Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

So you haven't said, have you been feeling alright? Is the little girl going easy on you?

And OMG why haven't I asked...have you felt movement/kicks??!?
ALMOST threw up this morning but it's been a long time since I felt that nauseous. Over the weekend I finally started feeling more than just flutters. In fact, last night when we went to bed Jeff was shaking his leg (sometimes he has restless leg and I do too so I understand) but the shaking of the bed was vibrating right where the baby was resting and it felt like she was kicking back. So I had to make Jeff stop, it felt like it was annoying her which was annoying me! LOL

Other than that I feel fine. I was warned to watch my weight gain and I've been meaning to walk more but haven't. I better get going b.c I have another apt on the 27th and it would be nice not to weigh more than last time but I know already do.
Tiger how exciting for the movement and kicks. I loved that when I was preggo. Made me smile everytime. :)

Nicole I can't do the cry it out. I respect that you can but really I am a snuggle mom and luckily with mine I haven't had any problems with bed...but I love the rocking and snuggling to sleep. I had a great night with Gunner last night we was in bed by 9 and slept til 6 this morning...he woke up and nursed for a hour then we went back to sleep til 10 it was great!! :) Although Gunner does still sleep with me he lays in his bopee or however you spell it. LOL

Carole are you getting settled now that your MIL is gone?
Wow Gunner is quite the sleep huh Sandi?! That is great!!!! Lucas was sleeping good until the past few days now he is fussy and wants to eat all day long. I think maybe it's a growth spurt? I don't remember the ages they say they go through the major growth spurts...isn't 1 month one of them?

I am so excited, just ordered a baby sling! I can't wait to try it out. I want to take Lexi to the splash park and I think using a sling will make that a lot easier to take Lucas as well. It's so hard to hold a bobbleheading baby while chasing a toddler!! LOL! Hopefully it fits and works well!

Happy 1/2 way point Tiger!! WOOO HOOOOO!

How did the post-pardem check up go Sandi?

Carole, how is everything now that MIL has gone home?
Sandi, if rocking to sleep works, go for it, it is so hard not to! I just saw how it didn't work out with my neice so I'm hesitant to start off that way.

Oh a sling! I live the idea of those things. Which brand did you order!

I know, it's crazy, I'm way way through!!!! I'm excited but not looking forward to getting bigger b.c I'm already having difficulties wiping my bum.:blush:
Yeah, same here on the rocking to sleep...I love to do it and still do when he's not feelign well...but on a regular basis I have seen the negative effects of it. If your kiddos get away from the negative effects and can still self soothe then that is great! Mine just aren't that lucky so I have to stop it before it starts. We still cuddle all the time though!

Here is the sling:

I'm so excited to get it. I looked at so many of them, but this one seemed most 'user friendly' and I like the ability to get baby in and out quickly/easily. The other ones seem to have a lot more to them and more you have to do to get them in and out.

OMG too funny about bum wiping!! LOL! It's all totally worth it. It's so sad how fast the time goes once they get here.

Oh, and more name talk??
Oh, and I like the print of this one much better:

But, I figured John would whine about using that one (if he ever wants to use it) and if I like the one I got and use it alot I may order that one as well. And at least plain brown goes with everything.
Love the sling! I know what you mean about some look more complicated. I like how your's is user friendly but then the other one I was checking out seems more versatile so I'm nit sure what I'll go with.

Funny thing about the name, Jeff called her Evelyn two weeks ago and I reminded him that we're waiting and he said what's the point, you'll call her Evelyn anyhow. I'm not sure if he meant that as an acceptance or as he thinks I've made up my mind without considering Rachel or Pheobe. :shrug:
Let me see the one you are checking out!!

I would take that as acceptance. Sometimes people just need time to come around to a name. If he knows and understands how much you love that name, maybe he is letting you 'name this one'....then just tell him he can name the next baby!
6 week check up went well...I decided against get my tubes tied again. We talked about BC and he said that as long as I am nursing it is 93 to 99% as effective BC so thats what I am gonna do. I am stuck at 170. LOL I gained a few lbs back so I would love to lose 15lbs this summer and I will be so happy.

