**April Bunnies 2015**

Eidson I just got on fb, Dini's baby is suffering from a rare brain hemorrhage and was in critical condition last time she posted. I feel awful for not checking there sooner, I didn't know. I can't imagine what they're going through.

Thanks all for letting me know to check fb.
O gosh. Thinking about Dini. Ive been at this this board since I found out but more of a lurker. Dini was the first person i "met". Hoping for the best. I should join the fb. :cry:
MrsA if you do want to join the fb group just send a pm with your email and I'll invite you.

Maggz sending hugs! I'm sure the whole situation with your dh must be quite overwhelming! Thanks for asking about me though! My parents are here til the first week of May. I'm slowly getting through my marking. Logan sometimes feeds well and other times is terrible. I have started getting vasospasms now. I got them with dd and they are so painful! He's been so sleepy this evening that I'm really struggling to get him to feed properly.
Maggz- I know it must be awfully tough having to see your husband off. :hugs: I hope the time will just fly by until you see him again.

Tara and Perplexed- I hope things get moving along for you soon!

I do hope things work out okay for Dini. What they are going through is a lot and I'm hoping the doctors can help fix it quickly!

Holly is having a long first week of life. She is jaundiced, but it's all borderline. We have to keep watch of her numbers and keep trying to get her to eat as much as possible. She went under the bilirubin lights for a little while before being discharged from the hospital, but that experience was just terrible. There was no warmth and she was lying there just shivering. We had to keep our hands on her to try to settle her and she was just distraught pretty much the whole time--not good for a brand new baby. So, we're thankful they have let us do what we can to try to get her numbers down. She's nursing a lot and she's very good at it. Her wet diapers have gone up a lot. They have to poop to get the bilirubin out of her system, so we are really hoping she will just start pooping a lot. So far, she has appeared to show an increase in that area--I don't want to speak too soon on it. But I will feel very confident if she can just start pooping maybe 4-5 times a day. Otherwise, she is healthy. Tomorrow, she will be rechecked. If her bilirubin level has either stabilized or come down, she will not need any more phototherapy. If it looks like it is climbing, they will just have to see what the number is to determine whether they should do the phototherapy or give us another day to keep feeding and test the next day. While it is a lot of driving back and forth testing again and again, we prefer it this way where she is at home, warm, comforted and nursing as much as she pleases. Of course, we want to get her number down and if it will take more phototherapy, we will do that. But my husband said he is going to demand they provide some sort of warmer because we will not stand by and watch her shiver and fret.

Anyway, here are some pictures. So far, she's a pretty calm baby. I hope she stays calm. haha


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I hope it's okay that I shared the news from fb on here. I didn't even think before I did.

Bean, I'm so sorry you're struggling with feeding Logan. I so sympathize. I'm really glad you have family there to support you! Soon you will have that breakthrough day and then it will just get easier and easier.

Maggz I'm sorry your DH had to go underway. We will try to help keep you distracted until it's time for your baby to come and him to come home. :)

Had my appointment. I am maybe 50% effaced and still only around 1cm dilated. She tried to strip my membranes but couldn't (I think because my cervix is still so high and not dilated enough). She did an ultrasound and baby's estimated weight came back at 8lbs 13oz. As predicted, I cried. :P Now to distract myself until he is ready! :dohh:
Rebecca Holly is beautiful. I sincerely hope her next test gives a reassuring result!
I really hope all the poorly babies are better soon :hugs:

In the US do they routinely test all babies that go yellow?

My girls went very yellow for a week + but it has to be really bad before anyone suggests even a blood test. I know some types of jaundice are just genetic - all the babies on the maternal side of my family go quite yellow. Be they bottle or breast fed. I'm happy this baby is due at a time of year where there is sun, it was hard with my December baby to get her in the light for any length of time.
I am so bored. I have absolutely no idea what to do with myself today. Husband and I cleaned the entire house yesterday so that's out. I am tired of reading at the moment, I finished my portfolio for school, presentation and paper were done last week. Ugh.

I am also extremely crampy right now. It almost feels like I could get my cycle at any moment crampy. As much as I am ready for baby to come....baby needs to wait until after my 2pm interview on Wednesday! :haha: But I had almost 3hrs of BH on Saturday, 2hrs of it last night. This morning I've had a lot of discharge.

I guess I'll go take a nap for a while :sleep:
I hate to hear this news about Dini. Prayers to her and her family!!

Rebecca, DD is also jaundiced and ended up back in the hospital at 5 days old for phototherapy. Her bilirubin was up to 20 at that point, we were discharged the next day when it was down to 12. They had me pump and supplement in between feedings. Now she is a peeing and pooping machine! I hope Holly will start pooping a lot for you and flush it out of her system!

Amelie, at my hospital they automatically do a blood test for bilirubin before discharge. I'm not sure if it's that way everywhere in the US.
Bean: Im sorry Logan isn't feeding well in the evening. I hope he improves. What are vasospasms?

Rebecca: I'm sorry Holly is jaundiced, I hope she makes a quick recovery. She's beautiful! Thanks for sharing her pics, love the pic of her with her brother, it looks like she's smiling :)

Christina: I know what you mean...I get restless when I don't have much to do especially now.

