Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Wow steph you got so many gifts, that's great! The 4d scan pic is cool :) I am happy to hear everything is looking good in there.

My bday is tomorrow :)

I hope all is well with you Michelle :)
Wow steph you got so many gifts, that's great! The 4d scan pic is cool :) I am happy to hear everything is looking good in there.

My bday is tomorrow :)

I hope all is well with you Michelle :)

Yes the one tech at the place I went for my ultrasounds (sequential screening) is lovely and she always tried to get us lots of pics and she shows us everything and explains it to us. This particular pic is probably the best one she got this time because baby was still at this very moment. You can still see her face pressed up against the placenta and her hand is shadowing her eye. All and all though she is definately starting to look more like a little person even though I can't really tell who she looks like yet!

Oh I highly recommend having a big shower. Even though I was stressed completely we got so much and we are really lucky. My house is a shambles trying to put everything away. All the gifts are so sweet. I couldn't be happier.

I hope you have the best birthday! So excited for you to have your 12 week scan and see your little pumpkin!
Wow, you got a ton of stuff from the baby shower. I bet that is a relief, one that it's over, and two that you got so many things you need. I can't wait :)

Happy early birthday Rachel in case I get crazy busy tomorrow and don't make it on to bnb!

As for me, everything is going fine so far. I did experience my first clomid hot flash two days ago, but it didn't last too long. My cervical fluid is starting to increase again, so hopefully that means I will O on cd 16 again this time. Fingers crossed!
Wow, what are my temperatures doing? My body is nuts, look at the drastic peak and dip!
Wow Michelle! That is quite a dip. Surely it's due to the hot flash/clomid. It's so great you will be O'ing soon! Fx'd for you!

We did get so many great things. I'll be putting a few things away a day and doing baby laundry for the next few weeks. DH has begun putting the larger items together. The ones we will need soon like the swing, playpen w/bassinet, etc. I can't wait to put her clothing away and set up her room. After that I will be able to determine whether there is anything else we need. I've also begun Christmas shopping just a little at a time so I'm hoping to be done with that early so DH and I can relax and enjoy each other while we can. Just so excited and happy to be coming up to the end!

Hope everyone is well!

Happy Birthday, Rachel!
I'm having a weird few days. I feel uncomfortable as usual but I also feel distracted and foggy. I'm having a hard time focusing and I'm just really disorganised (which is so not like me at all). Maybe it's because of all this baby stuff I've been struggling to put away? I just feel like I suddenly have ADD or something. lol! So strange! I can't wait to get all this stuff put away. It's really overwhelming to walk into the room and be face with a ton of stuff that doesn't have a place in the house yet.

Also with the weather changing (which I love) I am thinking more and more about Christmas and getting overwhelmed about the money I need to spend on gifts and everything and needing to buy more heating oil to heat the house. I'm hoping to be done by mid November though so DH and I can relax and just have a nice, normal, and quiet time before the chaos of baby begins.

Rachel I hope your birthday was a great day!

Michelle you should be O'ing soon and I'm keeping my fx'd!

Hope everyone is doing well!
I had a great bday thanks for the bday wishes!

Steph-I don't even want to think about Christmas shopping yet. I really hate shopping period so I will probably try to do most of it online. I hope you are able to finish everything soon so you can get some well deserved time to relax.

Michelle- my temps were a bit strange on clomid I wouldn't worry about a couple individual temps.
Baby is as big as a honeydew and I have less than 50 days to go! I can't even believe it! A part of me feels like I've been pregnant forever and another feels like it's really flown by. In 4 weeks I'll be considered full term...Amazing! My due date is in 7 weeks but I so hope she comes a week or two early and not at all late. That's just the craziest thing!

So as for the Christmas shopping, Everyone but the baby is getting giftcards and I'll buy one or two a week until I'm finished. I bought DH 3 t-shirts a while ago and that'll be his gift, and I picked up a giftcard for my mom the other day. I can't wait until I'm done buying! I also need to finish putting all of baby's stuff away and figure out what she still needs, but I have giftcards for that. I'm so stressed about it all and I just can't wait unitl it's over. This is one of the reasons I didn't want a December baby. But I obviously wouldn't trade her for anything, just saying, bad time to have a baby if you're easily stressed like I am. I'm just hoping everything goes well!

