Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

lovetoteach-I don't want you to feel like 50mg doesnt work for a lot of people because it does. I have seen plenty of people o on 50 mg BUT just don't get discouraged if it doesn't (hard not to) because some people may just need more, everyone's body is different. If the 100 mg doesnt work for me I don't think I will continue with clomid though. I have heard some people that don't have luck with clomid try fermara and it works great for them. So if 100 mg doesn't work for me I would probably go see a fertility specialist and go from there. The only downfall is it will cost a lot of money!

imsotired- :hugs: go ahead and rant we are here to listen :) At least your insurance company reimburses you, I just have to spend insane amounts of money out of pocket. How do you get reimbursed? My insurance doesn't even cover clomid which is insane to me. I really hate our insurance it is really bad. I don't quite understand what we are paying for to be honest.
lovetoteach-I don't want you to feel like 50mg doesnt work for a lot of people because it does. I have seen plenty of people o on 50 mg BUT just don't get discouraged if it doesn't (hard not to) because some people may just need more, everyone's body is different. If the 100 mg doesnt work for me I don't think I will continue with clomid though. I have heard some people that don't have luck with clomid try fermara and it works great for them. So if 100 mg doesn't work for me I would probably go see a fertility specialist and go from there. The only downfall is it will cost a lot of money!

imsotired- :hugs: go ahead and rant we are here to listen :) At least your insurance company reimburses you, I just have to spend insane amounts of money out of pocket. How do you get reimbursed? My insurance doesn't even cover clomid which is insane to me. I really hate our insurance it is really bad. I don't quite understand what we are paying for to be honest.

Well you know how the insurance always sends you and EOB (explanation of benefits) before the medical bill comes? It tells you how much the provider will charge you if you haven't paid already at the time of service. Well through hubby's work (who has the insurance) the have TASC forms from the insurance company and you fax or email the tasc form filled out with the EOB and they send you a check in about 2 weeks time. Unfortunatly they don't pay you in time for the bills usually. And they still owe me $330 but I don't know if they will be sending it or not because I'm not sure if the fax went through and it's so difficult to get in touch with the insurance company as no one ever knows what's going on there. It's a secret insurance companies have I think....Because technically they are supposed to pay for everything but they give you these ridiculourly high deductables and you pay the company for years and almost never use the insurance. They are sneeky! Look into your insurance and see if they have a TASC form or reimbursement form in your packet or at the job that has your insurance (if it's through a job or if you just buy it yourselves). If so make copies and use it to get money back. To be honest it is pretty confusing and I still don't get why they don't just pay for everything like they say they're going to:shrug:.
hmmm that is interesting. My insurance is through DH's work I will def have him look into this-thanks for the info!
Hi may i join you?
I was on microgynon for 4 years then yasmin and then cilest. So took bcp for 5.5 yrs solid.
Ttc our first and i was relieved when af showed cd33. I was relieved as i thought swapping and changing the pill would wreak havok with me.
How long did anyones cycle take to calm down and how long did a bfp take??

Thanks guys xxx
Hi may i join you?
I was on microgynon for 4 years then yasmin and then cilest. So took bcp for 5.5 yrs solid.
Ttc our first and i was relieved when af showed cd33. I was relieved as i thought swapping and changing the pill would wreak havok with me.
How long did anyones cycle take to calm down and how long did a bfp take??

Thanks guys xxx

Everyone is different but it took me 9 months to get my cycles normalized. I hope it takes you much less time!
Hi may i join you?
I was on microgynon for 4 years then yasmin and then cilest. So took bcp for 5.5 yrs solid.
Ttc our first and i was relieved when af showed cd33. I was relieved as i thought swapping and changing the pill would wreak havok with me.
How long did anyones cycle take to calm down and how long did a bfp take??

Thanks guys xxx

Everyone is different but it took me 9 months to get my cycles normalized. I hope it takes you much less time!

Me too! I remember in may 2009 i decided to give myself a break from the pill and bled for a month. we were in the process of moving house so i guess it was stress......
Doctor gave me pills to stop my bleeding.
Af seems to be behaving right now. heavy and painful sunday, monday and today no pains a bit lighter. I hope she doesnt hang around too long though and no repeats of may 2009
Hey girls! I am FINALLY 12 weeks! My mc risk is down pretty low now and I have a scan in 6 days! I'm hoping as I begin the 2nd tri I can relax. Can't wait to buy my belly bands and the nursery furniture. DH is planning on painting the baby's room soon. We are both so excited!

