Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Hi Joli, hmm, I think i did sleep for more than 4 hrs, the last one was close though. I'll leave it and see how it develops. I'm too scared to test early so will wait really close to AF - unless symptoms are strong lol.

I'm just curious about CM. If I o'd on CD12 would it be most likely the 'c' or more ewcm/w do you think? I rarely get 'c' and 2 days of ewcm so I thought the 'c' and dry days were a sign I'd alread o'd.

Hey I noticed your late nights... hope you get your work done so you can relax a little bit before your holidays x
Morning, all-
Sooo...I don't think my previous so-called Peaks were actually Peaks. Today's stick is like full-on LH surge time and no estrogen line (meaning super high estrogen), still more EWCM, feeling crampy. So, I guess today is O day? Or even tomorrow? I hope I can get DH in the mood again! Otherwise, those spermies from Sunday will have to hang on a while longer! Argh!
My temp went up like 0.26F this AM so I thought for sure I had O'ed. Sweet Christ, this is stressful.

2016--so sorry about this cycle. That is really irritating and a big letdown. Once you get back toward O-time, you'll be feeling more positive again. It's just hard to feel positive with AF here. :(

Any other news?
Hey Tiger4me - I think you should take the cautious approach and think of yourself as being 6dpo. I seem to get ewcm a few days before O, and by the time O comes round, it's just watery! Our bodies are so weird - why can't we be normal??? Is there such thing? LOL

Hibiscus - sounds like you have O'd or are about to! - go get that eggy and get DH in the mood :)

As for me, it's 4:50am - even later at work today! I've pulled two 22 hour days in a row now, and I'm shattered...nearly done for the day, but thought I'd have a quick break to see how you gals were doing today!

Nicole - how are you doing hon? x
Hey Tiger4me - I think you should take the cautious approach and think of yourself as being 6dpo. I seem to get ewcm a few days before O, and by the time O comes round, it's just watery! Our bodies are so weird - why can't we be normal??? Is there such thing? LOL

Hibiscus - sounds like you have O'd or are about to! - go get that eggy and get DH in the mood :)

As for me, it's 4:50am - even later at work today! I've pulled two 22 hour days in a row now, and I'm shattered...nearly done for the day, but thought I'd have a quick break to see how you gals were doing today!

Nicole - how are you doing hon? x

I'd like to know why you're willing to work such crazy hours! You have a big deadline coming up?? Or is it always hectic?
22-hour days would seriously make me feel insane.
Morning Ladies :-) Thanks Joli, I think you're right, 6dpo it is back to where I was 2 days ago lol. Although I think I saw some strange col CM this morning :happydance: will see how i go today.

Hibiscus I think it's great signs you're about to O too! woo hoo :happydance: fx'd for you DH is in the mood. Hey why hasn't FF put red lines on your chart or are you doing yours manually?

Joli I don't know how you do those hours! I'd barely be able to get up after those shifts. I bet you're hanging out for that holiday.

Yes Nicole how you doing? We're losing numbers in the team aren't we... wonder how the other ladies are doing too.
Morning ladies! - I am shattered today...got home at 6am, and was back at work for 9:30am...it's making my temp taking very unreliable! I just have a lot of urgent deals which I need to do as much as I can on before I go off on holiday, and we have 5 deals closing next Monday, which I'm not here for, so I'm trying to get everything lined up! Soooo sleepy! I still have ewcm, too early for O... I just hope it stays! Good news is bb's are a teeny bit sore today, which usually means that O is 3 or 4 days away - woohoo! I'm having another scan tomorrow morning, so I'm hoping my follies have been able to grow, even though I haven't been sleeping!

Tiger4me - oooohhhhhhh, strange colour CM...fx'd it's implantation spotting!!! How exciting! :) What day are you going to start testing?

The thread has gone very quiet, hasn't it?... I think a lot of the ladies with their bfp's have moved on, and Britt is on holiday and 2016 is taking some well deserved R&R. I think I might have bnb withdrawal symptoms when I go on holiday! haha - writing to you gals has become part of my daily routine!
Oh I bet your are shattered hon - they are looong days. I pray those eggies are developing just as much as you are working lol, now that would be a good thing. Sore bbs excellent! Fx'd for your scan lovely, if I miss you in the morning I'll log in after work.

