Anyone younger looking for a TTC buddy?


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2013
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Hi :flower: i'm Laura, 18 years old, nearly 19, and would love a TTC buddy. I know most of you will probably think WHAT?! she's 18! .. I found out last April that I was pregnant on friday the 13th (i know what you're thinking!) the pregnancy was a complete shock and it happened whilst I was on the pill. Once the shock had died down, me and my boyfriend of 2 years (now 3) grew more in love with the thought of being parents every day. I unfortunately had a MMC in June last year which was the most heart breaking thing! .. I went back on the pill until I was emotionally stronger, and so we both had time to decide what we wanted. Anyway, it's only this month that i've stopped the pill and we both feel ready to TTC our rainbow! Going through the MMC and the D&C afterwards just made me and my boyfriend stronger I think. We have the right foundation to give this baby everything and more. I think after having the last angel taken away from us, it's made us want it even more! :happydance:

So yeah, it would be good to find a buddy who's 18-21 as I feel so young compared to most of the other ladies on here but i'm happy to chat to anyone! :hugs:

I'm 23 so a little older than what you're looking for but I still get a lot of the "You're so young" comments so if you want to buddy up, that'd be nice :)

Charl x
I'm 21 & hoping for BFP at the end of the week. I'm definitely happy to chat :) I had my first at 17 so I'm used to judgement. You have to take it with a pinch of salt. Sorry for your loss, sending you lots of babydust x
Hi! Well I'm 21 turning 22 this month. I was young when I had my first child I was 17 when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter and I had her at 18 (now she is turning 4!) and last year I had my second child a little boy I was 20 when he was born. (he's 15 months now!) and now I'm TTC #3 so I know what it's like to be a young mother. :)
Yay I'm 18 too, married ttc #2. CD8 so pretty uninteresting but I'm a reliable chatter, that's for sure ;)
Hey Shauna, Morgan and Toria :)

Ahhh it's so nice to feel like i'm not the only one who wants this, although a couple of you already have LO's which is cute! atleast you will know what to expect next time I guess. I'm hoping for my positive in a week or so.. I keep trying to look for symptoms and changes and I keep trying to convince myself that my boobs look different even though it's probably too early to even tell! Last time my boobs were the first thing to change so I suppose that's why i'm looking for that first.

I don't want to buy a HPT just because I hate that feeling of getting a BFN. I want to just wait and see if AF turns up and then test if i'm late (hope sooooo!)

Good luck you girls. Surely one of us atleast has to get lucky this month! or even better all of us! ;)
Laura- thanks girlie.. my son actually passed away so we have an angel jus like you! It's amazing how a beautiful baby can change your mind so much.. We aren't too young, it all about if you're READY. And if you've got a car and a house and a stable job, what is there to worry about?! Sometimes I think I want this more than most "real" adults.. ;)
Laura- thanks girlie.. my son actually passed away so we have an angel jus like you! It's amazing how a beautiful baby can change your mind so much.. We aren't too young, it all about if you're READY. And if you've got a car and a house and a stable job, what is there to worry about?! Sometimes I think I want this more than most "real" adults.. ;)

Oh my goodnesss, no way i'm so sorry! :cry: that's heartbreaking, rest in paradise little man. I didn't realise when i read your signature! He's beautiful and i'm sure he'll always be looking down on you. :hugs:

Definitely agree with everything you said. I can't see why people react in the way they do about younger people wanting a baby, it's stupid and judgemental! We have the ability to be an even better parent than somebody older, so age doesn't come into it. We get looked on as party girls who will palm our kids off on our parents or baby sitters for the weekend and go get wasted.. but that's definitely not the case for the majority of teen parents but who's to say a 30 year old wouldn't do that! I definitely want a little baby of my own more than anything and have done since I fell pregnant with my lil angel. Fingers crossed :D
Yes fx'd for you too, we totally deserve it.. much more than those IDIOTS on Teen Mom and whatnot.. ;) lol