How are you girls doing???
Yayyy for 12 weeks! :wohoo:

I am doing ok. My temp finally did something different today, it dropped a decent amount. And also when I first wiped this morning after going to the bathroom I had very slightly tinged brown cm (almost not noticable unless looking for it) and then nothing after that. Then an hour later I found a tiny spec of red blood in my cm but again nothing since then. I have no clue what is happening with my body :wacko:
Yayyy for 12 weeks! :wohoo:

I am doing ok. My temp finally did something different today, it dropped a decent amount. And also when I first wiped this morning after going to the bathroom I had very slightly tinged brown cm (almost not noticable unless looking for it) and then nothing after that. Then an hour later I found a tiny spec of red blood in my cm but again nothing since then. I have no clue what is happening with my body :wacko:

I looked at your chart and it seems to be about 12 days since your temp rose.As I recall that's about as long as your lp usually is. I think that maybe your body was confused having not been able to O the cycle before because of the provera and then the introduction to the clomid perhaps convinced your body that you O'd? Even though you haden't.

I'm sure starting an AF without provera is a good thing! Hope that it is af beginning on its own. Now if they can just get that clomid to do it's thing it'd be great! I think you're half way there! Maybe if they up your clomid you'll O and get your nice short cycles.

I think you're on your way and I think you'll have that bfp before you know it! Let us know when you go to the doctor and what they decide to do. I've got my fx'd for you.
Yes you are right my LP is typically 12-13 days. I wonder if that is possible that my body was confused and thought I o'ed somehow. I have been taking a lot of new meds including the provera and clomid so maybe it did throw things off somehow. I guess getting AF on my own wouldnt be a bad thing then I could just move on quicker to the next cycle. I am just unsure though if I did somehow O early or if my body thought I did if I should be upping my clomid dose? I just don't want to be too aggressive. If AF does show I will have to call my dr. and see what her thoughts are. If AF isn't on her way then I will still be wondering what is happening. My body always keeps me guessing!
Yes you are right my LP is typically 12-13 days. I wonder if that is possible that my body was confused and thought I o'ed somehow. I have been taking a lot of new meds including the provera and clomid so maybe it did throw things off somehow. I guess getting AF on my own wouldnt be a bad thing then I could just move on quicker to the next cycle. I am just unsure though if I did somehow O early or if my body thought I did if I should be upping my clomid dose? I just don't want to be too aggressive. If AF does show I will have to call my dr. and see what her thoughts are. If AF isn't on her way then I will still be wondering what is happening. My body always keeps me guessing!

I remembered that your lp is usually that long because so is mine! lol. Yes I suppose there is a chance that you O'd really early and the egg had already been released by the time that they scanned you. I'm wondering if that's possible? I think you need to have that heart to heart with your doctor and ask those questions as well.Maybe write down a whole list of things you want to tell and ask her. I know it will be hard to sit and talk with the doctor and it'll probably get emotional. I know I got emotional when discussing ttc with my ob/gyn. But I think it would give you a better chance of conceiving if you sat down and had it all out on the table. Especially at this point that you have started taking medications. I do think that your body is doing something whether you O'd or not and that's a great step in the right direction. I think it's time to be optomistic! I'm definately routing for you and I just know it is going to happen for you soon! You ARE going to have a 2013 baby!
So I had my doctors appointment today, he did a lot of different blood tests to see what the issue with my liver could be, but he said most likely it's just fatty liver, which could be reversed by losing weight and eating a low fat low carb diet. He also says that the level of elevation isn't very significant, so once he gets the results back to be sure it's just fatty liver and not anything more serious he is going to give my obgyn a green light on the medications, as long as we moniter my liver enzyme levels along the way. So I guess I have no choice now but to excersise for my future child! I guess that is a better motivation then anything, I really don't need to lose too much, but I guess even 10-15 pounds of fat makes a big difference in the way my body functions. Still have to wait 2-3 days for those results, and then the imaging place is suppose to set up an appointment with me to do an ultra sound of my liver, after that then I should be able to finally start provera. I had brown spotting two days ago for the first time since my period in December, my body is trying so hard to be normal, but I need a little "kick" to jump start it all. I should be past the hoping I will magically get pregnant while waiting to start this whole medication process, but I can't help but hope I will magically ovulate of nowhere... I think I am dillusional, but one can dream!
lovetoteach-That sounds like good news! I hope everything is just fine like the dr. thinks it will be and you will be cleared to start provera soon! :happydance:
lovetoteach- It sounds good! Maybe your body, even though you aren't very overweight, is just past it's limit and perhaps that is why you haven't been ovulating is well? The nurse at my ob/gyn told me (after I lost all of that weight) that even 10 lbs over weight can set some people off and make their cycles irregular. I was surprised that it is that simple but I guess it is for some people.