How is everyone else? Anything new? Hope you're all doing well.
Wow 49 days or less...that's crazy!! It'll be here before you know it.

All is well here just counting down the days until my scan Monday morning...can't wait!!
This upcoming Mon is your scan? Will it be your 12 week then? Have you seen your OB yet?

I know. I cannot believe I have 49 days to go! You will be here before you know it!

:wacko:I am absolutely out of my mind the past few days. I just cannot seem to get anything done and I feel so unprepared, disorganised, confused, anxious, worried about money....Sorry just needed to rant. I think it's all just hormonal.:dohh::shrug:
I'm sure it is just hormones...they can make you feel crazy. Try your best to relax :)

I already had my first ob appt that's when I heard the heartbeat on the Doppler. Yes this will be my 12 week scan. After this I imagine my next scan won't be till 20 weeks, right? How many ultra sounds do u get after 20 weeks?
So I had a weird dream last night, not sure what is with me and my weird dreams. I had a dream that I had triplets, only the first two came out, and then the third one took forever. I thought he/she wasn't going to make it, but then finally he/she came out and was alive but small... Why would I dream that? I know even if I were to have triplets, which is highly unlikely, that they would do a C-section I think babies are on my mind waaay too much. My brother dreamt the other day that i told him I am pregnant, but at the time he had that dream I was on my period, so I was pretty certain that wasn't pregant.
Rachel I had a 12 wk, 20wk, 23wk, and 32 wk scan. And a few at the beginning when I was bleeding and the very first where we saw the heartbeat. The 12 and 20 were a part of sequential screening where they check baby for any complications or deformaties. I was sent out of my doctors office for these and I got blood work as well with them. I'm sure if I had opted out of the special sequential screening that the doctor probably would have had me had scans around 12 and 20 wks anyway. 20 weeks is when we found out the gender. 23 weeks was a follow up to the 20 week because there were measurements they missed because baby was uncooperative. 32 was a growth scan because I had a protein in my blood at one of the screenings that indicated baby may not grow past a certain point making me have to deliver early but so far so good- baby is growing fantastically. I think for a lot of women they might get a few scans at other times because it's their doctor's way of doing things or looking for complicatons. I do think a lot of women get their last scan at 20 weeks though. It depends on how the 20 week scan goes and if there are any problems. But every pregnancy and doctor is different, so youu may have more scans or less. By the time I give birth you'll probably be feeling your baby move and at that point they'll give you a NST whenever you want to see baby if you are worried about movement.

Michelle you really do have some crazy dreams. I doubt you'll be having triplets though, lol. I think there are just all of these thoughts and possibilities in your head that are coming out when you dream. I've always had pretty crazy dreams too and I'm still having them. Only about once a week do I dream about the baby or that I'm pregnant. Every other night is just a regular dream with weird things happening. Maybe you're brother's dream was a precognitive dream about this upcoming cycle? Would be cool if you could tell him he predicted your pregnancy! lol

I'm feeling just the same today so far. Anxious and all. Baby is moving pretty well so I'm not really worried about her. I do however feel like I have a sort of icky stomach. Not sure if I'm going to be sick today or what...I hope not. I'm hoping to get a couple things done today and maybe start to feel a little better and a little less stressed/confused.

Hope you are all doing well!
Steph-thanks for all the info I Appreciate it. It's good to have an idea of what's to come. I have been feeling nausea myself the past few days. I am really hoping it passes soon. That's good that the baby is moving so you don't have to worry about that :). I hope you feel better and don't get sick :sick:

Michelle- that is a crazy dream! I know your chance of twins goes up a decent amount on clomid but I think triplets is still pretty rare so don't worry :) any signs of o yet?

