Vanessa, I wouldn't worry too much about Noah's clingyness. Sam can also get this way at times...though its not on a daily basis he does do it out in public when he doesn't feel comfortable and wants myself of DH to pick him up until he feels comfortable.
It probably is in part to the fact that you are home with him 24/7 but its because you are his safe person.

You are doing the right thing with exposing him to new things and people and in time he will come around and gain confidence. Sam goes to a daycare 4 days a week and at first would cry at drop off but now he is better but as soon as he sees myself of DH at pick up he wants to be held immediately and sticks to us like glue.
Try not to stress too much about it as I'm sure he will transition just fine once Milo is here. I worry about that too but I just know that I need to still give him as much interaction as possible and include him and I think he will be more accepting of Ben than jealous.
I do like to look on the other aspect of it too and think that he could be overly confident and going up to strangers which can be scary too. Try not to worry, it will sort itself out.
Maybe you could have a friend watch him for a few hours while you run errands so he is around other kids/adults while you're not around to give him some "Noah time" to gain confidence without you being around.
Littlesteph, so glad to hear that you're little one is finally getting up their in weight.

And I second what Logan said, only 2 weeks till TTC!
Logan, I can't wait to see your 12 week ultrasound and start to gender guess!