***April Sweet Peas*** 204 Babies

Minstermind it's sounds like you and T are getting on just fine. Really good to hear! He's gorgeous, I love his hair!!

Glad to hear Jess is doing better with the reflux now kimmyjane84.

555ann555. I feel like that with MrRaggle sometimes. I sometimes envy that he can go to work and gets to have adult conversation. I'm actually going to work for a half day next week because I'm craving it so much. I know I'm going to miss Ellie so so much though. Swings and roundabouts.

We're doing just fine. Ellie has just gotten over a cold I gave her (poor sausage) and I think she's finally moving on from 3oz feeds to 4oz. Although she's gaining weight well it was bothering me that she hadn't increased her feed size since 2/3 weeks old. She's 7 weeks old tomorrow and it feels like she's been around FOREVER!

And because I can never resist:
Thanks Minstermind, I think I'm going to have to try something to keep up what milk I have... I've been breastfeeding Gabriella every feed & topping her up with formula, but I've been nervous about expressing between feeds in case I was robbing the milk from her next feed if you know what I mean! Gabriella always always wants held too and I've yet to figure out how to do that & express, so I've not expressed in about two weeks :( Most of the time if I'm holding her she'll be in a mei tai, but she's too wee to go in a back carry yet so my boobs are covered up by her!

But inspired by your thread I've just laid her down and figured even if she only sleeps 10 minutes, 10 min expressing is better than none... I hope!

Aside from the feeding things are alright-ish. I've also been told I've got borderline postnatal depression... I think it is a combination of feeling like a failure because I couldn't give birth & couldn't exlusively breastfeed, and haven't got her in much of a routine, and culture shock of having gone from a fairly well respected professional to a SAHM. I'm just a bit lonely I guess...

Plus it feels like Mo's life had barely changed, though he's making a lot more of an effort since I explained how I'm struggling. But he had been out at the pub till midnight, if not later, 5 or 6 times a week. I never wanted to be the wife who said he couldn't do this or that, I've always found it really cringe-worthy to see grown men seeking permission from their partners for anything, but what do you do when they're just not seeing what their priorities should be?!

Anyway, it has been inproving, so I guess I just have to stop being so proud and actually ask for the help that I need! :blush: I just detest feeling weak.

ETA: What does the porridge do and can you buy fennel tea in supermarkets?

Wow, there's a lot there to take in and adapt to...I think it's understandable that you'd feel down about things not going the way you'd like regarding the birth and feeding. I too feel that way about combination feeding. But I think it's important to ''let go and let God'' (so to speak, not being all religious about it or anything, lol)..as in, the time's got to come that you can release it and let it be. I hope you can get to that point soon as I think we as mothers already have a big burden on our shoulders with momming and relationships etc... that there's no need to add more to it!

I know what you mean about expressing and holding baby. I just can't do it cause I need both hands..one on the pump and the other to massage my breast. Anyway, I just try as best as I can to do it after he's fed and he'll let me put him down, or when he's gone down for a nap, or when my husband's home, I have him take him so I can pump. Whatever I can find that works!

I asked my lactation consultant about the issue of pumping too close to a feed and she said there's no way we run out of milk, and that even if it was shortly after a pump, baby would pull out more milk, and not to worry about that. So if that's at all helpful to you... :)

Hope your man can help out more as you need it. I definitely think it can be helpful to have a talk with him, or as you said, ask for help. Some men are naturally intuitive about helping out and others need it spelled out for them even as you try to do five things with one arm free, haha...
MrsRaggle, she's got a great head of hair, too! Has any started falling out? Wasn't sure if baby T would lose his hair as my first son did not, but it seems he is starting to a bit. Glad she's over her cold, it's super rotten to see little ones feeling poorly, isn't it? Makes them feel so crap and can make feeding so difficult to. I know what you mean about getting out of the house and having adult conversations. I made plans to go see a friend in town for coffee and a chat this week as I just needed to get out of the house.

Kimmyjane84, that's great news on the reflux going down. That must have been challenging to deal with, and possibly involved a lot of laundry and cleaning, I would think? I think it's natural to feel like we don't own ourselves anymore at this stage, early days and all. I just remember how it does get better eventually in that regard, but it's tough in the moment anyway.
MrsRaggle, she's got a great head of hair, too! Has any started falling out?

Not yet no, I'm dreading it though! She's started to thrash her head around a bit more when laying down and in her bouncer chair so I'm wondering if she's going to rub some off.
MrsRaggle: just look at those big eyes! :cloud9: She looks so alert, like she's taking everything in... How is the smiling coming along?

Kimmyjane: Sorry about the projectile vomit, my baby brother had that and it was a nightmare. I just felt heart sorry for the wee man because it felt like he'd put all his effort into feeding but didn't get to keep any of it :( I'm glad the reflux has improved though... How are you feeling now?

Minstermind: You're right about learning to let it go.. I need to try harder on that front. I know no one else is judging me, I'm absolutely doing ths to myself :dohh: BTW I tried, and dscovered that because my boobs are so big I can actually express while G is in the mei tai! It isn't pretty, but I can sort of pull them to the side :haha: Whatever works!
MrsRaggle: just look at those big eyes! :cloud9: She looks so alert, like she's taking everything in... How is the smiling coming along?