Yes it's like a ghost town here lol. I think some of the ladies with BFPs were checking in on 2016 which is understandable. I hope she's feeling a bit better today. I grabbed the list from the 1st page so I could remember who's still here - only 7 of us now:

Waiting to O - any O's girls?:

Two Week Wait:
TaeboMama.....14dpo..... BFP?

AFM: Yaay, it WAS imp spotting - more like 'swiping' so very relieved it was light pinkish/tan and it didn't last long. So not sure if I am 6dpo or 8dpo now, but don't mind really. I had v.mild niggly cramps this afternoon. I think I will test on Valentine's Day CD29 / 17dpo - gosh ah can't wait till then. Maybe CD 26 /14dpo ? which will be about when AF is due.

hey all hows it going?!

I see a few waiting in the 2ww!! ahh good luck! fingers crossed!!!
OMG - Tiger4me, how exciting!!!! I'm keeping my fx'd that this is your month - it sounds very promising! :) We are starting to dwindle in numbers aren't we? I hope before the end of the year, we'll all have our BFPs - of course, the sooner the better!

For the 7 of us (and 2016 if you're out there...) still ttc, I thought share a fab article I found online - it's the best one I've read so far to give a step by step about ovulation, conception, fertilisation etc., it's very well written. I was actually googling how exactly does the spermys get up into the cervix, and how can you tell whether you have a tilted cervix or not! I didn't entirely find my answer, but was happy to find this article instead!: https://www.enotalone.com/article/4943.html

Aurora - have you been feeling better? You seemed really ill a few days ago? I hope everything's going smoothly!

Anyone else out there??....
Hi All-

It IS quiet in here now. I wish 2016 would come back :(
I have an idea. I'll do some marketing for our group. I will add a post to the TTC board, looking for any buddy-seeking TTCers. Anyone think this is a bad idea?

As for me, CD20 here. EWCM has dried up completely. If I didn't get that stupid Peak stick yesterday, I would have said that, based on the chart I O'ed on CD16. Maybe CD18. I have a feeling that FF will say it's CD18.
I had horrible AF-like cramps yesterday and a weird full pressure feeling when I was lying in bed this AM. I started thinking that maybe that Peak on CBFM that I had on CD10 was correct! Haha. I doubt it, though. My temps didn't go up at all. Hmm...
Curious what FF will do tomorrow.
Thanks with helping with tracking, Tiger4Me!
Your chart is looking good, btw--woohoo!
Hi Hibiscus - I don't think that's a bad idea at all, we've had so many graduates, it makes sense to keep recruiting! It looks to me like you O'd on CD16 - I guess if your temp goes up tomorrow, FF will put you at O'ing on CD 18, but if it stays the same or goes down a bit (but above coverline), then it will put you O'ing at CD16. I'm going to put my bets on CD16! :) now I'm going to be all impatient for tomorrow!! LOL
OK, here's our recruitment post: https://www.babyandbump.com/trying-to-conceive/269013-looking-ttc-buddies-come-join-our-group.html
Hi girls!

Cd2 is so much better than cd1...sorry for throwing my toys I just felt such a fool for not being able to read my own chart when I've been doing it for 5 months! :blush:

Excellent idea on the recruitment drive :thumbup: we are getting thin on the ground with all the graduates recently!

Going to see my favourite comedian tonight, Stewart lee, so that should cheer me up even more. I know I'm supposed to be taking a break from here but I can't stay away! Lol

ps. Joli I really hope all goes well and you can bring home a little SA bfp :hugs:
Hey everyone, sorry for being quiet I've had a crappy couple of days and yesterday my modem completely stopped working. They said 3-5 business days for a new one so I was planning on going to my mom's later to check the thread but DH seems to have moved things along, he spent over an hour on the phone and it came this afternoon, happy surprise.

