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Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Well hopefully since you cleary had a positive opk before that means your body was trying to O. Which should mean it should try again soon. Keep us posted on your OPKs. My temps would get low for a day or two before I would O, maybe that is what is going on with you now? Estrogen causes our temps to be low so hopefully you are gearing up to O now.
Oh imsotired, I'm sorry. Rachel is right you'll try again soon.

And look at it this way, at least you're temping, if you weren't you'd have thought you'd O'd and missed O. You'll try again soon I'm sure!
Me too, also I have been feeling a little sick for the past hour or two, my hormones must have been really wonky today. Tmi, but I also had a little bit of pink cm on my underware and on the tp this evening an hour or so before DH and I BD. I have never seen that before, but I have heard of some people spotting a tiny bit during ovulation, and I am guessing that is what that was?
Yeah I get a little pink CM at O. Usually about 12 hours later or sometimes the next day.

Imsotired - Have faith. You will try and O again soon. Try and stay relaxed if you can. Stress will only delay it more.
Thanks bean. I may be trying to o soon as I had a bit of ewcm this morning. I'm going to take 2 opks today and keep my eye on it. My temp went back up today. Hoping to ov soon. I will get bd'ing just in case. Trying to be positive.
EWCM is a great sign. I say bd whenever you have EWCM. Sperm can live for upto 7 days in it. You have the best chance if you bd on those days.

Good luck!x
I hate bcp and am never going back on them!!! :gun:

:nope: me too, DH can kiss where the sun don't shine lol and plus he's getting fixed after a few months after I give birth to our #2 but we dont know yet:shrug:
CD13 and no signs of anything happening. My temps have been flat for the past week. I don't know why but it annoys me seeing the same temp everyday I wish it would fluctuate :haha:

I just have a bad feeling I am in for yet another long cycle, I am so sick of this. If my cycles dont start to regulate within the next couple months I am going to make a dr. appointment to see what is going on.

How is everyone today?
Good morning Rachel. I am cd24 and very tired. I got some ewcm this morning. It wasn't as stretchy as it could be, but it is a start. Going to take an opk around 2 and around 8. Fx fora pos. I'm desperate to ov soon. Going to bd tonight. Wanting to catch the egg.

How are you and everyone else?
Cant wait to hear the results of your OPK!

I havent started doing OPK testing yet. My temps have been so flat and boring that I know nothing is possibly happening. Because this is my third cycle temping and doing OPKs I am starting to get a feel for when I am about to O based on CM and temp drops so I will wait until there is a good sign that O is coming soon. That way I can save on my OPKs, besides I hate seeing negatives! In the meantime I am trying to BD every other day just in case my senses of when I O are off.

Does anyone know why my temps would be so flat? This happened last cycle too in the beginning. Does it mean anything?
EWCM is a great sign. I say bd whenever you have EWCM. Sperm can live for upto 7 days in it. You have the best chance if you bd on those days.

Good luck!x

Agree about ewcm being the best time to bd. Reading a lot about how important your cm is in helping sperm out. Never knew how little I knew about baby making until now, and I am 25 haha, stupid scare tactics they tell teens stick in my head. I used to use bcp and condoms, now look at me!

On another note temp went up a little, dont know why I would have that spotting and another positive opk the day before yesterday if that want finally me ovulating, but it's hard for me to believe until my temp stays up and goes further up for three days.

Oh and cd13 is still way early in your cycle, some of us like to O decades after that!
Neg opk.Going to take another later. Or maybe I shouldn't bother. It was awfully light. I'm doing my best to relax. I took a bubble bath with 'stress relief' bubbles. I finished reading my very lighthearted silly book. I lounged on the couch all day. I made myself hot chocolate. I'm trying to enjoy myself and not stress but it's still on my mind, naturally. Please keep your fx'd that I ov soon (for real this time) girls!

:dust: for all of us!
Cd14 and still nothing new here. How is everyone doing today?
Okay over here, temp went up a little, we will see what tomorrow brings. Was out all day and didn't get to poas (OPK) at two like I normally do. We shall see what tomorrow and the next day's temps tell me. If I ovulated yesterday or the day before I am all good, if not then I will just have to ride out this cycle and see what the bbt chart tells me about my cycle. How is everyone else?
I use opk and they r a life saver. No more guessing when I ovulate! My periods are irregular so I was becoming obsessed with trying to figure out when I ovulate.
I have a question I was wondering if any of you have advice. I got a positive for ovulating on the 24 and 25 of December. I have been having cramps for about a week with no period. Cramps are unusual for me. I took a pregnancy test today and got a negative:cry:
I was just wondering if anyone knows if cramps is a good or bad sign or no sign at all!
I had 2 neg opks today. Hoping to ov soon.:shrug:

TTC05.....A lot of women have cramping in early pregnancy and also as a precursor to af. Every cycle is different, so you may just be getting af even if it isn't your norm. Wait a few days and test again.GL.
I hate being on the pill! The main reason I was on it was for my skin and it is terrible when I'm not on bc.
Anyways so I was on the pill 5 years decided to come off for a break got pregnant by accident before even having a period...this ended in mmc at 10weeks the baby had stop growing at 6 weeks.
Wnt back on the pill for a year then came off again..af came 6 weeks after then next cycle got pregnant with my son. After I had my son went back on the pill! Came off about 4 months ago ttc and I have been spotting 7 days after ovulation..a week before my af :/ I went to the doctors the other day and they are going to send me for an ultrasound to see if there is anything that is causing it. I think it might be something to do with coming off the pill but this hasn't happened before...very confused!!
No sign of ov today ladies. Hoping for a pos or near pos opk. DOesn't look good:nope:.My temp is very up and down. It's confusing. I guess this will be a long and terrible cycle.

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