Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Yay lovetoteach! That's a great offer you may want to take it for when you are pregnant because you will not want to be on your feet too long, or sitting that long for that matter. There needs to be a balance but I definately sit more than stand.

How odd that your mother also has elevated liver enzymes? I know that thyroid disorders can screw with that also but I know they've been checking your thyroid as well. My best guess is the cold or maybe the vitamins....I don't know. I'm guessing it's something silly because other than not having your period you seem pretty healthy and you're young.

Good luck at your appt! I suppose you will be starting provera in the last week of May then and hopefully they can get you regulated and you can start popping out babies!

Rachel let us know how your appt goes! I'm keeping my fx'd that everything looks good in there! I hope this clomid works quick and you catch that egg! I have a good feeling about it.

I am feeling tired. I slept in this morning and I took a nap yesterday. Other than that I feel pretty good! I'm a bit more confident that baby is ok in there. Hopefully I can get some stuff done around the house today!
Well I really wish I was coming back with good news but it's not She didn't see anything going on and said it doesn't look like I will O this cycle. She didn't even want to rescan me, she just wants me to start provera and move to a new cycle. She already called me in the rx for 100mg. As she was showing me the ultra sound she just sounded so casual about it as if it wasn't heartbreaking news meanwhile I was dying inside when she said there was nothing happening. This really sucks-I had a bad feeling given my temps that nothing positive was happening :cry:

Now I am unsure whether or not I should just wait it out a bit longer or start the provera right away like my dr. suggested. She doesn't know I have o'ed late in the past but I do so I would like to think I still have a chance? But at the same time I don't want to wait around another couple weeks and nothing happens then I just delayed my next cycle by a couple weeks. Ugh this sucks big time. I am getting wasted this weekend thats for sure.
Sorry that they didn't see anything Rachel but like you said you usually O late anyway so you might have the latest O possible on clomid. I would ask the doctor questions and see what they have to say. If you should wait it out and come back next week for a scan to see if anything has progressed or if you should just start the provera. Perhaps you may need a larger dosage of clomid even? I am keeping my fx'd that you get some answers and hopefully get O'ing. I know how you must feel and I'm so sorry. I know they will be able to get you your bfp though...hopefully sooner than later. Drink some for me this weekend, would you? I would love to have a drink sometimes but it'll clearly be a while before I get a chance.
Sad day, why do our bodies hate us? Lets keep our fingers crossed we can be june or july bump buddies. My liver enzymes are pushing my progress back, so I would be LATE june maybe even july to test depending on how my body reacts to the lowest dose of clomid.
Yes I pray it happens for us soon. I am just feeling so down and negative today. If 100 mg doesnt work I may just take a break from TTC. It is just too difficult I can't stand anymore disappointment. I may just take it as a sign that this may not be meant to be for me.

My dr. doesnt think I will o anytime soon so her advice was to start the provera. I really can't even have a conversation with her about the fact that I have O'ed late before because she doesnt believe in temping or opks so for all she knows I don't even o on my own so that makes it difficult to talk with her about it. I don't know what I will do. I may at least wait a couple more days and see if my temps decide to go back to normal then I may feel like I have a chance if they don't then I will likely just move on. I am just sick of waiting I havent even o'ed since december.
Rachel I do not really like the sound of your doc if she wont listen to you about charting and knowing that you can O on your own. I just find it strange that she wont listen to your full history. Charting is a recognised aid for TTC, she cannot deny the temp shifts that occur if ovulation occurs. She needs to be told the full history. Can you ask to see a different doctor? Maybe a different one that might actually listen to everything you say?

Lovetoteach and Rachel I know how down you are. I know the feeling of waiting and waiting on a cycle and nothing ever happens. Please don't give up though, If you want something bad enough there is no way that it 'isn't meant to be'.

Rachel- I agree with rmsh. Go to your doctor and tell her to hear you out. Explain to here that you have been temping and using opks for 7 or 8 cycles or whatever. Tell her that you did ovulate but it was always very late and having sex on those dates has yet to result in pregnancy. Tell her that you are quickly coming up on the year mark and your cycles are still terrificly irregular and you came to her to get them organized so you could continue to ttc. If she shoots you down I would look for a new doctor. As much as most doctors do not like the fact that we temp and use opks because they are not 100% accurate to detect the time of ovulation they cannot deny that there is a surge that can be detected by and opk and there is a rise in temp shortly after ovulation. This is a FACT! If they won't listen to the whole story then a change of doctor is definately an option.

