Anyone TTC while breastfeeding?

Yeah, I'm tempted by BBT, but I normally end up with my 6month old in bed with me in the mornings. He sleeps in his own bed, but at some point I bring him in with me, so when I wake up he's all snuggled up in bed. I think that would probably affect the temps?

I'm feeling ok about it all today. 9dpo? I think! and got another BFN this morning! x

Kalyrra: I felt completely different with my second pregnancy. So different I was completely convinced I wasn't pregnant the month we conceived. I was shocked when I got a BFP! So you never know :) x
Sorry to hear you're out this month Teeny

Iow-bird - I know what you mean about wanting to know about any issues around your cycle - I'm a bit concerned I may not be O-ing. I did buy a thermometer but never got round to using it.

Need to go LO just woke
she's got a high temp today..feeling a bit worried

We're definitely out this month already! We didn't DTD! We tried but were too exhausted! At least it gives a bit of time cycle to get back to normal XX
Aww Leeze :( sorry you didn't get a chance to catch the wee eggy this month! But at least you're spared the 2ww!!
sorry for the excess of posting!! I have a new game plan for the next few days! I've got myself a decent test instead of those stupid cheap dipsticks (I hate them and their damn BFN's right now)! One IC dipstick left for tomorrow, then I'm saving my good one for Tuesday if AF doesn't arrive on time. I also bought some tampax! x
sorry for the excess of posting!! I have a new game plan for the next few days! I've got myself a decent test instead of those stupid cheap dipsticks (I hate them and their damn BFN's right now)! One IC dipstick left for tomorrow, then I'm saving my good one for Tuesday if AF doesn't arrive on time. I also bought some tampax! x

sounds like ur covered either way! :haha:good luck x
One IC dipstick left for tomorrow, then I'm saving my good one for Tuesday if AF doesn't arrive on time. I also bought some tampax! x

Ha! That sounds like my bathroom. I have some IC's sitting next to the toilet as well as some tampons. :haha:

6 DPO today. No AF as of yet, so hopefully my LP will be longer this cycle! Although the :witch: doesn't usually show up until evening, so I'll be watching all day!

Sorry you're out, teeny... sounds like you have some good motivation for better choices, though! I should do the same thing, I would love to lose some of the baby weight I'm carrying.
Whoops. Posted before finishing there. So true about not having to suffer agony of 2WW. Feels quite a relief. LO is ill right now and I'm so exhausted.

Good luck to those in 2WW. Any promising symptoms? XX
Still no AF here, not even a little tinge yet! I'm not getting my hopes up about being pregnant, but I'm definitely crossing my fingers that my LP gets longer!!! If it can last at least 10 days, I'll be super happy! Of course, being pregnant would just be a plus! (no pun intended! :haha: )

Lots of random little cramps, but I can't tell if they're pre-AF or if its from the protein bars I've been eating... They tend to cause a little havoc in my intestines and I find it difficult to tell the difference sometimes! :blush:
Well, AF is due Monday, I'm sure she'll arrive! After getting my hopes up earlier in the TWW I feel like I'm out now. Not sure why, just a gut instinct I think! Got really grumpy with poor hubby today, but feeling happier now, even though it's 3am and I've only just got my little guy back to sleep! Not testing is helping heaps, I've given hubby the decent test to keep in his car to stop me giving in to temptation!
I was considering not trying next month, but now I'm feeling a lot calmer about it all I think we will. I was feeling like I was going to go crazy if I had another 2ww, and I don't even have that desperate need for a baby like I have the last times we were TTC!
Hope you're all well and surviving!
Leeze: Hope your wee one gets better really soon. Sick kids suck!
Kylarra: Good news about LP lengthening. I still have no idea when I'm Oing, and I'm not even going to try and work it out for the next few months. I think I'm going to go to the Dr's after Xmas if we still haven't got a BFP and then get the blood test done to seeif I'm ovulating. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a nice BFP for you or at the very least a nice sensible LP!!
Hugs to everyone! xxx
good luck low bird! hoping for a bfp !!

AF just left so I've got about 7-9 days until ovulation!
I am so excited for our first month of TTC :)

We were lucky with DD , only took 1 try so I'm hoping we'll get lucky again.
Lilly - that's amazing you got a BFP on the first try the last time around. Maybe you're both super fertile! Fingers crossed it happens again for you.

Kalyrra - that's a really positive approach to take. At least you know your LP is getting longer. Any sort of crampy feelings sound exciting! When will you test?