This is a long update so I'm sorry. I had a lot of red/purplish spotting on Monday and was in a lot of pain. I didn't want to go to the dr because my ob-gyn refused to see me until they found something on the ultrasound and the walk-in clinic isn't much help. DH made me to to the ER monday night and they arranged for another ultrasound yesterday morning. I had the same pain with both ectopics, like early labour but only on the left, not sure why since it's too early for pain, I think the ER dr thought I was nuts. I was expected for them not to find anything but the lady who did the ultrasound told me I had to wait for my results. The ultrasound showed that my left tube was thickened, abnormal and quite vascular, I got a copy of the report because I was so shocked I couldn't remember anything he said 5 mins later. So not 100% sure what "quite vascular" means. I have a large cyst on the right, same as last time :( and a focal vascular area...again not sure? but the opinion was no intrauterine pregnancy, suspicious for a tubal pregnancy on the left and that the findings had progressed since my last ultrasound. They re-took my bloods, and called the on call ob-gyn. hcg level was 118, I really think that it dropped because it dropped last time after my pain and bleeding and the time before it plateaued. I haven't gotten mondays back but I guess it doesn't really matter. The ob was really nice, but firm with me, he said to either get the methotrexate or let it keep going and it will eventually rupture the tube, so I said I would get the methotrexate. Two and a half hours later I finally got it, I hate that they make you wait there for so long. I was by myself because I was just expecting to have an ultrasound and then come home. I'm seeing him for my follow-up, he was really understanding about me wanting to get pregnant again the old fashioned way and is going to talk to me about getting some tests done. He said it was up to me if I wanted to get the test where they inject the dye...and that if the right tube is clear then think about getting the left one tied, but he said we are getting ahead of ourselves and will talk about it later. I can't remember what he called it...a long word but right now I can't get more bad news so maybe I'll reconsider later. I think after 3 ectopics that something must be wrong and I don't want to know if both are blocked right now, I need to keep some hope. I'm sorry for going on and on but I'm just having a really hard day. DH couldn't take another day off and I've been sick all day, I can't eat or I throw up and still having some pain but the dr thinks it might be from the cyst. All I wanted to do was come on here last night. I haven't caught up on everyone yet but I will later on. I hope everyone is well, I missed talking to all of you. I wanted to call Bell last night to complain about not being able to get the internet but I didn't want to start crying and telling them that I needed to talk to my internet friends, I'm already feeling crazy enough.
Hey Nicole. I'm sorry to hear you've had such a tough time recently. I am glad you are ok though. I am sure they will support you and monitor you closely now and I hope they can help you get a little beanie that sticks in the right place. I'm thinking of you and hope you can rest up until things get better. Take care hun x x

Hey everyone, sorry for being quiet I've had a crappy couple of days and yesterday my modem completely stopped working. They said 3-5 business days for a new one so I was planning on going to my mom's later to check the thread but DH seems to have moved things along, he spent over an hour on the phone and it came this afternoon, happy surprise.

This is a long update so I'm sorry. I had a lot of red/purplish spotting on Monday and was in a lot of pain. I didn't want to go to the dr because my ob-gyn refused to see me until they found something on the ultrasound and the walk-in clinic isn't much help. DH made me to to the ER monday night and they arranged for another ultrasound yesterday morning. I had the same pain with both ectopics, like early labour but only on the left, not sure why since it's too early for pain, I think the ER dr thought I was nuts. I was expected for them not to find anything but the lady who did the ultrasound told me UI had to wait for my results. The ultrasound showed that my left tube was thickened, abnormal and quite vascular, I got a copy of the report because I was so shocked I couldn't remember anything he said 5 mins later. So not 100% sure what "quite vascular" means. I have a large cyst on the right, same as last time :( and a focal vascular area...again not sure? but the opinion was no intrauterine pregnancy, suspicious for a tubal pregnancy on the left and that the findings had progressed since my last ultrasound. They re-took my bloods, and called the on call ob-gyn. hcg level was 118, I really think that it dropped because it dropped last time after my pain and bleeding and the time before it plateaued. I haven't gotten mondays back but I guess it doesn't really matter. The ob was really nice, but firm with me, he said to either get the methotrexate or let it keep going and it will eventually rupture the tube, so I said I would get the methotrexate. Two and a half hours later I finally got it, I hate that they make you wait there for so long. I was by myself because I was just expecting to have an ultrasound and then come home. I'm seeing him for my follow-up, he was really understanding about me wanting to get pregnant again the old fashioned way and is going to talk to me about getting some tests done. He said it was up to me if I wanted to get the test where they inject the dye...and that if the right tube is clear then think about getting the left one tied, but he said we are getting ahead of ourselves and will talk about it later. I can't remember what he called it...a long word but right now I can't get more bad news so maybe I'll reconsider later. I think after 3 ectopics that something must be wrong and I don't want to know if both are blocked right now, I need to keep some hope. I'm sorry for going on and on but I'm just having a really hard day. DH couldn't take another day off and I've been sick all day, I can't eat or I throw up and still having some pain but the dr thinks it might be from the cyst. All I wanted to do was come on here last night. I haven't caught up on everyone yet but I will later on. I hope everyone is well, I missed talking to all of you. I wanted to call Bell last night to complain about not being able to get the internet but I didn't want to start crying and telling them that I needed to talk to my internet friends, I'm already feeling crazy enough.
Hey everyone, sorry for being quiet I've had a crappy couple of days and yesterday my modem completely stopped working. They said 3-5 business days for a new one so I was planning on going to my mom's later to check the thread but DH seems to have moved things along, he spent over an hour on the phone and it came this afternoon, happy surprise.