I only hope that the both of you can get you cycles regular and then you can continue ttc. Don't give up!:hugs:
Thanks girls for your input. I didn't even want to get into the fact that I o'ed so I went in to her orginally saying I don't know it I o or not because I wanted to make sure she would be willing to help me and run tests. I was afraid if she knew that I knew I o'ed she would send me away and say come back after a year. So that is what it is now unfortunatly :(
Thanks girls for your input. I didn't even want to get into the fact that I o'ed so I went in to her orginally saying I don't know it I o or not because I wanted to make sure she would be willing to help me and run tests. I was afraid if she knew that I knew I o'ed she would send me away and say come back after a year. So that is what it is now unfortunatly :(

In that case she should be concerned that you don't O and not just shrug it off like it's no big deal when your scan shows you haven't yet begun to form an egg. I would either come clean or start shopping for a new doctor. I'd also say give clomid another shot and if the doctor wants to continually put you right back on provera maybe tell her you want to wait it out and see if you ovulate. Did she say that it was still possible to O this cycle or she just assumes you won't.If she is basing it off of a 28 day cycle that just might not work for your body. If women on clomid can ovulate as late as cd18 I would say maybe you still have time? I'm not sure because I don't know how long it takes for the egg to properly form but I'm guessing it's only a week or so? That would give you enough time to still O by cd18?I just hope that this whole thing doesn't turn you off from ttc because I know it will happen for you and I don't think it's time to give up yet.:hugs:
Thank you so much. I think you may be right and she may be basing it off a typical 28 day cycle. I may wait it out another week then I may just move on if nothing happens by then. I will start doing opks on Sunday daily and see if they show anything or if my temps do.

Yesterday off an on I was feeling pains in my left ovary, I am still convinced that has to mean something was happening in there. I just hope my ovaries wake up and do something-this is so depressing :(
I wish I knew the right advice to give, but I do think the doctor needs to know you do ovulate, just not all the time, and often quite late. Giving it another week might be good, but you wont get another scan to know if an egg is "ripening"

At the same time, maybe 100mg of Clomid might work better for you.....

Whatever you choose to do, it just has to be right for you
I hope you ladies are doing well. Rachel I hope you are feeling ok. I know it's a difficult situation but I know it's going to happen soon!

Lovetoteach I hope they get you started on the provera soon. Your doctors appt is coming up soon I suppose.

I am doing ok. I've been feeling a bit more confident and relaxed since the ultrasound but every once in a while I get a bit nervous. I have another scan in 9 days! DH is taking the day off to see the baby and then we are going to buy me some maternity clothes. Unfortunately the maternity store moved out of the local mall and now the closest one is an hour away! My shorts and pants fit but not over my belly:wacko:Which means i have to wear them low with my belly poking out and It looks ridiculous. So I need a few things including a bra or two and maybe some shirts. This pregnancy is gonna put us in debt for sure but it'll be worth it I suppose! And in 10 days I will be 13 weeks and therefore I'll be starting my 2nd tri that week. What a relief.
I hope you ladies are doing well. Rachel I hope you are feeling ok. I know it's a difficult situation but I know it's going to happen soon!

Lovetoteach I hope they get you started on the provera soon. Your doctors appt is coming up soon I suppose.

I am doing ok. I've been feeling a bit more confident and relaxed since the ultrasound but every once in a while I get a bit nervous. I have another scan in 9 days! DH is taking the day off to see the baby and then we are going to buy me some maternity clothes. Unfortunately the maternity store moved out of the local mall and now the closest one is an hour away! My shorts and pants fit but not over my belly:wacko:Which means i have to wear them low with my belly poking out and It looks ridiculous. So I need a few things including a bra or two and maybe some shirts. This pregnancy is gonna put us in debt for sure but it'll be worth it I suppose! And in 10 days I will be 13 weeks and therefore I'll be starting my 2nd tri that week. What a relief.

