Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Thanks so much for being so lovely! You chicks have been through so much and I admire you all for it. In a way I'm totally terrified that I've got a v long road ahead. I'm so angry I didn't come off BCP sooner. I could totally kick myself. I'm on CD 40 since my last breakthrough bleed from BCP. My cycles have been irregular previously but I've never waited ages for one. Ive had tons of BFNs and I don't want to test anymore due to the fear of seeing another sad wee line. I've bought agnus castus and evening primrose and have started taking it in the hope it kicks my AF into gear. I don't have great hope in my TTC journey. Sadly I'm not someone that luck has ever really come to. Thanks so much for your kind words and great attitudes. I know I'm early into it but I'm so scared :cry:
Thanks so much for being so lovely! You chicks have been through so much and I admire you all for it. In a way I'm totally terrified that I've got a v long road ahead. I'm so angry I didn't come off BCP sooner. I could totally kick myself. I'm on CD 40 since my last breakthrough bleed from BCP. My cycles have been irregular previously but I've never waited ages for one. Ive had tons of BFNs and I don't want to test anymore due to the fear of seeing another sad wee line. I've bought agnus castus and evening primrose and have started taking it in the hope it kicks my AF into gear. I don't have great hope in my TTC journey. Sadly I'm not someone that luck has ever really come to. Thanks so much for your kind words and great attitudes. I know I'm early into it but I'm so scared :cry:

Angus cactus brought on my first cycle after my breakthrough bleeding at the end of my last pack of bcp. It took a few months, I think two months, but it worked.
Welcome Nursesooz! We can definitely relate with you. It is so frustrating coming off bcp and you just want normal cycles so you can try without worrying about irregular cycles. A lot of women do regulate within a few months of stopping BCP. I really hope AF shows for you soon (or doesnt and you get a BFP!) and that your next cycle is much shorter.

imsotired-Glad to hear your grandfather is still showing progress!

lovetoteach-hows the clomid so far? Any side effects?

Not much to speak of here symptom wise. I am sleeping REALLY bad though and it has been this way for a couple weeks now, it is driving me crazy, I am soooo sick of it. I literally wake up 3-5 times a night. It must be the hormones and clomid, that is the only thing I can think of, it sucks!!

My temps looks nice and all but I know very well that could mean notta. I am going to try my best to not be too negative but to also not get my hopes up too much. I hope the next 9 days goes by fast.
So happy my busy weekend is over! Going to try and stay home for a few days and clean the house and relax before going shopping/ out/ to hospital. I keep getting headaches which sucks! I'm not sure if it is pregnancy related or just sinus problems as I can't take my allergy meds. I also have a pulling/stretching sensation sometimes when I move. Yesterday on the way to the grocery store I sneezed and WOW, OUCH, I pulled a muscle in my stomach :dohh:. Baby must be growing more. Nearly a month to my next scan! Then we will know if baby is pink or blue:baby:. I'm still worrying here and there.

Rachel good work not reading into symptoms or lack of. I always thought the 2ww was so difficult. I would go absolutely crazy sometimes. Except last time because I honestly had no faith that we had caught the egg. I can't wait until this week or so goes by though to see whether or not you caught it. I really hope you did!

Lovetoteach I hope you are doing well and I can't wait to see when O! Yay for progress!

Hope evryone is having a good day!
imsotired-sorry to hear about the headaches :( Are you able to take anything for them, is there anything that is safe to take or are you just stuck dealing with them?

I am so excited to find out the gender of your baby!!
imsotired-sorry to hear about the headaches :( Are you able to take anything for them, is there anything that is safe to take or are you just stuck dealing with them?

I am so excited to find out the gender of your baby!!

I can take tylenol but I try not to take it often and I only take one at a time. Sometimes it works better than others. I don't know whether it is a blood volume issue or a sinus issue but either way the headache sucks. Thats why I'm hoping to stay home and relax for a few days.

I can't wait to see if baby is a boy or a girl! How exciting!:happydance: I have been feeling the last few weeks that it might be a girl but it's probably just wishful thinking. I'll take whatever I can get though and will be happy either way. It would just be nice to have a girl as we don't have many in the family. I know DH wants a boy but maybe we'll have one of each.
Thats what I am hoping for. I really want one of each. I would like to experience raising both. At this point though I will take any gender! I just want my future baby to be healthy, of course that is #1.
Thats what I am hoping for. I really want one of each. I would like to experience raising both. At this point though I will take any gender! I just want my future baby to be healthy, of course that is #1.