The way I look at it, all the old people are just JEALOUS bc we found wonderful mates and are already wanting to make families while they still are searching for the right person! We got the hard part over early ;) And idk about you, but losing a child sure has turned me into a better woman. I feel like I could give wisdom to a 40 year old bc I have experienced things that they may never. And I sure love myself and others a whole lot more after losing something so sweet.
hi ladies im 22 and I actually have 3 children already first at 15. with my previous husband. we currently have no children together. I am a nurse with my own home and car and wonderful husband and we want number four. we had a mc on vday so we are just getting back on the saddle
hi ladies im 22 and I actually have 3 children already first at 15. with my previous husband. we currently have no children together. I am a nurse with my own home and car and wonderful husband and we want number four. we had a mc on vday so we are just getting back on the saddle
Hey :flower: best of luck TTC #4 and i'm sorry to hear of your m/c! I know it can take quite a while to get back in the swing of normal life again but I suppose you had to pull together quicker for your other kids, where's I didn't have any other children to worry about so I was just a wreck :( We're on the road to another chance though! fingers crossed for us all. :)

Yes fx'd for you too, we totally deserve it.. much more than those IDIOTS on Teen Mom and whatnot.. ;) lol

The way I look at it, all the old people are just JEALOUS bc we found wonderful mates and are already wanting to make families while they still are searching for the right person! We got the hard part over early ;) And idk about you, but losing a child sure has turned me into a better woman. I feel like I could give wisdom to a 40 year old bc I have experienced things that they may never. And I sure love myself and others a whole lot more after losing something so sweet.

Definitely Morgan!! I do think it made me a stronger person emotionally.. like to think i've felt a type of pain that the majority of women never will is a weird feeling. Obviously your loss was on a completely different level to mine, I wouldn't wish my experience on my worst enemy so I take my hat off to you, so brave! I've got the whole worrying thing that i'll never be able to carry a baby full term now, and that this will always happen! I can't imagine seeing a moving baby at my 12 week scan because of the image I saw last time! x
Oh oh oh :( I can't imagine just going to the scan for them to tell me that kind of news.. I'm sorry :/ I was just thinking about that the other day, too. Like I'm gonna probably flip out if I don't get a home fetal doppler to check on baby several times a day. I'll CONSTANTLY worry and wish the days away til I can finally hold that precious thing I've been working ever so hard for!! But maybe it'll make us appreciate the pregnancy more, you know? Like you never know how long you'll get to keep them, so maybe it will make me just appreciate my belly more. I remember when I was pregnant, DH was kinda squirmy about touching my belly and said he wanted to "wait til he's real" but that chance came and went too fast. And I know he regrets not feeling his hiccups everyday and things like that when I was preggo, bc when we had him he never moved or cried or anything. I remember he squeezed DH's hand only one time.. I will never forget it, was so cute. Would you like me to paste my story here?
Yeah go for it, i can tell i'm gonna need a box of tissues :cry:
Noo.. don't cry just remember me when you're feeling bad and just smile.. because you never know when things may go wrong!

So here's MY STORY (in a pretty novel-like :