Wow, I can't believe that you will be in the second trimester in 10 days! You will be past the scariest part soon, that is awesome, I didn't realize how soon that came about. I keep wondering which way my belly might turn out, I feel like there will be a lot of bloating, but then my sister didn't show with her first child until she was about 7 months... she just looked like she gained a little weight. I can't wait to find out, three more days until my doctors appointment for my liver, no doubt there will be even more blood work and waiting for those results. I am hoping they can ultrasound my liver or something and do it all at once so the process goes quicker. There is so much waaaaiting for results, but hopefully nothing is wrong with my liver.
imsotired-I can't believe you are almost in the 2nd tri-I know for you it feels like it took forever but I feel like that went by fast!!

lovetoteach-I hope they don't find anything wrong and you can be cleared to get started on provera and then clomid asap.

I am feeling a little better. I am just waiting it out for now. I am going to give it until CD 24ish and if no O by then I will move on. I did read a lot of people don't respond to 50 mg but have success with 100 mg and some drs don't even bother with 50 mg because of that. So that made me feel better. :)

My temps still won't go down-it is irritating to say the least. :growlmad:
I hope you ladies are doing well. Rachel I hope you are feeling ok. I know it's a difficult situation but I know it's going to happen soon!

Lovetoteach I hope they get you started on the provera soon. Your doctors appt is coming up soon I suppose.

I am doing ok. I've been feeling a bit more confident and relaxed since the ultrasound but every once in a while I get a bit nervous. I have another scan in 9 days! DH is taking the day off to see the baby and then we are going to buy me some maternity clothes. Unfortunately the maternity store moved out of the local mall and now the closest one is an hour away! My shorts and pants fit but not over my belly:wacko:Which means i have to wear them low with my belly poking out and It looks ridiculous. So I need a few things including a bra or two and maybe some shirts. This pregnancy is gonna put us in debt for sure but it'll be worth it I suppose! And in 10 days I will be 13 weeks and therefore I'll be starting my 2nd tri that week. What a relief.

Wow, I can't believe that you will be in the second trimester in 10 days! You will be past the scariest part soon, that is awesome, I didn't realize how soon that came about. I keep wondering which way my belly might turn out, I feel like there will be a lot of bloating, but then my sister didn't show with her first child until she was about 7 months... she just looked like she gained a little weight. I can't wait to find out, three more days until my doctors appointment for my liver, no doubt there will be even more blood work and waiting for those results. I am hoping they can ultrasound my liver or something and do it all at once so the process goes quicker. There is so much waaaaiting for results, but hopefully nothing is wrong with my liver.

Odds are there is something just a bit off and there is nothing really wrong with your liver. I'll be keeping my fx'd for you. I know it must be difficult to still be waiting for af and now waiting for your appt, the solutions to your issues, etc. Hopefully it'll all be worth the wait!

I'm surprised that my belly is poking as much as it is. I suppose it's because I am so short? I don't know but I do know that I'll definately be noticeably pregnant in the next few months. I'm guessing maybe within a month or two the bump will definately pop.
imsotired-I can't believe you are almost in the 2nd tri-I know for you it feels like it took forever but I feel like that went by fast!!

lovetoteach-I hope they don't find anything wrong and you can be cleared to get started on provera and then clomid asap.

I am feeling a little better. I am just waiting it out for now. I am going to give it until CD 24ish and if no O by then I will move on. I did read a lot of people don't respond to 50 mg but have success with 100 mg and some drs don't even bother with 50 mg because of that. So that made me feel better. :)

My temps still won't go down-it is irritating to say the least. :growlmad:

I see that ff even gave you crosshairs! I'm sure it's fustrating but It'll all be worked out soon. Hopefully the 100 will do the trick! It's great that you found the info on the 50mg not working for you know it's not you. I'm hoping they can get you ovulating nice and early. You will catch the egg in no time!

I am so surprised my second tri is coming! In 6 to 8 weeks I'll be finding out the sex and nearing the half way mark!
Do you have a gut feeling either way about what the sex of the baby is? Do you have a preference? How exciting!!!

Yea it is extra frustrating because I have researched and ask many people and I can't find anyone else who has experienced this. A lot of people keep thinking I o'ed on CD 7 which I think is extremely unlikely. From what I read people that were affected BBT wise by the clomid would be while they were taking it but their temps would return to normal within a couple days of stopping. Arggg just my luck my body decides to be the odd one.
Do you have a gut feeling either way about what the sex of the baby is? Do you have a preference? How exciting!!!

