How are you all!?
Glad you had a lovely time Mandy!!
Han, I got this cot https://www.toysrus.co.uk/Babies-R-Us/Nursery/Cots-and-Cotbeds/Caversham-Cotbed-in-White(0033416)
Not a bad price and looks really nice!
I really wanted this one https://www.toysrus.co.uk/Babies-R-Us/Nursery/Cots-and-Cotbeds/Sleigh-Cotbed-White-Finish(0014512) but quite expensive I think!
I cant make the 1st August, I am being maid of honour that day! And OMG Ladies my dress actually fits!!!!! YAY!
Its my 2nd wedding anniversary today!! Not doing anything though

got no bloody money!
Good news today though ladies, the guy that Graham takes all his MOTs to when he does private work wants to see him tomorrow night about a job, paying £300 take home a week!!! Thank God for that, I was worrying I might have to go back to work next month myself! He wants to get out of the trade BUT until I am back at work we cannot afford for him to do that, and we are not in a position to refuse a £300 a week job. Things are looking up!!!
Kelly - Why does Hunter not let you have cuddles in the morning with her?
Sophie has started being a little monkey, she wakes up at 5 for her feed, goes back down about 6ish, wakes up at 7.30 crying so we bring her into our room in her little sleeping bag thing and she falls back to sleep!! haha!!

I dont mind though
How is everyone!!