Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Not been around for ages sorry. Do pop in and catch up now and then.

Yay to O Rachel!! I'd say you O'd Tuesday night. Unlikely you O'd begire surge. What time did you do OPK on Tuesday? Great bd timing! Everything crossed!!

Lovetoteach - good luck with clomid!! Fxd for that BFP!

Imsotired - sorry to read about your grandpa. Hope he's improving. :hugs: yay to bring 15 weeks though!!
Sorry I've been a bit out there and scarce. Spending plenty of time worrying and at the hospital with family. Hoping to hear a big improvement in my grandfather in a few days. He is definately in there because when he is awake it's him 100% but the drugs and the respirator and everything is just stopping him from being as lively as usual and as talkative as usual. I was so sad when we went to see him yesterday I didn't sleep well last night. There is something inside us that when we see a loved one like that we want to help them and it breaks our heart that we can't. All I can do is pray and hope for the best.

Rachel I agree the last 2 opks look positive. Especially the last. I agree with Bean that you probably O'd tues night. I like your chances. It all looks good and I'll keep my fx'd for you for this cycle!

Lovetoteach, Yay for AF! I can't wait to hear the clomid working for you as well. I'm sure in a few weeks or so you'll be bd'ing and hopefully catching the egg. I'll keep my fx'd for you too!

Thanks bean, I see baby in your avatar. Beautiful pic!:flow:

I had my OB appt today and my blood pressure was much more normal than last time though still a tad on the high side. Understandably so as I'm worried to death about EVERYTHING and I haven't slept. Actually dropped 2 or 3 lbs. Probably just water weight. Forgot to mention to the nurse a strange symptom I've been having but it's probably just a nerve maybe I'll remember next time. She found the heartbeat MUCH quicker this time. Like 1-2-3. She listened for a second and said it sounded good. No protein or sugar in urine. Said my belly measured well when she felt it. So all clear for this month. Fx's it keeps going this well.

I hope you're all doing well and sorry this is so long!x

Oh and hooray for 15 weeks!
imsotired-Glad to hear your appt went well! That is great you got to hear the heartbeat again, I am sure it made you feel much better. When do we get to see more bump pics? I hope to hear good news about your grandfather in the coming days.

bean-it is so good to see you here again! How is your pregnancy treating you? I take my opks around 2 pm everytime. I hope we caught the egg, I think we did all we could now I just have to wait!
imsotired-Glad to hear your appt went well! That is great you got to hear the heartbeat again, I am sure it made you feel much better. When do we get to see more bump pics? I hope to hear good news about your grandfather in the coming days.

bean-it is so good to see you here again! How is your pregnancy treating you? I take my opks around 2 pm everytime. I hope we caught the egg, I think we did all we could now I just have to wait!

lol. I'll take another pic sometime soon. Maybe at 16 weeks if I'm feeling ambitious or guttsy. I'm probably exactly the same as the last one. I haven't felt too much stretching lately. when I popped I was pains and stretching feelings for nearly a week prior. Everyone is now noticing I look pregnant it is nice that they don't just think I look fat but it's also a bit embarassing :dohh: I'm sure I'll be huge soon enough.

All's good Rachel - had my 12 week scan yesterday. I was petrified nothing would be there.

Yeah I think you O'd the Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning.

Imsotired - glad your grandfather is in the mend. I'm a worrier too. Good your BP has come down. Stress and apprehension will definitely raise it a little. Glad you got to hear the heartbeat.

What weird symptom are you having?

All's good Rachel - had my 12 week scan yesterday. I was petrified nothing would be there.

Yeah I think you O'd the Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning.

Imsotired - glad your grandfather is in the mend. I'm a worrier too. Good your BP has come down. Stress and apprehension will definitely raise it a little. Glad you got to hear the heartbeat.

What weird symptom are you having?

Went to hospital and he is doing well:flower:. What a relief.

My weird symptom is I have a warm sensation in my right hip (or in my abdomen near my hip) when I lie on my left side? It's the weirdest thing ever. It's not at all painful and it's not hot to the touch but it feels hot on the inside. I forgot to mention it to the nurse when we were discussing symptoms. It goes away shortly after rolling over onto my right side or back. I'm trying to avoid lying on my back at lest but it is suddenly more confortable than anything else:dohh: So frustrating when you can't get comfortable.I don't know, very strange:shrug:
TWO babies on the board now!! Yay, congrats Bean! Imsotired, he/she is the size of an orange now, I love that little fruit ticker. My right ovary feels large size, or so I think it's my ovary... who knows what it is, but it's on the right side and I am still flowing. Cycle day three for me. I start clomid cycle day five. I have a feeling that my period is only going to last one or two more days, it's all bright red now, but seems to be getting less as the day goes on. I was thinking that we would start to bd every other day after my period stops, but if it's going to stop on cycle day 4 or 5, that seems way early. DH is not one that is up for bding a bizillion times, but will try very hard if I say it's needed. I think cd 5 is a tad early, but then I think of how early Rachel O'd on her first cycle of clomid and I get worried and want to cover ALL my basis. Then I think about how they tell you to not even start opks until 2-3 days after clomid, and I am doing clomid cd 5-9...
imsotired-That is great news about your grandfather! I hope he continues to get better and stronger each day :hugs: That is a strange symptom but if it isn't painful it probably is harmless but it can't hurt to mention it next time you are at the dr or call and ask.