This is a long update so I'm sorry. I had a lot of red/purplish spotting on Monday and was in a lot of pain. I didn't want to go to the dr because my ob-gyn refused to see me until they found something on the ultrasound and the walk-in clinic isn't much help. DH made me to to the ER monday night and they arranged for another ultrasound yesterday morning. I had the same pain with both ectopics, like early labour but only on the left, not sure why since it's too early for pain, I think the ER dr thought I was nuts. I was expected for them not to find anything but the lady who did the ultrasound told me I had to wait for my results. The ultrasound showed that my left tube was thickened, abnormal and quite vascular, I got a copy of the report because I was so shocked I couldn't remember anything he said 5 mins later. So not 100% sure what "quite vascular" means. I have a large cyst on the right, same as last time :( and a focal vascular area...again not sure? but the opinion was no intrauterine pregnancy, suspicious for a tubal pregnancy on the left and that the findings had progressed since my last ultrasound. They re-took my bloods, and called the on call ob-gyn. hcg level was 118, I really think that it dropped because it dropped last time after my pain and bleeding and the time before it plateaued. I haven't gotten mondays back but I guess it doesn't really matter. The ob was really nice, but firm with me, he said to either get the methotrexate or let it keep going and it will eventually rupture the tube, so I said I would get the methotrexate. Two and a half hours later I finally got it, I hate that they make you wait there for so long. I was by myself because I was just expecting to have an ultrasound and then come home. I'm seeing him for my follow-up, he was really understanding about me wanting to get pregnant again the old fashioned way and is going to talk to me about getting some tests done. He said it was up to me if I wanted to get the test where they inject the dye...and that if the right tube is clear then think about getting the left one tied, but he said we are getting ahead of ourselves and will talk about it later. I can't remember what he called it...a long word but right now I can't get more bad news so maybe I'll reconsider later. I think after 3 ectopics that something must be wrong and I don't want to know if both are blocked right now, I need to keep some hope. I'm sorry for going on and on but I'm just having a really hard day. DH couldn't take another day off and I've been sick all day, I can't eat or I throw up and still having some pain but the dr thinks it might be from the cyst. All I wanted to do was come on here last night. I haven't caught up on everyone yet but I will later on. I hope everyone is well, I missed talking to all of you. I wanted to call Bell last night to complain about not being able to get the internet but I didn't want to start crying and telling them that I needed to talk to my internet friends, I'm already feeling crazy enough.

Aww, Nicole. Sorry things have been so rough :(
I've not had an ectopic, but I have had two MCs and I know how completely upsetting this stuff is...

We're all here for you. :hugs:
Morning lovelies, oh joy 2016 you're back! Onya (Aussie slang for 'good on you') girl, can't keep a good girl down :kiss: No need to apologise at all, I would've done the same ha. I love the saying what doesn't break you makes you stronger - is a great one for women as we deal with so much emotionally. Enjoy your comedy show tonight - excellent idea.

