too lol

Blessed- I had a ridiculous amount of EWCM at really strange and random times with BFing. I think it is the hormones trying to regulate and kind of fight each other. Good luck!

I hope everybody had a wonderful Thanksgiving! From the looks of your posts it was great. There is so much to read through I'm sure I've missed stuff :haha: but hope everyone is doing well
PitaKat - It'll be so nice having a close gap between cousins.

DD has an uncle (my little brother, dad's son) who is only 4 years old, a cousin (DF's older brother's DD) who is 2 years old and another cousin (DF's younger brother's DS) who is almost 3 weeks old. Then she's going to have a brother who will be less than a year younger! Then when DF's brother and his OH settle in their new home, they're going to try for another :) That's without all our cousins babies/kids!! We both come from huge families... :flower:

Blessed - Oh no! That can't be fun at all. :nopes: DD went sick ONCE - one night last week and it literally got everywhere, including me and my mom... and that's just one little baby, I really feel for you having to deal with a whole brood, then all that washing too. Yikes! :hugs: Also, I hope you either O or get your AF back on track soon. It can't be nice just being sat in limbo but you have a brilliant attitude towards it, I think! I don't get sick of hearing your anticipation, I'm sure we're all almost as eager as you! :flower:

Spiffy - I think you're on to something there, parental sick days! :winkwink:
Hey ladies.. hope you all had a great thanksgiving.. our was fun :) fun times with family followed by shopping with my sister.. :) Yesterday we went and got our christmas tree so that was fun.. :) now its all decorated.. Bryce cried though so hope he learns to like it.. lol :)

Cant believe 1 month and it will be christmas day.. and about 2 weeks to ttc.. ekks
Wow loads to catch up on! Bear with me ladies :haha:

Sorry I haven't been around much this weekend, it's all been a bit manic. Noah had his reaction to the MMR jab - the nurse told me to expect it about 7-10 days after and sure enough he's been running a slight temperature for the past couple of days, as well as being really attached to both of us and pretty grumpy. Poor baby. I'm hoping tomorrow he'll be feeling better.

I am so so so tired! I'm also ridiculously emotional. Today I cried at the formula 1 final race of the season :blush: DH fell about laughing and wanted to post about it on Facebook but I made him promise not to, no-one knows its pregnancy hormones! :haha:

Aw chez that's so lovely about the funeral :hugs: Really heartwarming. I felt that way at my grandparents' funerals, full of sadness at losing them but so delighted by how much they were loved. Wow what a big family you guys have! Our families are pretty small, I think that might be why I want to have lots of babies.

Harley the lines are looking awesome, and what a great way to announce! I have decided to get Noah a top saying 'I'm going to be a big brother!' and just have people come over, see how long it takes them to notice :haha:

Congrats on becoming an auntie again PitaKat! I'm an only child so am not technically an auntie, although of course DH's nephews are now mine by marriage. Would love to have had a sibling!

Skadi that's great that you've found someone!

I dug out my maternity clothes too spiffy, still managing to get away without them at the moment but I've got serious bloating issues in the evenings! I look like I'm about 5 months pregnant every night after dinner :haha:

Ew blessed I hate the laundry that goes with being sick, it's such a chore. Funny that you're having loads of EWCM. That must be incredibly frustrating, it does sound like your body is trying to get back to normal cycles but just can't manage it right now.

Rojo I can't believe how close we are to Christmas! I'll be 11 weeks on Christmas day and am debating spilling the beans to the rest of my family on the day. What do you guys think? I do want to wait until 12 weeks with everyone but I don't see my aunt and uncles often so it would probably have to be broken over the phone which is a bit rubbish, plus it's our first Christmas without my beloved nanny and I think we could all do with a boost.

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