Exactly. The only problem is we only have a 2 bedroom house, but we'll figure it out somehow as I do ultimately want one of each. I just hope baby is growing well and healthy. That is most important and I already love the baby so it doesn't matter what gender it is.
Welcome Nursesooz! We can definitely relate with you. It is so frustrating coming off bcp and you just want normal cycles.

My temps looks nice and all but I know very well that could mean notta. I am going to try my best to not be too negative but to also not get my hopes up too much. I hope the next 9 days goes by fast.

It's so pants when you fear of getting your hopes up huh. Fingers crossed for a lucky and speedy 9 days for you and Thankyou for being so kind and friendly.:flower:

I've never longed so much for AF...what's wrong with me :lol:
NurseSooz like lovetoteach said, I took B100complex and agnes cactus and it seems to have done it's job. I generally just began to eat right, excersise and take vitamins and about 8 weeks later I had my first EVER 28 day cycle. Then on my second 28 day cycle (or what probably would have been a 28 day cycle) I got my bfp. You could also take a prenatal instead of the Bcomplex. How much vitex (agnes cactus) do you take and how long have you been taking it? Also the evening primrose oil is more so for the production of EWCM so I would take up up until O and then stop until you get AF and you can begin it again. I would take the vitex straight through until you get a BFP. It took me 9 months after BCP to get my cycles sorted and then one extra month for the BFP. I hope you have a better luck than I had. I had a cycle that was 72 days long, but that's nothing compared to what some girls get! I truly hope you can get out of limbo soon and that won't be the case here but believe me, I know how you feel. I wish you the best of luck!
Can't believe you find out the gender so soon, I know it must have felt like a long time to you, but it seems to be flying by to me.

No side effects from clomid YET, but tonight is only pill number 3. Getting nervous to be coming up on the BD athon that may or may not be making my future child! Can't believe my period still isn't over, but it slowed waaaay down today, so maybe today will finally be the last day. Guess I should have expected a long period after 6 months of nothing.
Can't believe you find out the gender so soon, I know it must have felt like a long time to you, but it seems to be flying by to me.

No side effects from clomid YET, but tonight is only pill number 3. Getting nervous to be coming up on the BD athon that may or may not be making my future child! Can't believe my period still isn't over, but it slowed waaaay down today, so maybe today will finally be the last day. Guess I should have expected a long period after 6 months of nothing.

Ugg time is dragging some days! I could find out right now if I had a scan but they are making me wait....grrr!

So excited to see clomid work for you! I'm sure it will and I hope you catch the egg! Don't be too nervous about it just BD relaxed and enjoy yourselves. This is the most fun time to BD of all! As for your period I'm sure it's a long one just because you haven't had one in so long, like you said. but I hope it lets up soon and the clomid gets to working on you. Yay! can't wait until you and Rachel get those BFPs! I just know that the comid will work for you and you have a good chance of getting pregnant! Then you can start on a whole 'nother level of worry and craziness! lol. I think it's worth all of it though.
Hi ladies it been long time since i logged on .. im been really sick since 2 weeks . well today makes me 28 days late so im really confused .. im been having fever and cough so severe . but me and my hubby are still trying to conceive for baby # 3 do yall have any pointers ...thanks
Hi ladies it been long time since i logged on .. im been really sick since 2 weeks . well today makes me 28 days late so im really confused .. im been having fever and cough so severe . but me and my hubby are still trying to conceive for baby # 3 do yall have any pointers ...thanks

Sometimes it just takes awhile to get your cycles back on track, some of us have been months late for our periods since our cycles got so out of wack after birth control. Do you have any clue when you last ovulated? I started trying to track ovulation, and that is how I figured out that I wasn't ovulating. Then I knew I had to get my cycle back on track before even thinking about ttc since you can't make a baby if you aren't ovulating.

Getting off birth control effects everyone differently, some of us have a few months of abnormal cycles, and then everything goes back to normal, some have longer cycles mixed in with short cycles, some have non existant cycles for a long time, and some people have normal cycles with a few random long ones mixed in after BCP. Have you ever looked into basal body temping and/or ovulation predictor kits/sticks? You can get some cheap ovulation strips over the internet, and taking your temp is free if you have a digital thermometer and are able to take your temp at the same time every morning before you get out of bed.

