Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Doing good so far today. Just sooo happy that I don't have to wait a million days to try again. That is my favorite part about clomid, no more 100+ day cycles.
Exactly Michelle. More chances to get the bfp with shorter cycles. Your chances are greater every time! Soon you'll be pregnant!Fx'd for this cycle!

I slept really well. Only waking once at 4:30 to pee. Baby then wiggled until I fell back asleep so technically I got my kick count in already although she's been quiet since waking back up at 9. Just happy she's ok. Got lots of housework to do but I don't want to push myself too much as I've been working around here a lot and am SORE!

Hope you all are well!:hugs:
Ugg! Baby quiet again today! I don't like it! I can feel a few things here or there but nothing strong or anything. Doctor tomorrow so hopefully all is well!:wacko:

Hope everyone is doing well today
I hope/am sure everything will go great at your appt tomorrow!

I also have an appt tomorrow, you and I seem to have our appts the same days lately huh? It will be my first OB you know what I should expect to happen?
I hope/am sure everything will go great at your appt tomorrow!

I also have an appt tomorrow, you and I seem to have our appts the same days lately huh? It will be my first OB you know what I should expect to happen?

Mine was a few hours long. We sat down and talked about previous illnesses, meds, family history, etc. They gave me an idea of everything that would happen and then I had a pelvic exam, felt my belly, etc. I got a bloodwork slip for every illness and std in the book. Checked weight, bp as usual. It's not too bad. Just might be time comsuming. Maybe a pap if you're overdue. Maybe a breast exam if you are overdue. Reg gyn things but they also check you cervix to make sure it is, long/hard/high whatever. Maybe an ultrasound if they think it's necessary. It's prob too early to use a doppler on you but they might look for the baby's hb. All normal stuff really...nothing to be scared about.

Oh and they also might talk to you about the sequential screening for the baby. It's 2 or 3 rounds of bloods and and 12 wk and a 20 wk scan to check for abnormalities, etc. You can opt out of it if you want but I did it because it's really the best way to tell if anything is wrong and get ultrasounds. Although it can be a little stressful. Also you'll probably have an appt once a month until you hit 3rd tri where you will have 2 a month.
A few hours :shock: That's a long appt! Thanks for letting me know so I am mentally prepared. I wasn't planning on having DH come to this appt, do you think he needs to be there or can I go on my own?

Did you get the flu shot?
A few hours :shock: That's a long appt! Thanks for letting me know so I am mentally prepared. I wasn't planning on having DH come to this appt, do you think he needs to be there or can I go on my own?

Did you get the flu shot?

I took Dh ccause they needed his history as well but if you know his family's medical history, etc you should be ok. I think I was there for an hr and 1/2 but they told me to expect anywhere up to 3 hrs. I think it was because I had to talk to the doctor for at least some amount of time and he is often in and out delivering babies. I usually only get to talk to the OB himself for a few min each appt if he isn't at the hospital delivering.

I didn't get the flu shot. I'm waiting to see how adamant my dr is about me getting one. I've never had one before so I'm worried about having an adverse reaction but at the same time I think I may get it just to protect baby. I'm not sure. It's up in the air at this point, lol.
Had a decent appt today and baby was very active. The doctor didn't say anything about my weight but I have now gained 23 lbs:blush:I'm so embarassed and uncomfortable. Now I have my shower on Sun where I will be seen by up to 60 people looking like this! Yuck. I can't wait to re-lose this weight. Doctor says my fundal height measures to 34 weeks. I have to wait until monday though to see if baby is measuring ahead, behind, or whatever. Hopefully she is At least right on target.

Rachel I did get a flu shot today. The doctor strongly suggested I do so. Therefore I got my very first flu shot and so far so good.

I hope you both are doing well. Anything new?

Here is my 32 week bump pic. I am HUGE.:cry: DH took the pic for me....


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Aww your bump is so cute! I am glad to hear ur appt went well :)

Everything went good with my appt too. I did end up getting to hear the heartbeat on the Doppler :cloud9: I saw the mid wife today because I couldnt get in with the Dr this soon but I asked her about the flu shot and she said its up to me she didn't push me either way. I work from home so I am not around many people on a daily basis so I am leaning towards not getting it but making sure dh gets it if I don't. I am still undecided though I may end up getting it at some point. :shrug:
Not a cute bump...HUGE bump.:blush:Ugg. I'm up way too early! Baby is active again this AM though so that's good.