Ah she's a smiling princess now! I get the best ones first thing, it always makes me think that she's thinking "ah that's that lady from yesterday, I remember her!".
Lol, I love those smiles. Seems in my case that baby T reserves them mainly for my husband...he gets about ten smiles for every one I get! Boo on that..lol..but as he says, he's the entertainment man and I'm the one baby goes to for comfort, so there ya go. Whatever works and keeps baby happy :)

555Ann555, glad you sorted the expressing issue! That's awesome. I may give that a go with my baby carrier next time he's fussy.
Kimmyjane84, that's great news on the reflux going down. That must have been challenging to deal with, and possibly involved a lot of laundry and cleaning, I would think? I think it's natural to feel like we don't own ourselves anymore at this stage, early days and all. I just remember how it does get better eventually in that regard, but it's tough in the moment anyway.

Lots and LOTS of clothes washing to be done with so much sickness :( Which is OK when the sun is out, but otherwise it's just all over the house drying instead!! Not good.

Yeah, it got better with Harry and that's what I'm holding on to for now :)

Kimmyjane: Sorry about the projectile vomit, my baby brother had that and it was a nightmare. I just felt heart sorry for the wee man because it felt like he'd put all his effort into feeding but didn't get to keep any of it :( I'm glad the reflux has improved though... How are you feeling now?

I'm feeling lots better so far this week.

Started Slimming World last week and when I went last night I'd lost 6lbs :) So really pleased with that.

Keith's now back to work as well, which I feel has really helped me to get back into a routine with everything too :)

So all in all things seem to be going well again.

How is everyone?
Great news on your weight loss!

I have some good news too. After several weeks of expressing every few hours, trying Tiernan on the boob, bottle feeding, etc... I am happy to say that as of two days ago, he is now having breastmilk nearly exclusively, either from the bottle or the boob! This is a huge milestone for me as I had to up my supply from next to nothing. Now my last hurdle is to get him off the bottle altogether, as he sometimes gets fussy on the breast but takes a bottle. Small steps at a time!

Thanks guys, I'm really pleased :)

Congratulations Minstermind, that's great news and fantastic progress :)
That's amazing news Minstermind! I hope you're feeling proud of all the hard work you put in to get your supply up! :flower:
We're doing really well! I've finally rediscovered the outside world and took Ellie swimming and shopping yesterday. Today we've been to the cradle club at the local library (for birth-2 and only 50p) - they do crafts, toys, reading and singing. Ellie loved every minute (1.5 hours) and was alert the whole time and looking around at all the people there, we even joined in with the singing! I even got chatting (I find it hard to small talk with strangers) so we both had a great time!
Tomorrow I'm taking her to a baby splash session at the local children's centre which should be great (the pool yesterday was so boring as we were the only one's there!). And then on Friday a Mother and Baby club thing.

Ellie only gained 7oz in 15 days by her 8 week appointment so they asked me to go back today to weigh her again, and she's gained 7oz in 6 days so I'm sure it must have been the hot weather putting her off her food.

How are you mommyof3girls?
Thanks for the kudos everyone. It's been a rough ride but all worth it of course. :)

That's great MrsRaggle! If you're anything like me, getting out and about is a good way to sort of reclaim your sanity after being home all the time or a lot of the time. There's just something so refreshing and uplifting about getting out of the house and doing something elsewhere, and I too find myself being a bit more chatty with people than I normally would be. Think it's all the isolation of being home sometimes, lol..
We're doing really well! I've finally rediscovered the outside world and took Ellie swimming and shopping yesterday. Today we've been to the cradle club at the local library (for birth-2 and only 50p) - they do crafts, toys, reading and singing. Ellie loved every minute (1.5 hours) and was alert the whole time and looking around at all the people there, we even joined in with the singing! I even got chatting (I find it hard to small talk with strangers) so we both had a great time!
Tomorrow I'm taking her to a baby splash session at the local children's centre which should be great (the pool yesterday was so boring as we were the only one's there!). And then on Friday a Mother and Baby club thing.

Ellie only gained 7oz in 15 days by her 8 week appointment so they asked me to go back today to weigh her again, and she's gained 7oz in 6 days so I'm sure it must have been the hot weather putting her off her food.

How are you mommyof3girls?

that all sounds so fun. I wish I could do something like that with Kinleigh.

Things here have been busy. the weekend before last my dad, step mother, step sister, her boyfriend and my niece came to visit for the day. Then this past tuesday my brother and his soon to be wife who is expecting came to visit and left last night. Kinleigh is doing well. She just got over a cold and she is finally gaining weight. She is now up to 8lbs 13oz and no longer has to go for bi weekly weighing. Thank goodness. I'm no longer BFing and I'm upset about it but she is doing great on formula. I'm waiting for things to slow down here.
I understand the frustration of not breastfeeding. But I really feel, after going through my own emotional journey with that, that all that matters in the end is baby is doing well. Plus, you gotta pat yourself on the back because you DID breastfeed your baby. Regardless how long you did it, you provided the best start in life, and that's something to feel good about. Thank goodness for formula too, I have to say. Imagine what life was like for many moms and babies before they invented it! I know they had alternatives to formula, but it must have been very challenging then. I appreciate formula and in my case, feel it made a significant and tangible difference in baby's health as he had dropped so much weight and all. It was formula that allowed me the space to get him into a better state so that we could both work on breastfeeding again.

Sounds like you had a nice spate of visitors. It helps lifts the spirits I think, and break up the routine of the early days with baby. I managed to get out each day last week to meet up with a friend each day for coffee and a chat. It was good to get out of the house.

How's everyone else doing?

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