**April Bunnies 2015**

Rebecca I figured that was why you were MIA the last few days! Congratulations!! I'm so happy to hear you & LO are doing well! :hugs: I will try to remember to check fb for pics. :)
Rebecca: so glad to read your update! Congratulations on having baby Holly :hugs: I figured you probably had her when you weren't posting anymore! its awesome that your labor progressed fast from 5cm. Hope the two of you are recovering well :hugs:

Scottish: it's so exciting! I hope the process is fast for you :hugs:

Christina: I think it's best to get checked even if in the end it turns out everything is okay. I hope you don't have any more dizziness, headaches or high bp readings, I also hope you don't see that part of the hospital again till youre in labor :haha:
Dini! I just remembered you were possibly going to have a sweep at your appt yesterday morning & haven't checked in. Thinking about you!

It's 3:50 a.m. and I have been awake since 1:30 (DD decided to wake me from dead asleep bc she couldn't find her teddy bear :dohh:). I am mad and everything sucks. :haha: Seriously though, if I have to be awake I wish I could be in labor! :P Having cramps and contractions but nothing consistent yet. Bad headache, general body pain, blah.

Part of the reason I have been so anxious for labor to start is that at 32 weeks I had contractions every 10 mins or less for over 2.5 hours. They went away but ever since then Ive had so many and so regular I was convinced he would be early. From 32 - 36 weeks I took it as easy as possible trying to keep him in. Now that he's cooked and I'm so miserable I can't get him out! :shrug:

ETA: Just posted this and saw my ticker. 39 weeks today! Get out, watermelon baby! I'm ready to meet you now! :P
Tara: happy 39 weeks. I do hope things get started for you. You sound so miserable! (Which I can relate lol). I also got scared bc of regular contractions at 27-28 weeks and baby being engaged (he disengaged since) so I tried to take things easy too, and was so sure he'd be a bit early. Oh well. 40 weeks soon!

Dh keeps asking if we'll go to the hospital tonight lol. I keep saying who knows, but we probably won't go tonight haha. Dd woke me up at 4.30 this morning and when I woke up I felt like I haven't slept a wink. Used to get this a lot on school days lol.
Tara, sorry you are feeling miserable! I also felt that way just before I went in!

Perplexed I hope things start for you soon!

Things are going pretty well here. Logan has started to pick up some good weight. I'm not sure if he'll hit his birth weight by Thursday but he should get close. I'm also hoping to completely cut out the formula soon. For now I've just been giving a top up with day feeds. I'm hoping to cut that down to just two a day and then none, depending on how pumping and weight gain goes. Pumping is currently pretty sucky!

Here are finally some photo's of my little man!


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My DD2 didn't regain her birthweight until 3 weeks Bean. It was frustrating but she was never losing (after the initial loss) and she just gained slowly.

She was super content and I think she should have woke up and fed more but there wasn't much I could do. She hit birthweight at 3 weeks and then really piled it on and was a very average sized baby.

I haven't had anymore really strong BHs but yesterday the baby was incredibly low for a while and it was hurting me. Losing a few tiny stringy bits of plug today. Nothing much but maybe signs things will happen naturally before term + 12. Which is all I want.

We are busy this coming week. DD1 is back at preschool on Tues, weds and Fri afternoon. We have food shopping to do, dd1s ballet class, two toddler groups with DD2 and then hopefully some more cuddles with the big girls.

I had hospital hospital appt yesterday. Officially discharged from GD care but told to keep monitoring and if anything goes mad with my sugar to call them. I feel very blessed to be heading towards week 39 without loads of intervention. I feel so at ease and like I'm truly enjoying my last pregnancy :flower:
Amelie that is so wonderful to hear, I am so happy for you! :flower:

Perplexed & Bean thanks for letting me know I'm not alone. I never felt this way with DD. It was just pregnancy as usual and then she was born! :P

Bean I'm so glad Logan is improving every day! Pumping sucks, I so empathize (I pumped constantly for the first 3 weeks with DD before she ever latched). You are getting there! :hugs: Thank you for sharing pics!
Bean: awww your Los are so precious :hugs: thank you for sharing their beautiful pictures! I hope he'll continue to gain weight!

Amelie: I'm glad you aren't under gd care anymore, you've done so well and it makes sense that yours should be treated as a pregnancy without complications! Happy to hear you're enjoying it :flower:

I feel so guilty for being impatient. I want to enjoy my time with dd but I feel huge and can hardly keep up with her.

