April BFP anyone?

Holly, that sounds awful. :hugs: You poor thing.

I can't imagine how stressful and painful that must have been for you. Like you say, thank goodness you're not pregnant. That would have been terrible.

Really glad to have you back!!! :thumbup:

Take good care of yourself, and make sure everyone else does too!!!!

Huge great big :hugs:

awwww @:hugs: holly hun, been wondering where you were :hugs:

looks like im out, had a massive temp dip this morning looks like another chemical :cry: just gonna wait for :witch: to turn up now :hugs: just need to chill out and try not to stress too much xxxx

gonna give SI a try next mth, cant do any harm xxx
Glad I didn't POAS stick this morning. Just started spotting. Looks like af will be here within a day or so. I'm officially out for an April BFP.

I'm actually a bit relieved. Given my particular circumstances it is definitely better that I get whatever is in there out before I get PG again, so hopefully this af will do the trick.

I'm also glad as I never FELT pregnant, and I soooo hate being wrong!!! Good to prove my intuition is in tact. Speaking of intuition I had a weird moment this morning/last night. I've been having really crazy dreams the last few days and last night I dreamt about a really old friend who I've not seen for nearly ten years (nor thought about much of late) - this morning I bumped into him. It was soooo odd. Quite freaked me out!!!

Anyway, hope all of you are feeling ok. Good luck with the rest of the month. I shall continue to stalk but probably won't be posting much. :thumbup:

Big :hugs:

And tons of baby :dust:

Aww Holly!! Hope your feeling better soon, pancreatitis is nasty! I had a friend very very I'll with it, he was in ICU for weeks incredibly sick :(

Well i poas again twice
BFP well those weird Evap things again
Same batch of ics I get blank on
Maybe it's the orange and mango I've been drinking doing fancy things to my urine!!!
Holly so sorry to hear what you went through it sounds awful. As you say at least you were not pregnant and also maybe it is now out of the way and you won't have any more attacks when you are pregnant again.
Ahhhh.. just to add to my joy- AF came for me. I'd go out for a margarita but can't really do that with this freakin pancreatitis crap. I'm still hurting considerably too- laying here in bed feeling bloated and in pain.. add AF= a VERY bad mix!!
Ahhhh.. just to add to my joy- AF came for me. I'd go out for a margarita but can't really do that with this freakin pancreatitis crap. I'm still hurting considerably too- laying here in bed feeling bloated and in pain.. add AF= a VERY bad mix!!

Oh love. You poor poor thing. I wish there was something I could do. Not much use from here though!!!

Sending you huge :hugs::hugs: and I really hope you feel better soon. x
Holly-I hope you are feeling some relief today! Sounds like God had a plan all along...no pregnancy, b/c of flair-up, now you can get that taken care of, and feel refreshed and renewed for baby! :)

Woody-those pregnancy tests that you have are annoying! Haha. They must make your heart jump a beat every time! I hope you get a black n' white answer soon, so you aren't in limbo!

Littlebird- I'm sorry to hear about your #s. :( Made me sad to hear that. *hugs!*
AF is really heavy this time....sigh. I called the Dr. to ask about maybe getting my Thyroid checked out. The last time it was checked was 2 years ago. I have been sooo tired and lack of energy lately. Thought ruling out a thyroid issue would be helpful.

Well, my little guy just woke up from a nap. We are going to head-out and do some errands! Looks like we are all back in the same boat, onto next cycle. At least we don't have to go through these cycles a lone.
I was admitted again to the hospital last night :cry: I'm still here... my DH brought my computer although I've barely been able to function will all of the pain meds and such that I am. One of the side effects of the ERCP that I had is pancreatitis- funny how the one thing that treats it can cause it! I am soooo ready to be home :cry: I miss my son TERRIBLY!!!! He called me crying last night saying he missed me and how he wanted things to be normal again. :( this from a kid who never wants his mommy to kiss him or hug him- so I know this is affecting him big time.

I have to have my blood drawn again tomorrow to check my pancreas levels again ( they went up when they were drawn this morning which isn't good) ... I have a feeling I'll be in the hospital probably at least the whole weekend - sucks bug time. I miss you all!!
I hope your levels are low and you are home again soon, it saddens me to read this as you've been through so much already. As I've always said Holly, you are an amazingly inspirational woman and I send you all the love in the world as you have always made me feel better.xx
Even though I didn't get my bfp in April i'm confident i'll get it soon though! I O'd a few days ago so i'm keeping my fingers crossed and being very relaxed!! :) Baby dust to all you ladies!!
Holly~ That really sucks about being in the hospital all weekend! Can your boy come and visit you? Hope you find relief soon!

I got blood drawn yesterday to check on my blood count, as well as Thyroid function. They never checked my thyroid, even after two miscarriages. I had to ask after being terribly exhausted for several months now. I had a really bad night sweat last night. I've had 1 or 2 similar to this, but last night was the worse. My PJs were drenched w/ sweat and so was I. I had to change my clothes. Not sure why this happened :/ You're talking to the girl that barely sweats when playing sports.... made me a little concerned today. I hope to they (as in the Drs.) can figure things out soon!
Dimples~ when will you find out about your thyroid? That's definitely important that it gets checked for sure. I hope you get the answers that you need and they can figure that out for you!
I hope they will call tomorrow already...my sister who is a nurse said, those labs do not take long to get results. Today was another exhausting day, of doing nothing :( Holly, how are you feeling?
I hope that you hear something soon :)

I am doing so-so honestly. I am home- I pushed the doctor's to release me honestly as I was sitting in the hospital basically for "evaluation" and given pain meds and IV fluids. I figured I can pop pain meds @ home ... so I came home. I'm still hurting honestly- hoping each day gets a little better. I just youtubed the surgery I had and it makes me want to throw up!!! I had an ERCP with a sphincterotomy of oddi. They basically went in- cleaned out my common bile duct- and made an incision to prevent it from contracting. I had pancreatitis BEFORE the procedure and then pancreatitis as a result of the procedure- it's been a rough week. I'm ready to feel like myself.

The good news is- I am home. I am hoping by the end of the week I will be as good as new!! :hugs: Thanks for asking :)
Holly...big hugs hun

Hanskiz...big hugs to you too

Woody... Hope you get an answer for all these confusing tests!

Lisa, babyboyle, dimples and everyone else :hi:

I have missed everyone and now sat at Vegas airport, delayed and AF came Thursdays ago.

Will catch up properly when I get home.

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