Yea it is extra frustrating because I have researched and ask many people and I can't find anyone else who has experienced this. A lot of people keep thinking I o'ed on CD 7 which I think is extremely unlikely. From what I read people that were affected BBT wise by the clomid would be while they were taking it but their temps would return to normal within a couple days of stopping. Arggg just my luck my body decides to be the odd one.

You know what though, everyone is different and not everyone who has taken clomid is NOT on this forum. I'm sure there are many women just like you. All you can do is hope that the 100 works better for you....which it will. Remember that this is also your bodys first time on this medication and it could just be a bit of confusion going on. Don't start stressing yet as I'm sure there are going to be a few other bumps in the road but I just know you will get your bfp! I just feel like you won't expect it at all and BOOM you will have your bfp. Keep your chin up!

I feel like this baby is a boy. It may just be the power of suggestion however because my family is FILLED with boys and DH's family is has slightly more men than women as well. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for this baby to be a girl just for those reasons. I'm keeping my fx'd! I would still love a boy though obviously and either way I will be just so happy to finally have my baby. I often refer to the baby as him or he and I just feel that is the way it is going to go. Or maybe it's just me trying not to get my hhopes up again, I don't know. DH wants a boy obviously to do boy things with but I assured him that growing up in a family FULL of men a girl can do all of the same things as a boy and still play with a babydoll at the end of the day. I'll be over the moon either way:flower:
EEEEEKKKKK! Just got a bill for my 3 days of bloodwork! It's nearly $750! Cue the money worries! Insurance is reimbursing me for it fortunately but as for right now my checking acct is suffering. I don't like to touch my savings acct but I may have to at this point. I can only imagine what the hospital bill will be after delivery:wacko:. It just sucks because I wanted to spend money on maternity clothes which I will/do need and also I had birthday money from a few family members that I had to use for bills. It doesn't bother me but I haven't bought anything for myself in such a long time and I sort of wanted to....I felt bad, but I asked DH to work any available OT. He doesn't get it because he's never paid a bill and he gets to spend all of his money on whatever he wants and I'm the one who pays on everything. I rarely tell him not to buy because I know he works hard. Granted it is his money because I don't work anymore but I just feel like I want to be selfish for once. It's my last chance before baby comes anyway. And I spent my life savings on a down payment on our house so I think so far I've been pretty un-selfish. He'll just have to work some OT because he doesn't even want me to work. Otherwise we'll be broke or in some major debt which I have been trying to avoid my whole life.....Oh wow. Sorry for the rant:dohh:
EEEEEKKKKK! Just got a bill for my 3 days of bloodwork! It's nearly $750! Cue the money worries! Insurance is reimbursing me for it fortunately but as for right now my checking acct is suffering. I don't like to touch my savings acct but I may have to at this point. I can only imagine what the hospital bill will be after delivery:wacko:. It just sucks because I wanted to spend money on maternity clothes which I will/do need and also I had birthday money from a few family members that I had to use for bills. It doesn't bother me but I haven't bought anything for myself in such a long time and I sort of wanted to....I felt bad, but I asked DH to work any available OT. He doesn't get it because he's never paid a bill and he gets to spend all of his money on whatever he wants and I'm the one who pays on everything. I rarely tell him not to buy because I know he works hard. Granted it is his money because I don't work anymore but I just feel like I want to be selfish for once. It's my last chance before baby comes anyway. And I spent my life savings on a down payment on our house so I think so far I've been pretty un-selfish. He'll just have to work some OT because he doesn't even want me to work. Otherwise we'll be broke or in some major debt which I have been trying to avoid my whole life.....Oh wow. Sorry for the rant:dohh:

It's okay, rant away, we understand.

Rachel, hopefully 100 clomid will work for you, it's too bad that 50 doesn't, I know my doctor is starting me off with 50, so I hope I am the small percentage that it will work on, if not, I guess I will just have to continue being patient. Although I don't think I am doing a very good job at being patient at the moment, just pretending to be because you girls and my husband are the only people I talk to about this except our parents, and I don't want to whine to my parents all the time like I am a child.

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