I have weird swelling on my right leg. It looks like hills and craters and it pits really badly and stays down. The first time I saw it I asked the dr about it and she sent me to the er to get checked for blood cots. By the time I reached the er the swelling went down. These days though the swelling is more consistent and I have a daily crater on my leg. I hope I won't forget to show it to my dr tomorrow.

Another reason I feel guilty is that I'm dreading breastfeeding. I know I'll try but I'm dreading it so much that I wish I just wouldn't do it.
Perplexed :hugs: we are in the same boat. Try not to add guilt to everything else you're feeling! I feel exactly the same way about breastfeeding. I have no desire to do it at all, but I know I'll never forgive myself if I don't try. We will both try and we will both be okay whatever happens with it, and our babies will be too.
You're right, all we can do is try and see how we manage. Who knows we might end up with champion feeders!
Perplexed and Tara don't worry about the breast feeding bit. I don't think you really know until you try it and if you try and still don't want to do it then don't! There is way too much pressure out there and it makes things ten times as hard. I am worried because I found it so easy last time and everyone says "oh you will be fine you are a pro" that I won't be able to get the hang of it this time!

I am feeling guilty about wanting baby out and didn't feel this way last time but just want to:
. Be able to have a bath without my belly/boobs getting cold and actually have it at a decent temperature
. Be able to sleep on my back or my front and roll over without it taking me half a bloody hour to do so
. Be able to run around properly after my DS
. Bend down without feeling like I'm 90 and feel the need to groan every time I do it sending DH into mild panic each time!

I am very grateful that I have had such a good pregnancy but bubba it it time to come out now please!!😳

Amelie - it is so nice that you have been able to have a relatively normal preg this time and I hope the birth is as natural as possible for you too. I think you such a good example of how to do preg with GD - so many women just carry on as normal and don't think about the consequences.

Bean - Logan is gorgeous! Will keep on looking at his photos and hope it will transmit some messages to my hormones to get a move on lol!!
Stripeycat: I really hope you'll have an easy time breastfeeding again :hugs: hoping your new lo is born soon and doesn't keep you waiting much longer.

I woke up nauseous and sweaty, but mainly because dd was crying. She's very clingy tonight, right now she's laying down with her head in my lap. Very very unsettled. I know dh struggled to put her down to sleep earlier in the night, too. I wonder if she's getting sick... :( so sad to see her like this!
Hey girls just caught up on everything, seen the adorable babies on fb :dance: So awesome that we have so many healthy, beautiful babies in our group! Let's keep them coming :thumbup:

Not much new here this waiting game is not my thing... don't remember if I updated on Thursday but I wasn't favorable for a sweep, still only 1cm dilated so I was pretty upset cause I felt like the chances of DH not having to leave were gone.
As of now they will leave Monday or Tuesday depending on when they can fix some stuff on the ship. That means I may have 2 1/2 weeks left to wait! I just don't know how I'm gonna do that, I am so freakin bored!!!! I need to do some homework, but everything is ready for baby and I just don't want to clean anymore.

I got a cheap electric breast pump last night to see if nipple stimulation does anything to bring on contractions. Tried it last night before bed, nothing. I don't know if I should even bother to try again.
Maggz: I hope you go into labor while your dh is here.

Christina: happy 38 weeks!

Haha I'm grasping at absolutely everything and anything. Does one's toddler getting clingy mean she senses impending labor?? :haha: it's probably because i was out for a long time by myself the day before and it upset her.
Maggz, if trying things like nipple stimulation etc frustrate you then I wouldn't do them.

I am not sure about toddlers - my 4 year old is definitely a bit clingy at the moment. She is excited about the baby but it must be stressing her a little.
I think my dd is too young. She doesn't understand that there's a baby coming. It's more likely she's bern clingy due to not seeing me for a long time the day before.

They called from the hospital to tell me there'll be a delay as the dr is doing a delivery. Unfortunately I'm already on my way and can't turn back! I guess I can just sit and read. Glad to have brought my kindle along.
That is a good idea for the hospital bag perplexed! Adding my kindle. Any books you recommend?
My 2 year old just tipped all of my clary sage oil into 1. My pillow 2. Her toy bunny. My house smells sooooooo strongly of clary sage now :rofl:

I think my 2 year old understands a small amount about the baby. The girls have cousins and see babies quite regularly. DD2 quite often bring offerings of 'baby' toys and toy bottles to my bump. She seems to want to kiss it and stroke it a lot too.

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