Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

I didn't have the photo uploaded yet, here it is :)
I didn't have the photo uploaded yet, here it is :)

:thumbup: Baby looks like he/she is growing right on schedule, that picture on the chart in your signature is pretty accurate compared to your scan picture. Can't wait to see baby bump pictures :)
Baby looks great, Rachel! What a sweet little profile! I bet you are just so happy! Kinda forgetting what a pain in the butt getting pregnant was, right? I know that I'm still just so pre occupied with being pregnant that I don't often think about how difficult it was to get here. I'll never really forget though. Just so happy that it eventually happened and is going well so far. I have about 6 weeks to go so fx'd!

Michelle you'll be next and I'm hoping it's this cycle! How awesome would that be! I checked your chart and I see your temp dropped a bit so maybe it was your sore throat. Hoping you're not too sick maybe just a little bug working on you like my ears! O should be any minute now though so fx'd for you!

Baby was pretty active this morning. She was really popping me on both sides, maybe trying to move into a different position, hopefully low away from my ribs. I'd rather have bladder pressure and pelvic soreness then this burning in my ribs I think. My next OB is Thurs and then It'll probably be another 2 weeks until my next when I'll probably have a pelvic exam and fx'd I'll be slowly dialating so I can deliver at about 38 weeks or so. :thumbup: Wishful thinking, I know. I'll probably have her 2 weeks late:dohh:

Hope you are all doing well today!
Michelle- are you having any signs of o? Are you still doing opks? I bet it will happen any day now :) I am excited for you, I know it's only a matter of time now!

Steph- I hope you get your wish and can have the baby at 38 weeks :thumbup: from what I hear though your first usually goes late...I hope you get lucky!

I am really excited and can't believe I'm already 12 weeks! My ticker may be behind by a couple days because the drs are going by my lmp and always say the baby is measuring right for that time. I may need to update my ticker when I feel like getting around to it. I always try to look at my belly first thing in the morning because I am always really bloated as the day goes on. This morning I definitely could see a difference so I think my bump is starting. When it actually looks like something I will post a pic. Maybe within a few weeks.
Ugg. I've heard that the first is usually late also but I think(and hope!) it's an old wives tale. I think it's more about when your body and baby is ready. I'm hoping we are both ready early because I honestly don't know how much more uncomfortable I can get. The crazy thing is that I'm sure I'm less uncomfortable and in less pain than a lot of other women. I just feel like there's not too much more room for her as I feel her both in my pelvis and my ribs. I think the only way she can get bigger is if I grow out more. All I can do is hope for a stroke of luck That she comes at least 1 week early or on time. I just pray she isn't late at all!:wacko:

Rachel I bet your belly will be coming soon. I know a lot of my friends saw me at around 18 weeks and said they didn't think I looked pregnant at all.It was weird though because I felt huge and had begun to feel some small kicks around then. Maybe they thought I just looked a little puffy again as I had lost all of that weight before hand. I doubt they would say that though, lol. But I noticed from about 10 weeks that the bloat wasn't just bloat but my uterus as well. I love looking back on the pics to see how I've grown. I will eventually print them for the baby's baby book.

Thought id pop by just finished my depo injection.
I had 2 rounds so now waiting for my period to return.

I was on cerazette was expecting 6month wait but i got period within 5wks.
Fingers crossed x

Thought id pop by just finished my depo injection.
I had 2 rounds so now waiting for my period to return.

I was on cerazette was expecting 6month wait but i got period within 5wks.
Fingers crossed x

GL MummytoAmber! I hope your cycles return to normal! I know it can be difficult but fx'd you don't have any problems!
Baby got all her kicks in already but now she is sleepy. I had some awful pain yesterday in my 'girly area' if you will:blush:. I must admit though it was less uncomfortable than my rib pain as that just burns. I think I'd rather the groin pain! Tomorrow I'll be 34 weeks and I'll go to see my OB. I hope I haven't gained too much weight. I shutter everytime I think about it. Hope the appt and everything goes well.

I hope everyone is having a great day. Anything new?
34 weeks wow it seems like just a few months ago you announced you bfp...crazy! I hope your appt goes well :)

Nothing new here. I have my next ob appt in a couple weeks. This week is dragging I can't wait for the weekend!
34 weeks wow it seems like just a few months ago you announced you bfp...crazy! I hope your appt goes well :)

Nothing new here. I have my next ob appt in a couple weeks. This week is dragging I can't wait for the weekend!

