April ‘baby’ showers 2020

That's a shame about the water birth star. I had midwife today and even though the consultant wrote in my notes that I should discuss birth plan with the midwife she didn't mention it. Probably because she was running very late and clinic was being run by a student midwife.
BIL has said he will make himself available for when I go in to labour so that's 2 options of people to call now.
I want to start washing clothes but there's so much general stuff to wash and it takes so long to dry right now that I'm hoping for a few nicer days so I can get some outside to dry faster.
DH said MIL keeps asking about if we need anything big so she might offer to replace our car seat for us.
Think it was in here that we were talking about names and I said there was a school mum expecting and she before me, and I didn't know her babies gender but didn't want to reveal our name just in case she was having a boy as I chose an unusual name and didn't want him to then end up having another child with the same name in his class.
Aaaanyway, she had her baby this week, her 4th boy, and has called him George so I should be safe now to tell people his name :haha: I probably won't make a big thing but just if anyone asks I'll tell them.

I'm thinking about starting to wash babies clothes in the next week or so, and then starting to pack my hospital bag. I ordered a few more bits, and I know it's a bit premature really but I bought a walker that doubles as a bouncer thing so it's almost like a miniature jumperoo, the seat completely rotates and you can remove the bouncy bit at the bottom and it then becomes a walker. I have had it in my wish list for a couple of months and although I know he can't use it until later I managed to.convinve myself that by the time we needed to buy one it would be sold out and I was so in love. I ordered a few nappies and boosters too. My friend is giving me her stash once it comes out of storage from her move, but I saw a few designs I loved and I don't know what hers are like or exact number and it never hurts to have spares right? Plus a little organiser thing so I can stuff a days worth and have them all ready to go.
Yes mother it was here! Great it wasn’t Reuben that would have been tricky for you! Fun now you can start telling people the name. We have officially said that we have our list and we need to now meet her to decide as nothing is jumping out. I’ve started to really like Alice but it’s the number 1 name here and that puts me off... also a mum who I occasionally bump in to who I met at baby group With DD 2 years ago had a daughter in May and named her Alice. I only know from Instagram and we are not active friends but still feels a bit meh to do that to her. But we will see.

Exciting you’ll start washing the clothes mother! My OH finally agreed we would try to get someone to convert our upstairs living room into a guest bedroom before little ones arrival. He thought maybe he’d do it over the summer but now agrees it will help us so much to get it done before! So hopefully they’ll be able to squeeze us in. It would make me SO unbelievably happy if it was done before. I think it will be worth every penny, especially as my family live in the uk and will want to come stay to meet her after her arrival!
Officially in the third trimester now! Exciting!
Yes, I can imagine that having space for people to stay would be a big thing when you live so far apart. Sure there are hotels but it drives up the cost and makes visits less regular. I hope you can get it done before hand.
How’s everyone doing?! I’ve had trouble accessing the site for a few days- it’s still a bit problematic!

so it’s decided 5 more weeks and then I’m starting my maternity leave!! Ekkkk!
Eek! That's not long at all.
I'm good, just tired. I'm also impatient to have everything ready but don't seem to be getting very far now.
Hi all

Thats not long til Mat leave Sweden!

Mother, I’m getting impatient to get things done now too, it’s just getting the clothes out the loft and washing them now the kids are in the bunk beds, the nursery is empty and ready

I’ve been feeling so achy low down the last few days, like literally down there and pressure in my Bottom, I’m guessing she’s gone back down low
Midwife a week Monday so should know her position then.

I’ve said ds last childminder day will be 9th March so that’s when I will finish actually going to work but will do a couple of weeks at home and then start Mat leave
It’s just getting a pain walking there and
Back as dh has his own taxi business but I don’t drive and I’m fed up relying on others, I have to drop dd off first then it’s uphill to drop ds off and then work, it takes an hour to walk it including the time dropping them off and usually I don’t mind walking it but now it’s a definite no from me lol.

Hope everyone is well

It’s ds 2nd birthday today so we’ve had family round, now just waiting for dh to bring a curry home

I’ve been watching one born every minute and I have to say it’s putting me off giving birth again haha!
I've been watching One Born too, some bits scare me even though I know I've down it fine before, but then I see all the babies and it distracts me hahaha
Tonight ds4 had a party to go to and one of the other mums asked what number baby this is. Usually people will say something about being brave, mad or having your hands full, but tonight I got "wow, your husband must be super stud" it took everything I had not to wet myself laughing
Ohhhh I’m so going to watch some one born tonight! Are you watching re-runs or is there a new series?

So the wall is going up this week! Yayyyyy! I’m painting the nursery, got the birthing ball out of storage today and put in an order for hospital bag goodies (travel shampoos etc) and will start packing it this week! Feels like the final countdown. Which I guess it is!
Got our growth scan in a couple of weeks and looking forward to seeing how she’s doing!
I'm watching re-runs on 4OD.
It is the final count down now! I've got my last scan the middle of March, I can't wait.
I hope everyone's OK.

Star I avoid that show now haha

I can't remember if I said before but I have to use Clexane and it is not fun!
We have a growth scan tomorrow which I'm not looking forward to because I don't see why it's necessary (they're basing this off two of our babies being slightly smaller than the other two, but one was two weeks early and both of them were still within healthy birthweights) and I know I am probably being irrational but the whole coronavirus thing is starting to worry me, particularly in light of it having got so close to our town. I'm worried about going to somewhere that feels like a huge risk for something that feels unnecessary. We did have a private scan two weeks ago which showed her to be an average size and weight...

