Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

We get a lot of hurricane activity around here as well. Surely not as bad as you get down there in Fla but we get a lot of high winds and rain which makes flooding a big issue. Last year we had a historical flood which was devestating. We are prepared but with my parents gone we have a whole extra house to care for! Yikes!

Thanks. I know my bump is really huge though. I use bio oil every other day. I had some stretch marks before getting pregnant that were very faded from gaining/losing weight. Those marks are now darkening up again and I have a few new ones. They really aren't that bad though compared to other's I've seen. So I think I'm pretty lucky! HOpe you don't get any either!
:) Love the baby bump, one can't help but like baby bumps knowing there is an adorable baby inside :)

Hoping today started my slow rise, if not I am going to assume this cycle is a bust. I might be moving on to a specialist. I think tomorrow I am going to call somewhere for dh to get poked and prodded to check his sperm and hormone levels. I am still worried that when I finally produce an egg his swimmers may not be ready. There is too much unknown for me to just not hunt for answers.
Michelle- I hope it is just a slow rise and you had a higher temp again today. I think if you don't o again you are making a great decision to move on to a specialist. I wish I hadn't wasted 3 months with my gyno, the specialist is so much more thorough and helpful. They will actually diagnose what your problem is instead of just throwing you on meds that may not even be the meds you should be on. If you do have to end up seeing a specialist you and your dh would go together and they will order him to get a semen analysis right away. That was the first thing my dr wanted to do because he said its best to rule out an issue on the male side first. I hope it turns out you did o and you can just get your bfp now though!

Steph- I hope everything is ok over there with the storm!
Michelle I hope you did O as well! I'm hoping your temp goes up the next few days and stays there. A specialist would be a good way to go if you didn't O this time. Don't be worried about it too much. I'm sure that whatever is keeping you from ovulating or getting pregnant is just trivial and can be easily fixed and a specialist will be the best way to go. They will know how to help you if you need it! I have my fx'd for you!

Rachel our power was out for 23 hours:dohh:. What a nightmare! It just made me really stressed. Our phone and internet was out for over 12 hours as well. DH had the generator ready so we got to keep the fridge, heat, and pump plugged in (we get water in the back half of the basement). Once in a while DH would plug the tv or computer into the generator so we had something to do. He didn't have work but probably won't get paid for it either unfortunately but at least I wasn't here all day without power by myself. Everything is fine now though.

Baby is quiet this AM:wacko:. But I slept really well and I'm thinking maybe she is sleepy too. Waiting to get all of my kicks in and hope it's soon. I'm sure she is probably just fine. Oh and my belly button is beginning to pop out! It's so weird! I really can't wait to have this baby so I can at least feel a little bit normal! I'm sure it'll be strange not to be pregnant at first but I'm hoping I will cope well. Anyhow I need to clean up a bit in case we get any trick or treaters (probably just family/friends) because without the power on it was difficult to keep the house clean.

Hope everyone is doing well!
I am glad to hear the power was only out for one day and you were well prepared with your generator. It's so sad to see what happened to the jersey shore :( I lived in Philly for a couple years and spent some time at the shore so it is crazy to see the devastation.

All is well here nothing new to speak of. My next ob appt is Tuesday so hopefully I can hear the baby's heartbeat on the Doppler. Steph, do they typically use the Doppler every appt? I hope so!
Rachel at my appts I get to hear the heartbeat everytime. It's their way of checking baby's health without a scan and I think they also do it to reassure the mothers. Your doctor will probably be the same and you'll get to hear it each time. I can't believe that at my next appt on the 8th I will have my cervix checked already! Feels like just yesterday I had my first OB appt and now they will be checking if baby/my body is preparing for delivery! I hope everything looks good and that baby is engaged and my cervix is favorable. I really cannot see keeping her in for so much longer. I would gladly have a thanksgiving baby! I'm not so lucky though so I may end up with a Christmas baby:wacko:. I'm not sure if I could keep my sanity that long though...I may explode also as I don't think I could get much bigger!
That's great! I can't wait to hear the heartbeat although last time it took what felt like forever for her to find it so it got me nervous! I assume the bigger baby gets the easier they will find it.

That's amazing you are at the point in your pregnancy that they are checking your cervix to see if your getting ready to exciting!!
Early on in pregnancy it can take a while to find the heartbeat. If they don't find it they'll scan you, no big deal. It's usually just fine. Now a days they usually find it straight off because she is large but it's also a little staticy on the doppler because her heart is bigger. They told me that sometimes happens when baby gets bigger. But it made me laugh because one of my recent appts they couldn't find her heartbeat but she was kicking or punching at the doppler. They nurse was a bit worried until she saw one of the wacks. I just laughed cause I felt all the movement. Then they found the beat when baby sat still for a moment. I think it also depends on the nurse and baby's position because some of the ladies it takes a while and other's find it one, two, three. I admit it's a bit scary when it takes a while but it's usually just fine. No worries!:thumbup:
Ugg baby is quiet today! She must be sleepy or just being stubborn. Drives me crazy though!

I got a lot done today and there is still so much to do! I just realized I'm 35 weeks today! That means I probably have about 5 weeks to get everything else I want done. Fx'd I can get it all taken care of in good time!

Anything new ladies? Hope you're all having a great day!
Still nothing new here...Our 3 year wedding anniversary is on the 7th but dh will be out of town for work which I am really upset about so we will be celebrating this weekend. Not doing anything big just spending some time together :)
:thumbup: to growing babies.