lovetoteach-I o'ed on CD 7 that cycle, it was a very strange fluke. The same thing happened to a girl I chat with on another thread after taking provera and starting clomid her first cycle. She said her dr. said that early on couldn't have had anything to do with the clomid so who knows :shrug: I think we both must have had eggs from the previous cycle that were a decent size but we took provera and it stopped it from o'ing and it was just ready to go next cycle so bam O'ed early. So you never know what kind of crazy new thing your body will do, it can't hurt to start BD'ing every other day at least by CD 6. If it is too much for DH then maybe do every 2 days until cd 12 then do every other. I think I wore my DH out this fertile period. I drug him to bed once more last night just to be safe, I am just so paranoid about not giving us the best chance at catching the egg this cycle. I want to get pregnant and be done with all this TTC business I am over it! :wacko:
I just feel a TON better as we went to see my grandfather yesterday and he was out of bed, in a chair, Talking! He is still a bit medicated and he has a bit of a hard time controlling his body 100%(I think because of all the sedation) and his voice is very low and raspy because he had the respirator in for a week. Other than that he was his old self being feisty and cracking jokes. He is still a bit tired I think but he was awake for 4 or 5 hours (consecutively!) to eat his own dinner (nothing solid yet as he still is ill and throat is raw). It's got to be a miracle! Had anyone else seen him a few days ago, even Wed, they would have said it looks grim, not too sure if he'd come out of it and if so not completely. Whew. I feel as though a weight has been lifted. I slept through the night last night as well! So now I'm bck to just worrying about baby full time but hope everything is going well in there. I can't wait or another scan!

Anyway You def O'd Rachel and I can't wait until it's time to test! How exciting! I really hope this is your month!!!

Lovetoteach congrats on AF and starting clomid soon. I'm sure it'll work for you and I hope you can get your DH to BD accordingly. I wouldn't worry too much about O'ing early like Rachel as I doubt it happens often. Just bd a few times in the early stage and then see if you can't get him to do every other day or every few days. If you keep a close eye with opks though you shouldn't have a problem getting him to for 2 or 3 days in a row when you get a pos. As you said he wants a child and he'll do it if you think it's the time. I'm really routing for you! I'm sure you can't wait to just ovulate already!

I'm feeling pretty good but I'll be busy all this weekend with birthdays, fathers day, a party, and probably going to the hospital. DH needs a haircut and I still haven't got the fathers day gifts! TOO MUCH to do! AHH! Hopefully next week will be a bit more relaxing and perhaps DH will start painting the rooms I want him to paint.Fx'd for that!
imsotired-I am so glad to hear you are feeling better and your grandfather is recovering so well, that is amazing!

lovetoteach-Are you getting a cd14 scan to check your follies? It isn't cheap but it is so nice to know for sure if clomid is working so you don't waste your time, if there are no follies the dr could start you on provera again right away so you can get started on a higher dose. But I do have faith that 50 mg is just what your ovaries need for a boost to get o'ing.

I really hope we both get pregnant this cycle, our due dates would be sooo close!! I am not one for early testing so I am going to wait until I am late to test, I would rather see AF than BFN. So I likely won't test until 15 or even 16 dpo as I hear clomid can extend your LP.

You know what's funny is the few times I o'ed on my own since stopping bcp like clock work within a couple days my nipples would get REALLY sensitive so that was always my sure sign I o'ed, well last cycle and so far this cycle no sensitive nips. I guess it's because my hormones are different? Not sure but strange. Last cycle I literally had ZERO post o symptoms, that is why I was so convinced I didn't o. So far I have been feeling some strange mild cramps I guess is the best way to describe it. I have heard clomid can make the TWW symptoms seem so much like preg symptoms so I will try not to read into anything.
Oohh.:baby: You two would have March and/or April babies if you both catch the egg this cycle!:baby: Yay! I'm only about 3 months ahead, not that far off really. Yay! How exciting! As for post O symptoms I'm not sure how much the clomid will effect you, ya know, but I thought I was pretty much out and I wasn't very confident. My breasts always get a bit sore near AF like 3 to 5 days before and that's exactly what happened. They did however get more sore as time went on, and I was having the AF like cramping so I thought nothing of it. Actually had I not been very tired the night before and had a dream I got a BFP I wouldn't have tested so early or maybe not at all until I was a week or more late. So I agree you can't really use your post o symptoms and yu may as well wait until AF is due or late to test. But I'd definately be excited to hear when you finally do, probably in about 2 weeks or so i guess. Hooray!
Yes you would be very close in due dates with us as well! 3 months is nothing :)

I am def going to wait until late not just because of seeing BFN but when I get a + I want a blaring +, no putting the test in different light and different angles analyzing wondering if the line is really there or not. I just want a yay or nay!
I had a definate pos at 12 dpo on frer but I found the digi very helpful in helping to assure me about my lines on 11dpo. But my test wasn't as dark as the control until maybe 16 0r 17 dpo? Hard to remember.:shrug: Very good though don't test any earlier than when AF is due. That way your tests won't be wasted either.

