**April Bunnies 2015**

Dini- I got along with her perfectly until I had my son. Then she started throwing her opinions on me. And she would get really offended if I didn't take her advice. She threw my husband in the middle of it and got him to believe that I didn't like to take any advice at all..which isn't true! I took some of her advice. I just didn't take all of it. I thought we had dealt with this and talked it out.

But now that we are expecting #2 all she is is full of opinions. She keeps suggesting names even though we've already picked out names! I don't care if she doesn't like my name choice. I am not taking her suggestions. Then she told me that I will probably listen to her advice more now because I have had a child and now I understand. UGH Then she told me if I had a daughter she probably wouldn't play with dolls because her daughter didn't. UGH! She is not 100% of this child's gene pool..or my child's. But she links everything my son does back to her own children.

Sorry! I am starting to vent here. I can't talk to my husband about it because it just stresses him out and makes him feel caught in the middle.
My MIL is 80 years old. I can't really say too much about her. She basically stays out of our business. She has 10 other adult children's drama to deal with.
Oswin try not worry about he brown blood I had it in my other two pregnancy's aswell and my babies are fine! I was told I has a small bleed under my sac and that's what's causing my brown bleeding this fine and it's nothing to worry about. If I can red blood or cramping iv to phone the epu but was told not to worry about it being brown xxxx
Rebecca vent away, that's what we are here for!

I'm so sorry she does that to you, I've heard so many people say that about their MIL's. I don't expect that from mine but we are close in age (11 yrs) because DH is younger than me and she had him young. She's pretty easy going, but I can totally see my step mom being like your MIL, she's gonna drive me nuts!

You know what's best for your baby and she will just have to get over it, she can throw all the advice at you she wants but doesn't mean you have to take it. I hope your DH stands up for you.

I have a gf who's MIL did that and her DH was such a baby that he was on his mom's side until finally his wife snapped and threatened to leave him if he didn't stop making her the bad guy because the kids were starting to witness it. He stopped right away and started telling his mom to back off, now they are getting along just fine.
My husband wants to stay out of it. He doesn't really side with anyone, though sometimes I wish he would explain to her that we do take her advice and she should expect that we aren't going to take all of it. I am raising my child, not her. She can be very nice a lot of the time. It's just that when she gets an opinion, she has to be right. And she isn't happy until you take her opinion.
At first, my husband thought I just didn't like her advice. But, over time, he has seen how some of her advice is ridiculous and I am doing just fine the way I have done things. If she tells me to feed my newborn ice cream, I am just not going to listen to her. I don't care if she gave it to her kids. Right now, we have moved about 8 hours away from them. I think that helps. I kind of want to keep that distance. If I was closer, she'd probably be worse.

Even when I told her about the carrots helping my nausea yesterday. She wasn't happy about it because she hadn't suggested it. So then she told me to make it into carrot juice so I wasn't just eating a raw carrot because that sounded disgusting. Seriously? Why can't you just say, "Good, I'm glad you found something that helps you."
Oswin, do you have another HPT handy? If you're able to take one and just focus on the fact that it's positive (not worry about the darkness of the line & whatnot, since that can vary for so many reasons), would it make you feel any better?
Good idea Tara, but I have no tests left! Xx

Called the dr today for medicine....I'm struggling :cry: how do people work and care for a child through this?!? Sorry to complain.....I feel so lucky to be pregnant and hate complaining about the symptoms you know?
I feel the same!! :wacko: I'm shocked how difficult I'm finding it, and have new found respect for all my friends with two (or more!!!)

Oswin how are you now? Hope the bleeding has calmed down xxx
Thank for asking :friends: I'm better and worse :haha: Better in that the brown blood has tapered off to just brown-tinged cm again, but worse in that my nausea came back with a vengeance. I forced dinner down, then my little boy vomited all over the lounge, which caused me to bring my dinner back up. First time I've ever been actually physically sick in pregnancy, and it was hell. I crawled in to bed after cleaning up, and slept for an hour. I feel rough as, and can't imagine ever feeling hungry again tbh :sick: xx
Huge hugs Rebecca!! Hope hubby keeps on seeing what's actually happening, and sides with you! His family is his priority and responsibility, not his mother. She needs to take care of herself. :gun:
I feel for you, I really do, my own in-laws are vile vile people.
Rebecca that sounds a lot like my own mom! She always has to be right.

Raw carrots aren't gross? People eat baby carrots all the time! Has she never heard of a garden salad!?

