I'm 35 weeks 4 days today and seeing the consultant re: VBAC again at 4pm today. Still keeping my fingers crossed that he says we're still on track for VBAC, but don't think I'd be too bothered if he said we had to have a C-SEC 2 weeks early...
Hubby has found out this week that today is his last day of "employed" work, but there is another 3-4 weeks cash work if he wants it... Basically, the people he's working for can't afford the wages, so have offered all the blokes part-wages but cash-in-hand etc. He's still undecided what to do, as it means he can't make a claim for any benefit until the cash work has ended, but by doing that he'd leave us short for money when we actually really need it! On the plus side though, his last day of work would be the Friday before we're due on the Monday. He'd be home with us and able to spend plenty of time with Harry and little bug

We'll get it all sorted somehow financially and it'll be fine!
For those who don't know, I used to do a lot of horse riding and now that I can't ride due to pregnancy I've been following a group on Facebook about Gypsy Vanner Horses (Google them - They're lovely!!)... Anyway, yesterday on the group someone posted a pic of the latest foal to be born at their stables - Her name is SFG Lady Bug (our pet-name for our little one) and her sire/dad is called Sir Keith (my hubby's name is Keith) - How freaky is that!!! Sorry, I'm sure this is off-topic and not of that much interest to some of you, but just thought it was quite odd that the names were so closely linked etc.
How is everyone today?
I'm feeling a little better and was going to take Harry to the park, but it's decided to spit with rain

So instead Harry's busy watching In The Night Garden, bless him! Little bug is VERY active today, which is lovely