Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Looks like your little one like her gifts. I love the way her mouth stays open when she's like a doll.

We are not doing the 3-4d scans. We were going to but then I showed Joe some online and he was shocked at how clear they were. He wants babies appearance to be a surprise as we are mixed and we already know he is a boy. I may asked for a scan in jan just to confirm he is a boy.....I have never found out before and Iam scared they can be wrong and I will have to sell all his Oh well.....will just have to go shopping again.

Joe will be home in about 1/2 hr so I am happy. He is now off til Dec 27. YAY. I hear ya on the holidays being done. I love them but love them being over too. I am more excited this time as we are taking the tree downand putting together all the baby things.
I have run to the bus depot and grab my moms parcel of gifts she mailed us, bus hers off to them. Go to the store to grab last minute veggies as I did all my shopping and did not want them to go bad. We are doing a non traditional meal as I hate turkey and so does Joe. The kids will have it with their dad.
I am making....crab/cream cheese wontons, shrimp wontons, crab buns, pampered chef veggie pizza, sausage, meat cheese crackers, lamb african style(yuk to all lamb), homemade sausage rolls, ham and buns and all the baking I did. I think thats it. I am doing it all homemade this year as I am tired of buying yukky appys.

Are u both doing a turkey? Did u already do your nicole?
Hello beautiful ladies. I have been thinking of you all today...and hope your day was full of joy and family. Merry Christmas to you.
Merry Christmas everyone! There's snow on the ground here today so it seams more like Christmas today!

We spent Christmas Eve with Jeff's mom then to my parents for Christmas day. It was a bit of a bust for us, it just didn't really seem like Christmas. It was so obvious that my sister and BIL didn't care what I got them and my 4yr old niece was being down right cranky. My parents were appreciative of what I got them so that was nice.

Today I actually had to go to the fertility clinic, CD3 so I had to get blood work, a baseline US of my ovaries and started my 100mg of clomid. They're going to watch the eggs mature then when the time is right I'll get a shot of Ovidrel to force O. I seem to have a problem with that too b.c we did everything right this past cycle and didn't end up PG, but hopefully this is what needs to be done and I pray it will be the last time we have to do this.

Hope everyone is resting, feeling good, staying healthy, and that the babies are well!
Love, D~
Hey there Tiger so good to hear from you. And you had a nice Christmas. Some people are so hard to please...

ANd your on the start to your BFP and a healthy bean. What a great way to start the new year!! :)
YAY for hopefully being on your way to a LO Tiger!! I can't wait to hear your progress. Sounds like you got into the fertility clinic pretty quickly! At least some things should be covered for the rest of the year right? :)

Sounds like everyone had a good Christmas. I'm kinda glad it's all over. Ready for the next holidays and then to have this baby! I got HUGE all the sudden. Wait till you guys see the next pic I post. It's rediculous. Needless to say on Wed. hubby is taking me to look at ellipticals since I want to start using one. I am so sad about the weight gain, and really want to be healthy, for the rest of the pregnancy and for life.
Hey Nicole don't feel bad about the weight gain...I have gained lately too. I feel huge and uncomfortable. I can't wait to see your next bump pic I bet you look great! :) We are 6 months now so its time we all have lovely bellies to show for it.
Thanks Sandi :) Just so hard after working forever to get it off and having major surgery and now to see it pile on so quickly. I've gained so far what I hoped to gain the whole pregnancy, and still have a ways to go. I guess I should suck it up and take solice in it all since this is our last baby....and just enjoy it regardless of the scale ;)
Yeah sweetie don't try to worry too much it is all for a good reason and after we all have our babies we can encourage each other to get the weight off.

I feel horrible today. My head is killing me and oh my gosh do my joints hurt. I am so ready for this virus to go away. And then I found a thread on here where a woman was asking about the parvovirus and people were telling her not to worry she is far enough along it wouldn't hurt the baby if she did have it. It made me aggrevated and when I told her my story people were counterdicting me...and going off just what they read! Why would my dr be so concerned if it was no big deal. Geez if they really don't know they really shouldn't add their 2 cents. UGH
Sorry you're still feeling yucky Sandi. I know there's a lot of women who like to put their two cents in yet they had no experience with the situation themselves. Esp this biotch from California who's a real not-it-all (about 2 or 3wks behind in her PG) that I ran I into in other threads before, so annoying. So yeah, I completely know what you mean.
Aww...hope you get to feeling somewhat better soon Sandi....I feel bad, your pregnancy has been so rough.

I totally know what you guys mean about the people who know it all on the threads. I also hate how everyone chimes in to tell people everything they are worried about is normal, when sometimes it's things that need to be checked out! I hate they all feel the need to ass kiss. Then when real experiences or opinions come into play it starts a debate and gets locked. What happened to just being real? And I am tired of seeing one particular member constantly put everyone down for wondering about movement (telling people they need to just wait and she didn't feel movemetn then either, yada yada yada) and yet she posts a movement question once a week herself and a 'is my bump to small' post at least once a week. Get over yourself!! LOL!
Also, Tiger, I think I may know who you are talking about from CA.....
I don't remember her username and I haven't been on the 1st tri threads forever and definitely not the 2nd tri threads so her avatar is probably different but it use to be her sitting in a chair outside with foliage in the background. Always annoyed me to see her chime in on a thread I was chatting on.
good morning ladies. I am so glad you understand about the know it alls. Dirves me crazy...and I am already that way. LOL I think I know who you are talking about as well and I at one point even blocked her so I didn't have to see her comments. I also had this girl follow me from thread to thread...and I get that she was just trying to make friends but she would pick fights with me!! And counterdict anything I said and she has never been pregnant before!! Oh well...

How is everyone today?? It is me or does this not feel like a Monday?
Now I don't know who you guys are talking about :( The nosy person in me wants to know!!! LOL!
LMAO!! Sandi, that is the one I thought of when Tiger was describing the person, I didn't know she was your 'know it all stalker' too!! She gets to me all the time with her posts/replies. It's so hard when people have never been pregnant, and know EVERYTHING about pregnancy AND child rearing like she does!
I know isn't it crazy how full of "knowledge" she is and has no children...most of the time she just sounds like a idiot. There is another girl on here that irks me to no end. Everything she says just sounds stupid...just now on another girls journal that she followed me too from my journal my friend is worried about having a mc she is newly pregnant and she actually said...alll the worry of stress in pregnancy is just getting us prepared for motherhood. I was like are you kidding me!!???But kept my mouth shut.
Oh wow! Nice of her to say that crap! People amuse me to no end! LOL!
Yeah I am just trying to learn to laugh at not with them cause they actually think they are so smart!! HAHAHA
Morning ladies....what a great way to wake up and laugh reading all you girls with the hormones raging. LOL....I love it as I am a bag of them as well. So do share this lovely womans ID with me via message. I have been up and down with my emotions these minute happy as can be the next I am over anaylsing every thing a person says to me. I feel neglected from hubby....and shut down. I have had raging hormones this whole pg and only ever get lovin like twice a week. He knows that I am frisky but I think the baby belly is odd for him??? I dont know maybe I am making that up. I know it's crazy..... nice to hear from u, great news on starting the clinic. I am saying a prayer for u. Sounds like they aren't wasting a ton of time and are proactive. YAY.

Nicole...I hear ya on the feeling large. I look at pics of me and think holy cow....even on fb there are smaller pics of me, I have gained so much but can't blame it on baby as it was about 6mths prior to him. lol...bloody heck eh

So reeds....u need to accidently break tha gaming unit..LOL...naa....then he would spend even more $$$ a buy a new one.

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