Thanks for caring, Rachel. It's absolutely crazy! It's just beginning to rain and get windy. My parent's flight to Florida was cancelled so they started driving down yesterday and surely they missed the storm so I'm happy they got to go. We brought all of our plants in and anything that can blow away as we are supposed to get winds up to 60mph or more. DH filled the gas cans and we have a generator awaiting and our pumps are ready if need be. I got a bunch of candles out and flash lights just in case. We will be ok.
I am however still worried about my parents house as we're supposed to be watching it. They are at a higher elevation than we are (even though we live really close to them- it is very mountainous here) so it'll be even more windy there. I'm worried about getting up there to check the basement, get the mail and feed the cat. I don't really feel comfortable driving up there in the wind and I have to wait for DH to come home to get up there anyhow. Also we have to go the long way around due to the construction which I am not happy about. I'm worried that everything on their porch is going to blow off as I was there yesterday and I didn't even think about it and they were too worried about getting on the road to beat the storm. They have a lovely little outdoor cat that I have to feed and I'm not worried about her as I know she will go in the garage or under the porch because she isn't stupid but I am worried about getting her some food and giving her a little attention. My uncle lives next door to them so I know he will take care of the basement and the power outage if needed but he may not take care of the mail or the cat or the stuff on the porch. I'm just a wreck thinking about it as I wish there were more I could do.
Baby is quiet today and I know it's due to my stress level. She is always a bit more quiet when I'm nervous, probably because I'm not concentrating enough on her to feel all of the movements. I'm sure she is fine though. Oh I went to that wedding and many people commented on how big my belly is

. It's the most embarassing and uncomfortable thing in the world to tell them I still have 5 1/2 weeks left. And BIL's gf (who already has 2 kids) made many comments about how huge I am and continually tried to give me advice which I did not appreciate. I know a lot about children because I worked with them for 6 years and I know labor and postpartum are difficult. That's just common sense! Don't get me wrong, I like her but these are not the things I want to discuss with her, or anyone at the moment.
Ugg, anyway...sorry so long again! Rachel I hope you are doing well! Michelle I see that you haven't had a big spike yet in temp but I think perhaps you did O and maybe you're just having a slow rise. We'll see soon enough I guess but don't get discouraged yet, you still have time! I hope everyone is doing well today!