April babies... labour watching!

Hey ladies. I started the thread and I have no clue how to move it. I'll take your word that it has been moved though. Lol. Considering I have baby brains... I can't remember where I put it originally.... other than the same as other labour watching groups. I just find it by user cp... so didn't even notice.

I've been QUITE achy the last couple of days. My joints are just sore. 15 mo old Dd has been more needy though... so that is probably the biggest reason why.
hardd- oh wow sounds like your body is defintely gearing up for the big day how exciting. i have a question and this might sound dumb but could you feel your cervix shortening? like was there any pain or pressure associated with it? i've been having some episodes of pain/pressure and since i have'nt been to the doc yet im just wondering if its leading to something :flower:

MissRhead- throwing that hope dust right back at you :). my mom told me that she went overdue with all 5 of us (me and my siblings) by almost 2 weeks! really hoping that does'nt run in the family haha :haha:

MrsDuck- hey due date buddy :wave:! oh i just saw we're both having girls how exciting! i had my maternity class also about 2 weeks ago. it does really start to put things into prospective, especially when i had a tour of the hospital and saw the L&D room. it sent shivers down my spine! :blush:

Sinclair- yea my next appt is the 22nd of this month. i asked my mom about the pain and pressure and she told me that it is normal once you hit this point in pregnancy but she still wants me to consult my doc which i will. hoping its nothing serious for us and just another pregnancy ache :flower:

ttcpostvr- yea its definitely been moved and i hope others can eventually find it. definitely looking after DD is probably whats making you so achy. i definitely have so much respect for you mommies with babies at home plus being pregnant, its got to be tough but i know worth it :).

just a side note i asked DH when he wanted to try for baby #2. he said when DD is 6 months! huh?! men... :haha:
Aliko... it hasn't been too bad so far having them close. Def has flown by a lot quicker than my first pregnancy. :)
I just hit 30 weeks today too ALiKO! I feel like poop though. My hips and back are being a pain. I have had a sore-ish belly the last few days too and he was not 'quiet' in there, but was definitely having clearer periods of rest/awake and I'm feeling much bigger after it all. He's been moving away non stop today though, so I think the growing spurt is over for now.

I am starting to get impatient! Ticker says 70 days, could be up to 84 if I go over the full allowed amount though, that's forever away! With DD I swear I didn't feel bad until at least around 34 weeks, and honestly, with this pregnancy i've been down and out since the first tri! (pulled back muscle, then sprained ankle, then asthma, then back again etc etc)

We did, however buy our cot Friday! We just went with the IKEA Sniglar cot for $79, since it's nice and simple, and we are honestly sooo poor at the moment, I'm having panic attacks daily on how we are going to get everything ready for him in time for his arrival!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend! <3
I was wondering where this thread has disappeared to. I had to "Search" for it lol.
It's a bit off for admin to move it but to leave the feb and march labour watch threads :( oh well :wacko:

How is everyone getting on with their shopping? I think I'm almost there just a few bits and bobs to get, the nursery however is a building site so looks like she'll be in with us for some time
It's a bit off for admin to move it but to leave the feb and march labour watch threads :( oh well :wacko:

How is everyone getting on with their shopping? I think I'm almost there just a few bits and bobs to get, the nursery however is a building site so looks like she'll be in with us for some time

I'm completely done shopping. I do still need to set everything up though.
hardd- oh wow sounds like your body is defintely gearing up for the big day how exciting. i have a question and this might sound dumb but could you feel your cervix shortening? like was there any pain or pressure associated with it? i've been having some episodes of pain/pressure and since i have'nt been to the doc yet im just wondering if its leading to something :flower:

MissRhead- throwing that hope dust right back at you :). my mom told me that she went overdue with all 5 of us (me and my siblings) by almost 2 weeks! really hoping that does'nt run in the family haha :haha:

MrsDuck- hey due date buddy :wave:! oh i just saw we're both having girls how exciting! i had my maternity class also about 2 weeks ago. it does really start to put things into prospective, especially when i had a tour of the hospital and saw the L&D room. it sent shivers down my spine! :blush:

Sinclair- yea my next appt is the 22nd of this month. i asked my mom about the pain and pressure and she told me that it is normal once you hit this point in pregnancy but she still wants me to consult my doc which i will. hoping its nothing serious for us and just another pregnancy ache :flower:

ttcpostvr- yea its definitely been moved and i hope others can eventually find it. definitely looking after DD is probably whats making you so achy. i definitely have so much respect for you mommies with babies at home plus being pregnant, its got to be tough but i know worth it :).

just a side note i asked DH when he wanted to try for baby #2. he said when DD is 6 months! huh?! men... :haha:

