Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Happy 25 weeks Tiger!! YAY! John didn't so much talk to either baby in utero....he made goofy noises at them and said 'hi' to them, but didn't sit there and talk to my belly. Most men I think have a hard time connecting with the baby while we are pregnant. After all they don't feel the movements or the life growing inside of them. Completely natural. Just wait till she comes out and has daddy wrapped around her finger the minute he sees her! How are you doing though?
That's so sweet Tj would sing to Gunner! I think Tj is in the minority though and John and Jeff are the typical guy interact/reaction.

I actually left work early today b.c I had some really painful gas today. I had Chinese food last night and I guess baby doesn't care for it which is a shame b.c I have left overs and it was SO good! I once asked them if they use MSG and she said no but you know how they don't speak very good English so I'm wondering if they really do and if that's the reason b.c I can eat their soup and an egg roll and be fine.
I think you're fine...I haven't been to any chinese places in my adult life that use MSG...I think most places don't use it anymore.
WOW...almsot 26 weeks. Congrats. would love to see a belly pic. Hope all is well, I feel so bad that i am never on here. I pop onto FB every few days but life is crazy busy. I have a new client and am working full time again. Plus with Mr, busy busy.
I have to giggle at you Carole...I believe there was a post teasing me when I first had Gunner about me never being on line and you and Nicole would always be on because you were able to multi task. :) Of course I am just teasing you but we sure do miss you.
I'm sure life is crazy busy for you all with those boys! That's great you got a new cliet Carole! I hope he/she is settling in.

Did all your hubbies have a good father's day? I got Jeff card with daschounds on it, of course! My parents came up and I took them out for dinner, it was nice.

What was not so nice is Jeff and I keep getting into fights, he has this tendency of trying to be funny by being a smartass and I just don't care for it, even less so with these hormones. I know I should just expect it from him but I just don't want to put up with it, it annoys me! So it's something we need to work on.
I know I was bugging u, If it was just Lamine it would be different but with two clients in home, meetings and apts for my guys...ugh, calgon take me away. Think its time to TTC, actually I have been thinking about another. I KNOW...smack some sense into me. Joe and I are looking at hot tubs. We found a great 8 man one, with stereo and lites strobbing around it. Great deal as well.....but only thing is I would have to share it with my clients as it would cause issues if I had one and didnt let them us it. I am a bit of a nut about germs so I dont know if I would be able to

Lilies.....I was so not into loving Joe all the time when i was pg...I was short wicked and grumpy alot. how long are u going to work for?
It would be nice to work up to the week I'm due but my hips bother me on/off now so who knows how I'll feel in September. I definitively don't want to go too soon b.c then it's less time I'll be able to spend with baby after she's here.

I would love a hot tub or a pool but that would weird me out to share with clients too if I had any.

Get this, we live in a wooded lot even though its the city limits and I have my yard fenced in for the dogs. I will let Nick out first b.c if you stand there he just runs around like an idiotic, then I let Hannah out b.c if you don't watch her she'll start eating random stuff. I'm about to let Nick in this morning and Hannah out when I open the door but not the screen door b.c there's Nick with big smile on his.face and a possum laying on the porch! I woke up Jeff and the first thing he's worried about is rabies. Nick is up to date but Hannah is due now but we can't vaccinate her while she's on steroids. So we put Nick in the garage, Jeff gets a shovel to move the possum to the front yard for animal control. The poor thing is still alive! Nick has done this before, caught a groundhog and shook it until the back broke and it died slowly. I couldn't bring myself to hit it with a shovel for fear of making it suffer more and I.certainly couldn't do it now nor would Jeff. So after all that Jeff finally takes Hannah out to discover a baby possum outside that fell out of her pouch! It was smaller then the palm of my hand! I started crying! Ultimately we took the baby to the animal hospital b.c the Wildlife ppl weren't open yet but they called an hour ago and said they would pick up the baby from the vets. Right before I left Jeff said the momma possum was gone! So now Jeff thinks maybe Nick didn't break her back and she was just playing dead. But poor thing had to leave her baby behind. Isn't that horrible! I know it's a dog's nature to hunt but that sucks!
Oh my what a rough start to the day. I hope it got better. I think baby possums are cute but the grown ones are so ugly. LOL Sorry for the hip pain I hope you will be able to work as long as you want. XX
Double digits? What am I double digiting?

Okay, I have another story. So my co-worker who had MC's......So after the first MC she had to have a D&C but they didn't get it all which resulted in an infection and needing a second D&C. Completely sucks, doesn't happen all that often but can happen. Well after her second MC they discovered she had scar tissue that probably contributed to poor implantation so she had to have the scar tissue removed. Let me ask you this, if he same doctor who performed the first D&C and didn't get it all and then performed the second D&C which resulted in scar tissue, would you allow him a third try? HELL NO!!!!!!! She even questioned it herself and I told her no, ask for someone else but she still allowed him to do it!!!!!!! I know how it feels to desperately want a child but maybe this couple shouldn't reproduce.
Oh my heck no would he be near me again!! That's just crazy...

And your in your in double only 92 days left.
LOL, ohhhh! I knew it would end up being something obvious but I couldn't figure it out! I know I'm getting close but it still seems so far away! Thank God I'm in my third tri now!
Pretty damn emotional. I felt like cried most of the weekend, I'm so sensitive to everything! What or how ppl say something to me, seeing a dead kitty in the road, I started balling. Jeff feels bad for me but he just doesn't understand what it's like. On a happier note we actually had sex! First time in two months! I wish I was more into it but my pelvis being out of wack didn't make it very comfortable. Oh well, at least we finally did it! LOL
Oh no. I was that way toward the end...a squirrel ran out on front of us one day on the way to the Dr Tj wouldn't avoid hitting it but I was so upset I cried the rest of the day. Hopefully it will pass and you can get back to you. Yay for dtd!!!, your getting close to 30weeks. Can I see a belly pic? I hope your well and getting ready for babes arrival.
I keep forgetting to post that my GD test was negative! That was nice relief but of course I sill got a lecture about how much weight I gained. So far it's been 26lbs. It's not ideal but I don't think it's THAT bad.
Tiger I just saw your name next to this thread so thought I would look in and wowsersssss check that Bump out!! Its lovely! Please post on the ttcal thread for the girls to see.

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