April ‘baby’ showers 2020

I have heard of hospitals limiting birth partners and visitors on the ward after birth to prevent too many possible carriers coming in and out. I think on the whole though, our little section of the hospital shouldn't be too effected apart from hygiene precautions as we have specialised midwives and doctors rather than the nurses in other parts of the hospital who might be called off wards to help. I know one thing though, my hospital is a huge pain for parking at the best of times. I can see DH having to let me out with my bag at the door then go circle the car park until something comes up :haha:
Mother, it’s your choice where you birth anyway isn’t it? The consultant hasn’t any room to tell you you cannot birth at home. They should only advise, it isn’t their place to lay down laws.
I hope you get the birth you would like! It shouldn’t be a one size fits all approach, I think advice should be based on individual circumstances. This is how our midwife seems to be.

Sweden I don’t blame you feeling down. I’m sorry :( I hope you’re feeling brighter soon. It’s frustrating when people aren’t doing the sensible thing and isolating themselves, even if they don’t think it’s anything more than a cold it really isn’t the point!

Am I right in thinking the government here are now planning the whole herd immunity thing?

I don’t know what we are on track with anymore re home or hospital birth. With Castiel my potassium and iron were low about now, and this time this has happened. I don’t understand it! The iron yes, it’s common, but potassium?! It doesn’t make any sense. I have managed to increase my levels a little over the last few days but my iron is even lower despite taking Spatone. It did the trick beautifully last time, so I’m not sure what’s going on. They want me on their pills but they don’t agree with me and the Spatone may be a lower dose, but our bodies absorb it way more efficiently and easily than pills so it frequently works better. We tend to waste a lot of the pills.
Anyway, I’m leaving buying a pool for a little while yet as I don’t want to waste any pennies
Im feeling better today! Home births aren’t an option here unless you pay for a private midwife- otherwise I’d be considering it! My neighbour is a midwife and we joked yesterday if it was really bad- we would deliver at home anyway. It was a joke but I could tell that it had a hint of truth to it- in a real worst case scenario. With my Preeclampsia diagnosis a hospital birth is definitely safer in case my BP spikes to dangerous levels.

I started maternity leave yesterday. My DD was planned to go to daycare for 15 hours a week from now on. I’m wondering if I should keep her home? The midwife told me to keep living as I planned and enjoy the rest before the baby comes and only stop her going if the government decides to close. But I’m just wondering if I should be doing all I can to reduce risk of getting it. What would you guys do? I’m just scared she will be stir crazy by the time baby comes and when they’re here we will likely be in more...
You'd think so but the way they talk it's like they give you permission and their say is final. I'm wondering now if home might be better as I'd just have a single person, maybe 2, coming in rather than going in to a place with loads of potential carriers. I've basically got until Thursday to decide as they won't consider it after that appointment.
I suppose at least there should be less traffic on the roads and if we do go in to lock down or anything remotely like that they might postpone the road works so I won't have to worry about anyone getting to me.

I think there has been talk of herd immunity. I've not followed it too closely for fear of making myself anxious. I was kind of hoping they would close the schools though which I think put me in the minority :haha:
Sweden, I would keep her home. Being bored is better than catching the virus, and then passing it onto you and eventually possibly the baby too. If it’s in your village too then it sounds as though the risk is fairly high that schools and nurseries etc. will all have cases soon.

Mother, I hate that! It really annoys me that consultants so frequently think they speak the word of God and it’s tough. They really do sometimes get way ahead of themselves. And I’m sorry but they can’t tell you you cannot birth at home if you don’t tell them by x date, what happens if when you go into labour, if it took half an hour and you hadn’t any choice?! What are they going to do about it?

The news makes me anxious too, but I keep up with it because eldest is so anxious about it himself and he reads literally all news, including the unreliable scaremongering headlines, so I think if I keep track then hopefully I can rationalise things a little for him.
I think closing the schools makes sense. If they’re talking about banning large gatherings, what on earth do they think schools are.

