Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Oh and for fun, you should take those intelligender tests when you get a little further along. I did 3 w/ lexi all said girl...two w/ this one both said boy. Sandi did them too, hers said boy as well...we'll have to wait till next week to see if hers was right...but def. something fun :)
Good day ladies...I wish they had those tests in canada. up extra early for mom to try and catch some of the black fri sales for nintendo ds lites. She needs 4 for some grand kids....sold out. Going to be heading to work this am....going shopping for a bday gift for my sons friend. It has to be a special one as they are picking the kids up in a limo, taking them to the most $$ rest in Edm that spins. off the the fancy stores I go today.
Lilies....Every pg and every one is so different. I know God has his hand on your baby, all is good. I am still so happy for u and Jeff.

Reeds are u today? I hope things will get better and u both can work through this last rough patch, baby needs both mom and dad....God bless.

Nicole...u just reminded me about kids touching everything....YIKES, i am going to need some baby gates are we are a three level house and I do not trust my kids to rememeber to shut the door to the basement.

I am getting so excited that I am havign a baby...I know, I am a dork.....been pg for awhile now but it's really sinking in. I look pg and not just fat, plus feeling babes move so much. Life is perfect...just need my man home safe.
Oh yeah...into everything...we only have baby gates up going into the kitchen, but our house is one story so it works. Most annoying this is our door hands are all the lever kind and lexi can get on her tip toes and open every we have to keep the front door locked, etc. FUN times!!

Haha, you aren't a's cute!! I wish I was feeling stuff to feel more pregnant. As I got dressed for turkey day I realized that I really just look fat. I mean I am sure people can tell I am prego (I hope!)...but everything is going wider...and I am getting HUGE...not cool. I've gained WAY too much weight already...I am hungry all the time and have no fluid in my band. I contemplated getting some put in to help me not gain so much, but not sure I wanna even mess with that being prego or just wait till the baby comes and deal with it???

When does Joe come home?? Soon right and your u/s is next week!! I am guessing girl for you!
He gets home tuesday nite....Wed 10am scan. YAY. I have no clue what we are "feeling" at all, never did with my boys either.

I am sure u look amazing Nicole. I would not mess with your band, just try to be careful, cut a few things out that aren't 100% a must have and all will be good. U have to feed your little boy
Nicole so happy your having a boy!! I so hope I join you in team blue on tuesday!!

Tiger I am sure all is fine...remember none of us had symptoms til farther along...and now my ms won't go away. LOL

Carole 4 more sleeps and Joe will be home and you get your scan!

Things are okay here...just doing the existing thing. Baby is super active and my oldest daughter got to feel the baby from outside yesterday she was so excited!
How's everyone doing?

Nothing physically different with me. The guys are finally here to put the siding on (was suppose to have gotten done yesterday, no explanation to why they didn't come then). It is one step closer to getting insulation in though! (the house is so cold in the mornings!) Unfortunately, Jeff's back is still really sore so I'm not any closer to temporarily setting the kitchen sink back up. I offer to finish the job but he said you have to be really strong to hold those PVC pipes together while the glue dries. Personally I'd still like to give it a try!!!!
Lilies....I am hoping that your reno gets done soon, it must be madness living without one.

So ladies...I had a dream last nite as to what team I was's team poultry. LOL...I had a dream that I had a baby turkey. Dr said it was common and if he clipped the wings, drumsticks and I kept breast feeding would turn into a baby. Now that's weird. And no I did not have a drinky poo last nite. Must be all this turkey talk with thanksgiving.

Baby is really keeping me up at nite, I get up to use the bathroom and then it wakes up. Joe will be home on Tuesday nite...very pleased. Kid free this weekend, think I'm going to go to the movies. Beautiful day here....+2 which is a heck of a lot nicer than -35.
Hope u are all well and happy.
HAHA about the dream!!! Craziness!!

Can't wait to see more pics of the reno Tiger!! I bet you can't wait until it's done. It took us 3 days to lay our laminate floors, and it absolutely drove me nuts. I can't stand not having all my crap in it's own place!

Sandi, I know you said existing, have you guys talked anymore? Is he still sleeping on the couch?

Very cool about you two feeling baby so much. I am so very jealous. I have been feeling Lucas the past two days in a row...if it continues I'll be happy. Could just be a fluke, lol! Still so weird to know he's a he and be able to call him by his name. Just hope the next u/s I have he's still a boy...haha! That always is in the back of my head, those people who get told their baby is 'for sure' a girl or boy then they deliver the other!!! Bought some more clothes the other weird to do 'boy' shopping. Can't wait till it all gets here...may have to take a pic to share all my excitement w/ you guys!