The reason why I know my cervix keeps shortening is I am losing bits of my mucus plug little by little and my doctor says that why I keep getting stretchy discharge and confirms it on the internal ultrasound. My stretchy mucus ranges from yellow to clear mixed in with the regular discharge of pregnancy. I do have pains but I cant say for sure its that as before it started shortening, LOs head been down in my pelvis forever and whenever it stretch, the head hit my cervix causing pains.
bamm- hooray for 30 weeks! sounds like you've been through a lot this pregnancy i hope little one eases up a bit so that you can catch a break. i know what you mean about the aches and pains and sore tummy. it seems like as soon as i turned 30 weeks someone just flipped on the sore switch:haha:. and girl i can definitely relate with the finances. things have been especially tight financially as we've had to put a lot out on heating costs as this winter as been particularly brutal. thank god DH's parents have offered to by the crib and bedding even though i would'nt of minded co-sleeping.

MrsDuck- im pretty much done for now with everything i need to start baby off with, but i do have a list of things still to get as she gets older from about 3+ months and thats mostly just clothing and some small toys she can interact with. i do still need to get a pacifier though and im praying she takes it.

hardd- oh i see. i have'nt been getting any extra discharge so i guess my aches and pain are'nt getting me anywhere haha. but we'll see once i have my next appt.
bamm- hooray for 30 weeks! sounds like you've been through a lot this pregnancy i hope little one eases up a bit so that you can catch a break. i know what you mean about the aches and pains and sore tummy. it seems like as soon as i turned 30 weeks someone just flipped on the sore switch:haha:. and girl i can definitely relate with the finances. things have been especially tight financially as we've had to put a lot out on heating costs as this winter as been particularly brutal. thank god DH's parents have offered to by the crib and bedding even though i would'nt of minded co-sleeping.

We are cosleepers with DD but I realllly don't want DS in our bed, I miss my DH! We have forgotten how to cuddle since we are used to a 3 foot 5 human in between! I am however planning on having him in his cot next to us for up to 3 or so years, just not physically in our bed, we are only now transitioning DD out and she's 3.5 next week!

We are the opposite with our power bill - ours is cooling since we have had a HOT HOT HOT summer, the air con has been on all day/night, we would be able to get a bunch of stuff, but the bill was paid last week and was just under $700

Don't get me started on finances in regards to DH's side! We have no asked my MIL for money more than once, in 2008 we asked to borrow $20 to get through to payday for groceries and she's never let us forget it! DH went to her and basically cried, told her our position, she came back with a flat out no. (probably needs the spending money for her 2 week trip to france she's taking mid-year) That for me in particular was the straw that broke the camels back - She has been nothing but selfish and rude to us for the last 8 years, so I am officially cutting her out (again. I let her back in after 18 months, but it's been the same dramas from her since so she's out again)


Otherwise, today at 30+1 is sucking. My right hip is so sore, it was the hip that was out of line at the physio a couple of weeks ago, so I think it's popped back out - DS has been kicking me a fair bit, which is good, I have a feeling he is head down now, the pressure on downstairs, constant need to pee, and no side kicks (he was transverse at every other scan) so am interested to know what the go is - don't have another appt for a month or so though.
It's a bit off for admin to move it but to leave the feb and march labour watch threads :( oh well :wacko:

How is everyone getting on with their shopping? I think I'm almost there just a few bits and bobs to get, the nursery however is a building site so looks like she'll be in with us for some time

We might not be close enough for labor watch until next month really. Lol, we're just jumping ahead of ourselves. Lol.

We finished our shopping for the most part. Nursery is completely done minus the stuff we need to move out once he actually gets here. Lol. It's kinda like a pack room for some things. XD We still need to actually get his blinds up, and some more clothing. So most of it's been done, I'm just waiting until my next ultrasound appointment to figure out his about what he will weigh so we can get more newborn clothing. Lol.
We are cosleepers with DD but I realllly don't want DS in our bed, I miss my DH! We have forgotten how to cuddle since we are used to a 3 foot 5 human in between! I am however planning on having him in his cot next to us for up to 3 or so years, just not physically in our bed, we are only now transitioning DD out and she's 3.5 next week!

i was thinking about that in regards to co-sleeping. i can understand how it can take down the intimacy level. i definitely gotta try to do all i can to spice up the bedroom again after DD is born because im ashamed to say hubby has'nt really been getting any :rofl:. and i hope transitioning your DD to her own bed goes smoothly. my mom co-slept with all my younger brothers and it was so hard for her to transition them to their own beds. even now at the ages of 9, 7, and 4 years old they still at times crawl in the bed with her and my dad. yikes! :wacko:

We are the opposite with our power bill - ours is cooling since we have had a HOT HOT HOT summer, the air con has been on all day/night

omg! what i would'nt give for some hot weather right now. we've been hit with 2 snowstorms within the past week and temps have been well into the negatives. i am so over it but i am happy that baby is'nt due till spring so at least i wont have to worry about me and a tiny infant turning into popsicles.

