Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Wow your bump is growing! I love it, so cute :) I want one...ahhhhhh one day hopefully.

Michelle-Clomid can cause your temps to be wacky while actually taking the pills. I read an article about it and it is not uncommon for your temps to go up while on them.

I know- it's huge! But I think I finally look pregnant and not just fat. You'll get your soon enough, I'm sure of it!
Wow your bump is growing! I love it, so cute :) I want one...ahhhhhh one day hopefully.

Michelle-Clomid can cause your temps to be wacky while actually taking the pills. I read an article about it and it is not uncommon for your temps to go up while on them.

I forgot that you told me about clomid and rising temps during your first cycle. I guess I just assumed that my body would react the same every cycle.
My side effects have been different every cycle. You never know with this drug!
The sky is so blue here today. I suppose it will be hot later. I hate the heat! Last night I woke up at 2:30 really warm so I turned on the fan and went to pee. The AC was going and it was even kinda cool last night but I was still hot. Ugg I hated it. And then I woke up at 6 or 6:30 and I peed again and then I tried to go back to bed. Baby was kicking a little while I was lying in bed and then I got really hungry so I came downstairs and ate breakfast. I wish I could still be asleep because I'm really tired. Hoping to take a nap sometime today. :sleep:

I hope you are all having a good day. Anything new?
I am feeling really down today. My temp is down a little and no symptoms which is what happens everytime around this point in my cycle so I know it didn't happen this cycle. I knew my chances were low and thought I would be ok with it but I am feeling really depressed today :( I guess the thought of going down the road with the RE knowing that is likely our last shot at this scares me. We will probably try 4-6 cycles with the RE and if no luck we will stop TTC for at least 2 years then MAYBE consider IVF down the road. I have a friend that has been TTC almost two years and has had 2 IUIs and she even has normal cycles and still can't get pregnant. It doesn't make me feel that great about my chances with an RE. Also I read with the IUI your chances are only 8% which is weird, you would think it would be more. I really don't even know how much it is worth it for us to spend the money on all this. Sometimes I just think I just take it as a sign I may not be meant to have kids. :shrug:
So sorry you are feeling down today, Rachel. I know it seems like it's never going to happen, but it will. Unfortuantely we can't really control when it happens do to our bodies having 'minds' of their own. I believe you have issues that need to be addressed but I think your new doctor can certainly help you to address them. The other doctor seemed to be a bit unaware of how to help you and thought that just getting you to ovulate regulary would help. That doesn't seem to be your problem as you were ovulating on your own even though it was late. Perhaps the lining is your problem or a certain hormone is just off enough to keep implantation from taking. These are things you should discuss with the RE thoroughly but I really don't feel like you should write yourself off yet. I have faith that you can get pregnant it's just a matter of getting everything right. Your only 30, right? You have time and it will happen! I know how hard it is to be positive but that's all you can do so don't give up! I wish I could say something to make you feel better so I'll just have to send :hugs: and :dust:
Thank you for all the kind words. I will be 30 in a few months-not looking forward to that! My original goal was to have a baby by time I was 30 :wacko:

I hope your right and the only thing stopping me from getting pregnant was my lining and they will be able to help me with that. I bought Raspberry Leaf tea from whole foods, that is supposed to help tone the lining and thicken it. You are supposed to drink it until O, so I will give that a shot next cycle. I will try to keep my head up, some days it is just hard. Sometimes I think I should just stop temping as I think seeing these temps gets my hopes up and down but it is so addicting :haha:
Yeah I know what you mean. Just try and keep it in mind that the temps are just to tell you that you have O'd, not to predict pregnancy. I'm sure that you just need to tweak something slightly and you'll have a healthy pregnancy. And you aren't even 30 yet you have a while before you need to be worried! I'm SURE that going to the RE will will help you. And reading up on all of the remedies and everything can't hurt. I mean the vitex worked for me so I'm sure that other remedies will work for your lining and whatnot. Also didn't your doctor say that clomid can sometimes thin a woman's lining? If this is the case the doctor knows to help you with this issue and can switch up your meds, and that, combined with your supplements will be perfect, so if that is the issue it will be fixed. Also I think you said that the Dr wanted to retest your blood because there was a certain level that was slightly off (something your other doctor didn't even think to mention) and if that is the issue, again- your doctor knows about it! Even the smallest thing in your body can set you off (as you know simply from having long cycles) so if your thyroid, or a hormone, or any little thing is just a tad off that might be causing your body not to take directly to pregnancy. I think it's all something that your new Dr will help you with and that in the next few months you will be sporting a big belly and worrying about every little thing pregnancy related as opposed to TTC related. You'll be just fine! :hugs: I wish you'd feel just a little positive because you have every reason to be!
Yes the dr's office that I saw (the first RE that I did not like) checked my prog and TSH levels. I am waiting on a call back from them to hear the results which I should get today.

