Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Yay for clomid! You will be fine. No extra babies and if'll deal with it and love them all, believe me. It'll all go great. Maybe you'll catch it this time?! I'll keep my fx'd!
:thumbup: for both of you. That is a beautiful ultra sound picture imsotired.

Rachel, I'm excited for you to start another round of clomid, now that your body finally released the egg that it had been holding, maybe yall can catch the next one by being ready for it at any moment. Good luck! Can't wait to start that process. I rang my Obgyn today and they said they haven't gotten the blood results yet from my regular doctor... I am doing all that I can not to ring them multiple times a day and drive both doctors mad. Forcing myself to wait a day or two to call again and check.
:thumbup: for both of you. That is a beautiful ultra sound picture imsotired.

Rachel, I'm excited for you to start another round of clomid, now that your body finally released the egg that it had been holding, maybe yall can catch the next one by being ready for it at any moment. Good luck! Can't wait to start that process. I rang my Obgyn today and they said they haven't gotten the blood results yet from my regular doctor... I am doing all that I can not to ring them multiple times a day and drive both doctors mad. Forcing myself to wait a day or two to call again and check.

Oh boy I don't blame you! I'd be on the cell phone with one and the land line with the other:dohh:. making sure those results are in the fax pile...hahaha. I would just maybe call and stress that they go in today because you haven't had a cycle in 160 some days. Otherwise it might be a few days. I bet you can't wait to get started though! I'm sure it'll all go great from now on and you'll catch that egg within the next few months! So excited for you!
I don't blame you either lovetoteach! You know it is right within your reach but not quite there yet. I would be persistant as imsotired said those places will take their time if you aren't. I am so excited for you! Did your dr. decide if he is going put you on clomid straight after the provera or does he want to see how things go after inducing AF?
I don't blame you either lovetoteach! You know it is right within your reach but not quite there yet. I would be persistant as imsotired said those places will take their time if you aren't. I am so excited for you! Did your dr. decide if he is going put you on clomid straight after the provera or does he want to see how things go after inducing AF?

He wants me to come back in again to discuss clomid or metformin or both at the same time. I am pretty sure I just want to start clomid as I understand everything about it and the risks already and have researched it. He said he usually likes to have both husband and wife come in to discuss clomid and the timing of sex and all that good stuff, but we haven't told his family about trying to concieve asap, and his boss is his aunt and uncle and if they find out everyone will know. So, I told my doctor that I already explained it all and my husband understands the possible side effects and risks of multiples and wants to to what is best for me, but also what brings him a child asap.

On a side note, I have lost 4 pounds this week by eating lots of fruits, veggies, nuts, and only small portions of the normal dinners that my husband likes to eat.

Another side note to imsotired, your baby is the size of a peach today! Wow, he/she is getting bigger fast! :) :)
That is great news about the weight loss-that is a lot of weight to loose that quick and it sounds like you are doing it in a healthy way.

Well hopefully once you get the provera and AF shows you can just jump right into the clomid. It sounds like your dr. is more thorough about it than mine. Mine just put me on it and really didn't discuss much with me, I almost feel like she just assumed I knew what it was!
I don't blame you either lovetoteach! You know it is right within your reach but not quite there yet. I would be persistant as imsotired said those places will take their time if you aren't. I am so excited for you! Did your dr. decide if he is going put you on clomid straight after the provera or does he want to see how things go after inducing AF?

He wants me to come back in again to discuss clomid or metformin or both at the same time. I am pretty sure I just want to start clomid as I understand everything about it and the risks already and have researched it. He said he usually likes to have both husband and wife come in to discuss clomid and the timing of sex and all that good stuff, but we haven't told his family about trying to concieve asap, and his boss is his aunt and uncle and if they find out everyone will know. So, I told my doctor that I already explained it all and my husband understands the possible side effects and risks of multiples and wants to to what is best for me, but also what brings him a child asap.

On a side note, I have lost 4 pounds this week by eating lots of fruits, veggies, nuts, and only small portions of the normal dinners that my husband likes to eat.

Another side note to imsotired, your baby is the size of a peach today! Wow, he/she is getting bigger fast! :) :)

Yep a peach today!:happydance: I can't wait to start feeling baby moving.

Great job on the quick weight loss. And I hope the doctor gets you taken care of in a hurry! I know you will get that baby soon!
Just got to thinking how long I have to wait for my next ultrasound. I AM SO TIRED OF WAITING! I don't want to wait 8 weeks to find out if baby is a boy or girl and to see baby again! So frustrating.

