Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Stephanie is one of my best friend's names, I call her Steph as well so it will be easy for me to remember!

It must be so cool being able to feel the baby, I can't wait to experience that. Ahhhh so sick of waiting..if this process doesn't teach me patience I don't know what will :haha:

Oh it's definately a good feeling but being pregnant is a crazy crazy rollercoaster or emotions. I'm sure you'll find out soon enough:winkwink: I think I am absolutely insane between hormones and stress. I hope that TTC does make you more patient because you will need it for pregnancy and parenting. I wish I could be more patient! Though, knock on wood, after my panic attack at the doctors office I feel much more relaxed and I am enjoying the pregnancy since. Hopefully I can continue to enjoy it for another 20 weeks!
I agree, I am sure it's going to feel like forever until I feel my future baby moving in my belly. Everything is going good over here, af is finished, just waiting to O, too bad I have awhile. I lost my thermometer down the crack between my bed and wall and my bed is really heavy to move on my own while my DH was sleeping on it so I didn't get a temp this morning, but I am sure it would be somewhere between the 97.5 and 97.7 range. So nothing exciting on my end yet, stay tuned hopefully something will happen in a few weeks. Oh yeah, my name is Michelle.
I agree, I am sure it's going to feel like forever until I feel my future baby moving in my belly. Everything is going good over here, af is finished, just waiting to O, too bad I have awhile. I lost my thermometer down the crack between my bed and wall and my bed is really heavy to move on my own while my DH was sleeping on it so I didn't get a temp this morning, but I am sure it would be somewhere between the 97.5 and 97.7 range. So nothing exciting on my end yet, stay tuned hopefully something will happen in a few weeks. Oh yeah, my name is Michelle.

Yay! I hope you O soon and this time catch the egg! Just do what you did last time I think you'll have a good chance!

One of my very first buddies on this site just had her little boy! I can't believe it! I'm very happy for her! He was 5 weeks early but she measured big at the end. Baby was still 6lb5oz even though he was that early! Just thought I'd spread a little positive news!:flower:
I agree, I am sure it's going to feel like forever until I feel my future baby moving in my belly. Everything is going good over here, af is finished, just waiting to O, too bad I have awhile. I lost my thermometer down the crack between my bed and wall and my bed is really heavy to move on my own while my DH was sleeping on it so I didn't get a temp this morning, but I am sure it would be somewhere between the 97.5 and 97.7 range. So nothing exciting on my end yet, stay tuned hopefully something will happen in a few weeks. Oh yeah, my name is Michelle.

Yay! I hope you O soon and this time catch the egg! Just do what you did last time I think you'll have a good chance!

One of my very first buddies on this site just had her little boy! I can't believe it! I'm very happy for her! He was 5 weeks early but she measured big at the end. Baby was still 6lb5oz even though he was that early! Just thought I'd spread a little positive news!:flower:

:thumbup: Three girls on one of my other threads just had their babies, now it's time for round two of the pregnancies to start and I am hoping to start it off.
I have a huge list of things to buy/register for baby and also myself for early postpardum and also Christmas will be coming and we have a wedding to attend when I will be 34 weeks pregnant. So much going on! I think once DH and I set up baby's room we will get to it and start spending. So I'm just trying to organize all of this stuff and have it done ahead of time. It is clearly time to buckle down, lol.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Sounds like you will be really busy, my future child seems to be aiming for spring/early summer, so I will probably just have to deal with morning sickness around all the major holidays.

On another note, I just realized if I don't get pregnant this cycle I will be NINE months pregnant ready to pop around the time I am suppose to be a bridesmaid in my best friend's wedding. Ahhh! Well I guess it could go the other way and if it's this cycle plus two more I will be eight months pregnant and I can just be all belly for her wedding...

Oh well, I guess I can't plan a baby around someone elses wedding, I just hope it all turns out for the best because I want nothing more then to be able to stand up there with my friend on her wedding day like she was with me for mine.

How are you feeling Rachel?
Michelle-You are right you can't plan around weddings. We have a lot of weddings coming up but we just figured if I am pregnant we will worry about it then (they are out of town weddings).

Steph-I hope you enjoy this time and have fun shopping for your baby girl! When you buy some outfits you should take pics of them and post them :) Also...another bump pic??

