Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

oh yes! i had my implanon out two weeks ago i was due my period two weeks ago and it still isnt here! beginning to think i may possibly be pregnant, having symptoms i was having while pregnant with my first but it seems way too early to be pg! had a spot of bleeding two days for an hour or so. no idea whats going on but im blaming the implanon! stupid bc:(
oh yes! i had my implanon out two weeks ago i was due my period two weeks ago and it still isnt here! beginning to think i may possibly be pregnant, having symptoms i was having while pregnant with my first but it seems way too early to be pg! had a spot of bleeding two days for an hour or so. no idea whats going on but im blaming the implanon! stupid bc:(

2 weeks ago and u havent tested WOWWWWWWWWWW....................................................
i had implant out feb, a af march, none april, af 3rd may. Implanon messes up cycle x
It's so frustrating I was due my period 19/05 and I had slight bleeding 20/05 for an hour and same again on the 24/05, I had sharp pains on the right side of my uterus on 24/25 I've no idea what that means! Also having heartburn which I haven't had since I was last pg, sometimes I think it's all in my head lol!x
See that's what I thought but I've been using OPKs three times a day since I got implanon out and I've not had a positive result yet! I ordered pregnancy tests for when I do ovulate and can take a test two weeks after, might use one when they get here just to ease my mind!x
Kimberly I'd test and then wait a week tesat again, etc, etc. Does implanon have any hormones in it? I know that birth control can often mess up your cycles and make you think that you are pregnant. Perhaps your body is having all of these pregnancy symptoms trying to get back on track. Good luck to you and I hope it doesn't take you too much longer to regulate.

Rachel- Think of it this way...your body isn't as messed up as you thought! Your body was waiting and waiting to O but the provera kept stopping it from ever happening. Perhaps there was a maturing egg in there when you started the provera and started your AF. So it popped early and the scan didn't show anything beacuse the egg had already gone out? I don't know the likelyhood of any of this but that's what I guess. Definately have a heart ot heart with your doc and hopefully you'll have a less confusing cycle this time around!

Lovetoteach- I'm sure it is something that can be easily fixed. It won't be hard to lose a few lbs. Annoying maybe but not difficult. It doesn't matter to some people's bodies whether they are 100 lbs over weight or 5 lbs overweight....sometimes that just makes all the difference. I lost about 30 lbs in about 4 months and unfortunately I could use to lose a few more but that will have to be my goal after baby comes. I cannot support this pregnancy eating as few calories as I was (even though I was still getting enough nutrition and wasn't hungry) and I don't think I should be doing any strength training or hard core cardio like I was. A 15 minute walk would do me in now. I suggest walking for 2 to 3 hours a week- moderate paced and eating small portions maybe knock your calorie intake down to 1500 a day. It's not hard to count calories just annoying. If you do those things I'm sure you will lose 10 lbs in no time. I'd say 2 months tops. Anyway I hope the doctor can get you on that provera soon and get an AF going!

I'm keeping my fx'd for the both of you and I know that you will both get your bfps in no time!

I'm doing better. But nervous today because my scan is tomorrow. Can't wait to see baby but there is always that worry. Then thursday I'll be 13 weeks, Thank God, and I can start my 2nd tri and hopefully relax!

Hope you are all doing well! Sorry so long!
Kimberly I'd test and then wait a week tesat again, etc, etc. Does implanon have any hormones in it? I know that birth control can often mess up your cycles and make you think that you are pregnant. Perhaps your body is having all of these pregnancy symptoms trying to get back on track. Good luck to you and I hope it doesn't take you too much longer to regulate.

Rachel- Think of it this way...your body isn't as messed up as you thought! Your body was waiting and waiting to O but the provera kept stopping it from ever happening. Perhaps there was a maturing egg in there when you started the provera and started your AF. So it popped early and the scan didn't show anything beacuse the egg had already gone out? I don't know the likelyhood of any of this but that's what I guess. Definately have a heart ot heart with your doc and hopefully you'll have a less confusing cycle this time around!

Lovetoteach- I'm sure it is something that can be easily fixed. It won't be hard to lose a few lbs. Annoying maybe but not difficult. It doesn't matter to some people's bodies whether they are 100 lbs over weight or 5 lbs overweight....sometimes that just makes all the difference. I lost about 30 lbs in about 4 months and unfortunately I could use to lose a few more but that will have to be my goal after baby comes. I cannot support this pregnancy eating as few calories as I was (even though I was still getting enough nutrition and wasn't hungry) and I don't think I should be doing any strength training or hard core cardio like I was. A 15 minute walk would do me in now. I suggest walking for 2 to 3 hours a week- moderate paced and eating small portions maybe knock your calorie intake down to 1500 a day. It's not hard to count calories just annoying. If you do those things I'm sure you will lose 10 lbs in no time. I'd say 2 months tops. Anyway I hope the doctor can get you on that provera soon and get an AF going!