I hope you girls are doing well. Lovetoteach did you start the provera or get in touch with the doctor?

Rachel did you start the clomid? How is it going so far?
That is a long time to have to wait-I would be feeling impatient if I were you so I don't blame you! It will be so exciting to find out what you are having :)

I will be taking my 3rd dose of clomid tonight. So far the s/e havent been really noticable but last time I noticed they kicked in after a few doses so I am not going to get too excited yet!

Had an annoying morning today-I cut myself with a really dirty and rusty box cutter on my thumb somewhat deep, it bled a lot. :dohh: And I realized I am not up to date on my tetanus so I had to go to a walk in and get the tdap vaccine, but the dr. said if I am TTC I should be getting that anyway just to be safe. So I guess it worked out that I should have been getting it anyway!
Uck. Sorry about the cut. It's good you went for the shot. I didn't have to get any shots? A lot of bloodwork though:dohh:. I've had more needles in me in the last 3 months than I have in my life I think! Thats probably an exaggeration but it's been a lot, lol.

It's great that you haven't had any side effects! I don't see a temp rise on your chart yet either which just solidifies to me that you O'd on your own. That's what I think anyway.

I'm cleaning my house today but at a snails pace. I haven't been sleeping well again the past 3 nights. It seems I wake up around the same times too...always around 230am and then again at 530-630 with non quality sleep inbetween and sometimes I can't go back to sleep afterward:wacko: So annoying.
Also my belly just feels a bit weird like more stretching and occasional movement. I'm not sure that it is baby moving because I think it's too early for that but I wouldn't be surprised because baby didn't stay still on my ultrasounds.
I just have no ambition lately. But I'm hoping that since I'm feeling better lately I can get to work around here. Just so much to worry and be nervous about.
Anyway I'm hoping I can somehow get a scan in between 8 weeks is MUCH too long.
I hate when I have trouble sleeping, it is the worst! I think you only need the vaccines if you haven't had them in the past ten years. Also if you haven't don't worry they aren't 100% necessary just a precaution. I would just avoid rusty dirty things :haha: The TDAP vaccine also vaccinates againts whooping cough and my dr. said it is good if I plan to be a mother to get that vaccine because if I catch it I could pass it on.

I think that is so cool that your baby is so active during the ultrasounds-that would be so fun to see! When are you supposed to start feeling the baby move?
I hate when I have trouble sleeping, it is the worst! I think you only need the vaccines if you haven't had them in the past ten years. Also if you haven't don't worry they aren't 100% necessary just a precaution. I would just avoid rusty dirty things :haha: The TDAP vaccine also vaccinates againts whooping cough and my dr. said it is good if I plan to be a mother to get that vaccine because if I catch it I could pass it on.

I think that is so cool that your baby is so active during the ultrasounds-that would be so fun to see! When are you supposed to start feeling the baby move?

I think people say the norm is like 15- 20 weeks. But I have heard of people feeling it a little earlier. Idon't know if thats what I felt but I feel something unusual.
Yup, that is why the doctor made me get the shot too. He said I was due for one in the next few months and it was a good idea to get one before I got pregnant. I think that is a precaution though, and probably doesn't happen too often. I guess I would rather have it then not, but I wish I could have avoided the bad reaction I had to the shot.

I called my doctor just now and the nurse said my results came back in today but she didn't know what my doctor wanted to do about phoning in the provera. I guess I have to wait until monday, ugh it sucks that doctors are so busy they don't even realise that timing is everything for some people those few days could be just a few days closer to having a child. I know they can't juggle all their patients and be on top of every single thing, but I would have loved to be able to start provera today.
awwww that sucks that you have to wait but good to know they at least have your results. I would just be demanding on Monday and tell them you won't wait any longer.

I havent noticed a reaction yet to the vaccine so far but my arm is sore. I hate getting shots and I am glad I got it out of the way at least!
Aww hope you get the provera monday lovetoteach. I know the waiting is probably annoying you especially now.

I don't really remember the last time I had a tetanus shot. I wanna say I was 13 or I'm probably due because It's every 10 years unless you cut yourself. I've never had a reaction either except for a sore knot in my arm for a week. Some people do get a bit ill from it though. My doctor never said I needed it so I'm assuming it's all ok.

I slept better last night... yay! But I woke up, strtched and pulled a muscle in my abdomen? I don't know but it gave me a shock and I didn't like it. Maybe it's just because I'm starting to show and baby is now out from the pelvic bone? I don't know, just hope baby is ok in there. I hate that I have to wait so long to see him or her again.