Nicole I love that sling let me know how it works out for you I so need one but haven't got one yet cause I am chicken to buy one I may not like.

Tiger I really like the name sounds like to me Jeff is acccepting it. GIrl take it and name that baby!! ;)
I will let ya know...I've never tried one before. I'm honestly kinda worried I'm going to feel like he will fall out or something. But, I know it kills my arm to walk around with him for a while (I'm so weak!!) and sometimes pushing a double stroller is just not that easy not to mention if I'm trying to take Lexi somewhere to play. I hope it works well! It says it provides 5 holding positions, even on the hip for when he's older. I'm like that about buying stuff I may not like, but I love amazon since they offer 365 day returns on most things and they are really easy to return to.

LOL..I knew you wouldn't get your tubes tied!! You never know TJ could change his mind. After we had Lexi John didn't want more and when she was going to turn one we started talking about it and decided one more. So they do change their minds, I think after they see how wonderful kids are and the immense love that is there :) And girl do NOT be bummed about the weight. You gained nothing and lost it all right away. You've done fantastic!
Oh and just gotta say thank goodness for leftover percocets from childbirth. My back has been hurting sooo badly for the past two days. Sciatica with a vengance I think. I went to get up to feed lucas in the middle of the night and seriously got stuck...I was crying in such pain and when it first hit I almost blacked out!! WTH???
Here's one sling I've been check out. It's a bit more complicated but I like how it goes over both shoulders if you want.

Sandi, I agree, if breast feeding can be a type of BC, why not! You can always get your tubes tied later.
Tiger Happy 20 weeks!! :) Half way there!

Nicole what is up with your back hun?? Do you think its from your epi? Man that suck.

Well I went to WIC today and rented the Madela pump hospital grade so I can start pumping..I am pumping one side while he is on the other to get a small supply built up as a emergency stash. I had them weigh Gunner while we was there and he is now 11lbs. They said that is awesome. He will 6 weeks on friday man time has flown by!

I went to amazon and looked around at some carriers and a nursing cover...found a cver I really like for 9.99! I thought it was a great deal. :)
Not sure, I think the sciatica is acting up? But if that it is it, man it's coming back with a vengance!! I also wondered if it's from the epi (b/c they stuck me like 5 times before getting it in and had a hard time getting it in) but if it was wouldn't it only cause pain along the spine? This is pain all around my lower left quadrant of my back. So...not sure :(

It wouldn't matter to me because I formula feed, but I didn't know WIC rents pumps!! That is really awesome! And I think having a backup stash is great, also means you can take a night off and have a drink now and then (if you want of course). That is great he weighs 11 pounds!! Growing great!

UGhhh...I know what you mean, it makes me sad already to see how fast the time is flying. The end of pregnancy DRAGS on and then once they are here, BAM! before we know it they will be 1!
Sandi, is Tj home now? How long will he be able to be at home?

Carole, did that one client leave yet?

Nicole, how's your sciatica today?
hey ladies! Tj came home tuesday. Its great having him home...he is home hopefully til AT in june and then he is gone for 15 days..

ladies where r u??
Help....I need two of me. Will get on here tomorrow and read. Been busy with kids dental apt, Joe had two days off for the first time in 3 weeks. Cleaned the garage etc....he is going back to work tonite and respite client is coming for the weekend. Will chat tmorrow on all ur posts. Hope ur all great.....
Lilies....congrats on the half way point. WOW....and the client moved out the nite he swung at JOe but had to move his crap and do all the paper work.

I actually have five minutes right eh. I am so looking forward to the dr apt for baby tues. Joe is coming as he is second guessing some of what I do as a mom. He thinks when baby crys for more than a min or so we need to take him to the hospital. I told him its gas but he doesn't think its normal for a baby to be like that. I half assed weighted him at home and he is approx 12 lbs already. LOL...and he is tech only 3 1/2 weeks old as he was early. Thats huge.
He is a horrible sleeper as he needs to eat all the time. I am crossing my fingers that the Dr will say we can do a tsp of rice cereal in his nite moo.
I hope u gals are good and babes are growing. I feel so bad I just cant chat like I used to, with house work, my job, baby and kids I am sooo busy.

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