Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

My hubby just called me and asked why when he opened skype there was a picture of my baby belly as my profile pic.LOL...I was like.,..ummmm me and the girls were showing bumps off yesterday and mine must have be accidently set as my profile pic. OPPSS.
Well ladies it's a bloody cold -35 with the sind chill right now. That's crazy cold so fast. what all u chicka's up to today?
Tiger I can't remember was you on Clomid this cycle?

yeah, I did clomid so hopefully this egg was nice and mature with no chromosomal defects!

You're right Carole, I never did have a problem with my levels rising and Nicole is right too, I'll probably just stress more. It really won't change the outcome of things....

Well, we were suppose to have an inspector come out today for the frame work, but she hasn't showed yet! The contractor had to leave, Jeff had to take an extra long lunch, I left work early and the biotch hasn't shown or returned any of Jeff's phone calls! Not even the cable ppl are that rude!

Carole.....-35 degrees!....good golly! :cold:
I forgot to add, I used CVS's digital brand, when I took it out of the holder thingy, it was without a doubt a line but it wasn't brighter than the control line.
Tiger I haven't ever heard of it was a digi? If so nothing like seeing it in words!! WOOHOO
I see.I don't think there is a CVS close to me. Is dh excited as we are>?? Did you call the dr about seeing you sooner?
Ok Ladies,

Time has come....tomorrow is my gender rescan!!! I am sooo excited, just to see the LO again, and of course hopefully find out for sure what he/she is!!

I've attached my new pics. I actually think I may look smaller in them :( I dunno...from now on John may have to take them, it's getting hard to take my own pic in the mirror (speaking of which, don't mind how dirty it is!). Light pink shirt is now...19 weeks, dark pink is for comparison at 16 wks.

Do you guys have any last minute gender guesses???

Hope you all are doing good this morning :)


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And of course, I am standing in a slightly different position between both pics. The first one is angled more to my front, second more side view. But still...smaller :(
You do look smaller.....have you lost any weight or perhaps didn't gain any while the baby is growing?
I have a feeling it's a girl!

Jeff is happy I can tell but he's such a guy when it comes to showing emotions like that!
I've actually gained like 19 pounds since this pregnancy began :( HUGE I know...and I think like 7 pounds of that has been since the 2nd tri began!

I'm not sure what is going on. The only thing I can also think of is maybe before it was partially bloat? It used to be a lot more squish and lately is getting a lot harder.
Now I'm worried...I hope everything is ok in there! Not like I feel movement to be reasurred or anything.
Don't worry! Harder is good! Besides, you did a side shot, what if the noticible belly growth is on the sides! I think you need to find a frontal view from before and take another now to compare! Don't worry about movement either, that silly placenta is probably in the way again!
I never took frontal shots :( But, you may be right. I was just telling Sandi (when she was worried abut her bump) that from the side I looked smaller, but that I was wider already..and my hips were spreading more than they already were! I guess all my weight is going to my hips! great....
Morning ladies...nicole, You look firmer. Seriously. You can see a few dips in the first pick and it looks firm and hard now. u had a gender scan before? What did they say? I am so not a good guesser....I rarely guess but i would say as a guess another girl??? lol.....

How u feeling Lililes? I am still so smoking happy for u.

Reeds...happy 20 weeks. One week from today u have ur scan...YAY. One week one day and we know ours.

AFM.....I had a crazy nite.....fell asleep quicky at 11pm, then got up a few hours later for a woke up and would not stop kicking and rolling around. It was so active. So it was hard to sleep and I started thinking too much and was wide awake. This morning driving my kids to was kicking or punching me hard...I know if I had my hand there I could have felt it on the outside. Maybe my inhaled asthma steriods are making my baby a huge monster baby.