Anyway hope you're all having a nice day!
Hi ladies im feel great i have been doing this workout to take my mind of things today makes me 13 days late no syptoms ...i decided im wait a year and if nothen happens then i will go to the doctor .. im take a test in july if still no period ... how yall doin ladies wat latest status?
imsotired-its funny you said you got a sore knot in your arm for a week because my arm is really sore and I have a knot-I was concerned whether or not it was normal but I guess it is!

Nothing big to speak of here, I will be taking my last dose of clomid tomorrow night and then the wait begins. I am scared it won't work but am hoping for the best. I go in on Friday which is CD14 for a scan.
imsotired-its funny you said you got a sore knot in your arm for a week because my arm is really sore and I have a knot-I was concerned whether or not it was normal but I guess it is!

Nothing big to speak of here, I will be taking my last dose of clomid tomorrow night and then the wait begins. I am scared it won't work but am hoping for the best. I go in on Friday which is CD14 for a scan.

You have to keep going in for a scan every cycle you are on clomid? Does your insurance pay for the scans? I am starting to get a little nervous about the cost of all the appointments and scans. I have insurance, but it wont cover fertility drugs, so I am worried about what they will say about all the scans... I was hoping I could be magic and have one more appointment to talk about the clomid and then bam magically get pregnant the first time. It sounds like I will still have to do at least two more appointments no matter how lucky I am if they have to scan you on cd 14 while taking clomid. I know I will have a billion appointments while pregnant, but then there will be a reason and a pretty darn good one that the insurance can't deny. I have like $360 something budgeted for obgyn expenses in the next month, lets just hope it doesn't go over that. I should probably be preparing myself to go several cycles on clomid before expecting anything, but I can't help but let myself think that it is possible on the first cycle. I think I am hoping for too much, but I am trying to think positive since DH seems to think it might not happen ever, or at least not in the near future.
lovetoteach-You have every reason to be positive the first cycle, a lot of people do have success on clomid the first cycle. From what I read statistic wise if you are going to have sucess with it, it will most likely happen within 4 cycles. I read 80% of women will O on clomid at some point (may have to find the right dosage) and 50% will get pregnant within 6 cycles with majority being the first 4 cycles. I didn't really like the 50% number but you have to remember there are probably many other women lumped in there that have far more issues than you or I have.

As for the scans it depends on the office, some want you to do this while others don't. It is a good idea to get the scan and be monitored to make sure you don't over stimulate. For example if my dr. saw multiple mature follicles I may not want to BD if I don't want to risk having 3+ babies at once :wacko: I haven't called my insurance company yet to confirm but I am thinking mine doesn't cover fertility treatments either because clomid was not accepted so I didn't even get a discount on it. I am on a high deductible plan so my out of pocket cost for a scan appt is $240 and the clomid for 50 mg was $29 but this month it was double because I am on 100 mg.
lovetoteach-You have every reason to be positive the first cycle, a lot of people do have success on clomid the first cycle. From what I read statistic wise if you are going to have sucess with it, it will most likely happen within 4 cycles. I read 80% of women will O on clomid at some point (may have to find the right dosage) and 50% will get pregnant within 6 cycles with majority being the first 4 cycles. I didn't really like the 50% number but you have to remember there are probably many other women lumped in there that have far more issues than you or I have.

As for the scans it depends on the office, some want you to do this while others don't. It is a good idea to get the scan and be monitored to make sure you don't over stimulate. For example if my dr. saw multiple mature follicles I may not want to BD if I don't want to risk having 3+ babies at once :wacko: I haven't called my insurance company yet to confirm but I am thinking mine doesn't cover fertility treatments either because clomid was not accepted so I didn't even get a discount on it. I am on a high deductible plan so my out of pocket cost for a scan appt is $240 and the clomid for 50 mg was $29 but this month it was double because I am on 100 mg.

Yeah... of all the crazy thoughts... 3 babies. That sure would suck if my sleepy ovaries woke up and starting popping out tons of eggs at once, but I just like to tell myself that it's like a 10% chance of multiples, or so I read. On the plus side, if it's two at once then it's two at once and I won't have to go through the birth process twice as I only plan on having two children. We shall see, I am just excited and nervous and ready for some progress already. I am excited for all of us, imsotired has a little peach sized baby in her belly :), you are taking clomid, now it's my turn to catch up!

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