He said technically my TSH level was within normal but it was a little higher than he likes to see so he wanted to retest. So I am assuming if it got any higher they may want to put me on thyroid meds. I really hope it doesnt come to that because I will be on those meds for the rest of my life :(
Ooh. As someone who has a bunch of family members with thyroid issues I know what you mean! It is scary to think that you'll be on those meds for the rest of your life and it can take a few tries to get your dosage right but when you are balanced you can feel the difference. My mother had a really hard time with her thyroid when she was about 26 or 27 after she was done having kids. They tested her and told her that her numbers were 'within normal range' yet she had terrible skin, dry and blotchy, she was tired all of the time, and was moody, and here hair was falling out. Some people don't get many symptoms indicating that there is something wrong with their thyroid, not noticeable ones that can't be explained away anyhow. So she kept insisting that something was wrong and they finally gave her a thyroid med to take everyday and it fixed her right up. See these numbers and levels have a range but everyone is different and whats normal for one is not always normal for the next. I think there may be an issue with my thyroid, something slightly off but they tell me that the levels are 'within normal range'....hmmm sounds familiar. Should I have further issues after the baby is born I will be getting further thyroid testing and insist they try something.

I have also heard from many women on this forum that if those levels are off enough they can prevent you from getting pregnant. Not forever but until the problem is fixed. Perhaps this is your problem? Whatever it is I'm just sure that you will get pregnant. Just hopefully sooner than later!
I am feeling really down today. My temp is down a little and no symptoms which is what happens everytime around this point in my cycle so I know it didn't happen this cycle. I knew my chances were low and thought I would be ok with it but I am feeling really depressed today :( I guess the thought of going down the road with the RE knowing that is likely our last shot at this scares me. We will probably try 4-6 cycles with the RE and if no luck we will stop TTC for at least 2 years then MAYBE consider IVF down the road. I have a friend that has been TTC almost two years and has had 2 IUIs and she even has normal cycles and still can't get pregnant. It doesn't make me feel that great about my chances with an RE. Also I read with the IUI your chances are only 8% which is weird, you would think it would be more. I really don't even know how much it is worth it for us to spend the money on all this. Sometimes I just think I just take it as a sign I may not be meant to have kids. :shrug:

:hugs: I totally agree with Steph, your other doctor didn't know how to figure out what was going on with you. I believe once this doctor runs all the tests and everything else then he will be able to figure out a course of action, ovulation is an important part, but like Steph said, you were already ovulating unlike me, so there may be some other little tweak they need. I know it's hard to wait for all the tests, I had to take a ton of blood tests and wait and wait and that was all before they even put me on clomid. I keep thinking that maybe the exact perfect time for me to get pregnant is just a few months later then I wanted it to be for some reason unknown to me right now.
So I just got my blood work results back.

My thyroid was 1.6 which is perfect. Last time I had it tested was February and it was 3.10. I asked the nurse if it was normal for it to fluctuate like that from test to test and she said "are you on thyroid meds?" I said no. She said that is really strange for it be that different and she has never seen that unless someone was on thyroid meds. What the heck does that mean then?? I am just an anomaly??

I had my progesterone done on 6 dpo and it was 14.1. I think 30+ is really good but I think it peaks at 7 dpo so maybe that is why it was a little lower. The nurse said it was good and that they like to see 10+ to indicate ovulation.
Actually after doing a little more research it seems my progesterone levels are good. Thats a relief!
I'd say wait until your next appt and discuss the thyroid numbers with your doctor. Perhaps he can better explain why the large shift in the number and what the next step is as far as fertility goes. I'm sure they will be able to help you and you'll catch the egg soon! Maybe it means you're getting back on the right track!? When is your next appt?
I meet with my new RE for the first time on tuesday the 31st. He came highly recommended by a good friend. She said he will take as much time as I want and is very compassionate. The last RE didn't give me much time and I felt like he kept blowing off everything I said. I can't wait to meet with this new dr.

I asked my mom about the thyroid thing because she is a nurse and she also said it was very odd the levels would be that different in that short of time. She thinks its possible there was an error one of the times. I also had it tested a year ago and I don't have the numbers from that time so I called my PCP and left a message to get that. I will also likely ask my new RE to retest it.
So I just got my blood work results back.

My thyroid was 1.6 which is perfect. Last time I had it tested was February and it was 3.10. I asked the nurse if it was normal for it to fluctuate like that from test to test and she said "are you on thyroid meds?" I said no. She said that is really strange for it be that different and she has never seen that unless someone was on thyroid meds. What the heck does that mean then?? I am just an anomaly??

I had my progesterone done on 6 dpo and it was 14.1. I think 30+ is really good but I think it peaks at 7 dpo so maybe that is why it was a little lower. The nurse said it was good and that they like to see 10+ to indicate ovulation.

Confused over here, they like to see 10+ to confirm you ovulated, but I got mine tested on cd21, which ff said was one day after ovulation, and my progesterone levels confirmed that I ovulated... so now I wonder if I ovualted a day or two earlier, or my progestrone levels just jump fast?
You may have o'ed a day or two earlier and maybe your levels were just around 10. I have heard some drs consider over 5 ovulation too so who knows what your dr. does. You should be able to call and ask for the actual number.
True, once I heard the voice mail that the levels confirmed ovulation I never thought anything past that ovulating hurdle. I guess I should just leave it at that and not worry about all the little things until a few more cycles. Actually the next thing I should focus on is probably DH and doing a SA, it's just hard for me to not think about all the little things that could possibly be wrong.
Need to clean some more today. Hope baby is doing ok. She kicked me a few times this morning but not as much as yesterday or the day before. Wonder if she has moved to where I can't feel her move. I'm 21 weeks today! 19 to go! 2 weeks until I see the OB and 15 days until my follow up ultrasound. I hope baby is more cooperative this time.

Hope everyone is doing well today!
Good that you can feel her moving every now and then, hopefully the next 19 weeks go by as fast as these first 21 seem to have (for me at least, maybe not to you :) )!

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