Anyone want to be my august baby buddy ???

When I was pg with my first, I WAS terrified, but my mum just kept reminding me that women go on to have second, third and fourth children so if it was that bad, no one would have more than one!

And as for being a good mum, I worry about that, I think anyone who IS a good mum does!

The other thing my mum said to me was that once you have a baby you never stop worrying, even when they are grown up, and I guess she is right, but its the best thing I have ever done, nothing compares to watching your baby achieve even the simplest things xxxx enjoy it xxxx

ahh thats nice..if anyone was to know bout being a mum though it is you aytyandemsmummy :)

im so looking forward to all the future has to hold...just having a mc has made me even more scared that ill lose another and i think thats the most scarest thing in the world..always wanting to keep them safe..making sure there never get hurt.

i know im goner always be this right is that right am i doing this wrong lol but the best thing is i just cant wait to see hes/her little face and know that baby is healthy and everything is ok. :hugs::hugs:

Thanks but I still worry about doing the right things!! I sometimes lose it and shout more than I should and I worry about spreading myself too thin but as long as the kids are happy, I must be doing something right, and the police and I aren't on first name terms ............... yet :rofl:

It will all fall into place when you meet your baby, and your heart will guide you xxxx
ok everyone im going on holiday day after tomorrow so im not goner be on here for a week. tomorrow im going to be running round like a headless chicken getting things sorted and probably want have time to pop ob here.

ill be back on the 29th of august to tell you one - how the midwife booking in appointment went (which is tomorrow) two - how the holiday went and three - also will tell you how the flight was ect...being 9 and half weeks when i go im crapping myself that flight will hurt baby but doctor told me i should have nothing to worrie bout :)

fingers crossed i get there and back ok then :)

keep updating your your selves on how your getting on and ill get right back to you soon as i get back.

wish you all joys and speak to you in a weeks time xxx

lyns x
Did I tell you all?my edd changed to 28th!whooooooooooo!! Babydebreu omg have a good time and good luck! X
hi girls...

is anyone else getting a wee bit crampy on and off???
i am panicking , cos my sickness has calmed donw over the last 2 days too.... am hoping its only that the stageis passing...i cant really go by my last pregnancy , cos i got to 17 weeks, only really thinking that the only thing wrong was i wasnt growing as much as i should, only to find out my baby had died at 13 weeks , andi didnt know, so i am worrying at the slightest little thing

i actually was at a and e last week, cos i had mega pains that they thought was kidney stones, so they did me a scan, and we saw the little lovebundle and its heart flickering.... so all was well then...i have my booking in appointment at the clinic next wednesday, they will scan again that day.... ( i think they getting me in cos of hathappened last summer to us) ...btw it wasnt kidnet stones, they dont know what the pain was, but it seems to be gone now anyway

this is my 10th pregnancy, and i think after miscarriages at any stage and at any number, whether you have had one or 6 ..or even none at all, its hard to not worry... i just cant wait ( and hope ) to get to a stage where i can feel movement every day to reassure me..... fingers crossed we will all make our journey safely and happily...

babydebreau.. have a great holiday...

hello to everyone else....

oh hahah ihavent said my EDD...its 27th aug.... ( hopefully)
Awwww Loobi,

I cant imagine how stressed and worried u must feel, you have had a bad time of it, fingers crossed for you that this is it!! :hugs:

Am due around 4/5th of August. This will be my second pregnancy, but it doesnt stop me worrying about the slightest thing, lol.

hug loobi i know what you mean iv suffered two mcs and was sooo pertified of loosing this one too :(. Now my chance of mc has lowered(due to a medical condition im high risk) but its sticking. Iv set up milestones maybe youl find that easier to help?

iv still got some cramps its just the uterus strecthing me thinks :)

Congrats btw your due a day before me :)
morning girls.. how is everyone today????
its grey and miserable here and windy ......

i am not feeling brilliant today, my stomach isnt right ... i dunno... think i may go gp tomorrow tell him bout it, see what he says, although he int great, usually just chucks a prescription at you, so not sure if it willdo any good....

will keep you posted....

other thanthat not alot going on here really....

hope everyone is well
Same here, grey and miserable, heating is either on too high or low and I keep adjusting it, feeling really crabby today, irritable and tired but can't sleep. I am 9 weeks today and I am fed up of being sicky and tied but with no bump.

