Man I had abt ten pages to read, here goes:
Han: I hope I didn't offend I have a wonderful nack of being as blunt as a rock, lol. But I mean well! Also hope the sex went well, and you two manage to get some imprompto action going, if it's any consellation the first few times I had sex with df it seemed a bit planned but we're getting back intot the randomness now olivia in a routine. Also have you cheked ebay babyonline a ebay shop does rand new cot beds for 80.00 inc of mattress and they're lovely! We got on in a dark wood, nd it's gorgeous. Oh meant to ask are you still bf hann?
Ash: your hair is sooo fab you look gorgeus, it's a long way isn't it from lincoln, your welcom to kip over at mine on an air bed if easier for travel.
PLEASE LADIES DO NOT WORRY ABOUT TUBE, EVERYTHING IS NOW DISABLED ACCESS APRT FROM VERY FEW STATIONS SO YOU WILL BE ABLE TO FIND A LIFT, AND ALL TUBE TRAINS HAVE LOW LEVELS TO PLATFORM, IF I CAN DO A HUGE SILVERCROSS COACH PRAM! Anyway if you are really worried about it i'm happy to meet somewhere and help you all with the tube! Do we have a date yet, and whats this about a readig meet too?
Sammie: hope your nights are getting easier honestly it doesn't last forever.
melllly: am so glad to read about graham finding a job things do come about when theres a baby to provide for, funny way of the universe.
Chel: yeah i found that too, was really surprised thought might be like a 'bucket' after birthing but seems not so!
to all else: huge hugs and I hope I havem't missed anything.
Love and hugs xxx