I slept almost 12 hours last night, crazy! I woke up a couple times this morning but was just too tired to get outta bed so I kept going back to sleep. I think my body needed it though.
Rachel, Anything you need to know I can give you my experiences. Depending on the specifics of your pregnancy you may have more appts/ultrasounds/bloodwork or you may have less. You may also have a one or three hour glucose tolerance test between 25-30 weeks. I have no more ultrasounds coming up unless it's a NST or something happens and they need to monitor the baby. I now have an appt every two weeks and soon it'll be weekly, probably into early or mid Nov. In about three weeks I'll probably have another pelvic exam, the first I've had since about 10 wks (because of spotting), to check if my cervix is beginning to dialate or efface or anything. It's mostly been just belly touching since 10 weeks which is nice to not have to strip everytime I go to the doctor. lol! Then I'll be delivering which I'm hoping will go well and like I said, I wouldn't mind if it were a week or two early. baby seems to be doing great and should be prepared by then. I'd gladly have her anytime just because I've been getting so uncomfortable since my stomach got so huge. hahaha

Also that is lovely that you slept 12 hrs! Enjoy while you can! I woke up at 530 this Am to pee and I've not gone back since. I'll hopefully nap later. Last night I slept even less so I consider last night a good night sleep. lol
Baby has been off and on crazy for the past few days. She's been beating on my ribs and squashing my lungs. I want to have her drop and engage to get the pain out of my ribs. I would LOVE for her to be born at 38 or 39 weeks. I need to have some relief!

I think I'm fighting off an outer ear infection. I had one in May of 2011 and it was absolutely awful! I am trying my best to keep my ears dry and not touch them. So far so good. I really don't want to deal with that while pregnant. So fx'd I don't get one!

I hope everyone is doing well!
Hope the ear infection stays away and baby quits squishing your lungs. Hey at least she is moving a lot, told you one day you would be wishing she would quit beating you up :)

As for me my temps are rising, but I don't know if it is because I ovulated, or because my throat is on fire and I am getting sick. To be on the safe side I am just going to continue bding every other day until I am 100% sure I ovulated. CD 15 seems like an early day to ovulate, but who knows what my crazy body is capable of. I didn't feel any ovulation pain, and I don't have sensitive nipples, so there isn't anything that makes me feel certain yet. I am kind of glad that my throat is on fire though, maybe if I get sick then my defenses will be down.
Michelle, I know lol. Some days she is so quiet that I am terrified but when she really gets going it gets very uncomfortable. Especially because I have such a short torso and my ribs are so sore and I'm awfully short of breath. I know it's because she is much bigger now and running out of room. I just can't wait until she's here and I can have my body back. Though I'm happy she's enjoying it in there so much.

It's definately possible to O on cd15 and I hope you did! Your chart looks great. I know though that with your sore throat that it may not be the case. Anyhow I think you're right and you should keep bd'ing until you know for sure. I've got my fx'd for you and this cycle!

So I am suddenly super tired and thirsty even though I have a lot to do and I felt great this morning. I'm guessing I need a quick nap and then I can get to work doing laundry and dishes and all. I just hope I can get it all done. I want to have it done this week so DH and I can relax this weekend- we have a wedding and I want to carve pumpkins:flower:. I also want to go Christmas shopping and maybe get to babies r us and pick up a few odds and ends. DH and I are going to be broke come new years:dohh: Oh well. Sorry so long. I"ve still got a pretty bad case of baby brain:haha:
Michelle- it does look like you o'ed but due to your sore throat and the fact that you don't have your usual post o symptoms I think you are smart to keep bd'ing every other day just in case :)

Steph- ear infections are so painful I really hope you don't have one...ouch! That is great that the baby is being so active...sorry she is beating up on your ribs though. Hopefully she will change position soon so you can get some relief!

I had my 12 week scan today and it was amazing! The baby moved a lot and flipped around. Dh was able to record some of it so we can watch it whenever we want. We got some good scan pics finally so we are really excited for that :)
Baby has quieted down since this AM which always makes me a bit nervous but at least I'm feeling a lot less pain. I can still feel a little pressure near my ribs but she isn't kicking them at least. Also I soooo hope that my ears don't begin to hurt any worse. I really don't want a fever and swollen ears and pain like I had last time. Also that can't be good for baby and I'd have to take some sort of antibiotic and I'm afraid to subject the baby to that sort of thing.....fx'd it keeps away!

Rachel that is fantastic that you had a great scan! Any pics to post? It's amazing how big baby has gotten, isn't it!? If you haven't noticed a difference yet I bet your belly is starting to grow a little! How exciting! So happy for you!

My bump is huge! Will have to take a new pic in a few days or weeks or so. DH keeps telling me I'm not as big as all of the girls at the class we went to and he says that the girls from his job said I looked small at the shower. I'm not sure whether I believe it or whether he is trying to make me feel better, lol:dohh:

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