Since you want more people I'll join

Took two tests yesterday and they were both flaming

s and then another one this morning and it was a little darker
This is gonna be our first baby - praying that it sticks as I had a mc in May and really don't wanna go through that again!
As for symptoms just cramping every now and then, especially if I'm relaxing, and I got a wave of nausea this morning, no throwing up though. Smells usually bother me a lot so I'm gonna be a smell-obsessed beast I bet!

For example I usually wanna throw up at the smell of seafood, especially lobster and shrimp, so with the added hormones I wonder how it's gonna turn out...
My estimated due date is April 16th

I already had an appt with my ob tomorrow - well I don't know if I'll actually meet her as she works in an office with more doctors and it seems like they're super busy and have assistants meet their patients for them. I'm wondering if I should switch but I wanna give her a chance. I want to get a midwife but it's not custom here (I'm from Europe but live in US) so I don't know how that goes. Where I'm from you meet with midwife unless you have a high risk pregnancy, here you always meet with the doctor... How is it where you guys are from??
Congratulations to all you ladies

I read through all the posts and I see we're all kinda on edge still! I hope we can all calm down once we have our doctor visits and such.