Aw nicole hon, I'm so sorry to hear you've had to go through that and you couldn't get on here as well. I hope you find out about your tubes soon and at least you know if you can't go all natural that there are other options to help you. My sister was a very early invitro baby in 86 and it was quite controversial back then but we barely remember now. Where there's a will there's a way. We all seem to have something that could deter us but I just keep on picturing that beautiful babe in my arms. I even bought a pair of gorgeous playsuits for my g'friends twins but kept them for me! lol. I'd already given her stuff so thought no, that's for my baby :blush: I had to giggle at you not wanting to complain to Bell cause you were sad and didn't want to cry as you couldn't talk to your internet friends. Good on hubby for getting onto it. So glad you came on to share.

Hibiscus great idea on the recruitment drive :thumbup: I'm curious what FF will say too, maybe your temps will go up today and show tomorrow. I have a feeling too that you already have o'd. Thnx for checking my chart - nice to hear as i'm new to charting x

Joli, thanks for the article, I'll have a look tonight there's so much to learn. You're off to your appt today - GOOD LUCK hon!!!

AFM, my temp went up a bit today woo hoo, but my kitty woke me up at 4am (thought it was 2am so i got up). I took my temp 36.52 then woke up at 6am and it was 36.87! Normally take it at 5.30 so i adjusted it to the higher one (!) 36.81 :blush: So far so good, not feeling much except bbs and gas lol. Normally get that so just have to keep on waiting.

Have a great day/night ladies :kiss:
I have had some weird pressure in my lower abdomen all day, similar to AF-type cramps. Maybe it's O, but it doesn't feel like that.
I hope I already O'ed because I think all the spermies from this weekend must be gone. Maybe not though. Last time we BDed was 72 hours ago. I guess you never know...
Nicole, I am so sorry you are going through all this trauma. You really have had it rough these last 2 weeks. Thanks for giving us all of the updates, I know it can't be easy for you to put everything down in writing. I think when they do the dye test you have to skip a cycle, cause it take some time for the dye to come out, but I do think that it's a good idea for you to do. I know it would be horrible to find out if something wasn't good with your right tube, but my FS said that it's simple procedure these days to unblock it. I would get second and third opinions about whether to get any tubes tied! I am a total advocate for getting pregnant naturally, and I think most docs would agree the same...but sometimes nature does need a helping hand. It took a lot for me to come to terms with the fact that we can concieve naturally - the thought never even crossed my mind when we first started to ttc. I knew it would take a while, but I honestly thought I'd have it in the bag within 6 months! Sometimes just knowing that something can be done about natural problems we have, is a real comfort and gives me hope that all is not lost. I am not enormously religious, but I do have faith, and will keep you in my thoughts in my prayers. :kiss:

2016 - it's great to hear from you!! You don't need to apologise to us! Often I find it frustrating that we're located all over the world - it would be nice to be able to give some support in person...but know that we're here for you! You really can't kick yourself for not being able to read a chart, honestly, not many of us are! I'm not 100% I believe it when people tell you to relax and it will happen or don't think about it, or when it's meant to be etc... but what I do believe, is that it will happen - you are such a strong person, that I know that one way or another, you'll make it happen! :flower:

Tiger4me - things are looking good! bbs and gas are good signs. Keeping my fx'd for you! :winkwink:

Hibiscus - spermeys do last 3 days, and often up to 5! But I'm convinced that you've already O'd... lets see what FF thinks today! :)

My scan has been pushed to 3pm, so 2.5 more hours... I'm not sure how you ladies feel about this, but I have been au natural in the hair-down-there department this last month, because I feel self-conscious having scans etc. unless I have some coverage... but since I'm going on holiday, I've booked myself in for a wax in an hour and will be going bare-down-there! Now, I did originally arrange it so that my scan was before my wax, but FS had an emergency to attend to this morning, so my scan has been moved until after my wax. I know the FS must see all shapes, sizes and haircuts, but still I know I will feel totally embarassed going bald with no coverage!! :blush: Hopefully this little thought will amuse some of you today! :haha:

I'll check in again after the scan to give you an update, then off to SA!! I think I will be able to read and write a few things on my blackberry, so I'll try my best to stay in touch! x
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