Jjbubbles, I haven't tried soft cups because quite frankly, they freak me out. I usually just lay there for as long as I can before having to pee. It seems to do the trick.
Prachipie, that's amazing! So happy for you.
Congrats, sunshine! I'm also hoping this is a sticky bean! You deserve it!
As for me.. Yesterday really sucked. I just found out my brother's wife "accidently" conceived literally hours after my sister delivered her stillborn baby! I'm pissed and hurt. They were there with her at the hospital and still went home and dtd unprotected during ovulation. I threw that cycle away because it was the right thing to do. I don't regret the decision DH and I made, but I'm hurt that she didn't consider my sister's feelings especially since my brother and his wife weren't trying (I think she was and just left my brother in the dark. They are newlyweds and he wasn't ready for kids, but she knew everything about her cycle and even used OPKs).
Other than that bit of drama, I'm good. I'm feeling slight O cramps today, which could put my cycle at like 30 days?! I don't know really. Lol, that 17 day cycle threw me off so we're just BDing often (ever other day, sometimes 2 days in a row). Next cycle I promise to track everything better and have a better grasp on my body. It's just been the furthest thing with 2 funerals and being 100% emotionally available for my sister.
That is an amazingly heartbreaking/precious plant!!I agree though, stay calm
6 weeks is still early to hear the heart beat and at least your HCG levels are high and rising! I'll be thinking of you and have already been praying that this is your take home baby
I'm glad you said she is an insensitive witch because I couldn't agree me! I'm so frustrated and keep getting angry when I think about it. My SIL said she was going to wait to tell my sister, but that doesn't matter. My sister isn't an idiot and can and WILL do the math.
Oh Khigg, that really sucks. I can't believe she was actively trying without telling your brother. Not only is the timing insensitive to your sister, but your brother should have known!! Thankfully your sister will have you close by to help her deal with this.
Sunshine, that is great news about your HCG levels. Keep thinking positive thoughts about the heartbeat! Really hope they find it next week!!!