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Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Stay positive I'm so tired. Will you link your chart. Dont feel you have to though. What cd are you now.
No sign of ov today ladies. Hoping for a pos or near pos opk. DOesn't look good:nope:.My temp is very up and down. It's confusing. I guess this will be a long and terrible cycle.

How long have you been on vitex? I am starting on my third month of vitex, remember it does take awhile to work. Hopefully you o next week though, we wait waay to much.

As for me my temp rised this morning for the second time. I was so busy yesterday i held my pee for about 8 hours and got another positive even though my temp has been rising...
Your chart looks like it is heading in the right direction ilovetoteach. Not sure why you got another pos opk though.

Imsotired-hang in there I know what you are going through. All you can do is continue to bd and temp, ect . It will happen soon.

Bean-how are you today?

Cd15 here my temp finally did something different it was lower. But it my be because it was cold outside and we like to sleep with the window open. But I did check my cm and it looked like it was in between creamy and watery so it looks like something may be starting to happen. Depending on what my temp and cm looks like tomorrow I may take an opk.
My Ovulation Chart

Lovetoteach I have been on vitex since December 8th or so. I guess it may not be long enough to fix anything.Hoping it does soon, however.

Rachel thanks.:flower:

Bean here is my chart. Like I said when I began temping it was so sparatic and not too valid in my opinion but the temps I left are since I began temping consistantly. It doesn't look like much. It's just up and down. Boring.

Today I got a bit of a darker opk but it's still quite light.:wacko:Just gotta keep checking I suppose.

How is everyone else doing?
My Ovulation Chart

Lovetoteach I have been on vitex since December 8th or so. I guess it may not be long enough to fix anything.Hoping it does soon, however.

Rachel thanks.:flower:

Bean here is my chart. Like I said when I began temping it was so sparatic and not too valid in my opinion but the temps I left are since I began temping consistantly. It doesn't look like much. It's just up and down. Boring.

Today I got a bit of a darker opk but it's still quite light.:wacko:Just gotta keep checking I suppose.

How is everyone else doing?

All is good over here I think, temps going up, but yesterday's OPK was a positive even though my cervix was closed and I am pretty sure that I am 2dpo now.. today's temp went up .4 more degrees from yesterday's though. Keeping my fingers crossed that they stay up. My OPKs are wacky :/ if my temperatures stay up a few more days, then I guess I will just stop peeing on OPKs because it's confusing me.
Temp is still lower today and I think I have EWCM today as well. I am always a little confused when I check CM the day after we BD but yesterday we BD'ed in the morning instead of the evening so I am hoping by this morning the :spermy: was not around anymore and it was just my stuff, if so it was definetely EWCM. I will take an OPK today for the first time this cycle. I hope it at least has some color to it!

Anything new with anyone today?
Yay to EWCM! Hope O doesn't leave you waiting too long.

Nothing new from me. Just waiting. I'm hoping to O around cd16 but not sure if that is wishful thinking. CD7 today. Starting SMEP tomorrow.

Lovetoteach - no idea what is going on with your OPKs. Just keep bding regularly. Your temps are increasing but today's is the first to be above the previous 6. Maybe you keep trying to O. I'd say it's possible you O'd yesterday (CD27).

Imsotired - Sorry you're having to wait so long for O. DOn't get disheartened. You are i a much better place than you were last cycle. The wait will be worth it. The OPK getting darker is a good sign. Hopefully you'll O in the next 7 days. Fxd.
cd27 no ov yet. Opks later- hoping they continue to get darker. We bd'd anyway:winkwink:...getting good at it. hehe. Trying to relax and feel better.

Rachel- I can't really tell much about my cm either. I am pretty sure one days we bd it isn't really accurate because it is naturally more slippery and stuff...I also have a hard time finding a lot of ewcm because to be honest I don't search too hard for it so if I don't find it I'm not surprised. I prefer not to poke around too much.:blush:

Hope I ov way earlier than cd58 at least. I'll take that as improvement. FX!

How are you girls?
I O'd on CD14 2DPO for me I hope

That is awesome, I hope to get my O day back around that range someday soon. Of course if I get a bfp then I wouldn't have to worry about that.

My temp was 98 this morning so ff says I am 3dpo. I was almost positive I was never going to O. Good luck girls, hang in there!
Chat looks good Lovetoteach

Imsotired - You will so O before CD58!
Chat looks good Lovetoteach

Imsotired - You will so O before CD58!

Agreed, I don't think it will take that long for your body to try and O again as you know it has tried once, surely it will try before cd58.
I agree I also think it will happen for you soon!

Well I am confident now it is EWCM and I seem to be having a decent amount of it this time, I think drinking grapefruit juice daily is helping with it. So the EWCM with my temp being lower the past couple days leads me to beleive I will at least be trying to O in the near future, I just have to hope I actually do. I think this has happened to me in other cycles where I try to O and failed. I am holding my pee and will be taking an OPK in a few hours, I hope at the very least it is looking close to positive!
I agree I also think it will happen for you soon!

Well I am confident now it is EWCM and I seem to be having a decent amount of it this time, I think drinking grapefruit juice daily is helping with it. So the EWCM with my temp being lower the past couple days leads me to beleive I will at least be trying to O in the near future, I just have to hope I actually do. I think this has happened to me in other cycles where I try to O and failed. I am holding my pee and will be taking an OPK in a few hours, I hope at the very least it is looking close to positive!

:thumbup: Hope O day is soon!
I O'd on CD14 2DPO for me I hope

That is awesome, I hope to get my O day back around that range someday soon. Of course if I get a bfp then I wouldn't have to worry about that.

My temp was 98 this morning so ff says I am 3dpo. I was almost positive I was never going to O. Good luck girls, hang in there!

I myself havn't seen me Oing this early since this time last year:happydance: I'm hoping it's a good thing
Thats good news HotPink! If I am due to O in the next couple days it would be my earliest O since stopping BCP in August. I am hoping it happens soon!
Another neg opk. I'm beginning to wonder if it's a 'watch pot never boils' kinda thing for me.lol. I'm not going to stop though because I don't wanna miss it. I'm also beginning to wonder if there is a reason I'm not ovulating besides stress,etc. I'm not too worried though because I know I ovulated last cycle. Even though it was 71 days long...I have a gyno appt next month anyway. I'm just so impatient because I want a baby yesterday! Gonna keep on keepin' on I suppose.lol
I just took an OPK, it was negative. There was a line but it was light. Last cycle I had EWCM for a few days before O so hopefully I will get my positive in the next couple days. [-o<
I just took an OPK, it was negative. There was a line but it was light. Last cycle I had EWCM for a few days before O so hopefully I will get my positive in the next couple days. [-o<

Hope we both o ASAP!:hugs:
Tell me about it! Come on bodies do what you are supposed to do and O!!! :haha:

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