When your blood pressure increases, it’s both numbers that have to be high to be high, isn’t it? I can’t remember. I was asked to monitor my BP myself at home because it isn’t realistic to monitor it regularly any other way, and for the previous three days it’s increased, but then gone back down again to the upper end of normal. At hospital it read 140/80 something, and she said that was ok. This morning it read 143/84, so the top number is high but the bottom number isn’t. She said 140/90nis high and call in with that. I have had my urine and blood checked a number of times, most recently Friday, for pre-eclampsia and it’s all come back normal again so I’m not sure why my BP is playing up and if I ought to worry
Literally running out the door but wanted to reply. Happy it’s either number has to be above 140/90. Make sure you sit down in a back supporting chair with feet on floor and legs uncrossed and sit like that for at least 5 mins before and make sure you don’t need to pee. If either number is above 140 or 90 after doing that then I’d call in. That’s what I’m told. Better safe than sorry!

picture to help you’re taking it correctly: Google Image Result for https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/utsw-patientcare-web-production/original_images/HowTo.original-1600.jpg
I have no idea regarding bp I'm afraid.

There's so many variables with birth, like the midwife has said if I decide to go to hospital then she can put a note on the computer so when I call they will see I had a previous birth before arrival and I can call and go in at the first signs, but then you've sort of got to hope for waters to go first like they did with ds2 or to have a bloody show before the pains start like with ds3. Ds4 I only had what I thought were Braxton Hicks, they weren't painful and I had had them every day for weeks. By the time they actually made themselves known as contractions they were already regular and everything was very quick after that. She said if my waters went and I felt like it was going to be fast they would just tell me to stay home. But last time the midwife didn't make it due to them not believing I was in labour as I can talk through my contractions right up until the end. I mean, I was apologising to DH as his head was being born so if the ability to talk is what they go by then it isn't all that reliable is it?! She didn't really seem to take on board my fears about the road being closed meaning it would be difficult for child care, or a midwife or ambulance to get here, as well as delaying us getting there.

I think if your son gets anxious about it as well then staying on top of it all is the wisest thing, even if it's scaring you. I saw about a new born baby testing positive and the mum being treated in a different hospital and now I'm not sure if I should be self isolating us all. I wish they had closed schools as it would have taken the decision away from me and I wouldn't have to worry about getting in to trouble for keeping them home. I don't really want DH going out either as he's got a heart condition but he's a grown man, and while they are at school he has to take ds4, plus he takes his mum shopping (who as an 80 year old should probably be self isolating too to be honest) and had no work in the winter so we sort of need the money when he's allowed to go back at the end of the month. Although he does work alone which is something I suppose. No one to catch anything off. Then I think I'm just letting the anxiety get the best of me and should carry on as normal.
Sweden thank you. It’s still high so I am going to phone first thing and see what they say. Online the advice is closely monitoring, as it’s classed as mildly high and won’t require medication but it is best to be safe.

Mother, I have always been frustrated at that ‘if you can talk through them’ rule. What a load of rubbish! I can talk through it until a lot closer to birth too. I have also been disbelieved before about being in labour - with my first. They were so stunned to see I was already 7cm dilated! It’s so stupid!

I read earlier that anyone above 70 will soon be require to self isolate for four months. I think if we are attempting her immunity it’s sensible to isolate the most vulnerable.
I can see why you worry about school, if ours were at school still (we home educate) then I would keep them off and tell school to do their worst. You have every right as a mother to protect their health. How much learning will they be doing if they caught that anyway?! It’s good your husband works alone, much less chance of him catching it
Make sure if your top number goes over 160or bottom 110 you call (or even just go) in ASAP. They are emergency levels.

So looks like the decision has been made for me. DD has a croup sounding cough and a slight slight fever. So I’m obviously terrified now she has it. Regardless now she is sick she can’t go until she has been symptom free for 72 hours. If her fever is higher tomorrow I’ll call the advice line...
Thank you, I will. Yeah I read that earlier, I was told not to keep doing it but I don’t see how I’m to keep an eye on it if I don’t.

Goodness, I hope she’s ok and doesn’t have it. Won’t she have to stay home for the next two weeks anyway just in case?
Thank you, I will. Yeah I read that earlier, I was told not to keep doing it but I don’t see how I’m to keep an eye on it if I don’t.

Goodness, I hope she’s ok and doesn’t have it. Won’t she have to stay home for the next two weeks anyway just in case?

The rules here are currently if they are sick at all they have to be symptom free for 72 hours. If you get a confirmed case then you stay away for the 14 days. But they are only testing those at risk- so it’s a bit crazy to be honest!! They are also going on this herd immunity thing...