I know, it's crazy! Soon you will be where I am and I'll have a kicking screaming baby girl! lol. It's exciting though, I cannot wait! It has gone rather quickly, however I sometimes feel like I've been pregnant forever. I really want a caffeinated coffee, a beer, and a lunchmeat sandwich! lol. I'm also worried about how long breastfeeding will keep me from these things as well but again I know it'll all be worth it in the end. I'd also love to feel thin again and be able to see my crotch as I can't now.:blush: I can't tie my own shoes either, so it'll be nice when I can do that. lol

I can't believe you are already 12 weeks, Rachel! That is fantastic! You have reached a great milestone and you'll soon be in the 2nd tri! Now you're belly is just going to grow and grow and you'll get some different symptoms popping up. Soon your baby will be kicking so you can feel it! It'll be exciting! So happy for you!

Next it's Michelle's turn to enjoy all of the craziness of pregnancy. I know that bfp is coming!
So I got a smiley face on my OPK today, but when I took the stick out there was the test line and then a second blurry line... I looked up if it was possible to have a false positive, and everyone seems to think no, unless it's just your LH surging without ovulating. I have never gotten a positive on a digital OPK in the past few months though. I do remember that my body used to give me really dark lines on the cheap opks several times though, so it's hard to tell. I am definitely going to BD as soon as DH gets home though just incase, but I won't really know until I see what my temps do.
Michelle I'd say you o'd yesterday or today so, if possible, I'd get DH to bd both days. I wouldn't over analyze it too much because a positive is a positive and 19/20 days on clomid seems to be the norm. As you say you won't know for sure until you see your temps but I know it'll be soon. I just hope you catch the egg!:dust:

I had my 34 week appt today and all is well. I've gained 25 lbs:wacko:. That's the worst part. Baby's heartbeat is great, my belly is measuring 38 weeks:blush: and my bp is great, very low. I go in 2 weeks to get my pelvic exam to check my cervix and get my group B strep culture. Fx'd i don't have strep but Fx'd my cervix has begun to change by then! Then I'm on to my weekly appts. Baby is elbowing me right now but I'm happy she's active and out of my ribs for the time being. Just happy everything seems well.

Anything new with you girls? I hope you're having a good day!
My throat is still on fire day five of irritation and today I am sneezing it up. Immune defenses down, now hurry up future baby and take advantage of my weakened immune system!
Michelle- I heard the same that if your immune system is down you have a better chance. Good luck I hope this is it!!

Steph- I'm glad to hear you appt went well and that baby continues to be active. I am so anxious to start feeling my baby I can't wait!!
Michelle I hope that you get a temp spike soon and that you catch the little egg! Sorry to hear that you are still feeling ill but hope it helps the little eggy implant comfortably.

Rachel you'll be feeling baby soon. I think I began feeling flutters and definative bumps at around 18 weeks though they couldn't be felt from the outside until 22 weeks or so. It's hard to remember really.

Baby is currently quiet but she was moving enough this AM. She must be having a nap. I have a wedding to go to tomorrow which I am not excited about as I can't drink and I'm the size of a whale! I also still have this terrible nagging feeling to go out and do and buy things that we still need for baby. I feel as though I'll never be fully prepared. Nesting maybe? Or maybe just some OCD? Ugg. 6 weeks to go, baby please don't be late!

Hope everyone is doing well!
So I need a quick rant if you don't mind. I just started Christmas shopping and I hope to be done by Thanksgiving as after that baby could come at any time. It's so expensive! There are also a few things I'd like to pick up for the nursery and for my piece of mind. There are 4 birthdays and an anniversary we need to buy gifts for in December so I'd like to have that done before Thanksgiving as well. I should also try and buy some home heating oil before the weather gets too cold and the price gets too high. We have a wedding to attend tomorrow (besides feeling disgustingly huge and therefore not presentable at such an occasion...) meaning we have to give them a gift obviously:wacko:. Now this ridiculous hurricane is supposed to turn right towards us as it comes up the coast causing all sorts of flooding and power outages. We have had power outages due to winds before and it takes forever where we are to get the power turned back on. I wouldn't worry much about it if we wouldn't have to replace all of the refridgerated foods in the house and I weren't pregnant. We cannot afford to throw all of that away. Also we tend to get water in the basement and if it gets high enough it could ruin the finished portion of our basement which would no doubt cost a fortune. I asked DH to see if he could track down a generator we could borrow from his job. He talked to his father about it and he said," why don't you just go buy one?" I nearly flipped! #1- watch the news! Since word of this storm came out there has been a run on them and nearly everywhere is sold out of them (not to mention the price has surely been hiked up) and #2 why do they think we can afford to go out and buy one when they know we will surely be in debt to the hospital with bills after the baby comes! Sorry but it's just absolutely annoying when people say things like that, especially my inlaws because they know I'm unemployed and they know how much DH makes. Also this storm could bring flooding rains and our area has had enough of flooding as last year our river crested at a record 46 feet flooding homes, streets, and businesses in our city. Luckily we live no where near the river but that doesn't make me any less afraid of flooding. It ruined a lot of people's lives last year. Lastly my parents are supposed to be going to florida on Tues. #1 I have to watch their home and feed their cat. They also get water in their basement and I'd hate for anything to get ruined while I'm in charge there. #2 I couldn't go on this trip because I'm pregnant #3 I hope their flight doesn't get delayed due to the storm as this is the first vacation they've been on in years and they deserve it #4 it should take 4 minutes to get to my parents house but due to this awful construction it takes 15 to go around.....

