Oh, goodness, Jordyn! What a scary couple of days. Glad to hear they don't think labour is likely in the next little while, and it's good you have a prescription just in case. I sure hope the next time you are in L&D it's in a few months and the real thing! I'll keep you and Liam in my prayers.
Heather, I hope your GTT goes well. Sorry you have to get poked a few times. Hope you get good nurses and it won't hurt or anything.

Also nice to hear your SIL is having a boy. That way you don't have to feel weird about it, and it means Ben will have a boy cousin close in age.
Stacey, so glad to hear Jonathan is doing better. Hope you have fun at the party today! I think a Visa gift card is a great gift, especially considering the circumstances.
Vanessa, you look great! Glad you posted a pic.
Steph, sorry about the bfn. I've still got my fingers crossed for you!
Ooh, not long until that next us, Logan! Exciting! Glad you had a great Mother's Day, too. Daniel and I decided we wouldn't get anything for each other for Mother's and Father's Day, but now I kind of regret that decision. May have to reevaluate that for next year!
AFM, my blood sugar has been A-Okay the last few days. It's been really eye-opening to read nutrition labels and see how much sugar is in food I used to eat all the time. My taste buds are already adjusting too. (i.e. diet soda doesn't taste so weird anymore and grapes are suuuuper sweet now. Ha!) Expecting a good follow-up on Friday.
Hope you ladies have a great Monday!