We have no asked my MIL for money more than once, in 2008 we asked to borrow $20 to get through to payday for groceries and she's never let us forget it! DH went to her and basically cried, told her our position, she came back with a flat out no. (probably needs the spending money for her 2 week trip to france she's taking mid-year) That for me in particular was the straw that broke the camels back - She has been nothing but selfish and rude to us for the last 8 years, so I am officially cutting her out (again. I let her back in after 18 months, but it's been the same dramas from her since so she's out again)

omg thats terrible of her! i cant believe his own mother would do that. my DH's parents offered to buy the bed even though i really didnt and still dont want them too. i just dont like taking help when i feel like theres strings attached to it. but his mom should really feel ashamed. whats her deal?...

Otherwise, today at 30+1 is sucking. My right hip is so sore, it was the hip that was out of line at the physio a couple of weeks ago, so I think it's popped back out - DS has been kicking me a fair bit, which is good, I have a feeling he is head down now, the pressure on downstairs, constant need to pee, and no side kicks (he was transverse at every other scan) so am interested to know what the go is - don't have another appt for a month or so though.

you have'nt started going to doc. every 2 weeks yet? and i hope he's head down for you.
Is it April yet?
I am so uncomfortable and ready for April 1st to get here! 21 days until term and 43 days until my c-section!!!!!!!
33 weeks today and I am so hoping what the doctor estimate is right. I been having acid taste in my mouth and I am so ready to have my body to myself again. And I don't barely want to eat because of the stomach pains from the acid :/

Bamm I don't even talk to my mom as she feels the need to stress everyone out for no reason. But when someone tells her she needs to stop being so drama tic and let time tell certain situations, we are causing stress on her. She made me so mad last week for posting on Facebook I will not let her see her grandchild (which I never said), so I told she needs to stop because she is stressing me out for no reason for things I never said and she said she didn't care. So being so mad all ready and she added even more to the flame I told her fuck you and now she will never meet my child sice my health isn't her concern as I am carrying her grandchild. Needless to say the stress cause contractions and shorten my cervix more so I will not talk to her. Then she told my sister I needed to apologize to her if she will talk to me again. I am the one thy said I will not talk her. I blocked her from everything. Even seeing stuff on my husbands. You do what you got to do. I told her she can do whatever to me as I took it as a child until now, but once you put my child in harms way, I don't care if your my mom, I will do what's best for him/her. And she thought it was mean. But she is used to people not speaking out to her about her actions.
I had an appt today. Biophysical profile was PERFECT. Doc gave me flexeril for awful back pain I have been having. Hoping it helps. I can't believe I am full term in 21 days and due in 42. We have sooo much to do still.

My cervix feels quite soft to me (im thinking 1 cm dilated) and baby girls head is palpable. She is SO stinking low. I was kind of hoping for a cervical exam today, but no luck. U/s tech said she was quite low in my pelvis.... which I knew that one. A little more curious about my self cervical check skills. Lol
Had an appointment yesterday at 33+3.

Doctor does his usually and cervix shortened more and its open from the top which has my mind wondering. Good thing my bags are packed. It amazes me as I had no strong contraction just little tightening and its showing its affects. Baby is measuring at 4lb 12 oz and being consistent measuring at its due date and gaining an ounce a day.

He wants me to make it until 37 weeks so the baby is fully developed.

Have to go back weekly so he can keep an eye on me.
Dominique... cheers to seeing a little progress. I'm so far behind when it comes to being ready. I really need to get with it. I'm excited to meet my little girl, but I need to get a lot of stuff done first. HOpefully I will find some motivation to get with it. My goal was to be done by full term, but that is only 2 1/2 weeks away.... ahhhhhh
Hey Ladies!

How is everyone? My little lady currently has her feet just under my ribs which is just so comfortable.... not!

ttcpostvr - Had a bit of a panic when you said that you were full term in 21 days as I realised that I'm full term in 27 days! How has that come around so quickly?

Had a breastfeeding class last night which was so good. Really made me feel positive about doing it (well, trying I guess!).

My belly button is at breaking point, it's not an innie and not an outie, just in the middle lol!

Can you believe we're going to have babies due soon?!
I will be full term in 23 days. I am so ready. I am tired of being pregnant haha. IDK why I am progressing already, I guess my body is just ready and want this baby out like I do haha.
Hope everyones doing ok. Im getting really fed up, i feel like im way further gone than i actually am, still 8 weeks until DD but im feeling massive, heavy and just plain crappy! My birthing partner (my mum!) goes on holiday on the 7th and my back up partner goes on the 3rd which im dreading as i already feel totally on my own in this.
On a plus note i have pretty much everything ready now! x

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