I decided to get the flu shot because baby will be born in 6-10 weeks or so and it'll still be flu season and she won't be able to get that shot until she's 6 mo old or something. I doubt that I'd pick up the flu anywhere but in case someone around me does, she'll be protected. Also I am allergic to penecillin and if I were to get sick I'd have to treat it with antibioics that aren't as well studied during pregnancy and therefore not really recommended. But wow I've never gotten a flu shot before and although it's a painless shot, my arm is sore and I was so drowsy and cranky last night. I felt like a baby who had gotten shots:dohh:

Happy your appt went well Rachel! I didn't remember whether or not they used to doppler on me at 10 weeks but they may have. They'll probably use it at every appt from now on to make sure the baby is ok so they know between scans. Do you have another appt next month then?

Michelle it won't be long and you will O! Fx'd this is your month!
I have my 12 week scan scheduled for october 22nd, so a week from monday, I am so excited for that one! I hope we get a good scan pic this time :)
It sounds like for you it was a very good idea to get the flu shot. I still go back and forth about it, I can't make up my mind!
You will probably be able to get a profile shot at your 12 wk. I hope your baby cooperates for pics unlike mine, really, lol. Anyhow I am absolutely exhausted....And I have to clean the kitchen and all...but all I wanna do is:sleep:
Today is my cleaning day, I am trying to get some work in this morning then clean this afternoon, I am not looking forward to it! Ever since becoming pregnant I get tired very easily and I hate cleaning that much more because of it :dohh:

Steph is your shower this Sunday or next Sunday?

My 30th birthday is on Tuesday so we are celebrating on Saturday. We are going to dinner with friends and then to the Busch Gardens haunted houses. I love haunted houses and Halloween time so I can't wait! It is something fun I can do while not drinking :thumbup:
I just took a very quick nap here on the couch. I think maybe the flu shot has made me extra sleepy? I don't know as this is my first ever. The third tri is definately my sleepiest so far. I can't wait for that nesting burst of energy everyone keeps talking about. I do have to clean my kitchen and just touch up the rest of the cleaning I did during the week and then I should be in good shape until after the shower.My shower is this Sun coming up. I'm excited to get stuff for baby and see some people I haven't seen but I'm still really nervous and I know I'm going to want to crawl in a hole with everyone looking at my huge belly.

Happy Early birthday, Rachel. It sound like fun to go to a haunted thing. I'm so emotional at the moment I'd probably end up crying instead of having fun, lol. I was only about as pregnant as you when my birthday passed, maybe even a little less. BUt this is a big one for you, I hope you enjoy and have fun! Next birthday you'll have a baby to cart around with you! lol
Hi, I was going to start a thread, but I seen this one and decided to take a look.
Imsotired..I noticed you started this thread, talking about your cycles after you got off bc. I am having a similar experience. I got off the pill in February. Normal February and march. In April I was a week late. In may I missed altogether. June had a period again, missed again in July, had one in august, and missed in September. My last two periods were 58 and 63 days. I had all kinda of tests done at the doctor, and everything came back normal. Did you find out what was on the go with your cycle or did it ever come back normal, every month?

For the past 3 weeks, my cervix has been high and soft. As for cm, just lotion like. Never actually seen ewcm and never had a positive OPK yet.

Does anyone have any thoughts and opinions?

Sorry for intruding.
Hi, I was going to start a thread, but I seen this one and decided to take a look.
Imsotired..I noticed you started this thread, talking about your cycles after you got off bc. I am having a similar experience. I got off the pill in February. Normal February and march. In April I was a week late. In may I missed altogether. June had a period again, missed again in July, had one in august, and missed in September. My last two periods were 58 and 63 days. I had all kinda of tests done at the doctor, and everything came back normal. Did you find out what was on the go with your cycle or did it ever come back normal, every month?

For the past 3 weeks, my cervix has been high and soft. As for cm, just lotion like. Never actually seen ewcm and never had a positive OPK yet.

Does anyone have any thoughts and opinions?

Sorry for intruding.

