Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Oh, and Carole, is that ticker right? Only 24 days till you meet baby?! YAYYY!
snip, poor man.Sounds like he is a brave man.
Keep us poster baby on the progress of your baby eviction.

I am totally a worried these days, Joe wont have sex with me. He said its beautiful that I am pg but its a turn off. I am so hurt by that....its been like 2 weeks. Of course he wants treats if ya know what I mean. I haven't in over a week as I think its not fair. I have needs too....I just dont understand what he is thinking....It has been on a downward spirial since I was pg but this is by far the longest we have gone. It's more the thought that counts if that makes sense....
That ticker is right....Hosp called this am, booked my pre-op March 31 at 12:30 for 2 hours and April 4th monday we are to be at hosp at 9am and my section is booked for 11:45 am. Crazy eh but on thursday the 30th, I am starting eviciton as if I have the baby on a thurs or fri we can have the baby party on April 9th and if we have him on the 4th it will be april 16. My ex is such an ass....its not my weekend on the 16 and I doubt the asshole will let me have my boys for the party even with all my family that will be in town. I know. I am selfish but I want all my kids there, I will be heart broken. How could I have been with that dink!!!
Aww I'm sorry Carole. I totally understand what you mean about it being hurtful. It's sweet he thinks it's beautiful that you are prego though. I have heard a TON of men think it's totally weird to be intimate with their child in our bellies. As hard/impossible as it is try not to take it personally. He loves you and thinks you are beautiful. Just wait till the lil guy is out, he'll be all over you again ;)

And it's NOT sellfish to want all your kids there for babies intro day. You're ex is just an asshole and doesn't want to give into anything for you!
Grrrr Carole can we just sick some crazy pigs on the ex and he will gone?? He is such a jerk face!!

Oh my gosh ladies my head hurts so much! I have had this headache for 2 days...I can't get it to go away.
Sandi, have you tried some caffeine? I get horrible caffeine withdrawl/need headaches that last a long time. Just an idea...
I had a bit of tea earlier today but that is about all the caffiene I have in the house. I think my head may explode off my shoulders soon. There is so much I want to be doing but I can barely be on the computer my head hurts and I get nauseated when I stand the famous words of Nicole...I am so over being pregnant.
HEHE...sorry hun :( YOu know I am right there with you....OVER BEING PREGNANT!

I'm the same way with my back....nesting is in full force and I'm motivated to do things, but nothing with cooperate body wise :(
Hello are u all?

I am going to be happy here in a hour, the 1-1 client I have will be going out til 8pm tonite with his old worker so that will be a nice break. He will be going home tues....he isn't a handful but its time comsuming and its my kids weekend. Nothing too wild and crazy going on here. Joe is at his friends planning some of the baby party and arranging for the lamb to be cooked by some african ladies.
I have baby going up and down, last nite he was soo low it hurt to sit and now he is in my ribs.

Lilies and reeds, how r u ladies?
Nicole...u in labour yet?lol labor yet silly. Even though I am only 35 weeks I wish I would go into labor. The front pressure pains I am getting are CRAZY! I don't remember this w/ Lexi. With her I just woke up one morning (further along then I am now) and had the bowling ball pressure. I don't have that yet...but this cramping/pressure on the front is so strong it hurts to stand up, walk, anything! UGHHH! John and I dtd last night (first time in like a month or two) and of course I had super strong BH"s afterwards.

I got the EPO from CVS today but still can't find RLT. And the EPO is that what I am supposed to take? I'm so confused...LOL!
Not sure on the EPO amount and I heard??? that RLT is a waste of time.just what I heard. I tried balck and blue cohosh with two of my pg's and major food store items.
We dtd last nite too....wasn't overly romantic but was nice for some to be touched. I tried to lay for awhile hoping that the sperm would do something....I finally had to go to the bathroom. I did notice on a later trip to the br that when i went to sit back on the bed, it KILLED in my groin. Major pressure. But now as I am typing this, I have a baby bum or feet in my ribs bad. Seems like he is floating up and down. have a floater!! I think they do that at this point right? Go back and forth? Or maybe he's just long already...he down in your pelvis but feet in the ribs. That is how Lexi stayed (despite her midget height status now...LOL).

I'm kinda scared to take any of this crap...but I guess (or hope) it won't do anything bad right? What is cohosh? Never heard of that...does it induce labor??
It does give some good contractions...but mine never went anywhere as I do no dilate. It's a herbal tinture that u drop on your tongue or under your tongue. I am feeling some sharp bone pain in the crotch this afternoon. I want him now but I dont...does that make sense. LOL.....If i went into labour and had the section, I would have to give up my repsite early and thats alot of $$. Plus I have the kids and Joe only has the weekend off work. But I am soo uncomfortable now. I just would be devesated if I had him and had to leave him at the hospital as he is too young or little. I couldnt do that.....

Joe is in town all week and is working in the office this week, and I am done respite on Tuesday mind is going now. LOL
Hey ladies. I have spent the day was great and caused a lot of BH! Carole Gunner is a floater too...up and down depending on what I am doing it seems like. LOL

Nicole I can't find the RTL either so I am just using the EPO...gonna take it orally til next week and then do one orally and one is the vjayjay at night. LOL
What is the mg to take Sandi? The ones I bought are 1000mg. Do I take one or two a day? And when you put it up the you just push the capsule up there and that is it (I've never had to put anything up clueless!).

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