Iow-bird -:it does sometimes play havoc with your emotions, this TTC lark. Doesn't it? I'll be impressed if you can wait till Mon to test again.

My daughter is a bit brighter today, but I've had sickness and diarrhea most of the day and feel very yucky. I'm a bit relieved we're not in the running this month because I feel like I need a few healthy weeks before getting pregnant again.

So, what were your experiences last time being pregnant? I mostly loved it. Had a few rough weeks early on with tiredness and nausea, and was 10 days overdue so struggled a bit the last few weeks. Mainly with sore feet, needing to pee all the time and terrible indigestion! But on the whole I felt very special and loved the feeling of growing a little person inside me! XX
Hope you feel better Leeze!

OMG I had all day sickness until 20 weeks, I have never vomited so much in my life!
Then really bad heartburn from 30 weeks till 41 weeks when she was born.

Hoping I won't get all day sickness this time around, that sucked!
Hello everyone =)

Well my periods came back when LO was 4 months old and I was ebf, I then stupidly went on the depo shot in November 2012, was suppose to get next shot in Feb but I didn't go, it scared me so much all the horror stories you hear about it and how takes ages to conceive, my periods returned on Tuesday night so 9 months and a bit since my first and LAST shot. So far they seem normal and how they always were, I'm usually very regular with my periods.

Anyways I really hope depo is completely out of my system now, LO is still nursing so we will see what happens xx
Well, it's Sunday afternoon and I'm still holding out to see if AF arrives tomorrow to test! Hoping to wait until Tuesday to test!!! I feel a bit odd today, not like AF is going to turn up, but not like I'm UTD either!! So maybe I Oed late, and I'm going to get AF later as my LP increases?

I hated pregnancy both times! I had hyperemesis with both pregnancies, which went right through to delivery. And I had SPD last time too and a couple of scares with him maybe coming too early, I was quite ready for baby to arrive by the end!!
Hi Ladies I hope you dont mind me butting in. I was looking for a bit of advice really.
I am breastfeeding my DS who is 10months old. My af returned when he was 7months. Before having him i had a lp of 11 days and would sometimes spot at 10/11dpo and come on on 12dpo. This is the first month (this time round) i have used opks and i have been having very light spotting since 7dpo. It has been light pink but mostly light brown and a very small amount not even showing up on pantyliner. I am now 13dpo and still no AF i expected yesterday. I am a little scared to test as spotting has always led to af or a mc in the past. Just wondered if anyone had had anything similar that resulted in a healthy pg.
Sorr... but ARGH! I want to test!! Must stay strong! hehe, drinking lots so urine is not strong enough to test! I think I'd just be wasting a test if I used one now. AF due tomorrow, so time will tell!
hi ladies,

I hope you don't mind, but I was wondering if your periods are lighter now than before u were pregnant? I suspect I had a uterus that was tilted the wrong way pre dd, my sister had a confirmed one and her, my mums and my periods were very similar, painful, vomiting, it sucked. but as with my sister and mum, post pregnancy they are not half as painful, great!

but they are also lighter. sorry if tmi but they have been getting heavier since we went to 2 feeds a day, and. the last 2 months the clotty stuff has made a reappearance. I'm hoping this is a good sign that I'm creating enough lining for eggs to implant, but they are still noticeably shorter and lighter then before ( previously were 5 days, 3 days of really heavy bleeding, would have to change tam pons on the middle of the night the first 2 nights!)
8 DPO today! Super excited because it seems as though my LP might actually be lengthening! No spotting or tinges in my CM yet, either so that's good! On the other hand, I don't think I'm pregnant so feeling a bit down about that... but there's always next month! The most important thing is my LP right now. I would rather it get to a good length and sustain implantation!

Leeze - I loved being pregnant when I was in my second trimester. I was totally over it by 34 weeks though! I was so swollen I had to wear my husband's socks and tennis shoes because none of mine fit! I also had terrible heartburn.

Teeny - my periods are lighter now than they were pre-baby. Although the last one was a good bit heavier than the other ones I've had. The clots were back too, so I'm almost wondering if maybe I didn't even ovulate before the other 2? Either way, they're still lighter than they used to be.

sleepy_me - maybe just wait it out and see what happens or just bite the bullet and test?

babyjan - welcome! Good luck, hope that depo is long gone for you! :flower:

iow_bird - hang in there! just a couple more days!

Lilly12 - wow, 1 try? That's awesome! I hope you have the same luck this month, and don't have to become crazy like the rest of us! :rofl:

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