Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Absolutely Sandi!! Baby evictions begin Friday!! To start with I am going to have John blow up my old exercise ball and start bouncing away. I don't think Lucas has droped at all because I have a huge lumpy area under my bbs and the lower half of my stomach is gross!!! But, today I've been having a ton of BH's...some are actually kinda mild period cramps and he's been crazy active...not like normal. So maybe he's getting ready to descend?

Oh, and I wanna do the rasberry tea...but I really actually hate you guys know/think the pill form would suffice? And what about EPO? I am so dumb to all this stuff. Of course, I will be putting out too...OFTEN as I heard that is one of the things that actually works...but I'll try it all...except castor oil...yucko.

Carole: That is just so sad about that woman. Hard enough to lose a baby but at that point you know what you are having...bought stuff...named the baby...OMG I can't imagine what she is going through :(
I have seen ladies say the RTL pills work too. I am thinking I will start it all friday. :) I am just not sure about dosages...guess time to get t googling. LOL
I know Tj is stoked to cause I said he is gonna get booty!! I am starting that one tonight. LOL With the EPO cause I have no RLT.
Let me know what you find out about the RLT and EPO...I have NO CLUE what to do w/ either!
Nicole I started a thread but so far only got 1 reply and she just really told me where to get it. I have EPO from when ttc and I am gonna take 1 tonight...they say you can take it orally or up the vjayjay. I am not desperate enough for the later yet. LOL But its just suppose to help soften the cervix not really start labor. I am gonna start walking this weekend more driving down to check the mail I will walk to it. LOL I hope.
Wow, baby eviction notices have been posted! LOL What is EPO?

So Monday was a bit busy work wise for me, today will be too. Jeff noticed the daschound was walking in pain again yesterday morning after I fed her. I gave her left over fried chicken but took all the skin off. I guess even that was too much for her sensitive stomach. We think she has cholic or something b.c even though she was hunched up in pain she was still interested I eating so this morning she's back at the vets! Poor thing.
Hiya....Off to my weekly Dr apt for urine and BP. I am sure there is a weight gain as I am wearing jeans and they feel somehwhat snug.

Hope your dog gets better lilies.
Let us know how the visit went!

Jeff said when he dropped Hannah off she started convulsing. The vets said they would call after x-rays so we're anxiously awaiting the results.
How old is Hannah?? That sounds scary! Our lab is like our other child...can't imagine! I hope she's ok :)

Good luck Carole...I'm sure you didn't gain a thing. Damn you and Sandi, eating cake and ice cream and not gaining!! LOL!
LOL, I agree with Nicole, it's completely unfair how you girls haven't gained any weight!

Hannah is only 4yrs old so it's a little discouraging for her to have all these problems. We still haven't heard any news.
Okay, Hannah update, they think see ate a small piece of bone. It must have been at my parents b.c I made sure there wasn't anything in there Monday but they feel some.of her pain might be from her back. I'll need to see comparison x-rays myself for that b.c we can't afford another back surgery for her if that's the case.
Tiger I hope your Hannah is ok...let us know.

Carole how was your appt??

Nicole what you up to today??
Oh no :( Poor Hannah...I hope she's ok. Do they do anything about the bone or just let it take it's course?
Poor dog lilies...hope she gets better soon.

AFM...I GAINED 3, but that being said I did wear jeans to my apt so that was prob 2 lbs there. HA!!! I don't even care anymore. I have higher bp but nothing too scary 150/90. Dr said its still ok and no pills.
I am soooo uncomfortable. Baby wont get out of my right rib cage. I pee all nite and cant sleep on my left side anymore? Unsure why but its uncomfy. I am restless sucks. 2 more apts with Dr and section time. YAY....I am thinking of taking some caster oil etc on Thursday march 31....crap til I have enough contractions that they think its real labour and do the section 4 days early. LOL...I hate to bitch but I am sooo sore. Its my rib that is killing me. Would rather be crampy....Thats my rant.

Hope u are looking forward to feeling like poo lilies.
I know how you feel....Lexi stayed in my ribs for many weeks in third tri and it's the WORST!!! I hope this month goes by fast for you!

That bp is high...are they still concerned about the toximia (I think it was called?) or not so much since you are getting sectioned two weeks early anyways?

Sorry you are so uncomfy :(
I forgot to say...3 WHOLE pounds! LOL! And that is pretty much all you have gained huh? Again, I shall say...I'm jealous.

OK, I have a question for you guys. Have you been having cramping? I've been having cramping since Sunday night...doesn't feel like the tightenings of BH's (been having those since 15 weeks or so)....these feel more like period cramps but a bit lighter. Like the feeling when you have to go know? It's driving me nuts. I'm not doing anything to cause it.
I have been crampy this last week on and off. So your not alone.
Believe it or not, I am not swelling in my legs and ankles as bad these days. He is not worried at all about the bp. ANd nothing about Oh well....
And yes...this rib thing sucks.
Well ladies, is everyone sleeping in? Here i am, no apts, no kids, ice cold ice cap in hand. ( craving cold and sweet) waiting to see whats up and no one is online. hmmmm.....guess I am going to go clean the suv out and go shopping.

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