I need to go to the shop and get some basics but really really can't be arsed; my skin is spotty and I feel HUGE :cry:

Ok, moan over, need some lunch so need to pull myself together and get in the kitchen, I'm feeling tomato soup coming on.....

Anyone else feeling narky today?

my period was actually on the 7th so worked at 10 weeks, but after spending all week in hospital last week they dated me so im actuaaly a week behind and due on the 21st xx ticker now updated

oh is everything ok hun? why was you in hospital you and baby ok ?

so your due same as me wooohooo ill add you to my ticker :)

whens your baby scan? x

Sorry for late reply then addmitted me for Hyperemesis Gravidarum ( severve sickness) Which ended up me being severly dehydrated, I have had 3 scans already due to the problems, but my proper scan is on the 1st Feb

Welcome Rachxbay1x!

Loobi- How are you feeling today? I definitly understand your reservations about posting and talking about the baby, i've been hesitant having 4 losses myself, but i'm all about celebrating every moment and we feel really good about this one. I do hope for the best for both of us! :hugs: and everyone for that matter. Grow babies grow!

Babydeabreu- my LMP was 11/13 and they just changed my EDD to August 20th instead of the 19th. My mom thinks its going to happen way earlier, but we'll see!

drewtilley- I'm less nervous now that we've gotten over a huge milestone for us which was just the baby being in the right place and getting to a heartbeat. I'm also high risk, but the dr says once I get past the first tri this will pretty much be a "normal" pregnancy. What a blessing to hear that, so can't wait to cross that bridge. I'm still holding on and trusting God on this one though. You try not to be stressed though. :hugs:

Mrsb1- boobage is a plus! and i'm extatic you've gotten this far.

tyandemsmummy- heat gets to in the car to, I usually have it on and have to open the window to, its a funky balance.

Magik201- hope you feel better and the baby is doing well.

have a great day my august ladies! Oh, and i'm ok, saw baby yesterday, it has arms and legs, and doing well, exciting.
Hi there everyone!
I havent been on for a while as I have had the busiest week ever! and its still not over yet lol.

I have had a renewed surge in my morning noon and night sickness, but I managed a little dinner tonight so thats something. I had a scan this monday and my little devil wouldnt keep still, and the scan was vlurring due to a fault on the sceen, SO I get to go back in 2 weeks for a repeat YEY!! extra pics lol.

Just a quick message to all other august mummys to be to say hi, hope everyones well, and I better get off now and read back through all the posts to catch up lol

hi girls...
well, when i asked the other day , if anyone else was feeling crampy etc... i was worrying myself that it was something bad happening.... i ended up at the dr on friday and i have a kidney infection...he says no wonder i was feelng rough..... so..PHEW... hopefully everything with my love bundle is ok .. i go o see gynea on wednesday, for ante natal and the fact that they thin i may have prolapsed womb , so am hoping they wil be able to do something for that, whilst not endangering the pregnancy... my gp says its not a problem, but he is not i ama bit concerned bout that...

willkeep you posted..
hope everyone is doing well

hello ladies

im so sorry i havnt been in recently :(

any news or updates form you all?

i got my 12 weeks scan date through its 17th feb il be 12+3 :D :happydance:

so nervous that theres gona be something wrong but if not then yay!

i hate being so scared and i hate being high risk :(

sorry for the moan im done now lol

Hey ladies can I join i'm due 17th aug my nan's bday x:baby:
fantastic to read that so many of the worries have been dispelled :thumbup:

My sickness is nearly gone (and not a moment too soon) and have a teeny bump now, still sleeping loads but got my scan date - 12th feb and my midwife is coming to the house to see me on the 2nd. Can't wait!!!
omg i have a teeny bump too :thumbup:

awww wer so close together via scans im on 17th :)

im still so scared but im also excited :D got names picked now too :thumbup:

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