It is torrential rain and I have to go volunteer at an end of year soccer event for DD. Rain or shine! Can't wait!
Iv had no symptoms all day and have been working myself up! But now I have really bad nausea and boobs killing again! Never been so glad to feel so crap!!!!
I just got shaky and light headed from being hungry and tired, I think symptoms are ramping up purely because I got bfp yesterday! It couldn't just happen the next day legitimately, right? It's too early for this sort of thing! Been feeling crampy (like yesterday), tired (but was up very early today and yesterday), forgetful and now this low blood sugar moment, my brain is messing with me!
Rebecca that sounds a lot like my own mom! She always has to be right.

Raw carrots aren't gross? People eat baby carrots all the time! Has she never heard of a garden salad!?

She is an extremely unhealthy eater. She would only eat a salad if it was covered in bacon bits, cheese, and ranch dressing.
Another reason my husband doesn't get involved is because she is on all kinds of medications for anxiety and depression and she is in bad health. And he feels she won't be around much longer.

So it's like she uses it as her all-access pass to behave however she wants to.
Sorry you ladies having trouble with overly enthusiastic advice givers. That does sound rather annoying. Be sure to count your blessings also, though. Both DH's and my mother passed away too early. It makes me so sad that our children will not have a proper grandmother. I adore my grandmother, and feel like it is such a special relationship. Really not meaning to be rude or trivialize your problems with these ladies...just a thought. :)
:rofl:Rebecca, I totally feel for you!! If I lived in the same state as my MIL, I would move! Luckily, they are in Seattle and I am in Denver. After years of trying to please her, we got in a knock-down drag-out yelling match a couple years ago when she undermined me with my kid. Luckily, DH had my back--he finally learned to after 8+ years of marriage, and yours should too; he chose you and needs to learn to stand up to his mom!--and now that I'm no longer concerned about being who she wishes I was I feel a lot less frustrated with her. :P

Lithodora, I started having strong symptoms just 7 days after DH and I dtd. Sure, some of it may be in your head/ attributable to other things, but who cares? You're pregnant! :P

Kirsty, yay! I'm so glad you feel like crap!! :rofl: Okay, jk, but I'm glad you're glad!!
Lithodora, no it could be legit. I felt like I had more symptoms right at the beginning. I got dizzy if I stood up quickly and was absolutely exhausted by the afternoon during most of week 4. I still have passing symptoms, but I think your body is startled and takes a bit to get used to that influx of new hormones. It has helped me a lot to make sure I don't let myself get hungry. If I feel hungry, even if I know I'm going to be eating in an hour, I'll have a yogurt, some nuts or some cottage cheese. GL!
Hope we're all having good evenings :thumbup: I've squished my nausea down a bit with camomile tea, and we're watching We're the Millers as a family :)

Sorry you ladies having trouble with overly enthusiastic advice givers. That does sound rather annoying. Be sure to count your blessings also, though. Both DH's and my mother passed away too early. It makes me so sad that our children will not have a proper grandmother. I adore my grandmother, and feel like it is such a special relationship. Really not meaning to be rude or trivialize your problems with these ladies...just a thought. :)
Better no grandparents than ones who hurt you. I know exactly what you mean, as i grew up with no grandparents as they'd all died before I was born, and I've always been determined that my kids would have the big family I didn't have. Life's taught me though that a big family isn't always best! Hubby had a big family, but they were horrible.
Wow Rebecca your MIL sounds very intense! It gets so tiring to always fight battles with the same people, and it's not like it's people that you can just cut out of your lives..
Oswin so you don't speak to them anymore is what it sounds like? I'm sorry about that. Big families can be fun but I learned a lot about my big family as I grew older that I wish I didn't know.
My MIL is nice and I don't think she'd say anything to me, maybe cause we're also not very close. They live about an hour away and I know she'll be happy to babysit and such. FIL is a special case, he goes on about how he's a GAM (grown ass man) and doesn't need to answer to anybody and often doesn't support the family financially cause he wants to do something else with his money. Very immature and irresponsible. I try to keep out of it cause obviously it's not my business but it hurts DH so I wanna yell at FIL :( He'll buy random crap at garage sales and bring to us, like pictures to hang, stuff to decorate the front yard, and he even got a poker table he thought we'd like for the front room (uh, no thanks!). His intentions are good most of the time but I have a hard time looking away from the fact that he doesn't always treat MIL well, and obviously it hurts DH to see that.

Well that wasn't supposed to be that long! I guess I had to vent too. :haha:

Lithodora - I had more MS right after I found out (week 4) than I do now! It's weird but I only had about 5 days of distinct MS - no puking though - and then it just kinda weaned away. I'm always expecting it to come back any day now but who knows! Early symptoms are very real :)

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