Me too!! Ive had my fingers crossed from the day I got my BFP that if I am to get MS that it hold off till after next week because next week is the busiest week of the year at work and septembers are usually dead so calling out sick will be no issue AFTER next week. Maybe thats what my body is waiting for lol! BO scares the crap out of me.
I had a BO last year guys. The pregnancy was really strange I had hardly any symptoms. I am pregnant again with a new partner and I have been so sick from the start it sucks but I like the reassurance. My symptoms are pretty strong and I'm only 5w1d today so it's been constant for about a week now.
When I had the BO I didnt even know that I was pg. I I thought I just had another ovarian cyst because I know they mess with your cycles. I was 3.5 weeks late for my period, had mild sore breasts, no discharge, no morning sickness, no extreme fatigue, no frequent urination, I was mildly hungry every 2-3 hours. I had an U/S to confirm twice. I had it at what should've been 8 weeks and my gestational sac was measuring 4 weeks and they think that at 4 weeks everything stopped as the sac was empty. I also had spotting and I was in alot of pain with cramps and it spread down my legs and lower back. My hcg was still going up but was not fully doubling. From what I have heard, they are very rare and a fluke. Try not to worry too much. I know it's hard but try to be optimistic !
This time around I am really sick off and on all day since 4w1d, extremely tired I'm going to bed at like 9pm and sometimes napping during the day, ravenous hunger every 1-2 hours and nothing satisfies me, tons of discharge, really sore breasts, really cranky, vivid and strange dreams, i have no pain but i do have a few cramps but they are really mild. I'm trying to be optimisitic and remember that every pregnancy is different and the chances of you having a BO are low