We were driving home on March 29th. It was a country road, about 12 midnight. I was 37 weeks pregnant with our first son, Jaxon. During the crash my placenta detached and his oxygen supply was completely cut off (to the point that when they delivered him, the cord was COMPLETELY DRY). I remember in the ambulance they tried to find his heartbeat and couldn't bc the driving was apparently "too loud" so I had to wait until getting to the hospital to finally hear that he was OK. That wooshing heartbeat made me feel 110% better!!! Once there, DH and I stayed in the hospital for about 5 days and then once discharged, we stayed (LITERALLY didn't leave this little room for 8 days!) in the NICU with Jaxon. The first few days were a BLURR, as you can imagine. We were so doped up that it was hard to tell what was going on. I was allowed to do "Kangaroo Kare" which is naked chest to chest with baby. So I did this for 8 hours at a time, all night and day for days on end, only getting up if I needed to pee so bad I couldn't hold it. They fed him my breastmilk through a tube twice a day once he got a little better. They told me his brain had bled from the oxygen deprivation, so there were holes in his brain where the blood was absorbed. He was basically a "sleeping baby". Beautiful, 38 weeks (so technically full-term), weighed 8 lbs and was perfect. But only because his brain stem was attached, which is what allows you to BREATHE/have a HEARTBEAT. He was on a ventilator all of his short life. He also had liver/spleen issues. All of these combined would have made it so that we'd have to feed him through a feeding tube his whole life and he would always be "sleeping" as they called it. But we didn't mind that a bit. Throughout the entire time, they told us he would not make it. We hoped and prayed as hard as anyone could, but it was not what God had planned for him. On April 10th, in the evening, my sister wanted to hold him. Everyone else got to, but her.. so we thought we'd give her a chance before he got too fragile. Once he was on her chest, the nurses ran in to tell us that his vitals were plummeting and that this, he had chosen, was his time. He was switched to my chest so daddy and I could hold him for his last moments. We took out his dreadful breathing tube, and he slowly went.. in the comfort of our arms. Daddy sang to him. Then, after a short while, we clothed him and I kissed him on his lips for the first time. He'd always had a neonatal bar, to hold in the tube, so that was one of the moments I will never, ever forget. (OR the time when we changed his diaper, and my baby- with no brain function- peed all over us!!! ) So finally after we said the worst goodbye of our entire lives, we handed him to our WONDERFUL nurse, whom I will NEVER forget!!, and walked out of the hospital like zombies. After all of that, we just get in the car and drive home?! It seemed too unreal. So yes, this is the nightmare I have to remember everyday. We had an open casket funeral, but neither DH or I looked. He looked better plump and juicy, the way I remember him. He is buried about 500 feet down the road from where we crashed, it's a cute little town, way out in the country. There is a beautiful cross that my step father made in the crash site, so we'll never forget. It will be a place we'll take our family someday, to tell all of his brothers and sisters what an amazing little fighter their big brother was.
Oh wow, reading that just tugged at my heart strings so hard. What a stunning baby Jaxon was, too beautiful for this world is the way I think of things. I can completely understand the walking out of the hospital like a zombie part. I remember walking out after my 12 week scan which was when we obviously found out, and I couldn't function! If I had of gone through this then I don't know what i'd of done! He sure put up a fight and i'm sure his brothers and sisters will be so proud of him one day :hugs:
:wave: I'm Amy, 19 and we also had a MMC last year, I MC'ed 13th April (the day you got your bfp, weird!) I was 8 weeks along but baby stopped growing at 5 weeks.

We've been TTC for almost 2 years all together, it's lovely to see other people my age on here TTC, baby dust to you all :thumbup:

@morganwhite7 - Jaxon is absolutely beautiful :hugs:
:wave: I'm Amy, 19 and we also had a MMC last year, I MC'ed 13th April (the day you got your bfp, weird!) I was 8 weeks along but baby stopped growing at 5 weeks.

We've been TTC for almost 2 years all together, it's lovely to see other people my age on here TTC, baby dust to you all :thumbup:

@morganwhite7 - Jaxon is absolutely beautiful :hugs:

Hey Amytrisha :) I recognise your name on here! I use to be Pinkcupcake until I obviously had my mmc and abandoned my account/forgot all the details to it! Was you in the teen pregnancy section or anything, or even the miscarriage section last year? Either way i'm so sorry about your angel. It's really encouraging to hear that someone has been through the exact same as me. I was 12 weeks along but baby died at 8 weeks, and yeah it's so strange that yours happened on the day I found out I was pregnant. Friday the 13th never has been a lucky day though has it! Lots of baby dust to you!! :hugs:
I never posted in Teen Pregnancy because I made my acc when I MC'ed, so you probably have seen me in MC support :)
I'm sorry about your loss too, I agree I like speaking to people who have been through the same (even though its not nice for any of us) it really does help :)

I hateeee Friday 13th now! I refuse to go out on that day, we had to put our holiday back because I didn't wanna come back Friday 13th :dohh:

Lots of luck to you hun, do you have a journal? :flower:
*sneaks in*

hello :D i thought i would join in

im 21 and TTC #1

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