I’m Not sure if we’d count as high risk as I’m pregnant... maybe as I have appointments at the hospital. Anyway the fever has gone and it’s definitely sounding like croup. A true barking seal cough... I might still call information today as I’m terrified of going to our scan in a few days and it turns out to be it
Sweden hope your daughter is ok. Ds4 is now ill, but I'm already in trouble with his school because he had too much time off when he had sickness and diarrhoea (their policy is 48 hours after the last bout, his last bout was the Wednesday afternoon meaning 48 hours later was Friday afternoon, so he ended up with a full week off) he had a sticky eye this morning and he is very snotty so not symptoms of coronavirus, although he started with a cough, so DH is taking him as far as the gate where the head stands each morning and asking her to make the decision so we don't get any back lash.
Ds3 is home educated and I've been so tempted this last school year to also pull out ds4 but DH and I have different opinions on acceptable reasons to home ed, and I would still have to make the decision for the oldest 2 even if I pull ds4 out.

Same regarding being 7cm when getting to hospital with my first. They said "well we can examine you but you'll probably be go in home again" and then we're shocked to find I was 7cm. They made the assumption on the fact that I was on the young side (she actually said it was because of my age, and "the young ones always over react" and I wasn't screaming the place down) I tend to go into myself and go quiet, but DH can still make me laugh. As ds1 was born they were telling me how much hair he had and DH said "It's all down his back like a monkey" and I laughed.

Dh just text, ds4 has (as expected) been sent home
So, would you still go for your scan if you were just about better from a cold? My scan is tomorrow, all I've got left from my cold is a tickle in my throat, but they are asking people with cold/flu symptoms not to come in. Chances are when I wake up tomorrow it won't even tickle but I'm not sure now whether I should go. Would you wait and see how you feel in the morning?
I’ve just been talking to my midwife as I was worried about my scan on Wednesday (with DD sick I didn’t want to spread anything). She said as long as I am showing no cold symptoms I can go. So I’d say if you are symptom free head in.

Downside is my OH can’t come as it is a total visitor ban at the hospital. I have a feeling we will get told that little one has IUGR (my fundal height has drastically dropped of curve) and with it not being my native language I wish he could come for that and to support me to discuss next steps..
Oh no! I was disappointed for DH as he'll have to miss it to look after ds3 and ds4 (was originally going to take ds3 as it's only growth, but now with the no children rule and ds4 being ill I obviously can't) but at least I don't have the language barrier or the concern about growth. I really hope that it goes well for you.
I think in that case if I wake up symptom free then I will still go, with ds4 ill there's always the chance he'll pass something back to me and I won't end up getting the scan at all as I'll be sick again when I reschedule hahaha
Ok so based on the UK us preggos are now supposed to self-isolate for 12 weeks!
Yeah I'm now going to have to cancel tomorrow's appointment and midwife on Thursday I think. We are being told if anyone has symptoms then to self isolate for 14 days so I'm going to have to phone the schools and explain that while I am sure ds4 does not have the virus and is just coincidentally ill, he does have a cough and do they want my kids or shall I keep them off the 14 days. If they want me to keep them home then we will be self isolating.
It's more social distancing that they are advising, so you can go to appointments and important things but no unnecessary trips or socialising, don't get too close to anyone if you do have to go out. I would still go to my appointments if it wasn't for the fact of having symptoms. Hopefully make my 38 week midwife appointment and maybe be able to reschedule the scan for then too, but at least it's not like the 12 or 20 week one. You never used to get a late scan with my oldest 3 at all.
hi sorry i haven't been able to keep up!

glad to hear everyone is well aside from the childrens illnesses, it all seems never ending!
I hope they are all feeling better soon

I've stopped dd going to pre school now until after easter. She only does 3 days a week and obviously isn't compulsory so I didn't think it was worth it.
I'm only going out when I really have to which i don't have to anyway now, next appointment is midwife on the 30th so haven't got anywhere I have to be before then, all being well.

Feeling ok, getting achier some days and think I'm starting to lose plug, not that it means alot lol.
We had my sisters baby shower at the weekend as shes expecting twins so i'm glad we managed to have that before the isolation! shes 26 weeks so hoping I can see the twins when they're born with all this uncertain around us.

Hope everyone stays safe
Hey star, glad you're well and your sister managed to get her shower in.
We are now in self isolation. I'm calling round everywhere trying to cancel appointments. I was supposed to have a scan in 15 minutes and still can't get through to them to let them know I won't be there.
I’m pretty much self isolating too, thank god for the garden!
Though I swear it takes me longer to get them ready to go out there than they’re actually out there for

Hopefully they will guess why you’re not there, this is going to be a hard few weeks!

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