:happydance: So much excitement on this thread for the next few weeks! I have a good feeling we will get giid news soon!
Yes you would be very close in due dates with us as well! 3 months is nothing :)

I am def going to wait until late not just because of seeing BFN but when I get a + I want a blaring +, no putting the test in different light and different angles analyzing wondering if the line is really there or not. I just want a yay or nay!

Agreed, I hope I can wait until it would be a definite positive and I am scared of catching a chemical pregnancy that tricks me into thinking it's the real deal in for the long hall pregnancy. I think I will take yalls device and BD every two days from the end of my period and then every other day starting around cd 12. I think I might even bite the bullet and get some "real" (aka more expensive) clear blue opks just this once. What day did you start testing with OPKs Rachel? Aren't you doing clomid cd 5-9 too? Tomorrow is clomid day one :)

Imsotired, that is great news about your grandfather, he sure does sound like a fighter.
Yes I did 5-9 as well. I took my first opk on CD 12 but then didn't take another one until cd 15 because I had my scan on CD 14. My days looks a little messed up in my chart because I initially counted Saturday as CD1 and took my clomid according to that but then my dr. said she wanted to count CD 1 as Sunday so I guess if that is correct I actually took my clomid on CD 4-8, still worked just fine though. :)

Hopefully you won't have bad side effects. I didn't really notice many hot flashes they were really mild if they were even a hot flash and I also had a mild headache for a few days while on it but it wasn't too bad. Some days I felt really tired and just kind of off like I was getting sick. Overall it wasn't bad and TOTALLY worthy it!
Holy evil witch! I forgot what it feels like to be a girl. Bloating and cramps, NOT fun... I am so glad that I hardly ever felt period pains like this in the past. No wonder some chicks want to scream at everyone when it's that time of the month. In other news, I started clomid today :) Clomid day one, cycle day 5 and counting.

Your temp is climbing Rachel, woo hoo!
Yay for starting clomid :happydance:

I hope my temp keeps climbing :thumbup:

imsotired-how has your weekend been?
Hey girls - don't want to gatecrash your thread as I see your a tight group but I just want to say thanks for making me feel less alone. I came off microgynon late April and had my usual pill bleed but haven't had anything since. I've been reading all about your journeys on this thread and I think you're all amazing women. I wish I'd never ever gone on BCP - if only I'd known :cry: big hugs and huge amounts of baby dust to you and a happy healthy 9 months to those of you who have a wee bun!
Yay for clomid Lovetoteach! Sorry you've got the bloating and cramping I was always one to get AWFUL period symptoms. Hoping they calm down after baby comes.

Rachel your temp looks great! How exciting!Fx'd you caught the egg!

NurseSooz you are certainly not alone! I also wish I had never went on the bcp as I think I'd probably have a child by now but I'm happy I'm at least well on my way. I know how bad it feels to not know what's going on with your body. Just keep an eye on it and good luck! I hope you can get back on track really soon.

I am having a very busy weekend. And It isn't over yet! My grandfather is doing somewhat better but I still worry a bit. It's looking better though. We go visit about every other day. I have a large family so someone is there everyday and my grandmother stays all day usually. Other than that we have been visiting with other family and DH got his haircut, got some shopping in and need to do a bit more today but I'm letting DH sleep in. I feel pretty good. Just a bit crampy and I have a bad headache today. Sinuses maybe? Going to my parents house tonight and I have to help my mom make dinner as she will be visiting the hospital for a while but I have to pick a few things up from the store, hence the shopping...

Hope everyone is doing well!
Hey girls - don't want to gatecrash your thread as I see your a tight group but I just want to say thanks for making me feel less alone. I came off microgynon late April and had my usual pill bleed but haven't had anything since. I've been reading all about your journeys on this thread and I think you're all amazing women. I wish I'd never ever gone on BCP - if only I'd known :cry: big hugs and huge amounts of baby dust to you and a happy healthy 9 months to those of you who have a wee bun!

No worries about "crashing in" on our thread, everyone is welcome, it certainly helps to know you aren't alone in the post BCP torture. We have all come a looong way and you can feel free to complain away, sometimes it helps to just vent. I hope that your body whips it's self into shape soon, good luck!

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