It all sounds good though and I know they can get you back on track fast. Hopefully soon so you could get that bfp! Let us know how it goes!

Rachel I hope you are doing well also! Keep us updated!

I am tired and I have a headache today. I also have a muscle pain in my abdomen like I did a bunch of sit-ups. I think maybe my belly might be popping! Anyway 5 days until my scan and 6 days until I'm 13 weeks! Can't wait already!!!
Just wanted to pop in and say I have nothing to update on so far today. Temp stayed the same and no more spotting :shrug: So no clue what that was about yesterday. OPKs have been clearly negative for the past 5 days. I will be away this weekend down at the beach so I won't be taking opks and I may be doing some drinking so not sure how reliable my temps will be so I may not have an idea of what is happening again until next week. Hope you girls have a great weekend!
Temps have been really high the past two days, but that is because the tetnus shot gave me a bad reaction. Fever, chills, major headache, nausea, and all over major aching. I felt like someone beat the living crap out of me and I ran my head into a wall. feeling 70% better today luckly. All the dang doctors are close for the next three days though, so it's more waiting and waiting til I can go in for the ultra sound of my liver and get provera phoned in for me finally. Also pretty sure that the blood results will probably take a day or so more than normal since monday is a national holiday. I guess I have to be dragged through the dirt so I can enjoy my pregnancy that much more when it actually happens...
Rachel and Lovetoteach I hope you are both having nice long weekends. It's getting hot here as I'm sure it probably is where you guys are too. I don't like to sweat so DH put the air conditioning in yesterday. I've been feeling under the weather yesterday and today. My stomach is sensative and I've had a little bit of diarrhea on and off (sorry tmi). I'm hoping it's nothing serious just a bit of an upset stomach. I wish it would just go away so I don't have to worry about it. I'm also a bit tired yesterday and today...I'm guessing because of the heat/humidity, and the long walks at the cemeteries yesterday for the holiday. Other than that I've been feeling pretty good, almost normal. My scan is on Wed and we are so excited. Once I'm in the 2nd tri I'm goning to try to be much more laid back and just focus on doing for the baby. 3 months down and 6 to go!

Lovetoteach I'm sure they will get you all taken care of after the holiday. I'll keep my fx'd for you. Come on provera! I'm sure you're ready for that AF.

Rachel I hope you'll be starting another round of clomid soon and it works for you. I hope you are feeling good about trying again! It's going to happen soon, I know it!

I hope you girls are doing well!
Well I started af in full force last night and my temp finally returned to normal pre o temps. So it appears I may have o'ed on cd7 and clomid likely didn't have anything to do with it cuz I had only taken two at that point. Not sure why my body decided to o so early but I am happy I got af naturally this time. I have to call my Dr. On Tuesday and see what she wants me to do.
So I am going my evil liver is the culprit to all my issues, been reading up on all that the liver does and didn't know it also helps regulate sex hormones and insulin levels. Hope I can get my liver under control and therefore my cycle back on track. Just have to give up all that yummy food that overloads my liver. Why can't my liver just function normally? Its not like I am 350 pounds. Guess I have to find time to excersise now if my lower back will quit hurting, though maybe it will hurt less if I work out.

Imsotired, I'm sure all is normal, a stomach ache and bathroom issues are just part of being prego!

Rachel, at least your body it's attempting to do something, it's just tring to sort it all out. Maybe they just need to adjust dosage or the days you take clomid during your cycle. Don't some people do it on days 3-5 and some 7 -9?
lovetoteach-I am going to call my dr. and have a conversation with her tomorrow on what she wants me to do. There is another girl on another thread I post on that had about the same thing happen to her on her first clomid cycle. She took provera like I did, she did the clomid cd 3-7 (I did 5-9) and she o'ed on CD 7 like me. She told me her dr. said that an O that early would have nothing to do with the clomid and it was done on her own. So if that is true it seems my body would have done that with out without the clomid which is crazy. I think it has something to do with me taking the provera and maybe my body has been wanting to o for awhile and was in a hurry to get something going for once-who knows my body always keeps me guessing. This cycle was only 20 days long! :wacko:

I sounds like once you get this liver thing sorted out maybe your body will go back to normal. Maybe your liver is just sensitive to changes in your body and if you loose a little weight then it will straighten out.

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