I have a rant here....there is a chicka on this thread I chat on, she is going through crisis and has before. I have been really supportive and always giving advice on HCG levels as she is having issues with them. She has even had a few threads up asking for others peeps numbers etc ....I have always been supportive, offered prayers and my issue with my levels at the begininng as they were not textbook and I was alwasy comparing them to Sandy's as hers were higher. Anyways....She ignores me. LOL...nevery says thanks and even dropped a thread after I posted on it and started a new one with the same question? Am I being hormonal and bitchy?
AHHHH....that feels better.
Thanks Carole! That is what I was hoping, that it's just firming up. It's got a lot of work to do in that!

I sort of had a gender scan before. At 17 weeks I had a scan to check the placenta location and asked for the gender. The lady tried for a while but couldn't tell for sure (even though the baby's legs were wide open).

So excited your scans are coming up too! And of course, rediculously thrilled for Tiger!

Carole: I've said this before, but so jealous of all the movement your feeling...if you ever need some rest, I'll swap my non movement feeling pregnancy with you. Oh, wait a minute, you still have ms...nevermind! LOL!

I'm not sure why that girl would keep ignoring you?! Maybe because you are giving her hope and she may be one of those that just wants the negative, 'oh poor you' kinda feedback??
Carole that is rude!! I would be offended as well. BOOO to her!

Nicole I agree you are a bit smaller but your bump has more of a D shape and looks firmer than before. I am sure all is well.

Good morning Tiger! Hope your feeling well.

Well ladies things around here have went from bad to worse I tried to talk to Tj last night and it didn't go so well...and he ended up sleeping on the couch and he has already left this morning without even talking to me. I have no idea where he has went. I have a WIC appt today at 1 and then I am thinking I am going to my friend Becky's and hang out and visit with her today. I guess I just can't win. :( And then to top it all off my family changed the time of Thanksgiving and now I won't get to go so I will be alone on the holiday...
Awww Sandi I am very sorry you guys are having a hard time. Were you able to talk at all or did he ignore it or did it start a huge fight? I think for sure that communication is the hardest (and yet most important) part of a marriage...or relationship for that matter.
How come the time change makes you unable to go to Turkey day?

Sounds like a rough day and morning for you...I hope somehow it can get better.
Well..nicole, I would trade with you for a "normal" uterus any day. I feel so much cause my uterus is so out of place. I know that is why I can't have my kids naturally....I go into labour..major back labour as my uterus tips onto my back. I would love to have my kids naturally as long as the V is still in proper condition afterwards..LOL. I have seen 4 births and WOW, things get stretched eh. So it's a trade off....I have felt baby since 11weeks but I have to be cut and in discomfort for weeks. I already warned Joe he will have to push me out of bed to feed baby in the nite as my muscles will be cut and I can't get up without help for the first week. LOL... WIC that great prog they have for coupons in the USA?
We don't have that but we do have child tax goes by how much u make every year. It is a great matter what u make u get $100 a month for each child under 5. I used to get $900 a month til Joe and I got married.Now I only get $400 for all the kids. All my income is tax free as my clients are funded by the goverenment so I am paid by them thru an agency. Canada is great!!!

I started getting PVC which is

Premature ventricular's a skipped heart beat. I had it with Landon, they say it's common with PG. They started slowly a few weeks ago and really picked up the last few days. It isn't dangerous but feels like an adrenaline rush or like someone scared u. LOL...I am a wreck, gagging like heck this am, had toast, got sick. MAn oh man.....but I love my baby so much it's worth it 10 fold.
He pretty much just ignored me...just said whatever and turned up the TV so I went to bed and cried myself to sleep.

The thanksgiving thing is cause my x and I have joint custody of our kids and he has them this week. We had it set up where my family was doing it at 1 at my uncles which is about 45min away from where I live and I had to have them back to him so he could go to his family's by 5. Well now my family has changed their time to 4 so there is really no point in me going. The plan was we was suppose to be there about 11-12 and we would eat about 1 and then we would have time to visit but well that is out the window. I could still go by myself but I am a little mad that they can't just stick to one time and leave it be. I know its probably pregnancy hormones but its crap that they do this every holiday, I didn't get to go to Christmas last year because of it. :(

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