Tara: measurements could be off and you could go into labor today!

Well, I thought my waters could be leaking earlier but it turned out not to be the case. I saw the new dr and she has no issues taking me on as a patient this late in the game. I feel weird saying "patient" when I am not sick, lol. She didn't do a sweep but she said I'm not dilated but my cervix is low and soft. Somehow that doesn't make me feel demoralized at all and I'm quite surprised that it doesn't. I actually have the feeling that when things really start they'll be really fast...hope this is the case!
Right that's a green Thai curry eaten with a nice pineapple juice to wash it down with! I tried to express some colostrum this eve and it literally squirted out! The booby factory is obviously back up and running! Other than that have noticed more cm than usual today but can't see any evidence of plug or anything like that.

Wanting and Rebecca I hope your little ladies are better soon.

Christina - make the most of the naps! I know its awful to be bored but you won't be for much longer 😉.

Tara - you will be fine everyone tells me the bigger the better with babies apparently! The midwife has estimated my bubba will be at least 8lb but as DS was 7lb13oz that isn't really a surprise.

All my thoughts are with Dini and her little man - must be horrible to go through bless her x
I'm sorry for being MIA again! But I'm also sorry that I'm 3 weeks late introducing my little man. As you can imagine, I've been very busy :S I gave birth at 37 weeks to my little boy (I was team yellow), Benjamin! He had low magnesium levels and jaundice, as well as a tongue tie...so it's been interesting! We're combi feeding and he's putting on weight so it's all good :) His big sister is smitten and thankfully not jealous!

Brand new!

First time his sister held him

2 weeks old

3 weeks old
Thank you girls, I hope time flies too!

Bean that's nice that they get to spend the month with you. What are vasospasms? Whatever they are I hope it eases up for you :/

Tara aw I'm sorry that didn't go better for you. 2 out of 4 docs at my practice won't even do sweeps... That's a great size you got there for the baby! :thumbup:

Rebecca and wanting, I hope your babies get over the jaundice soon :hugs: That sounds awful about it not being warm enough under the lights! Glad they're letting you go home though Rebecca.

Most exciting news of the day over here is a big glob of what looks like ewcm came out of me :haha: It was almost clear/whitish, but no blood. I guess that doesn't mean anything bahhh...
But I do have a visit with the chiro today, I'm quite excited! At least maybe he'll get my back feeling better :thumbup:
Ooh so I guess everyone was posting at the same time!

stripey haha good that your boobs are up and running :haha: I pumped the other day and there was like a whole drop that came out of each boob! I couldn't help but laugh.

perplexed I'm glad you were able to switch docs :thumbup:
I'm really trying hard to express colostrum and have very little - I've bf successfully until 15 months both times before so I'm just keeping the faith it'll all be fine.

Some mean BHs today and pressure. I've lost a big whiteish jelly bit of plug this evening but nothing major. With DD1 when it was truly kicking off it was green and had red veins in it, urgh. I didn't actually see any plug with DD2.
Vasospasm is when the muscles in the nipples spasm really tightly. It takes all the blood out and the nipples turns white and burns/stings. Cold makes it worse. Its caused by nipples trauma so it's more confirmation that Logan isn't latching right. I actually got up at 1am to make a bottle because I just couldn't handle the pain anymore.
Hi ladies :D

I updated fb but not here. I had my boy Ali yesterday (13th April) at 9.19am. He was 7lb 13oz. I was induced and stated contracting soon after but it took agesssss to get to established labour. I got pesserie at 10pm contractions began around 12ish and got very painful quickly. I used my tens machine and although it helped labour was painful. Got taken to labour suite at 8.45am after having a bleed and massive amounts of bloody show which never ended lol hubby made it woop! Was 5cm dilated on arrival to labour suite so doctor broke my waters which made me dilate to 10cm soon after. I used gas and air to push and it was so bloody hard much worse than with my ds. Oh never made it last time but managed this time and I think he freaked out with the pain I was in lol. We got home after 8 hours as had to make sure the antibody hadn't afftected baby. But all is good. We are bf so see how it's goes but the after pains while bf are intense !!! It's like a mini labour .


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Hoping to hear good news from Dini.

stripeycat: the boob factory :haha: it's great that it's up and running!

Greygirl: congrats on your little man! Sorry to hear things have been tough at the beginning but happy about improvements. The pictures are lovely, your Los are so cute :hugs:

Maggz: I hope the cm means something for you! Enjoy your chiro visit :)

Amelie: I'm sure you'll manage just fine! Losing plug is always a good to me even if it's not bloody. I've not lost any plug this time. Last time I did at 39 weeks then some more during the induction. None of it was bloody, but I was dilating!

Bean: ouch that sounds really terrible! Hoping his latch improves!

Well, I was having contractions last night but they've gone away now. I could tell they were contractions because it seemed like each one was like a wave that started, got stronger then went away. I guess baby needs to get a bit lower and face the back a bit more if he hasn't already.
Lower back pain is nuts! I can't get into a position that helps. Even sitting on the ball doesn't help and it did when I first got it!

Off to hopefully sleep. At least I nap during the day so I'm not completely going without sleep lol.

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