So sorry it's so long and so whiney. I'm just overly emotional and worrying and DH is out hunting down a generator and filling gas cans so he's not here to calm me. Fx'd it doesn't end up being another bad storm and fx'd I can stop worrying so much about money and time!:dohh:
I'm so sorry to hear about all the stressful things you have going on :hugs: that storm is crazy and I really hope it's not as bad as they think it will be. I live in Florida on the west coast so it didn't hit us but its been really windy here for days now because of the storm and still is today so it shows you how huge it is! All of dh's family lives in Philly and my uncle and his family live on Long Island ny so I am worrying for all of them as we'll :( I hope everything turns out ok...keep us posted if you can.
Thanks for caring, Rachel. It's absolutely crazy! It's just beginning to rain and get windy. My parent's flight to Florida was cancelled so they started driving down yesterday and surely they missed the storm so I'm happy they got to go. We brought all of our plants in and anything that can blow away as we are supposed to get winds up to 60mph or more. DH filled the gas cans and we have a generator awaiting and our pumps are ready if need be. I got a bunch of candles out and flash lights just in case. We will be ok.

I am however still worried about my parents house as we're supposed to be watching it. They are at a higher elevation than we are (even though we live really close to them- it is very mountainous here) so it'll be even more windy there. I'm worried about getting up there to check the basement, get the mail and feed the cat. I don't really feel comfortable driving up there in the wind and I have to wait for DH to come home to get up there anyhow. Also we have to go the long way around due to the construction which I am not happy about. I'm worried that everything on their porch is going to blow off as I was there yesterday and I didn't even think about it and they were too worried about getting on the road to beat the storm. They have a lovely little outdoor cat that I have to feed and I'm not worried about her as I know she will go in the garage or under the porch because she isn't stupid but I am worried about getting her some food and giving her a little attention. My uncle lives next door to them so I know he will take care of the basement and the power outage if needed but he may not take care of the mail or the cat or the stuff on the porch. I'm just a wreck thinking about it as I wish there were more I could do.

Baby is quiet today and I know it's due to my stress level. She is always a bit more quiet when I'm nervous, probably because I'm not concentrating enough on her to feel all of the movements. I'm sure she is fine though. Oh I went to that wedding and many people commented on how big my belly is:wacko:. It's the most embarassing and uncomfortable thing in the world to tell them I still have 5 1/2 weeks left. And BIL's gf (who already has 2 kids) made many comments about how huge I am and continually tried to give me advice which I did not appreciate. I know a lot about children because I worked with them for 6 years and I know labor and postpartum are difficult. That's just common sense! Don't get me wrong, I like her but these are not the things I want to discuss with her, or anyone at the moment.

Ugg, anyway...sorry so long again! Rachel I hope you are doing well! Michelle I see that you haven't had a big spike yet in temp but I think perhaps you did O and maybe you're just having a slow rise. We'll see soon enough I guess but don't get discouraged yet, you still have time! I hope everyone is doing well today!
Here I am HUGE at 34+2. I've got excess butt, thighs, hips, back, and a little extra in the arms and face as well. I'm up 25lbs according to my appt on Thurs. Not happy at all. Can't wait until she comes out!


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It sounds like you are very well prepared for this storm. I would try o do your best to relax and take it as it comes. Living in fla I have a lot of experience with these types of storms!

I think your bump is adorable...I can't wait for mine to really show! Are you using any creams or anything to try to prevent stretch marks? I just started using cocoa butter. I read its mostly due to genetics though and if your mom Didn't get stretch marks you are likely not to either. My mom said she didn't get any so I hope I take after her!

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