No need to be sorry and you aren't intruding. We all know what you are going through! I, like you mentioned started off the pill having pretty normal cycles for the first few months and then it went absolutely haywire. I had the doctors do all sorts of tests and they were seemingly normal. I still wonder if something was just slighlty off but considered in the 'normal range' by the doctors and therefore overlooked. Because everyone is different and perhaps a level being slightly off would make a big difference in my cycle and mess me up. Well rarely ever having a short cycle and being confused about when I or if I was ovulating, I began temping, and using opks, and taking vitamins. I took vitex which seemed to help my cycles get back on track and it seems to have worked. I also began taking B100complex for a while but then I stopped that when I found a good prenatal which had plenty of B in it on it's own. So I was on my way to getting my cycles back in order but I still wasn't falling pregnant so to occupy my time I began dieting, exercising, and reading. After being on the vitex for 8 weeks and losing a few lbs my cycle was a perfect 28 days O'ing around the 16th. That was in February of this year. As of March I had lost nearly 30 lbs and was much happier, and had another normal cycle where I O'd on day 16 again but that time I fell pregnant and so far so good. So to answer your question (and I'm sorry this is so long winded) yes, I did get back to a normal cycle! I'm hoping once the baby is born I can resume my diet and exercise routine and get my regular cycles back. I will also be *trying* to avoid bc, but I know that may be difficult as I won't want another baby so soon. I will at least be avoiding the brands that I was on as I think they were a big factor in upsetting my cycle in the beginning and just making me a miserable wreck.

I hope this was of some help to you. I was wondering if you are having any other strange symptoms since stopping bc and particularly what kind you were on? Any other issues such as weight, depression, etc? Ihope you don't mind my asking...

As for cm and cervix checking I can't really help you with that. Ever since beginning bc I have been pretty dry as far as cm/discharge goes. I'm still fairly dry in my pregnancy. I know I did see very little fertile cm each time I O'd. As for the opks there are many reasons you may not be getting a positive. You could be having annovulatory cycles or simply having a short surge whre you are missing your positive.

I hope you can get back on track soon. If you have any more questions we will try to help you whatever way we can! Best of luck!
Imsotired..thanks so much for your response. I am also started exercising, however, I do miss some days. Or in the case of this week, I haven't been able to do anything this whole week so far. I am also thinking about starting vitex. I really hope to get my cycles back on track and even then if I don't know for sure when I ovulate, at least if af shows, I know ovulated.

As for my bc, I was on ortho 777. I was on it for about 10 years.

You said you did see a little cm when you were o, was it ewcm?

Feel free to ask me more questions
Imsotired..thanks so much for your response. I am also started exercising, however, I do miss some days. Or in the case of this week, I haven't been able to do anything this whole week so far. I am also thinking about starting vitex. I really hope to get my cycles back on track and even then if I don't know for sure when I ovulate, at least if af shows, I know ovulated.

As for my bc, I was on ortho 777. I was on it for about 10 years.

You said you did see a little cm when you were o, was it ewcm?

Feel free to ask me more questions

Yes I did have SOME ewcm around ovulation time once or twice that I noticed. I'm a bit squeamish and I never checked my cervix so I can't say that I really searched well for it. 10 years is a long time to be on bc and I'm not surprised that it has screwed up your cycles a bit. I was only one for 2 or 3 years. I will say thought that if you are overweight the doctors might not do too much to help you because they're automatically going to assume that is the problem and suggest you lose it. I joined and it helped me a TON! I lost 30 lbs in 4 months.:thumbup: Being pregnant I've nearly gained it all back which is depressing but I'm hoping I can take it all off again after baby. If you aren't already, I suggest temping as it is the only way to know for sure if you are ovulating. You can have a cycle and get AF without ovulating. I believe that the exercise and the vitex both worked and helped me to get regular cycles and in the end it resulted in my bfp. I hope you can do the same and get your bfp soon as well!
Hey all! My shower was yesterday and although it was crowded, and therefore stressful, it went as good as it could. The baby got so many lovely things. I really cannot believe how full our house was once we brought it all home! Now I have to think about putting it all away and writing out a million thank yous! My living room literally looks like an episode of hoarders if they hoarded baby stuff!:haha: My house was perfectly clean too...oh well I guess being prepared for baby is a little more important. Here are a few pics of my gifts.

Also I just got home from my growth scan. Baby is growing right on schedule which I am so happy and relieved about. The estimated that she weighs about 4lb 3oz which is perfect. They also said that she has quite a bit of hair:cloud9: They said she was in the 55 percentile meaning she was a perfectly average sized baby and they thought she looked healthy and well. She is, as I expected, head down near my lower left, butt near my right ribs, and feet near my left ribs. Although she had her face pressed up against the placenta and she touched her face a lot we got a few pics. I love this particular tech because she always gives us a lot of pics and a peek of baby in 4d. Here is one pic.

Michelle how are things? In a week of so you will be O'ing probably. Hope you catch the egg!

Rachel is your birthday today or tomorrow? Either way happy birthday! :cake: I hope everything is going well with you!


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