I'm keeping my fx'd for the both of you and I know that you will both get your bfps in no time!

I'm doing better. But nervous today because my scan is tomorrow. Can't wait to see baby but there is always that worry. Then thursday I'll be 13 weeks, Thank God, and I can start my 2nd tri and hopefully relax!

Hope you are all doing well! Sorry so long!

Don't forget to share ultra sound pictures with us! We want to see the precious little baby that came after hellacious post birth control cycles :)
Kimberly I'd test and then wait a week tesat again, etc, etc. Does implanon have any hormones in it? I know that birth control can often mess up your cycles and make you think that you are pregnant. Perhaps your body is having all of these pregnancy symptoms trying to get back on track. Good luck to you and I hope it doesn't take you too much longer to regulate.

Rachel- Think of it this way...your body isn't as messed up as you thought! Your body was waiting and waiting to O but the provera kept stopping it from ever happening. Perhaps there was a maturing egg in there when you started the provera and started your AF. So it popped early and the scan didn't show anything beacuse the egg had already gone out? I don't know the likelyhood of any of this but that's what I guess. Definately have a heart ot heart with your doc and hopefully you'll have a less confusing cycle this time around!

Lovetoteach- I'm sure it is something that can be easily fixed. It won't be hard to lose a few lbs. Annoying maybe but not difficult. It doesn't matter to some people's bodies whether they are 100 lbs over weight or 5 lbs overweight....sometimes that just makes all the difference. I lost about 30 lbs in about 4 months and unfortunately I could use to lose a few more but that will have to be my goal after baby comes. I cannot support this pregnancy eating as few calories as I was (even though I was still getting enough nutrition and wasn't hungry) and I don't think I should be doing any strength training or hard core cardio like I was. A 15 minute walk would do me in now. I suggest walking for 2 to 3 hours a week- moderate paced and eating small portions maybe knock your calorie intake down to 1500 a day. It's not hard to count calories just annoying. If you do those things I'm sure you will lose 10 lbs in no time. I'd say 2 months tops. Anyway I hope the doctor can get you on that provera soon and get an AF going!

I'm keeping my fx'd for the both of you and I know that you will both get your bfps in no time!

I'm doing better. But nervous today because my scan is tomorrow. Can't wait to see baby but there is always that worry. Then thursday I'll be 13 weeks, Thank God, and I can start my 2nd tri and hopefully relax!

Hope you are all doing well! Sorry so long!

I have pg tests on the way so will test once they are here to put my mind at rest! x
lovetoteach Yeah I hope I can get a good pic maybe of the bay's profile this time instead of it's back! lol. Nervous but so excited to see him or her again. Wondering if they'll give me a prediction of gender. Sometimes they can tell early. My dad had a dream it was a boy (which is freaky, I wonder if that's where I get my 'dreaming' from haha) and I feel like it's a boy but there is always that little feeling inside like maybe it's a girl? I'll be posting the pic tomorrow, hopefully all goes well.
imsotired-That is so exciting that you are getting another u/s tomorrow. I can't wait to see the new picture :happydance:

You may be right about the O situation because I don't see why else I would o so early. I tried to call my dr. today to talk to her about it but she is not back in the office until tomorrow but the nurse said she will have the dr. call me tomorrow. I need to know if she would rather me stick with 50 mg instead of moving up to 100 mg. I really don't want to increase my dose unless necessary. I also need to talk to her about when to count my CD1. All day saturday I had bright red blood but it was very light. Like I probably could have left the same tampon in all day and filled maybe half a tampon. Then at about 2 am Sunday I had cramps and heavy flow. I am not sure which would be CD1. I am guessing it won't be a big deal either day I decide to choose but I figure I will see what my dr. thinks.
hmm. Yeah. I usually count the second day of bleeding as cd1. Mostly because the first day is usually scant, brown, maybe a bit red here and there. I count the day I flow as cd1. I'd see what the doctor says though I suppose. I understand you not wanting to take any higher dosage unless it's necessary so I hope the doctor thinks that you can perhaps give the 50mg another try. I think you are on the right track though and that this cycles you should maybe bd early as well as later hopefully you'll catch the egg this time around!

