Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Babyjan I suppose I should have learned my lesson but I guess it never occurred to me that the same thing would happen again now that I am healthier and my body seemed to have figured things out after a while. Unfortunately it's confused again and now I have no sign of AF. I only plan on having one more baby so I hope that this is the last time I'll have to regulate my cycle like this. I just was so stressed when I had the baby that I went on the birth control offered to me to avoid anymore babies right away. I regret that now, wholeheartedly.

Rachel I didn't have any AF until after I was finished breastfeeding either. You're a lucky lady. I'm sure you will be fine and return to regular cycles once you stop eventually as well. I hope we do get to ttc at the same time again, it will be nice to obsess over charts and signs again with you, lol. I'm sure by the time I want to start TTC (between June and August of this year I'd like to START but I will continue trying until January 2015 if need be) my cycles will be all regularized and I will be able to track ovulation. I hope so anyway.

piickles welcome. This thread isn't as active as it once was but I'm not dealing without an AF again for the second time after discontinuing birth control. It is no fun and so confusing. I am glad to hear that you finally got AF and I hope that your cycles continue to be normal. Best of luck to you ttc!

My baby seems to have a stomach bug or a reaction to something as she has been sick to her stomach for a few days. We will be venturing out into the negative temperatures to see the doctor. yay...
Imsotired, I get what you mean, when I had my son I was sure I didn't want another LO anytime soon so got the depo, even when I was getting it and was told it could take a year to conceive I was ok with that, having a high needs baby who's very clingy, fussy and doesn't sleep can certainly put you off having another baby, even now my son is 2 I still get doubts here and there but I don't want any bigger than a 3 year age gap.

I know once I have another LO that I'd like a break again, don't know what to do about birth control then lol.

I'm assuming you was on the pill right? I've never heard of problems conceiving again after it though? I thought it was just depo x
Sorry to hear Cait is not feeling well :( Shaelyn caught her first virus a couple weeks ago. She was coughing and had a fever of 102, I felt so bad for her. Luckily it only lasted a few days. I hope Cait feels better soon!
Imsotired, I get what you mean, when I had my son I was sure I didn't want another LO anytime soon so got the depo, even when I was getting it and was told it could take a year to conceive I was ok with that, having a high needs baby who's very clingy, fussy and doesn't sleep can certainly put you off having another baby, even now my son is 2 I still get doubts here and there but I don't want any bigger than a 3 year age gap.

I know once I have another LO that I'd like a break again, don't know what to do about birth control then lol.

I'm assuming you was on the pill right? I've never heard of problems conceiving again after it though? I thought it was just depo x

Hi Ladies!! Well, I am just jumping into this post becuase I just had to. It's been 6 months since I was on baby and bump. I thought I was pg and it turned out not only was I not, but I had begun a journey which led me to a diagnosis of possible PCOS. I am obese, and have the chin hairs ( though I am pluck them every night, yuck!!) and when I came off BCP I had 2 periods and then NOTHING for SEVEN MONTHS!!!

Let me tell has been a long, hard road. I am now a new grad nurse. My dr. told me that the stress of Nursing School may have stopped my periods initially, and just to wait. I waited three loong months and then went back. I tired parsley tea, aspirin daily, ginger root, dong quai, vitamin C, and nothing worked. Now after six moths I get the possible PCOS diagnosis because I cant afford to pay for a scan out of pocket to confirm.

I was devastated!!!!!! I am 33 and have waited My whole life for this!! I was so CAREFUL TO PLAN to have a baby becuase I wanted to be responsible and give my child the best life. Year after year friends and acquantainces pass along the "Happy News" and I think, "one day, that will be me". Now I am engaged to be married in July, and my life is coming together, graduated Nursing school, etc, life decides, "Ha ha, fooled you!! Now I'm taking your fertility away!! WTH???" I'm so upset.

Ladies, those darned BCP's should come with HUGE warning labels about affecting your hormone levels and future fertility. If I had known ALL the problems I would have after stopping BCP...I would have found another method of protection. I am convinced that my body just could not handle the constant hormone tinkering.

Good news, though, I Got AF today.....I literally cried when I saw the bright red on the paper in the restroom. No spotting...its actually AF, after SEVEN long months of waiting and stressing. I can FINALLY begin again my journey of TTC. I'm going to need a lot of help, ladies.

Everyone, have a blessed day!!
Babyjan I have heard of a lot of women not having regular cycles post BC pill. I am one of them. Stopping the pill doesn't always make everything go back to normal. The hormones in the pills can sometimes leave your body confused and/or dependant. I have heard that depo is bad but to be honest, I really doubt that pills are that much better. This is the second time this has happened to me, so clearly it's either the pill or there is something wrong with me.