So excited for you two to get your scans this week!!! Let the countdowns begin! And Tiger, your first appt is Monday right?! YAY!
Can't wait for pics....I know it must be weird knowing you have a baby boy already.
I am sure u will start feeling babes regularly now as it is about 10.5 inches long now. Congrats on all the movement the last few days.
Yes, very weird! And exciting :)

So nice to feel more constant movement (if it continues like this). Can't wait for John to feel him, Joe should be able to feel yours when he gets home I bet!! John tried to feel him last night, but couldn't then he gave up and we were talking and I put the remote on my belly (was lying down) and it jumped. So cool!
Hey ladies! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!! I got the kids a new puppy...incase you havent seen him on FB I will upload a pic

Ohhhh, how cute Reeds!!!! I LOOOOVE animals! If I had a bigger house and a professional dog washer, I'd have a dozen dogs!

Yay for more baby movement from baby Lucus! (hehe) That is a bit weird but I love it! I know there's been plenty of wrong sex guesses but I hope not! Maybe you should keep your receipts for your gender specific stuff just in case. :winkwink:

Carole, I hope you're having a nice and relaxing weekend. This must be the toughest when the time for Joe to get home is so close! Regardless of baby be a night owl, I'll bet you'll sleep great Tuesday night!
Yeah, and we'll get a 4d u/s around 28 weeks...they will be able to tell for sure then!

How are you feeling hun? Appt soon!!!
Hey ladies...I think Tj and I maybe on the mend. He actually called me tonight from work...and asked if he could come home tonight so we can talk and he told me he loved me before he hung up!!! wooohoo. I have missed him. I just hope its not bad....FX and a prayer.
FX for u reeds...nice fur baby.

AFM....going out with my cheater friend for wings tonite. Joe isn't too happy as its a sat nite, but he trusts me...just not her. A friend of hers was mad at her the other day and ratted her out to her hubby about her cardio workouts with these other guys. He was not impressed but decided to give her another chance for the fourth time...LOL. Oh the drama.
LOL. Your in for a interesting night!! SHould be good for listening. ;) Is she going to try to stay faithful this time?

ALmost time for Joe to be home!! I bet your getting excited.
Hello ladies....she is going to try but she thinks she was cursed by his mother whom passed away....a greek curse to be unfaithful. LOL...funny eh are things on the home front? is the shopping going for your little man? I am so excited to see what we are having, Joe said he had a feeling it was a girl. Time will tell. are u? So when is your Dr apt? Hope u are feeling well and your reno isnt driving u nuts.

AFM....I am good, chilling out and getting ready to pick up my kids from their dad tonite. I went for lunch at this resturant with a client on fri and had this spinach salad...I AM ADDICTED NOW. It has a tangerine dressing, candies pecans on it...yum. I am ordering a 1/2 order for supper tonite. I had a dream about cake last nite....Costoc cake. If it was sold by the piece I so would have battled the lines for a chunk today.
Joe will be home tuesday excited. And wed is the big day, off to the usa on so so excited.
Hey Carole..Tj and I had a great talk. He is home and we will be working it all out! :)

I have been fretting about movement today and have a call into my dr. I haven't felt any movement at all today...have tried all the tricks. Cold water and laying on my left side. I am now eating pudding with fruit in it for the sugar. Hope it gets him movning soon
I saw that on your post...all is ok. My baby has been really quiet today as well. The odd little knock here and there but nothing like it has been. Granted I have been lazy as heck today and not moving much from the couch. Catching up on all the movies I wanted to see before joe comes home. Watched An education...very good movie.
So that's why baby is not moving for me...or its going through a growth spurt.

SO SO happy about u and TJ, love/marriage is a rollercoaster and there are always ups and downs. If we never had a low we would never truly appreciate the ups.
Awww so glad you guys are working it out hun! I wouldn't worry too much about a slow day movement wise...I mean we are all pretty early still...not like being 28 weeks and suddenly not feeling anything. The last two days I have felt movement and nothing today...go figure.

Carole...I already put my vote in a few posts ago that you are having a girl. Hope Joe and I are right!! :) It's gonna be a great week for you!! So many good things happening! Shopping is good...I have picked out everything, just waiting on $$ to buy more! LOL!

If I remember correctly Tigers first appt is tomorrow!! YAY!

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