My temperature is staying up so far. Hopefully I did O and I am 4dpo, but I don't think I am going to be satisfied until my temps stay up for at least ten days or so just because I am always so skeptical.
Temps look good, Michelle. I think you def O'd. Hope you get your bfp this time! Are you going for any bloodwork to reassure you that you have O'd?

Rachel, sorry that your DH will be away for your anniversary! But at least you are planning on celebrating this weekend so you'll still have that. DH and I didn't do much for our anniv this year. We went out to eat. It's not like I could go out drinking or anything anyway. We decided we'd best save our money as this baby is quite expensive. I hope you have a great time though!

Baby was making up for her quiet morning yesterday kicking and elbowing and rolling and everything last night. Her movements were so strong that they hurt and they took my breath away! DH wasn't even touching my stomach and he said he could feel when she moved just by lying next to me because she shook the bed! This morning she is so far much more gentle. I'm happy for that because she really scared me. It felt like a little knee or something was going to bust through my belly!

Anyway I still have some Christmas shopping to do. I think I'll get a few more out of the way today. I have 4 more people to buy for not including baby. I also want to make one more trip to babies r us and walmart for baby/post partum supplies. I can't see sending DH for huge overnight pads when I'm bleeding after birth or even breast pads. I sent him for tampons once and he came home with the wrong ones...I'm sure so he'd never have to do it again, lol. I mean he's been with me for 10 years, well probably 8 at the time, and he has seen the tampons I use on the counter and I showed him the box again before he left so how could he have gotten it wrong!? Silly men.

Anyway I think I'm going to try and have a lazy day and just buy a gift card or two offline. The only thing I definately have to do is go check on my parents house and wash the dishes. Hope everyone else is doing well!
Steph- she is probably getting cramped for space in there and wants to move around and stretch out. Hopefully she will make her appearance soon!

Michelle- it def looks like you o'ed to me. I am so excited for you...I hope this is it!!!
She surely is getting cramped! So I assume that she may have been trying to turn last night and finding a lot of resistance as she's grown so much. But luckily this Am she is fairly gentle just popping me a little here and there. I'd imagine if she is gaining the ounce a day that she can be gaining that she is probably about 5lb, 5 oz about now,which is definately big enough for me to feel uncomfy when she wiggles. I just hope she decides to make her appearance around 38 weeks so I can be a little more comfotable!
I was suppose to go for blood work on cycle day 21, but I had to go early in the morning before work, and DH took my gps and I can't find my doctors office without it. I am kind of dependent on my gps when going anywhere that isn't in the little town I live in, or the town I used to live in before this. That was on a friday, and the only other time I could go would have then been on monday, and I called the doctor and he suggested just sticking to ovulation test. Then I took another ovulation test, and bam another positive. Took a few more after that just to make sure it wasn't broken and stuck on positive since it's digital and all the ones after that didn't have a smiley face... so I am going to just have to believe an OPK finally caught my surge. I still don't know why I would have two positives a few days apart, but I guess my body was surging and then decided it wasn't ready yet.
I think you are right, Michelle. Sounds like your body began to O and then took a break for a moment and then finally followed through. It's happened to me at least twice while ttc that I had more than one pos opk in a cycle, I'm sure it happens often and women sometimes don't catch it. I do think you really did O thought so I wouldn't worry about not getting to the doctor. I'm definately keeping my fx'd for you though this cycle. How exciting!
6 dpo and so far pretty uneventful except for a dull ache on the right side this morning. DH keeps asking if I am pregnant yet, but what's new? I have to work 10am-7pm today, but then I get to be off for the next two days. Hope the little peach and honey dew are doing well today. Can't wait to find out if the little peach is a boy or a girl :)
Your chart is looking really good so far! I can't wait to find out either. We should find out in about 6 weeks. Me, dh, my mom, and dh's mom all think its going to be a boy :)
If it's a boy, then I am just going to have to get pregnant and tip the scales of this thread one way or the other. On the other hand, if it's a girl, I am going to need to have the boy that I think I am going to have so I can try and even it out a little :) Of course anyone else on the thread is welcome to join in and add some more post bcp babies. Every post bcp baby and bfp makes me believe that it is actually possible and I am not just trying in vain.
Of course its possible, Michelle! Your time is coming and I hope it's soon!

Rachel I can't believe you'll be finding out so soon! Time really flies I guess! How exciting. If you haven't changed your mind yet, then it probably is a boy like you think! I know I thought so for the first few months but I quickly began to doubt myself which made think it was a girl, and it is! Did you pee on a tbsp of baking soda to see if it fizzes? If it fizzes it's a boy if not it's a girl! lol! It was accurate for me anyway but obviously not scientifically proven. haha

So one of my ears is super sore again today and I just talked myself out of calling the doctor again. I don't want to be on an anti biotic for the test I'm going to have on Thurs and I don't have a fever yet so I'm going to try and stick it out again. It went away last time but then I forgot about it and probably somehow irritated them again. Fx'd I don't need an extra trip to the doctor or an antibiotic. I just hope the baby is ok with all of this. She is kicking very gently again this AM which drives me crazy and makes me nervous. At least she is doing something though. I hope to meet her in 2-3 weeks!

Anyway nothing else new here really. Hope you all are doing well!

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