Yes I am super excited and super nervous to see baby tomorrow but the feeling you have when you see baby in there is like no other and I know as soon as I see a healthy baby I will be relieved at least for a week. I know my odds are really good at this point and I just hope I can continue to remind myself that through out the reat of this pregnancy. Come on 2nd tri!
Wow a couple more days and you will be in the 2nd tri-it seems like it went so quick!

I am def going to start BD'ing every other day as soon as AF is out of here this time just to be safe. I am only spotting today so maybe tomorrow we will start BD'ing or at least by Thursday.

That is what is confusing me about the cd1 thing because usually I just either start a full flow or have brownish looking cm and I consider that more spotting. But this was straight up red blood but just not a lot of it. I guess I will have to see what my dr. thinks. I really don't think either way is a huge deal because people take clomid all kinds of different days so if for some reason I am off one day it likely won't make any difference.
Doctor called today, he said all my blood tests are NORMAL! Wooooo hoooooooo! No more elevated enzymes, so I don't even have to get the liver ultra sound. Going to call my obgyn tomorrow and see if they will phone in my provera now, hopefully they will phone it in and I can start taking it tomorrow. I have a feeling that my body won't even take the whole 10 days to start my period, I think it's so ready to just bleed already but can't. Crossing my fingers that my doctor sent the results to my other doctor already.
Hi ladies im new to this site.. me and my husband have been trying since april and its my 2nd cycle . im 9 days late today i have taken 3 test all negative :( now im just waiting for my period to come so we can start again. but my doctor said i can still be pregnet but it still be too early to test .. i have two gurls 5 year old and 23 old month old and im trying to for baby#3 im so nervous you ladies have any tips yall can share what i can do..?
Doctor called today, he said all my blood tests are NORMAL! Wooooo hoooooooo! No more elevated enzymes, so I don't even have to get the liver ultra sound. Going to call my obgyn tomorrow and see if they will phone in my provera now, hopefully they will phone it in and I can start taking it tomorrow. I have a feeling that my body won't even take the whole 10 days to start my period, I think it's so ready to just bleed already but can't. Crossing my fingers that my doctor sent the results to my other doctor already.

that is amazing news!!! I am so happy for you, I hope you are able to get the provera going today! :happydance:
Hi ladies im new to this site.. me and my husband have been trying since april and its my 2nd cycle . im 9 days late today i have taken 3 test all negative :( now im just waiting for my period to come so we can start again. but my doctor said i can still be pregnet but it still be too early to test .. i have two gurls 5 year old and 23 old month old and im trying to for baby#3 im so nervous you ladies have any tips yall can share what i can do..?

Well you're either pregnant or having irregular cycles. Were you on BC? Wait it out and see if AF comes or you get a positive test. YOu can always try opks and temping to check for Ovulation. Good luck to you!
Lovetoteach- it's so great that your bloods are normal! Hope you can get started on that provera soon! I know you are more than ready for it by now. Keep us updated, hope you are doing well!

Rachel I hope you are also doing well today.

I had my scan. I was so nervous I could barely sleep last night! Went in to the sequential screening place (they were looking for down syndrome and any other abnormality) at like 845, half an hour early. The weighed me and it turns out I've only gained 7 lbs in my 1st tri! Woohoo! Close to normal and it's all in my uterus, lol. So I got my scan and the tech said everything looks good. She didn't seem to think baby had any problems but also they took blood and I have to go back for more bloods in 3 or 4 weeks, routine apparently, hopefully all turns up well though. Next scan for another abnormality check and gender isn't until the end of July! Don't if I can wait that long! Baby did measure a few days behind again but to be fair I didn't O on the 15th, it was probably past midnight the morning of the 17th. THey say as long as it's close to the due date it doesn't matter anyway. Baby was very active and heartrate was 144 this time. Here is the pic. I lightened it because it was too dark to really see but it is baby's profile and baby's arms are stretched out in front of him or her and it's back is slightly arched. It's an 'action shot' lol.

Then DH and I went to the maternity store and I got some belly bands and some comfy bras because my old ones were killing me. Spend a lot of money:dohh:. Hopefully my insurance will cover the scns and bloodwork though. Anyway sorry so long!



  • 05-30-2012 04;44;39PM.jpg
    05-30-2012 04;44;39PM.jpg
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Wow what an amazing scan picture!!! How exciting :happydance: I can't wait to be experiencing this :)

I am starting clomid tonight. I talked to my dr and she still wants me to proceed with the 100 mg. I just hope I don't release too many eggs. I really don't want more than one baby :wacko: Worst case scenario I would deal with it if I had two but that is the MAX anymore and I would loose my mind :haha:

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