I am doing ok, still nothing I really consider symptoms. No sore boobs or nipples but here and there I get an ache or tingle in my bbs but I feel like I would never even notice it if I wasn't focusing on it. The only somewhat strange thing is yesterday when I woke up around 8:30 until noon I felt really tired and hungover (I didn't drink) even though I slept 7+ hours. I finally just snapped out of it and felt great the rest of the day. Then again today, I slept great last night, a solid 8 hours and I woke up aruond 7 like usual and around 8:30 I couldnt keep my eyes open and took a 30 minute nap which I have never done. And around 11 am I snapped out of it and feel fine now.

I would like to think those could be symptoms but honestly it could just be progesterone causing strange things to happen. I had a lot of weird things happen last cycle and obv no BFP so I am not getting my hopes up.

My chart is still strange with another big dip today. I know it isnt due to AF because its way too early. I never get dips like this :shrug:
Michelle I agree with Rachel totally. There ARE maternity bridesmaids dresses and you can find one a color to match the rest of the girls as long as your friend doesn't mind. Just make sure you tell her ahead of time in case she would rather find someone else. I'm sure a good friend would be fine with you just getting a similar dress and going on with it anyway. No need to plan around them. I just rsvp'd to a friends wedding in Oct which I will be huge for and ready to pop but we will attend if possible. That is as long as I'm not giving birth! We have SOOOO much to do and buy by Dec. Just hope we can get it all done!It's a bit stressful.

Will do Rachel! lol. The first pic is what DH and I bought on friday. I love the hat and the baby book! How freakin cute! DH picked out the hot pink outfit with the cupcake on it. I made him pick something.
MIL and FIL bought whats in the other set of pics. The bibs match the cupcake outfit, lol. So cute. I also have a onsie that is yellow that says future guitar player on it. I got it before I knew the sex because I got it when I bought DH shirts for Christmas from the guitar company. I also bought the nursery furniture but it won't be in for about 2 weeks. I'll take a pic of baby's room eventually when it is set up. As for a bump pic I'm not dressed for it today but I will take one in a few days when I wear my new maternity capris. I had to get more maternity stuff as my old pants just aren't cutting it anymore and they're getting to tight to cover with the belly band. Everything is sooo expensive but they are comfy. I need a few shirts too because my shirts aren't covering too well anymore. I have gotten huge! I look much further along than I am and I've already gained 12 lbs! I'm going to need a serious diet after this baby! She has me craving cookies lately. But otherwise I love fruit and salad. As I'm typing this she has decided to kick the crap out of me. It is faint because of the placenta being in the wayh but it's definately her. SHe's been at it for at least five mins. So crazy.

Rachel I really hope this is your month. Your chart looks really crazy. You are right though progesterone does crazy things to your body and that's probably what it is. I'll keep my fx'd anyway and I just know you'll get pregnant soon!


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Yay, girly stuff, I love the little purple owls. Dh and I decided that if we have a girl one day we want to paint her room purple instead of pink, like a lavendar/orchid light purple. So much fun when you find out the sex because then you get to do all the decorating and pick out a name. I have been thinking about names, but I don't think DH wants to think too much about it until we are actually pregnant. He is one of those that isn't going to believe it until the test is blaring positive and the doctor confirms it. Although we really did think last cycle was going to be it when I got very dizzy and sick, now I feel like I can't trust any symptoms. Trying not to think about it too much, tonight for dinner we are going to try a new place called Two Fat Matt's that serves wild game like wild boar, quail and antelope... not my cup of tea, but DH watches all those bizarre food shows on the travel channel. As for me, I will just be getting a good old american BEEF cheese burger. Trying to enjoy time with him without worrying about baby making. It's almost our 5 year anniversary followed shortly by our 3 year wedding anniversary :)
Thanks, I love the owls! I've always likes them and purple. There aren't as many purple things as pink out there or else I would most likely do purple everything. Baby's room is just painted beigey pale brown and there are a lot of bedding sets that go with brown.

We have a place like that around here and last time we went DH had shark. They had all sorts of weird stuff you never see on a menu and I had chicken, lol. I was pregnant too so I wasn't gonna risk eating something weird that might make me sick.

