Hey everyone, sorry for being quiet I've had a crappy couple of days and yesterday my modem completely stopped working. They said 3-5 business days for a new one so I was planning on going to my mom's later to check the thread but DH seems to have moved things along, he spent over an hour on the phone and it came this afternoon, happy surprise.
This is a long update so I'm sorry. I had a lot of red/purplish spotting on Monday and was in a lot of pain. I didn't want to go to the dr because my ob-gyn refused to see me until they found something on the ultrasound and the walk-in clinic isn't much help. DH made me to to the ER monday night and they arranged for another ultrasound yesterday morning. I had the same pain with both ectopics, like early labour but only on the left, not sure why since it's too early for pain, I think the ER dr thought I was nuts. I was expected for them not to find anything but the lady who did the ultrasound told me UI had to wait for my results. The ultrasound showed that my left tube was thickened, abnormal and quite vascular, I got a copy of the report because I was so shocked I couldn't remember anything he said 5 mins later. So not 100% sure what "quite vascular" means. I have a large cyst on the right, same as last time

and a focal vascular area...again not sure? but the opinion was no intrauterine pregnancy, suspicious for a tubal pregnancy on the left and that the findings had progressed since my last ultrasound. They re-took my bloods, and called the on call ob-gyn. hcg level was 118, I really think that it dropped because it dropped last time after my pain and bleeding and the time before it plateaued. I haven't gotten mondays back but I guess it doesn't really matter. The ob was really nice, but firm with me, he said to either get the methotrexate or let it keep going and it will eventually rupture the tube, so I said I would get the methotrexate. Two and a half hours later I finally got it, I hate that they make you wait there for so long. I was by myself because I was just expecting to have an ultrasound and then come home. I'm seeing him for my follow-up, he was really understanding about me wanting to get pregnant again the old fashioned way and is going to talk to me about getting some tests done. He said it was up to me if I wanted to get the test where they inject the dye...and that if the right tube is clear then think about getting the left one tied, but he said we are getting ahead of ourselves and will talk about it later. I can't remember what he called it...a long word but right now I can't get more bad news so maybe I'll reconsider later. I think after 3 ectopics that something must be wrong and I don't want to know if both are blocked right now, I need to keep some hope. I'm sorry for going on and on but I'm just having a really hard day. DH couldn't take another day off and I've been sick all day, I can't eat or I throw up and still having some pain but the dr thinks it might be from the cyst. All I wanted to do was come on here last night. I haven't caught up on everyone yet but I will later on. I hope everyone is well, I missed talking to all of you. I wanted to call Bell last night to complain about not being able to get the internet but I didn't want to start crying and telling them that I needed to talk to my internet friends, I'm already feeling crazy enough.