Sorry. Probably rude to just pop in and offload :/
Omg cupcake I’m so glad I’m not the only one who is nervous about corona! I’ve been fine until today but my OH has a business trip next week to Brussels and then goes on a boys trip away to Prague and I’m starting to freak out at the idea. So scared he’ll bring it back and it will hurt baby! I feel I’m being totally irrational but can’t help the anxiety.

Good luck at your growth scan! I think just be extra cautious with washing hands etc. And try not to touch face. I’ve read normal flu is worse- and it’s flu season so good to prevent that any way!
I’m watching old ones too but somehow I haven’t already already seen them

Cupcake, feel free to offload anytime! I don’t blame you not feeling it necessary when you just had a private one a couple of weeks ago

Yay for final countdown!
I’m so impatient now and it’s all I think about
Midwife next Monday which makes me think this is going so quick as it’s been 4 weeks already since the last one!
I’ve got some maternity pads but that’s it for hospital bag, still haven’t got baby clothes out the loft and I’m losing the will!

Glad everyone is well, no more scans for me, just midwife 4 weekly
Sweden, it is pretty frightening isn't it! I know papers and stuff like to sensationalise things, but this is very real.

Star, I have asked to rearrange because the cat got hit by a car, she needs her bladder emptying at the vets. We don't drive, and the vet is near the hospital, both are too far to walk especially with SPD so I'm asking to rearrange because we really can't afford almost £40 on travel in one day.

It's really frustrating because I don't feel it's necessary. I was a smoker with the two children I had which were smaller. I didn't smoke with the other two and they were quite a bit heavier! I think that was why, so it seems silly
My area do a 3rd scan for growth at 36 weeks as standard now apparently.
A friend of mine did have to have extra scans with her 3rd as they said her second baby had been small. He was a perfectly average 7lb but her BMI at booking in with number 3 suggested he should have been much bigger, they didn't acknowledge the fact that her BMI at booking in with number 2 had been much lower as she had dropped about 3 dress sizes before getting pregnant the second time.
I'm trying not to think about coronavirus, I'm terrible for worst case scenario and someone gets a rash and I immediately think it's meningitis, ds4 has been ill quite frequently lately and the other week he got in to my bed with a temperature and coughing and I had to resist googling the symptoms of coronavirus
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Mother, my babies weights in order go 7lb 5oz, 6lb 6oz (both due dates), 5lb 13oz, 7lb 4oz.
Didn't smoke with first and fourth, did with middle two. I was a little overweight with first but put on loads with him, a good 4st. Second I was overweight by a fair amount but lost weight throughout pregnancy, third I was not hugely overweight and continued losing weight throughout pregnancy with her. Was a healthy weight with fourth but put on more than I thought I would. My weight certainly didn't have any impact imo, it was the smoking that did I think. But still, none of them have been too small. It's a new rule apparently. So with Castiel, who arrived in 2018, I didn't have to have any extra scans as this new rule hadn't been introduced, so I was told anyway.
It's like with the aspirin, they want me on that to prevent pre-eclampsia because I had it two days before I had my eldest, almost two decades ago and I have had three more children since with perfectly OK blood pressure and zero pre-eclampsia. But this time they want me on both Clexane and aspirin... I'm not keen and I said so, since they both thin the blood, or make it less sticky. It seems like a crazy idea especially since I apparently should have been on both since the start because I'm a fat geriatric mother lol
The guidelines are always changing.

Oh gosh that would have had me panicking. It's such a common thing too, a fever and a cough. Could be anything. A few weeks ago we wouldn't have thought anything of it. Is he OK now?

I'm not sure whether to buy a birthing pool for home or not. And I think we may have to have the cat put to sleep. She's my husband's baby so he's devastated. I'm praying a miracle happens and it doesn't come to that
It seems mad to me that they want you on blood thinners when this is your 5th while they are telling me how risky it is that this is my 5th baby and how I could bleed out.
Aw 5/6lb is small but your others weren't massive so it's not something I would have been thought about. Mine were 8lb 15, 7lb 14, 8lb 4 and 8lb 4.

He is over whatever that was with the cough and fever, but he now has a sickness bug which started yesterday morning.
Hopefully ds is over the bug soon mother
Dd was coughing last night and had a temp but fine this morning, I was getting worried too though!

Cupcake, so sorry to hear about your cat
Poor baby
I was on clexane after my egg collection and they’re definitely not fun!
It's been about 24 hours since he was last sick. Yesterday he had breakfast, then I found some sick in his room and he denied it was him and tried to blame the cat :haha: all he ate the rest of the day was a packet of crisps and an iced bun (not very healthy I know but when they are like that if they can eat and keep it down I don't mind and they were both pretty dry foods) today he's had breakfast and is much bouncer so we shall see how he goes.

DH is picking up the car seat today. My ticker says I've got 63 days to go, that doesn't seem very much at all. My left boob finally started leaking last night, I was beginning to panic that despite weeks of tingling nothing seemed to be happening.

Anyone watching One Born, series 11 episode 2 the dad faints! Has anyone had a fainter before?

Cupcake I completely missed the part about the cat! I'm sorry, I really hope it doesn't come to that.
Glad hes eating now mother, haha swear I’ve seen that one before, think I’ve only got series 3 and 4 on demand but I’ll check again
63 days is crazy! Makes it sound so much more less than weeks

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