My DH didn't want to talk about names until we got pregnant either. We have been talking about them but haven't 100% decided. I don't really want to decide until we get closer because I'm afraid I'll change my mind.

Anyway congrats on your soon to be anniversary! Our second wedding anniversary is coming up in Oct. But we started dating in Feb of 2003 when we were just kids.Can't believe it's been so long! Time is really flying!
hi i need help today makes me 65 days late i started to feel real nasuea so i took test it came out faint postive and i took another but i drank alot water and it came out negative .. can i be pregnet i have took 7 test prior and this is my first postive ....can i be prego ?
Just happened upon this thread... I had my son without trying. He's 9 now. I was put on the Ortho Evra patch for the year after his birth and ever since then things have not been right. It's been 8 years and 5 months since my last patch and no luck at all. My hormones are still all crazy, and the only suggestion my doctor gave is birth control again. Why would I want birth control when we have been trying for another baby?? I'm on cd 24 with my first cycle of soy. My husband isn't too keen on seeing an RE (costs scare him), so I'm kind of stuck. I think I ovulated, but because of the hormonal issues, OPKs never worked for me. They're all over the place.
I just wish I had never been on Ortho Evra.
hi i need help today makes me 65 days late i started to feel real nasuea so i took test it came out faint postive and i took another but i drank alot water and it came out negative .. can i be pregnet i have took 7 test prior and this is my first postive ....can i be prego ?

Of course you can be pregnant if you ovulated late and caught the egg. Hold your urine for 4 hours and don't drink much and test again.Take another test in the morning and don't drink too much before bed. Maybe even go out and get a digital test and take that if you get another faint positive. Or you could always call your doctor and ask to be seen for bloods because you suspect pregnancy. Good luck.
Just happened upon this thread... I had my son without trying. He's 9 now. I was put on the Ortho Evra patch for the year after his birth and ever since then things have not been right. It's been 8 years and 5 months since my last patch and no luck at all. My hormones are still all crazy, and the only suggestion my doctor gave is birth control again. Why would I want birth control when we have been trying for another baby?? I'm on cd 24 with my first cycle of soy. My husband isn't too keen on seeing an RE (costs scare him), so I'm kind of stuck. I think I ovulated, but because of the hormonal issues, OPKs never worked for me. They're all over the place.
I just wish I had never been on Ortho Evra.

Wow! 8 years and your still not back to normal! So sorry you are going through this. Do you temp? It can be a pain but it will let you know whether or not you are ovulating and when you do it. After 2 months or so you may see a pattern in your cycles and be able to BD more efficiantly without using opks. I think that my hormones never truly returned back to normal after BC either and I'll be bugging the doctors to help me figure it out once baby is born. I am also going to try and avoid BC at all costs until I have had all the children I want. Best of luck to you
My temp shot up today, and I slept very well too... it is WAY too early for ovulation, I haven't even finished my clomid, I have two more pilsl to take!
My temp shot up today, and I slept very well too... it is WAY too early for ovulation, I haven't even finished my clomid, I have two more pill to take!

Maybe just a fluke thing? It's still only 97.9 and you often have 98s in your post O temps so maybe it's just nothing. You'll know for sure in a few days. I think it is too early though so try not to worry.

Here is the bump pics I promised Rachel. 20w5d took em a few min ago! I'm HUGE! These are my maternity clothes- some of the only things that fit, lol. Gained 12lbs already!


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Wow your bump is growing! I love it, so cute :) I want one...ahhhhhh one day hopefully.

Michelle-Clomid can cause your temps to be wacky while actually taking the pills. I read an article about it and it is not uncommon for your temps to go up while on them.
My temp shot up today, and I slept very well too... it is WAY too early for ovulation, I haven't even finished my clomid, I have two more pill to take!

Maybe just a fluke thing? It's still only 97.9 and you often have 98s in your post O temps so maybe it's just nothing. You'll know for sure in a few days. I think it is too early though so try not to worry.

Here is the bump pics I promised Rachel. 20w5d took em a few min ago! I'm HUGE! These are my maternity clothes- some of the only things that fit, lol. Gained 12lbs already!

Love it, now you can definitely tell that there is a little baby in there :)

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