MomandNurse2b, welcome! I'm sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. I have a lot of symptoms of PCOS myself but have never officially been diagnosed. I don't have a lot of excess facial hair but I do have some acne and hair loss (not to the point of baldness but my hair is much thinner than it used to be). I was also about 60 lbs overweight at my heaviest. I have worked hard and lost 40 lbs and now I weigh about 140 (still 15-20 lbs overweight but within a healthier range obviously). A huge improvement from 180. A lot of my weight still lingers around my middle. All signs and symptoms of PCOS. Also I had quite a bit of trouble restarting my periods after stopping birth control. The first time I stopped I had a few seemingly normal ones and then some long cycles. I believe my longest was somewhere around 70 days but as you know, that is forever when you are ttc. By exercising and taking vitex (agnus cactus) I regained regular cycles and fell pregnant soon after. Now, I have just stopped taking the pill before Christmas and I am again without a period. It is crazy what these stupid pills can do. I hope that you continue to have regular cycles and I also hope that I can resume them soon. Congrats on your engagement and graduation! PCOS won't stop you from ttc but it may aggravate you. Just hang in there. SOmetimes it takes some time but it will happen for you. Best of luck!
Rachel, Thanks. Cait has always been so healthy but the past few days have been just awful. She is clingy and tired. I'm hoping she feels better soon, the poor little thing. It just breaks my heart to see her this way. The doctor said it's likely from switching her to milk. Because she has never had a reaction to dairy before, and I mixed her formula with milk for a month, it is likely just her stomach adjusting to straight whole milk and if it persists we can continue formula for a few more months. Although very tired, she seems a little better so far today so, touch wood, I hope she is on the road to recovery.
BOO to BC. Still no AF. Though I am waiting for any possible sign. I'm sure it would be a hundred times worse if I were actively TTC but I'm just so frustrated to be doing this all over again.

I hope everyone is well!
Sorry to hear that. I hope af shows soon and your cycles get back on track. I noticed some fertile cm today. It will be interesting to see if af shows in a couple weeks.
AF has finally arrived! It was a 77 day cycle with a lot of spotting in December. I hope that that is my last time with a missing AF until my next bfp!
All is well here just keeping busy especially since Shaelyn started crawling about 6 weeks ago! She is very active and lots of fun :)
I got a pos opk today! cd18! Not too late! I'm hoping that I actually ovulate. Fx'd for a near normal cycle! 5 mos to ttc, hopefully.
Wow that's great! Still no af here. I had about 4-5 days straight of ewcm and mild cramping last week. I don't know if it's just my body being confused or I was ovulating. I guess I will have to see if af shows up soon. I still bf so I know I may not get my cycles back until after I stop anyway.
Wow that's great! Still no af here. I had about 4-5 days straight of ewcm and mild cramping last week. I don't know if it's just my body being confused or I was ovulating. I guess I will have to see if af shows up soon. I still bf so I know I may not get my cycles back until after I stop anyway.

Sounds like ovulation or at least you were trying to. I didn't bleed at all until I stopped breastfeeding but I know that's not the case for everyone and I don't know if I had continued whether it would have come on anyway. I'm hoping and praying I get AF in about 2 weeks so I know for sure I ovulated because I can't temp with my scattered sleep schedule. I'm a little disappointed that I didn't ovulate on cd14, 15, 16 but got a pos opk on 18 meaning ovulation will be today or tomorrow but I figure a 32, 34 day cycle is better than a 77! Fx'd I get more regular for ttc!
Af showed today, what a lovely valentines day gift lol. so I guess the ewcm did mean I was o'ing. If I go by the last day of ewcm that would make my LP only 8 days though. Maybe it's just because it's my first cycle and maybe that will sort itself out with time? :shrug:
Af showed today, what a lovely valentines day gift lol. so I guess the ewcm did mean I was o'ing. If I go by the last day of ewcm that would make my LP only 8 days though. Maybe it's just because it's my first cycle and maybe that will sort itself out with time? :shrug:

ugh for a valentines AF! Perhaps it was a failed ovulation but your body picked up on it quickly and went straight to AF? Or maybe it is an 8 day LP for now. I'm sure you will regularize after you wean Shae from breastfeeding. Either way, getting AF if a good sign that you're going to have normal cycles at some point, most likely.

I have had some mild cramping and sore nipples since the pos opk so I think ovulation may have actually happened. Fx'd! I'm pretty excited and hoping things get even more regular for me.It's been a long time since I had a regular AF. Actually it's been 2 years because I was regular for 2 months before we conceived Cait and that will be 2 years in March. I can't believe it's been that long!:shock:
Wow, time really flys! That's great news that it seems like you o'ed!

I hope my lp isn't 8 days, that would make it tough to get pregnant.

Yesterday morning out of nowhere i threw up but have felt fine since. The only time I have thrown up like that was when i was pregnant. I wonder if it had something to do with hormones and my period? It was very strange!
It's probably not an 8 day lp and if it is it will get longer by the time you get ready to conceive again. It's probably just from breastfeeding.
I don't know about the vomiting but if you don't think you're pregnant it's probably just hormones as you said.

I'm just waiting for AF. I'm approx 5dpo if I ovulated when I think I did. I'd love to be able to check with temping but I don't sleep well enough to temp these days. Hopefully that will change in time as well.

Everything here is ok. We paid off our new car with our income tax return and Cait has begun drinking well from a sippy cup with whole milk. We are that much closer to TTC because those were on the list of things to get done before we try. I'd like to get the basement cleaned out and start potty training. I think we will start both of those things in the spring and I hope by the time the new baby comes along she will be close to being potty trained. I'd like to lose the rest of the weight I need to also. I'm only about 140lbs now but I'd love to lose another 20. That being said, it's not a dealbreaker if I don't lose all the weight because I'll probably gain a little in pregnancy anyway. I've been really rather stressed out lately but I think when the weather starts to change that will get better and I'll feel better as well. I keep getting sick cooped up in this house.

I hope everyone is well!

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