It's hard to know what is going on until you have more clues/details, it also makes it easier to time when you should have sex if you know when you ovulate. The women on this thread have tried several different things including taking angus catus(a herb known to help regulate your cycles), temping, opks, and a few other things.

Hang in there, I know it's hard to have to wait and be left in the dark about what's going on. There have been a few times when I could swear I was pregnant, and I have used waaay more pregnancy tests over the last year then my husband even knows I bought. It's hard not to go crazy wondering how you could possibly be so late, or have so many symptoms and not be pregnant, but talking to people on baby and bump on this thread, and other threads has helped me figure out A LOT more than I ever knew about my cycles and trying to concieve in general. Well, this site, AND a ton of different google searches that led me to a million different websites about anything under the sun that has to deal with trying to concieve. The good thing is that you have kids already, so you know it's obviously possible for you to get pregnant and carry full term. Good luck!
Okay girls, so I have two more days of clomid, my ticker is messed up, today is CD 7 for me. I am trying to figure out timing of BDing and OPKs... DH is going to be out of town on saturday, which is CD 12. I think that I should be ovulating anywhere from CD 14-19, but since this is my first clomid cycle, I don't know which day is more likely. I was thinking that I would start opks on CD 11 with some clear blue smiley ones since my body likes to trick me on the ovulation sticks that have lines. I hate that DH is out of town two days before my possible ovulation, but I figure that if we BD friday morning CD 11, then when he gets home CD 13 at night we should still be okay... I hope. Maybe my ovulation tests will actually tip me off this time on when I will ovulate and we can time the rest based on that. It's hard to not go crazy and get worn out aiming for ovulation CD14 and then have to keep going after that if CD14 isn't the big O day. I know you just went through this Rachel, so you know how I feel. I really want to get it right the first time and not have to put DH through a million BDathons. I don't want to get the timing wrong and totally miss my first chance that I have had in a LONG time. Advice?
I would say to BD once today or tomorrow then starting CD 11 do it every other day until you get a + opk then do it daily for the next few days until you confirm a temp shift. They say daily BD'ing for a few days in row is good unless sperm count is low. Has your DH ever had a SA? They are pretty cheap, my DH got one awhile ago just to get it out of the way and one less thing to worry about, they are the easier of the testing to get out of the way and that way you know the best way to BD if there is a low count issue. Odds are you will O between cd14-19 as you said, but there is always a chance it will be earlier or later so just make sure you are always covered IMO. Yayyy how exciting!
Lovetoteach I'm sure you will BD at all the right times. just keep an eye out for any O signs and use your opks and you should be ok. I know it is a stressful time but I also know it's going to work out! Best of luck to you!

Rachel your temp is looking good. I'll keep my fx'd that this month is your month.I hope you are just relaxing and not worrying about it.

I feel ok today. There are always moments when I get really nervous that something is wrong. I don't have a scan or a doctors appt until next month. All I have this month is a second round of NT bloodwork. Then i don't hear the heartbeat again until the 12th of July and I don't see baby until the 20th. The only way I will know baby is ok is if he or she starts kicking me soon. Which I hope is soon. Always something to worry about but just hoping everything is ok. I have a lot of housework to do so I'll try doing some of it today.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
When are you supposed to feel the kicking? That will be such a cool thing to experience!

My temps look good but again I am still trying not to read into temps too much, especially this early on. If they are still this high at 13 dpo then I will feel like it means something. It is crazy how they keep going up though, what a big shift. Hopefully it indicates good progesterone levels and means the egg is of good quality, I just have to hope the :spermy: made it there!
Everyone feels it at a different time obviously but I think most feel it between 16 and 20 weeks. Every once in a while I feel something a bit odd but I'm not completely convinced it's baby.

The temp rise is a good sign whether you caught the egg or not. I don't blame you not getting your hopes up. Just relax and enjoy yourself until it's time for AF/time to test. DOn't worry about it. I was so sure I wasn't pg (i had convinced myself not to get my hopes up) that i had a few drinks just a few days prior to finding out I was pg. No harm as it was too early to bother baby anyway. Just relax and be happy that the clomid is working for you and be confident that is it doesn't work this time it'll work soon. I am convinced you will be a 2013 mommy! LOL! That little spermie guy makes me laugh everytime!

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